Young THOMAS SOWELL swearing mad about charges of Reagan racism w/ Ed Meese, Milton Friedman (1981)

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foreign charges against Ronald Reagan during the campaign and a basic misgiving about the Republican Party resulted in Blacks being the only voting block of the crumbling Democratic Coalition not the jump ship and the only group to stick with Jimmy Carter the landslide loser now that President Reagan has assumed office the question is inevitable well a turned off Reagan administration deal blacks out with punitive measures because it has the political freedom to do so or will Reagan use his massive Landslide Victory to exploit the awesome coming apart of the democratic coalition to permanently expand the base of the GOP by Building Bridges to blacks I'm Tony Brown in a moment Ronald Reagan and Black America on this Edition are they say that you are insensitive and they they they're concerned that if you become a prominent person in the Reagan Administration that you will harm black people and one NAACP official is quoted as saying the following quote he referring to you would play the same kind of role which historically the house played for the plantation owners he could meet out the straight discipline no matter how inhumanely administered it would be presumed more acceptable because the hands of the disciplinarian are black in the quote cute uh this kind of contemptible business is typical of what you find among people who have no arguments no facts no evidence and who simply have to defend themselves in positions they've taken I think the NAACP itself is much more in the individual of the house that they are simply the end of the Civil Rights of the liberal white establishment they follow wherever the head leads greetings everyone I had to dig deep for this one and I'm sure this is probably the first time you've ever seen Thomas Soules swearing mad go back to 1981 Ronald Reagan had just won a landslide election and just like they do today the opposition was making accusations of racism right out of thin air and it made Thomas Soul as angry as could be someone else you'll see featured as Ed Meese of course you may remember he was awarded the presidential medal of freedom and very prominent figure in the Reagan Administration someone else you may know who is right here is Mark Levin a very young Mark Levin who served as Chief of Staff to Ed Meese just uh connecting the dots for you guys okay I hope you enjoy this one thank you I guess what does disturb me not uh from the standpoint of this Administration as much as from society in general is that I think there are those people who were fomenting black history in order to preserve their own positions in their communities in their own positions of so-called leadership so what we are saying to Mr Reagan we don't believe that Jimmy Carter's black click was honest with him they went and told Carter what they wanted him to hear they didn't tell him what Black America wanted him to hear the Reagan Administration inherited an economic nightmare record interest rates a stagnant or declining real GNP growth a hemorrhaging budget locked into vast and ever-growing deficits that have made double-digit inflation a way of life and two dollar a gallon gasoline a distinct possibility and with prices likely to double by 1988 at the double-digit pace of the Carter Administration and more than 8 million Americans out of work the general move demanded that the ailing economy get first priority President Reagan cannot ignore this reality but as he slashes away at boondoggles and curb spending can he do so without hurting services to the people the poor and those on fixed incomes in particular this challenge will be further intensified by lingering doubts about Ronald Reagan that many blacks inherited from the presidential campaign in which Jimmy Carter and his black surrogates warned against putting a warmongering races in the White House although Carter modified his initially harsh statements that Reagan would divide blacks from whites Jews and Christians and north and south and disassociated himself from Andrew Young's charge that a Reagan Victory would be interpreted as a signal to quote the damage was done the fact is that President Reagan has inherited a nasty relationship with the nation's blacks the result is a hair trigger race psychology poised to respond in unfavorable ways to the slightest hint of racist policies this climate of what's now referred to Black hysteria the fact that the black community is just immobilized out of the fear that Ronald Reagan's Administration is a quote going to steal snatch the great gains of the 60s and set black people back do you share that point of view I think that the people who are saying that may may or may lose some of the gains that they have made in terms of federal grants that support their six-figure salaries and I find no hysteria in the black community about it I know of no reasonable history of the man the man after all is not a newcomer to politics he was governor for eight years of one of the most multi-racial multi-ethnic states in the country uh and if anything fatally resembling this it happened he would never have been reelected what is your reaction to what came to be known as black Hysteria well I think one thing it's of course totally at odds with the Ronald Reagan's record prior to becoming president and I think now that he is President uh already uh we have seen what his approach is that that he feels uh personally that he is president of all the people and that he is very responsive both to the needs and the concerns of black people along with others I guess what does disturb me not uh from the standpoint of this Administration as much as from society in general is that I think there are those people who are fomenting black history in order to preserve their own positions in their communities in their own positions of so-called leadership how will you decide which black leaders you're going to deal with and how how do you determine