Your awakening will never fit THEIR mold, here's why.

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hey everyone welcome back okay I want to talk about something that uh on this whole Awakening Journey now there's a lot of healthcare people and other people that follow along with the show and they got sucked in during like the dumb parody videos and then Co and now they're here because they're like what's he talking about that I can actually see reality as it is that there's a possible end to suffering in this lifetime that I can understand my mind and my reactivity and my conditioning and start to let it go and see what's actually right in front of all of our faces like he's been talking about that so I'm weirdly interested and I don't know why but yet when I go online and I and I watch videos about this stuff everybody seems to be saying a different thing a different thing that doesn't Vibe with my own experience and I'm starting to feel like maybe I'm broken maybe my own experience is wrong maybe I can't trust what's coming up for me because Zubin saying one thing about Awakening and non and everything is one and this and that and it's all empty of substance and Angelo dulo is saying another thing and Rupert Spyro is saying this thing and the Sufi Mystics are saying this thing and my Christian upbringing is telling me this and I don't know what to believe because what's coming up here feels different and then they talk about these stages of Awakening like well first you have this Insight shift then you have this first Awakening then you have this Shadow work then you have this increasing emptiness and deconstruction and then it's all empty and then then it's all full and then you let it go and it's like what the are you talking about that's not my experience or Worse oh that's what's my experience is supposed to be let me see if I can go seek that why am I not having stage five of whatever this vasana map is telling me I should have and people start to really get frustrated or worse they start having strong experiences that don't fit in these models and then they Wonder what's going on they almost have a like a a spiritual crisis like I there's something wrong with me because they're talking about everything being empty of substance and this Radiance but all I feel is unconditional Divine love like God so what's wrong with me or I'm having all this unconscious stuff like entities speaking to me like ancestors speaking to me or the trees are telling me how to be and what is that am I just crazy and these Buddhist guys are telling me Oh Yeah that's all just illusion it's just more empty stuff just forget it and the Christians are telling me no just forget all that it's all about Christ Consciousness and God's love and and on and on and on and on and and by the end you're just going oh God you know what I'm just going to go back to being fast asleep at least it's predictable because I'm creating the world with Concepts and beliefs and it's in complicity with Society I'm getting along just fine sure I'm miserable at the deepest level sure I'm suffering sure I'm afraid of death sure all these things but you know what it's better than just not knowing what the is going on at any given minute right so that's what I want to talk about today are there really stages of Awakening what are these maps and I want to use something that I recently was turned on to by a friend uh Dr Pierce salguero I hope I'm saying that right he is a professor at Penn State teaches Asian history history of medicine history of these um Asian cultural aspects like healing Shamanism those kind of things I I'm probably not doing him Justice but he's gone through this journey and has this really interesting take on it he talks about how everything is a model when we try to use the mind to explain it so that's why these um sort of Buddhist models say oh you have stage this and Stage this and Stage this it's one map of a territory just like a globe is a map of the world or a flat map or a different type of projection they all try to depict a truth but they're only a projection their only uh depiction and so as such they always have a distortion they always are incomplete in some way and the same is true of any spiritual map of Awakening of unfolding of realization of seeing truth they all come from a certain angle they're all depicting the territory but they're doing it in very different ways and so what Pierce talks about is you know in the classic teachings like say Buddhism and all that there's all these different locations of unfolding aw Awakening and Angelo and others have talked about some of these there's like this you know stage of emptiness and this stage of non-dual realization and this stage of then no self-realization and so on and all that can be completely valid if that's how it's going for you in other words if it's a good map of the actual territory for you but here's the thing every single one of us is absolutely unique we have different genetics we have different ancestral sort of karma we have different causes and conditions in our life we have different traumas we have different personalities we have different cultural influences we have different physical and biological components to us we have different bioc psychosocial makeup so how we experience reality and the ultimate one truth because there is only one deepest reality but it shows up in a myriad of facets like facets of a diamond how we experience it is very unique to us and it can only be experienced By Us in that way in that unique configuration so a map that might work really well for a spiritual athlete someone like uh ramanam Mahari or uh nisada or uh dulo or someone like that and again I'm just being General and vague here I Angelo's map is very actually complex and I can't know it myself right but like what what works for them might not work for you because you're showing up in a completely different way and this is where another model can be applied now this is just it's just a different model it's Pierce salguero's model and it's the model of threads instead of locations what if everybody's unfolding followed diff you know certain threads and some people follow a single thread because they're a spiritual athlete in emptiness in deconstructing reality into the the fact that it's absolutely devoid of any substance or inherent nature any permanence and that could that