Your First Glowforge Print | How To Get Started With Nick

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Ready to create your first print? It'll only  take a few minutes. Let's get started with a   simple and super quick catalog design. If you're  not already familiar, the Glowforge catalog is   an ever expanding collection of designs that you  can download and print. Perfect for getting started   or when you don't have time to design  from scratch. They are cinch to print   and you can even sell what you make. Let's start  by turning on your Glowforge and making sure   the end of your exhaust hose is venting  outside. If you're using an Air Filter it's   a good time to turn it on now too. Now open your  dashboard, it's right here on And let's start with the Gift of Good Measure  Keychain. It's handsome and handy and you can   make it in inches or metric. Point to the version  you want and click open. Choose a piece of material   from your Proofgrade starter pack and place it  in the printer bed with a QR code facing up.   Every time you close the lid, your Glowforge  takes a photo of what's inside and scans for   a QR code. Check the app screen and you should  see your material appear after a few seconds. The material menu in the left corner  will also show the material name.   If you're using a large piece of Proofgrade  material you won't see the entire piece and   that's okay as long as you can see the design. If  your material isn't recognized or it's missing the   QR code, don't worry, just click unknown in the top  left and type the material name to search for it.  Next comes some Glowforge magic, select the design  by clicking it and you'll see a box appear that   surrounds the work. Hover over the middle and  hold down your mouse button and you can drag that   design to a different place on the screen. This is  where it will print and we call this 'Live Preview.'   It makes it super easy to place your designs on  your material. If you'd like to make your design   bigger or smaller at the same time, click on one of  those white circles on the bounding box and drag   it in or out. You can also rotate the design by  clicking on the larger white circle above the box   around your work. The shortcuts you're used  to in word processing software work here too. If you want to make copies of your design just  select it and use your keyboard to copy and paste.   Likewise if you make a mistake use your keyboard  to undo or click the arrow in the toolbar.   Feel free to explore the app, poke around, click  away and don't worry about messing anything up.   You can always undo changes you make or  reset the design to its original state.   We'll cover the rest of the Glowforge Print app  in another video so don't worry if you're not   sure what everything does just yet. If you're  using an Air Filter let's set that up before   you print. Click the three dots in the menu bar  and turn on the Air Filter connected option. The app will remember this setting for your  next print so you don't need to do it again   and turn the dial on the front of the Air  Filter until the fans just begin to spin.  When you're happy with the size and placement of  the design, click print in the upper right hand   corner. The printer head will scan your material  to precisely focus the laser, the app will display   how long your print will take, and the button  on your Glowforge will start blinking white. It's time to press that button. If you need to  walk away at any point during the printing process, press the button to pause your print, then to start  where you left off, just press it again. If you want   to cancel, just open the lid and always remember  don't leave your Glowforge unattended while it's   printing. Now once the print's done, the printer  head is going to return to the top left corner and   the button on the Glowforge will stay lit while  the fans continue to whisk away the last wisps   of smoke. When it stops glowing you can open the  Glowforge and pick up your finished print. If you   have a Glowforge Air Filter attached we recommend  leaving it running for one minute for each minute   that you print. It helps to prolong the life of the  cartridge. Don't worry if the print looks a little   smudgy around the edges right now. Proofgrade  materials have a coating that protects the surface   from smoke and char. Just peel it away and you  can reveal your pristine miniature measuring tool. Here's your first Glowforge pro tip: use Gorilla  Tape instead of your fingernails to remove all   the masking at once. For more great tips follow the  'Your First Print' topics at
Channel: Glowforge
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Keywords: laser machine, laser cutting machine, cnc laser cutter, laser cutter, cnc laser engraver, desktop laser engraver, home laser cutter machine, glowforge, diy, laser, engrave, etch, what is glowforge, cnc, how to engrave, affordable laser cutter, lazer cutter, desktop laser cutter, gloforge, glowfordge, 3d laser printer, laser printer, real glowforge owner, glowforge owner, glowforge pro, glow forge, first print, first cut, first engrave, first time glowforge, first, time
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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