who a black leader is well you know this is one of the one of the problems and I think it's one of the things that a conference that was held last month in San Francisco Illustrated very well and that is the idea that like any society or any portion of society there is no monolithic black community that can be represented by one or even any group of leaders we're talking about Ronald Reagan really talking to black people leaders in the black community certainly but no one no one of them or even any group of them being able to speak for black people as a whole and I think that's one of the things he recognizes very clearly because right now the major problems of this country the economy and energy particularly impact impact poor people of all Races whether they be black or white much more than they do the rest of us although Ed Meese formerly Reagan's campaign Chief will have the cabinet level status of counselor to the president he is the closest person to President Reagan helping to set the tone and priorities of the administration during the transition period he was in effect Reagan's public substitute when as the joke goes the six most repeated words in Washington were I just talked with Ed Meeks and then there are specific problems in which the black community has a special state and I agree as was mentioned earlier that we have to make sure that there is financial support for the black colleges and we have to make sure that the zealous Demons of the Department of Education are not doing things in the you know there's nothing worse than a person who's out goes out to do good works to you and we want to make sure that the Department of Education in their Zeal to carry out all their regulatory powers and find a few more to to attack on to justify their existence and where there's very little justification that they don't get involved in trying to undo what has built up as a great tradition of black colleges over the years rather than just taking the traditional pattern the old kind of thinking and saying no if we have vouchers or if we have this change or that change blacks are somehow going to going to suffer instead there are some enlightened leaders Tom Saul for one Walter Williams and others who say look blacks can be on The Cutting Edge of new ideas we can be the ones who are proposing new ideas that will help the entire population but will also help blacks one of our dear friends Tom Sol [Applause] thank you thank you very much this is really an historic opportunity uh the economic and social advancement of blacks in this country is still a great unfinished task Dr Thomas Soule an economist and Senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover institution is the most prominent black policy maker and has drawn the most criticism from the professional civil rights leaders because he disagrees with some of their favored Solutions including busing and the minimum wage but the Reagan people see him as the kind of black who understands how to design programs that help the economy and blacks at the same time I want to talk to you about a variety of your views but first of all I'd like to know why in your mind do you believe that the kinds of views you have as a black person don't get traditional treatment in the in the general press I think because uh the views that I have although they're like the views you'll find in the black community they're not like the views that you'll find among the black leadership those people the leaders of organizations like the NAACP uh people like Jesse Jackson have a certain set of views which meets their needs which does not meet the needs of black people and the media have gotten used to turn to those people automatically when they want to know what do the blacks think and so I'll see a succession of people in television saying things just the opposite of what blacks believe as shown by innumerable polls for example most blacks are voted for vouchers or public poll they've said they like vouchers they've said that they don't like having their kids bust they say that they are they want tighter a stronger control of crime because they among the chief victims of crime particularly murder and yet you'll find the black civil rights leaders going in just the opposite direction they want to loosen uh Crime Control they want to make it harder to convict people easier for people to get loose and in doing that they're really following the lead of the white liberals rather than the actual sentiment in the black community the black population has never given a majority in favor of force busting and any poll that's been taken over the past several years or at any time that I know of very few people want their children bussed across town to teach the biggest lesson they want their kids busted across town if there's going to be some better education there but you get people who are Crusaders they they want someone else's kids biased their kids are never bus whether it's blacks or whites NAACP lawyers liberal judges congressmen whatnot their kids are never bust it's always someone else's kids they want to experiment with most parents don't want their kids experimented with they want them educated and uh you you get these classical situations like those in Boston we're in numerous black community organizations ask the judge not to bust their kids he bust them anyway he busts them from Roxbury where the standards were higher to South Boston where they were lowered so even if they had been welcomed with open arms in South Boston it would still have been a disaster because the South Boston educational standards are lower than those In the Ghetto of course they went walking without an Open Arms they were walking with with bottles and bricks and everything else but it was just a tragedy but it shows what blindness people can persist in when they don't pay the cost that judge has paid no cost whatsoever for having done that because of some of the views that you take which are considered by the professional civil rights leaders who are traditional Democrats