thread can be followed all the way down into absolute emptiness where even perception itself even Consciousness itself disappears and there's just and that thread is actually very common in sort of Eastern religions so Buddhism you know Daoism uh vidonic Hinduism many of them follow this thread and sort of advocate it and say anything that is experienced outside of that like love pure love or Divinity or the unconscious stuff that comes up or energy like the energetics of the body that's all fine it's just another empty appearance but so so a spiritual Athlete on that thread might just follow it all the way down to Pure emptiness and find that those are the experiences they have and that may be how it goes for them but it may not be how it goes for you for you for example let's let's take one thread emptiness right so that thread says you can deconstruct reality and the first shift that happens on that thread is realizing oh I'm not this body and everything around me that I thought was solid is actually a conceptual overlay tree is not a tree tree is that sensory perception which is not describable and then the next shift on that thread might be oh even the senses are made up of this like complete empty substanceless isness and then even that can unfold into even the perception is empty and there can actually be an experience of no perception and Consciousness itself that you thought now oh I'm not the body I'm not all this I'm Consciousness even that is seen as made up of the same pixelated no thing and then you you can have a complete sensation of all of that and that each level of insight can happen at any time they can overlap there can be a like a wave where it goes out you have a peak Glimpse experience and then it comes back and so some people follow that thread very religiously and then you go watch non-d du videos and stuff and you're like oh yeah that's my experience great but what about someone who doesn't have that experience or has some of it but then suddenly has a different thread or is very heavy on a different thread which is say the love thread and this is just a word right to describe this sense of connectivity of unity so the love thread might be the first experience you have is a deep heart opening where suddenly you feel a connection to everyone you feel love for all beings and maybe that then evolves into no it's even deeper than that it's more refined than that it's a connection with everything even non-living things feel like me there's no separation and that refines even further to oh it even feels like even that dissolves into a Divine Light like a illuminance of connectivity and love and then that even goes into there is no separation anywhere everything is perfect Oneness so how do you reconcile the love thread which is real you're having that experience how can you deny your experience with the emptiness thread which is even that experience of love Is Just emptiness it's just empty phenomena it's just another appearance and you know other impermanent appearance so H how are those reconciled well then what happens when a a third common thread and I'm just listing the most common threads in experience and the threads that I've had in my own experience energetics so oh I actually had my first shift was this feeling of the whole body was a radiant energy energy and energy was coming from the base of the spine out through the top of the head or through the heart and just just huge sense that the body is not solid at all but rather it's this energetic flux and that continues to refine and that no actually everything around me is energy like the matrix it's just and and just having these Kundalini that's another word it's a esoteric word for the feeling of energy in the body and sometimes outside of the body and that keeps refining until the body is felt to just be a field of light and everything is just pulsating energy well how do I reconcile that with everything is emptiness or everything is love when these teachers on YouTube are talking about everything is love and they're talking about devotion and praying and chanting and these teachers are talking about everything is empty forget all that it's all illusion it's all this empty radiant unborn and know and I'm like everything's energy the raiki people are talking about it and the KE chiong people are talking about it and the you know Chi and The Prana and the flow of the inner winds and all this and it's like what and then there's another thread which is wait what about the unconscious what about all these inner children that keep coming up and this trauma that I've had that is now showing up that was repressed before and is showing up in Awareness as these real experiences real children entities sometimes like an ancestors and spirits and ghosts and the sort of sort of almost psychic realm of things which is really just the unconscious repressed material coming up and it goes really deep and it feels like when that comes up first you start feeling these very superficial traumas then you go even deeper then you go to memories that you didn't know you had like birth trauma and then you're going into past lives and you're going into ancestor memories and these really Indescribable things things ultimately down to something that seems cohesive like oh they all start to integrate and then it feels like there's one Soul he start talking about the soul this thing which The Emptiness thread would be like what there's no soul the love thread would be like it's all God it's all love there's no soul the energy thread would be like there's no soul It's Just Energy and yet on this side it feels like no all this all these inner children all this trauma all this unconscious that to be integrated now each person may experience only one of those threads or they may experience each thread at a different time or intertwining threads like an energy thread might open into the realization of emptiness or the realization of divine love or God Consciousness Christ Consciousness complete surrender and so now with the thread model it's like why are we talking about stages and non stage this stage that when my experience is no love is showing up or unconscious material is arising or oh yeah there it it is deconstructed into emptiness or oh man the energetics in the body and on Retreat are crazy and they all start to merge so this this is another map it doesn't represent the