Young M.A Reps the East Coast Vibes | GGN with UNCLE SNOOP

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[Music] well let me take the lead I do it with speed they call me big snooping I got everything you need if you need drink if you need we take time and follow my lead uh-huh yeah I'll give it to you like you're gonna give it to you like it needed Snoop Dogg proceeding I'll make you eat if you talk about it talk about it talk real slow if we here we go I'll show you how to break down [ __ ] walk their little sound GGG young in a is head tail that's what the best sub quest she's from the East Indies from the West huh I like that part a she's from the East Indies from the West he's from the West Oh [Music] if you don't know you won't know oh you inside the GGN News Network I'm your host with the most fun - Nemo aka Nemo hose and today on my show I got a very very special guest I got the one and only young MA and your mother-fucking hails what a dos DOS to the boogie mess start this off the right way mm-hmm yeah now my people say you don't smoke but in line uh I smoke but I am a smoker so different you got any one time this officer you saying one time I say two time I just say it one time it's our uncle snoop goddamn why are you gonna go back to the house and be like yeah I was on the show with Snoop Dogg did you smoke no I did then that you did it it's done we can make them alike as a hundred pops - you know that know what else I got that one you got that son Louie yeah yeah look at that well I know this blood even when I pulled it over - like I had to come prepare yeah now I want to say this I was hosting the UH the Hip Hop Awards for BT once upon a time right and this was my first time even hearing yo [ __ ] and you [ __ ] it up on stage it was you in another crew boy y'all [ __ ] it up on stage and I was like who the [ __ ] is a and then you [ __ ] it up on the on the cypher yeah you had do double time that Deadman play with you came yeah you came at night crazy about that night when I performed I was like oh sick happening I just happened to get sick the night before well that morning going into out like bad like headache throwing up fever everything so I was upset that I felt that way don't like that is my first time on the BT Awards we couldn't uh that probably was you know what that probably was all of that stage fright nervousness get all that [ __ ] out the way get it out cuz when you was up there you like you've been doing this shine we're like no rookie [ __ ] I made my way to you I know I know you did hey yeah yeah yeah Real Talk I had never heard it but that she was oh and I went straight cuz you know I deejay so I went straight to my DJ said downloaded it mm-hmm put it in the fact that story you know spin spin spin and that thing went what double platinum we had almost triple right triple right threes please creams and triple baby and what you from Brooklyn you know what I love that you rap like a New York but I got to know you don't have to is in my don't have to so much blood is in my see it's in you right but a lot of [ __ ] don't do it they do what they say yeah like I love to hear New York sound like migrated from new you Thank You Man thank you see Snoop said he thought I was the only one that photos oh man New York has always been the mecca of rap to me when I first started New York had to change the rap mmm so they were always the mecca and they sounded like New York in a [ __ ] was like [ __ ] if you don't sound like Tim or the only level you can't get it right so it's like for you to come back and put that stamp back on home on this how New York doing right you did and I had to do that man and I'm still trying to you know let them know because New York City even if you know I know no shade so you know all the other guys is doing it from the different cities I salute everybody that do they think I still keep it us one's own son - that's it but that's what the foundation of hip-hop was born on the New York rappers the New York sound New York style stigma just like the West Coast our [ __ ] is gangster that's what it is but you I got our own style today and we don't let [ __ ] go astray you start pulling back in here down the wrong Street back over here and that's what you doing you putting my folks back on the rights yeah to me that's what made jay-z come back and do a [ __ ] sounding yeah is what it is and I and I was so happy when he when he did that because it bring me back to that feeling yeah he definitely will help me definitely bring me back to bring everybody back to that feeling so we needed a new open needed man in a real way what do you think is the state of rap right now as far as like four female MCS female MCS one thing about females I noticed that even even back back no I mean back in the day even before my time it was never a flood of females in the game nor me of course you know guys always out but you know I understand that but um I feel like now it seemed like is one out of time right instead of a bunch of a bunch you know what I mean like even if it's like four or five we ain't even got that it's just boom boom boom nobody that allows her to breathe though that's what I do say when she comes one of the time that allows her to not to have competition not to compete with another female but I hate what you saying if the males can do it if we can drop if I can drop our future drop I'm jay-z drop they don't matter if the [ __ ] is dope it is what it is right don't contain it to just one at a time when it's enough of your honor where you belong it's because