they say that you are insensitive and they they they're concerned that if you become a prominent person in the Reagan Administration that you will harm black people and one in ACP official is quoted as saying the following quote he referring to you would play the same kind of role which historically the house played for the plantation owners he could meet out the straight discipline no matter how inhumanely administered it would be presumed more acceptable because the hands of the disciplinarian are black end of quote pure uh this kind of contemptible business is typical of what you find among people who have no arguments no facts no evidence and who simply have to defend themselves in the positions they've taken I think the NAACP itself is much more in the image of the house that they are simply the end of the Civil Rights of the liberal white establishment they follow wherever they had leads and if that leads them to destroy opportunities for blacks they do it because that keeps them in with the white philanthropists who support them the White media who back them up the editorial columns and elsewhere is typically the kind of garbage to which they're reduced by the lack of anything better that they can offer why do you take an organization as powerful as the NAACP on why are you flying in the face of of the group that uh that America has chosen to represent black people well the question is whether America is chose the whether the black people who chose a group uh there's no there's never been a referendum among black people saying that whoever is head of the NAACP will speak for them or head of their Urban League or any other organization I think it's laziness in the part of the media that they they need to get four or five black views in a hurry before deadline they can call up two or three people and find out what all blacks are supposed to be thinking the election of President Reagan also spells the revitalization of Reverend Jose Williams and Reverend Ralph aberne Kathy once powerful civil rights leaders and early followers of Martin Luther King their endorsement of Ronald Reagan although attracting a lot of criticism for them was a big plus for Reagan's candidacy Reverend Williams and to sit by and see Jimmy Carter elected again to me would have been betrayal of my country my people and black people gonna be poor until they die or until they don't sell Society he's not going to be pulling along it's a matter of doing for self the answer to our problems is not without it's within most of the leaders today are truly not interested in the welfare of the masculine people see it's that little specific thing valid organization and Jim McCarter pleaded for what it was worth Jimmy Carter firmly believe is if I take care of the Chiefs all the Indians would fall in line how will you use your influence differently from the the professional leaders that you're so critical of well we made it very plain to Mr Reagan for the Inception that we have no desire as blacks to replace that head in Washington DC I mean it planned it I don't I do not want to be Reagan's Andrew Young what we did ask Mr Reagan will we have his ear once he's elected uh we would like to serve as the eels and eyes of developing a consensus of black opinion so what we are saying to Mr Reagan we don't believe that Jimmy Carter's black Clique was honest with him they went and told Carter what they wanted him to hear they didn't tell him what Black America wanted him to hear does President Reagan want to build Bridges to blacks the first hint to the correct answer to that question was a conference initiated by this man Dr Henry Lucas and sponsored by The Institute for contemporary studies a part of the Reagan aligned Hoover institution which claims Ed Meese as a director and President Reagan as a Founder Dr Lucas was appointed president of the California state board of dental examiners by Reagan when he was governor when we conceived his conference we conceived it with the idea that um if if someone did not give president-elect Reagan some other alternative that he was going to be forced to do business with the same old crowd and that would have been disastrous and so uh we can see the putting on his conference this conference has exceeded my Wallace Wallace imaginations there are many of us out there who want to re-examine the old solutions that have failed who have these feelings but have maybe been afraid to speak out because we're going to be ostracized by the quote unquote leadership such as the Jacksons Etc so it's brought about a community of people that I normally feel alone and that's going to be very important and what happens not only in America but in Black America in terms of our coming together from within to solve our problems no one admitted or denied the fact that the conference was the Reagan administration's early attempt to get in touch with the kind of black thinking that will create policy a growing number of blacks not just black Republicans are questioning the white liberal and civil rights Orthodoxy customarily associated with minorities judging from the initiatives of the Reagan Administration some of these blacks will help reshape the role of government on minority issues and we hope that how we act will benefit black American Reagan's interest in the results of the conference was reflected in the fact that he sent his top Aid in his formal remarks before the conference on black leadership and Alternatives nice compared an earlier meeting with the old line civil rights leaders and those blacks at the San Francisco Conference he said the difference between that meeting and this conference here is that they were talking about the last 10 years and the ideas of the last 10 years you're talking about the ideas of the next 10 years one of the allegations made against President Reagan by the uh the blacks who were supporting President Carter then President Carter was that that if President Reagan did get elected and did balance the budget that he would do so on the backs of the poor nothing could