Your Amazing Brain

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we're boomerang it the UK's leading publisher for personalized academic Diaries near books for schools and colleges we take pride in producing a wide range of innovative Diaries that are much more than just an academic planning system in 2009 your amazing brain was launched this exciting initiative within the boomerang Diaries was developed especially for students and teachers your amazing brain examines how we use our brains to learn it teaches how to improve memory and creativity and maximize revision by utilizing the incredible power of our brains your amazing brain was developed in partnership with Tony Buzan the world leading mental literacy expert Tony is the inventor of mind maps the method of putting ideas onto paper and linking information using colors text and pictures now the mind map is the language of the brain every single person with us now is is remembering and learning by image so if I say to you Apple you don't get a PP ele you got a picture so we think with pictures that's the brains language the brain does not speak with English or Urdu or Zulu it speaks with the the language of images and associations whatever I say to you if I say sunshine it happens if I say fish it happens so he's wonderful series of explosions so the mind map allows the brain to speak to itself in its own language a mind map starts with a central image which represents the topic from this image colored branches are drawn which hold each key idea organic radiant branches grow out of the larger ones just like a tree further defining the key ideas color and images are key features when finished the visual picture and key words are much easier to remember than linear notes in March 2009 boomerang edy set up a unique training event with Tony Buzan for students and teachers hosted by Wellington College in Berkshire the event was designed to give information on mind mapping techniques and how it can help learning learning is often a boring experience for children because it is about recall and memory it isn't about active something active and and kids like adults get bored if they're not engaged themselves and what mind mapping and his other approaches offers a more active form of learning if you are using blue or black as your notes every time you are using it you are switching your brain off and shutting it down second by second by second whereas if you use color you switch on the light bulbs of the brain cells in your own brain so number one is use color it's quite fun being able to draw in white in different colors and I think it's white good because you can remember them from the pictures and what you've been doing you kind of associate it with what I did often find one of the easiest ways to understand and ease it and utilize things effectively is to actually be able to understand the theory behind them you're using color and pictures which is more exciting than using black pen for taking notes you can do it with one color and it's just like writing it down get boring but if you like doing mind that do one big thing thing for me often it's really interesting to look at the best thing about mind map is so the pictures because that's how you see it in your mind and that's what you'll see when you sitting in an example we're thinking or what was that thing and you'll think of the picture now lead on mind mapping creates creativity in the pupils mind creates imagination and creates enjoyment and mundane topics in various subjects it brings that to life and so it helps them learn in the education system it is spreading like a really positive wildfire we've now got hundreds and hundreds of schools in England who have teachers who are supporting it and teaching it they love drawing anyway and it's fun doing it with them because they can see that if I'm trying to draw something and it supposed to be a dog and it looks like an elephant or something like that you know you can have fun with the children and it actually does work mind mapping will fit into any school any organization any company any walk of life it's not the fact that we're doing it here is the fact that I learnt it my actually learnt it when I was in the state system everyone is potentially brilliant it's not an argument anymore and the my map is a tool that allows that brilliance to flower helping students unlock their potential is what your amazing brain is all about this is an exciting innovation in Boomerang Ed's groundbreaking student Diaries it optimizes learning and teaches students tools for life it's more than just a diary [Music]
Channel: Boomerang Education
Views: 105,637
Rating: 4.9326186 out of 5
Keywords: your amazing brain, amazing, brain, mind map, mind maps, imindmap, tony buzan, boomerang, ed, educationschool, diaries, homework diaries, school planners, homework planners, innovation range, wellington college, education, innovation
Id: qGzmWgk4HPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2009
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