it'd be dope you know be a lot of dope stuff out there but it's like this one got to go first then we wait on that one you know I may like when most females have to be would accrue end up under a [ __ ] you get what I'm saying like how did you break that mold to where you Yoshi because most of them gotta had that mane [ __ ] that's right here and he'd be like okay say a few okay that's enough you getting too big ya know what having a net I mean this cuz I've been doing music so long you know I mean since I was a kid I just been into it so I was always I always had that independent mind state you know I mean like I ain't gonna let nobody put me on or coast on me I'm gonna do this on my own you know I mean is decisions I made where I had a record where I had two guys on it you know I mean one was singing one did like one verse you know I mean and you know people saying I wish I was wanting if I was to put this record out because it's a catchy song like it's something you dance to or should I put this out which is me you know what I mean so you always had those dilemmas but I always was like nah I me me I mean like I don't want to buddy feel like oh because she did these reckon with this person or that person that you don't want to be responsible for performance to any time this is what you're gonna learn when you start doing songs with a bunch of artists and features and guests when it's time to perform those songs that artist is in you [ __ ] inside yeah it's like well goddamn I can't even do the song that everybody like but most exactly and then when they come back around eating got bigger they didn't gotten bigger now they want more money at a co happy so like you know what sometimes it's best to take this [ __ ] sometimes best to be selfish I say just be so selfish and selfless right at same time don't like that leash I like that you've been on tour yeah I just got on tour a couple months ago and me twenty ones that yeah I heard about that told ya that was I was playing the first first hole um that probably had to be dull football for y'all because you're both was coming I was a freshman yeah yeah definitely fine um it was love man the whole time you know what I mean it wasn't you know it was I ain't go to no BS you know some people say you know some tours it's a little you know he's rocky but I actually knows where did you get the most love you say everywhere know what I'm saying where did you get the butter well you couldn't sing one [ __ ] one [ __ ] [ __ ] you up or you was like damn I can't even sing am I crazy cuz this place right here I wouldn't have even heard of never even thought they were even know who I was it was El Paso and Paso Texas El Paso Texas man shout-out to all my Latinos out there when I tell you like when I first came home I couldn't even in the court I couldn't even perform my first song so as I came out it was just like crazy and I was just I was just overwhelmed like what you know in a good way but I was overwhelmed and I just was like oh look at this like they just would not stop screaming I'm like this is that possible and I never never been here before it nothing so that was one place oh it wasn't oh um South Carolina Myrtle Beach and it was the last show you how a blows yeah that [ __ ] is live when I got footage do I have footage on my Instagram they went crazy that same went crazy so those are the two places that stick out to me the most because I remember a few other places that really turned up but like those was the true that locked in it was the last show and then it was a possible cause I've never been there before do you realize that you have a hip-hop song that will go down in history yeah you realize yeah like you know I like it's our song it's like when you was a kid and the [ __ ] still be bang yeah like that [ __ ] that's my [ __ ] yeah that's what yeah and I just thought about that crazy he said I just thought about that like the other week I was like you know this song right here is it's that thing it's one of those with your kids kids be like oh yeah they gonna know you forget no matter no matter how old you get oh you can be 100,000 song but that thing always always be the business no you never get a second chance to make your first impression right and that was your first thing the video was hardest you know who did the video I did that yeah that [ __ ] was so [ __ ] game it was so good you know I'm saying like we didn't even you know some people just tried so much for the videos it was one of those videos I booked a little a little condo spot and weezing there chilling for the day and then I told myself that shoot someone cuz I originally shot it by my by my block he's outside some scenes you see where's black and white you see we outside and I was originally just gonna do it like that but then one day this was like y'all was inside the condos fine I was like yo let's get some scenes in here and that happened to be the scenes that made it pop I say you know what let's do the paid a full scene he never got this long table we got a Chinese food as I'm saying and everything happened naturally it wasn't planned none of this was planned and those bit of things that might amias take off yeah shoutout to Airbnb always willing to rent a real mother if you have it closes hey smokey can we gonna fix that [ __ ] put a jheri curl back over the fire in a real way friends bring you the weather live from city to city city to city we're in Beaver Lake Kentucky where you know beavers lick [ __ ] and beavers get licked in Kentucky Bieber's lynched it no so I