territory perfectly but it is another map that allows you to trust your unique experience at any given time and realize it's all lawful it's all okay you're not broken that teacher that says that is not important that's fine for them to say that because in their experience that's true they're on this thread right now but in your experience no this is what's happening love is showing up or the unconscious is showing up energy showing up so what's beautiful is the way Peter talks about it is each of the threads has its fundamental question so it's not about stages it's about just deepening each thread because there is an end of the thread where there's ultimate unity and then there's an end where all the threads come together and they're seem to be coherent initially it's a paradox it's like oh how can these be they're saying opposite things and yet they feel correct they feel both right and then that seem to be nope they're not to at all and then it's just seem like yeah who cares it's all exactly this that's the end of all this right and then it's just life so the spiritual journey is a deepening of each of these threads one or more and often Crossing each other in these intricate kind of tapestries and it's beautiful and it's your tapestry no one else's yours and it's all pointing at truth non-d dual truth Oneness all of it all in different ways every religion every spiritual tradition every practice focuses more on a particular thread and May deny a little bit the others or say yeah that happens but it's not as important but for you what's important for you so now you can see all these YouTube clowns and go yeah they've got that thread and they've got that thread but you know what what's resonating with me right now is divine love is Oneness or what's resonating with me right now is this whoa this Indescribable energetic that keeps getting more and more refined and more subtle and the body is just this experience of light and for each thread there's a question that you can ask to further the deepening a kind of inquiry like for example for The Emptiness thread of Awakening you can ask this question what is it that's still here that feels real so if you're deconstructing reality into its empty substrate into this unborn isness and even Beyond to just the Indescribable at any stage you could say okay what is it in my experience that still feels real and solid and you could can look there and you can realize that H as this thread evolves that will go and then you go to the next thing okay what oh now everything is consciousness it's all this empty Consciousness okay well now that feels real so look at that could that dissolve so that's the emptiness thread you ask the question what still feels real what still feels solid what still feels here and present can that be deconstructed and let go for the love thread you could ask the question what's here in my experience now that makes things feel separate or seems in opposition to unconditional love for everything and you can look go oh man I'm really mad at this guy o okay let's feel into that so what is it the sense that I'm apart from them the sense that we're in conflict in some way and that thread can continue to refine and deepen for the energy thread you could ask the question what is it here that still feels solid that doesn't feel Dynamic and in motion constantly in flux so you can feel like oh the body feels like energy but this table feels solid feels static ah so you know as that thread evolves that that table is going to start to look like it does in the Matrix just vibrating oscillating condensed energy in the unconscious thread you could ask the question what is it here that hasn't been allowed that hasn't been felt in Consciousness fully that hasn't been liberated what inner trauma what inner child what inner ancestor what inner experience hasn't been allowed into the light of awareness hasn't integrated into the one soul and you could ask that question and you know at some point it's going to come and so you can attune in a way so in a sense it's a beautiful model that validates the experience you're having by the way those four threads are only the most common so it there's probably an infinite number of threads so whatever you're experiencing is right it is right what a relief that's the good news there are so many people who are banging their head against the wall going I'm not having stage three Awakening I haven't had non-d du perception I haven't experienced emptiness I haven't had a mindblowing caline experience I don't feel like everything is love that's fine it's okay you're perfect this goes as it goes for you and just knowing this can I know it did for me and I know it did for the friend who turned me on to this it can create an opening it can dissolve a resistance pattern to what's actually happening for you and then then you start to go back and realize oh oh because it's often seen in retrospect this has been happening the whole time all these threads have been showing up in different ways and then intertwining and I've been having peak glimpses of further down a thread and then maybe retreating back to normal experience and going oh what was that I want that back and then slowly working down the thread again and again you're not doing any of this it's just kind of happening but seeing it with a map and a model that may be more faithful to your own experience can sometimes be helpful doesn't mean that the Buddhist Maps aren't right or the Christian Maps aren't right for you they might be right for you it might be the perfect thing for you or for the spiritual athlete just going down the devotion love thread all the way to the end or the energy worker who's just a an Adept they were born as an Adept in energy they see everything as energy well why would you tell them it's all empty or it's all love or you haven't done your Shadow work it's absurd and I think it causes so much harm to people that they start just feeling like they're broken and nothing's broken right that's the love thread everything is perfect and then I say it's also empty and it's also all energetics it's all just flux of energy and man you better you better look down at what you're repressing because that repressed material may be keeping you from going down these other threads into completeness into wholeness into Oneness which is ultimately the end of all of this the threads cohere