be farther from the truth the one thing that Ronald Reagan has said from the start is that in his presidency the budget will not be balanced at the expense of poor people whether they be black white or whatever background they might come from and I think that certainly has been true so far programs for the needy have a very high if not the highest priority with this administration at the same time I think everyone would agree or most people would agree at least that where there is fraud where there is waste where there is abuse no matter who it's committed by that it isn't proper for taxpayers dollars to be used to support that kind of extravagance that kind of waste and so it's a matter really of making sure that the dollars that the taxpayers allocate to help the truly needy those people who cannot help themselves are used for that purpose and not used for illegitimate purposes government over the past 20 or 30 years has destroyed more than twice as much housing as it's built when they want to build a highway to let people come in from the suburbs they build it through the low-income neighborhoods they don't tear down Beverly Hills in order for people to watch to go drive through and get to their jobs they don't take our Malibu for the same reason they they tear down haul them they tear down the black neighborhoods in Washington so people can come in from Maryland to work faster so that the government in many areas makes things far worse for blocks than they were before does government exploit black people well in the sense that they use poor peoples over the stalking horse to get programs started we're going to do this or that for the benefit of the poor and it's true initially there'll be a few crumbs for the poor but then the program balloons up to 10 times the original size and most of those other 90 turn out to be people who want poor at all in New York City for example the Open Enrollment policy at the municipal colleges would justify on the grounds that poor blacks and Hispanics needed to get into these schools and on the backgrounds they opened up the colleges without regard to qualifications the net result was a few blacks and Hispanics got in and an enormous number of people who are neither black nor Hispanic nor poor we're able to pull out of NYU where they were paying some very high tuition out of Long Island University which had to close down a whole campus because of the withdrawals and they enrolled at the taxpayers expense in the municipal colleges this this game has been played many times with many programs this is for the poor when it's all over someone else has got the money one of the traditional civil rights leaders I think they had of the NAACP after a meeting with a group of other blacks and President Reagan said that President Reagan said that he would defend civil rights quote even at the edge of the bayonet or something to that right is that an accurate statement and what do you feel the president had in mind when he said that well I was there at the meeting and he said that he would defend civil rights to the point of a bayonet if necessary and what he was saying is that the the law enforcement and in effect the power of government should be used to protect the civil rights of any individual against those who would encroach upon those civil rights let me say this about Ronald Reagan he has a record of opposing Prejudice and bigotry that goes all the way back to his Boyhood through college through his work in sports a sports broadcaster and and in the movies and obviously since that time has entered political life and so there's no doubt in my mind that he will probably be one of the most active Defenders of civil rights as a president of anyone we've ever had and he will not hesitate at all to use the full powers of his office for any citizen who was where someone is attempting to deprive that person of his or her civil rights what happens now and if I may quote the eloquent Percy Sutton again we have an opportunity thank you despite the attacks on blacks who support new solutions to the problems of the black and poor communities the number of blacks who dissent from the customary white liberal and professional black leader Solutions is increasing and they represent a cross-section of professions and political Persuasions results and power have more meaning to them than racist rhetoric and campaigns to promote Mass Hysteria the porn black have always had a greater stake in economic and political progress than in programs that promise a seat next to a white person where the goals of the Republican party and the black community converge we should share the burden we all want to improve the economy National Security and our International Prestige we also need a president of all of the people not just those who voted for it who will contend with the aspirations of the minority poor many of whom didn't vote for anyone who inhabit the largest and most important cities and speaking of urban areas there's one noteworthy fact there is a rising resentment of poor blacks to their deteriorating condition too many of the old planners were preoccupied with superficial things like bussing and not the overall backsliding in the economic condition of the people there's also a kind of intellectual fascism loose in the black community it condemns any black as an Uncle Tom who disagrees with white liberals or the group self-designated as black leaders economic independence for Black America certainly has not been achieved by the old Solutions and and court ordered desegregation has not stopped economic inequality thank you so much this one took a little bit of editing to make it family friendly for YouTube but that's okay I'm sure you figured what was going on between the beeps we are at 48 000 subscribers you guys are doing 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Channel: BasicEconomics
Views: 70,604
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Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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