heard you play football you know I'm a football coach I got my own football league you play football as a kid I was 10 years old man and you play with the boys yeah did they give you special treatment uh they're trying to [ __ ] you up no no special treatment I need you understand that we play they knew they looked at me like a bully right right they didn't they didn't like oh [ __ ] girl we got you now uses my bro's he's my homeboy they ain't care about that as I'm saying so and I played I was hitting them I'm tackling I wasn't playing no game I felt like I was a little boy that's gangster this girl's died playing my football league too oh we had a girl I was a hell of a running back she was the bad one of the baddest [ __ ] gnarly and their [ __ ] dollars but I hi you got scored on by a girl do you have any favorite football players oh there's you a store now so it's like I'm pretty sure they probably fans of yours now one person on I'm a Giants fan okay Oh BJ York City so Oh BJ yeah that nigga's just like me but then it was it was the ones performed no like um Tiki Barber yeah you know what I mean I've been a Giants fan you Stran Strahan yeah that was yeah he was the receiver yeah yeah it's homework lexicographers these men it was a problem yeah there was a problem on that film and I ya know was I remember those days nice [ __ ] with all the boys when they was in college before they would sit in it right see that's what's crazy about my relationship in his in his music history a lot of those NFL players when I was in college I would do shows in the cities that they cook their schools was in and they would come backstage and meet him my father then the next thing I know they'd be NFL playing super balls called bloody what's your favourite football team I'm a Steeler fan okay okay I know it's crazy I used to like the Steelers when I was young because it colors black oh yeah yeah yeah black yeah so you know you've broken a lot of barriers for female rap like and just for women in general for just stand down and being who you are has it been hard for you it has just been your whole thing just representing be you at all times Yeah right just being me um I just I just wanted people I didn't want to feel uncomfortable you know I'm saying anything from like somebody was gonna mold me into being what they wanted me to be I mean I like them my Monda if I'm going to this game I'm gonna go full force whether they like it or not you know I mean I'm gonna talk about when I talk about and if they accept it they accept it they don't they don't you know I mean but I ain't gonna never say I ain't trying to do it have you reached your goals no and you know it's crazy I don't set goals I feel like me you set goals you kind of telling yourself you're gonna stop and point mm-hmm I just I just want to go I want to keep going you know I mean how you know if that goal is really supposed to be you know I mean just that I know it ain't above that ah so you more you more a spur to moment a moment a moment definitely I liked it I heard you turned down a role on Empire yeah yeah and this was before the old record and everything when I was a what you mean R&B singer oh I didn't turn it down right away when I got the news um what kind of you can say but when I got the news um I was excited you know I mean I was like oh and financial empire was on fire you know I mean everybody in the [ __ ] talking about that I mean so I was automatically and um I don't know sometimes I don't know I just get a feeling like something you know something come on means right something right you know I mean like not saying that ain't right and something about this for you isn't right me and I remember calling my team up my manager and told him I said I'm gonna do it and he was like wait I just got the food she was excited it up I said I want to do it like I want to do it I don't know I'm like I'm thinking about I'm like yo this is this is this one put me in a in another Lane when I'm in another another atmosphere or something that you know was taken away from what I was originally doing and I was being you know this MC and I always wanted to be as a kid so I was just like I ain't gonna jump into actor and people ain't gonna take me serious like that you played it right though if this was like chess or poker you played your hand correctly because now I'm pretty sure you can get a role left and right now yes there me so you know sometimes you got to pass in order to get you know I'm sorry you passed on that to get your [ __ ] right to figure out what you wanted to beast what I went when they do call your date they know that you are serious about what you do and you an emcee first and foremost right respect the grime respect to hustle y'all hear that sometimes you got to do things out of the box you got to do things that fits you and not fit to you know the normal screen we write your home screen people that understand - not every opportunity is your opportunity and some saying just cuz I opportunity come your way don't mean it's meant for you but I still um even I still did their own my manager wound up setting it up on the loan but I still wanted to meet Willy Daniels I was actually a Swizz Beatz office and he wound up coming in the room so it was like a surprise I didn't know and you know I've read the script to him still still try to pursue it just to see if you know just to take it you see right if it could work and then you know things didn't turn out the way you should have man just wasn't meant for me you know I mean so yeah it is what it is