Young Inspirations - 2021 Memphis Quartet Show

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oh in my heart [Music] foreign is every day is now before i get up in the lobby in the hotel and everybody starts asking a zillion questions you two young guys step up here it's not about time for his jericho why who can hit those really low notes wide holding you know 22. because i know you folks up in the roots didn't hear what this deer saint from pennsylvania just asked she said are they single [Applause] i want to know the truth the whole bunch is single but the two old weights back there there's no hope for them but uh anyway yes they are single but beyond that ma'am really that was anyone else got any questions they want to ask them hey how about that you guys what is that when you put a video out and it gets real popular it's a virus oh viral viral and i know there was one out there and i mean you guys wore it out and i kind of thought that this crowd tonight i'm going to wear it out a little bit on an inspiration classic called he made away how about [Music] there was no mistake at all me when [Music] is for me is me get over here trevor where is sit on that thing and make it tall you think he can do it oh yeah get back into that thing one more time i mean where is is you know is oh away just yes oh one more time let him
Channel: Eric Lonna
Views: 6,588
Rating: 4.8476191 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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