they come together and then they're seen to all be whoops it was all the same thing different facets of the diamond it's all the same beautiful translucent carbon in the end and so we can take a deep breath and go ah okay whatever's showing up in my YouTube feed is what I need to see in that moment and if it doesn't resonate I let it go whatever Retreat I find myself at that's where I'm supposed to be and if it doesn't if it feels like I'm pushing and it's no longer a fit let that go and the next thing will show up so I can just tell you this from my own experience um and Pierce has talked about his experience which was beautiful this was my experience with the threads so this started back in 2012 I moved to Vegas and I had this experience in a closet with Tony Shay and and Sarah the Sorceress where where I realized for the first time that I wasn't my story that past and future didn't exist they were thoughts and that all that existed was this present moment as awareness and that was my first big insight and that you could say was on The Emptiness thread it was saying you know what you thought was this is that can actually be deconstructed into something that where you're like oh no it was actually just awake presence that was living this life and the huge relief that comes with that but it didn't feel like Divine love it didn't feel like energy it didn't feel like there was unconscious material it was just like what a relief I'm not what I thought I was identity shift and then regression back into egoo and then you know and then as that went on I would have these weird energetic experiences that I couldn't understand and when I would read vipasha texts about it they would say yeah you get these energies don't get fixated on them you know they're really nothing uh really focus back on the breath or on whatever you're doing and and I was like but but they feel kind of like there's something I should surrender to there um I shouldn't ignore them I feel like I want to surrender to them but these maps are telling me I shouldn't so then later when I did surrender to them I go to my uh first retreat with Angelo and I woke up in the middle of the night with this like substernal like chest pressure and it was this energetic knot I thought oh man am I having a heart attack and I sit in a chair and I've been listening to people's stories during the speaking part of the retreat and they were all stories of their trauma and their suffering and and it just felt like my heart was going to break and so I sit in the chair in at 2: a. and suddenly I feel the all this energy and light come through the ground up through my body through my spine out my chest and it feels like a blinding light that's made of just pure energy and pure love so it was an energetic thread and a heart love thread opening entirely if you would have talked to me about emptiness or the unconscious I would have been totally perplexed and it just felt like my heart blew open and I had just this beautiful sense of love for all beings and that that sort of opened up this whole thing for weeks afterwards I would go to Whole Foods and I see the guy handing out the pizza and I felt like he was me like there was no separation it was pure love and family and strangers and everything walking around talking like you've been you know smoking weed and then I go to another Retreat where suddenly the Insight is everything is pure Consciousness and everything's happening in that and there's no beings there's no objects there's just awakeness presence Consciousness and everything arising in it I'm like what the hell is this thinking okay oh yeah yeah Angela has talked about this this is Unbound Consciousness okay this is stage whatever and then really fixating on that and then all the love and the energy and the unconscious stuff just kind of recedes or worse there's a rejection of it it's like well that can't be right because this feels what this what's what's right and then the next Retreat diving even deeper into emptiness oh my God even perception itself dissolves and then another Retreat where the unconscious is showing up in every possible way childhood experience es hurts wounds emotions that I can't explain where the whole Retreat you're on the ground you know or in the floor of the shower just weeping and crying and going what the hell is this I'm totally going crazy and then trying to rationalize and go it's all empty it's all just awareness no it's all love it's all love no it doesn't feel like love it feels like hatred and anger and and hurt ah so the threads show up when and how they show up for you for you alone this is your unfolding this is your hero's journey and at the end you see it wasn't even you it was this Indescribable ility and it's all perfect so relax you're not broken if stages are helpful for you great if you're one of those people who's into the radical non-duality speakers who say nothing's ever happened everything's a story you don't exist shut the up and just notice it and why are we even talking about it great if if you're one person who feels so embodied who spirituality is based in love and connection beautiful nobody's right nobody's wrong they're all following the threads that are laid out and that's a relief isn't it so that's what I wanted to talk about today um I don't know if I'll put this out sometimes I make these things and I peek back and I'm like garbage so we'll see if you if I do put it out and you do find it useful hit like and comment because it helps the algorithm to share it to people whose thread is showing up to watch this video and they need this so you can be a part of that intertwined thing and you have no choice you'll do what you [Laughter] do all right King I love you um Pierce salguero I think he has a website his last name I I'll put the link in the uh description and I've reached out to him as well by email so hopefully at some point we can have him on the show I love you guys and we are out peace
Channel: ZDoggMD
Views: 6,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiritual awakening stages, buddhist emptiness, awakening frustration, threads of awakening, pierce salguero, spiritual journey, non-duality, stages of awakening, divine love, kundalini awakening, unconscious shadow, the shadow unconscious
Id: 6ArdQQkgsJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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