we're you know we get some things or sometimes we don't get huh it was a movie called on spawn all right so they sent me the script I'm all into the [ __ ] I'm thinking I'm gonna get the role in this [ __ ] and then right before they get ready to start shooting it like we were gonna go with somebody else I said like cry at the same time it was like it made me want to just like don't create my own balls like [ __ ] that I ain't gonna depend on Hollywood but I wanna make no more [ __ ] characters I'm gonna go create my own should I start doing my okay right um same right so what you talking about like doing your own the whole thing right right my [ __ ] it was a lesson learned that's all I look at everything is unless you live you learn what don't kill you only gonna make you strong this way [ __ ] what you thought I was gonna beat [ __ ] [ __ ] to get beat up never leave you took it serious I don't think even if I was gonna be spawned [ __ ] they never gonna type sudo [ __ ] Michael Jai White yeah that was my rogue [ __ ] I wasn't bluffing all that [ __ ] but I'm pretty sure there's gonna add some muscle to Hollywood you probably wired to get this [ __ ] I wasn't physically fit enough for the role it is what it is that's why I started doing carriages like pimps gangsters and thugs mm-hmm no [ __ ] that fit my mo we're side to smoker studio everyday people aka real [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm ask you some questions and you can ask you to the best of your ability mm-hmm what's the first thing you do would think of when you wake up I know like we all grab our phone when we gonna it's like one thing we do but taking like I was all it was put me up to date oh that phone action uh yeah you check your phone see with your bum not every day I wake up like yo I don't want to go back to you know what I was doing what before you know what I mean I don't want to go backwards every day I think about that every day I wake up amazing new day I don't want to go backwards yeah hot or cold hi I'm gonna say hi tacos or burgers tacos what's your favorite cereal of all time well lately suppose what's your favorite cartoon of all time now if you dope favorite pair of shoes of all time Jay's favorite thing to cook pasta how many times a day do you think about sex every day all day what's the worst job you've ever had no bad jobs what's the best live show you've ever seen go to a lot of concerts growing up imma have to say um just recently at the beach it was was it good I was like one of my first sitting there live watching it that [ __ ] was dope but no addition and all that yeah that [ __ ] was all yeah if you were stuck on an island for a year and it could only listen to three albums what would they be well my album and cruise 50 cent give it to die trying gangsta [ __ ] definitely a jay-z album would you say boom print okay yeah power or the wire I'll [ __ ] you up with that one [ __ ] [ __ ] you over 10 same power but it like you said and I'm gonna watch you don't understand I understand oh damn that will [ __ ] you up right there personalized just for the you know it's it hot right now I keep very um damn snow that's some groovy [ __ ] cuz I'm stuck if I was somebody that question I wouldn't be able to answer I got a pig powers thing right now that's good Angie Flint right right I had to go with the wire because right I know more about it if I was still fresh still new you don't know all the way do it ain't all the way done yet so I'll just say power now because it's already instill this classic I'm gonna go the way my fault wire yeah if you could remake any movie and starring it what would it be set it off and who would you be I thought you gonna say Jada I want to live and get to money oh you want to go out with what it would have bang huh I just loved her carried over bro she was gangsters [ __ ] cheap and not met her too just recently was a calculate Cleo Cleo I was on Halloween Oh for real hmm I switched it on hand at most a shout-out to the Queen you do if you could have a superpower what would it be to create money Wow have we ever heard that that made a [ __ ] just saying I need three tickets right now [ __ ] just magically appeared money wrote a world gotta be honest with Y in control paper this [ __ ] right here is called finish the sentence imma start and you finish it I always wake up and think about the money if I could work with anybody dead or alive I want to work with Biagi if I could see anybody perform dead or alive I'd want to see Biaggi I look for a blank in a woman cookie if I wasn't a boss I'd be uh I wasn't a boss mm-hmm I wasn't the boss I'd be a another boss my favorite position is the money stairs I don't know what that question okay but I like that we'd never heard that you couldn't away but you weren't there yeah my name is young MA and I'm I am I call soon to be in a real [ __ ] way there you have it you've been tuned into the GGN news network I'm your host with the most Finding Nemo aka need more homes and I want to thank my special guest young ma in the [ __ ] house and if you want to find her you can hit it right up you hit me on IG and honey holes self-explanatory oh boy and home I'm at the store I follow you I like that for real yeah you hit at MOSI yeah that's interesting right [Laughter] oh god yeah guys
Views: 585,426
Rating: 4.8704367 out of 5
Keywords: merry jane, mary jane, snoop dogg, snoop, dogg, merry, jane, cannabis, culture
Id: n86jNcbTZxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2017
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