Young Earth Debunked (Questions for Jehovahs Witnesses) [2019]

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I've been reading through the Mormon CES letter lately and I decided to write down a few pointed questions I have four Jehovah's Witnesses if they can answer these questions to my satisfaction then I would become a Jehovah's Witness again so let's see if we can get them out and if a Jehovah's Witness can give convincing answers to these questions and convince me that they have the truth then I solemnly swear that I will turn this channel into a pro Jehovah's Witness hub let's get into it [Music] question 1 do you believe that death didn't exist until Adam and Eve sinned and if so what happened to the dinosaurs Jehovah's Witnesses are a unique case in the sense that they're old earth creationists not young earth creationists so people like Ken Ham and Kent Hovind believe that dinosaurs existed alongside humans in the past 10,000 years now there are really simple ways to debunk that kind of thing for example we have trees around that are older than 10,000 years the young earth creationists position is that the earth is 6,000 years old so how do we have 10,000 year old trees if the earth wasn't created until 6,000 years ago and the flood supposedly happened 4000 years ago but that's really beside the point because Jehovah's Witnesses have no problem with that premise they accept that the earth is 4.5 4 billion years old they accept that the universe was created 13 trillion years ago they just can't accept that humanity started any other way than Adam and Eve being created in the Garden of Eden so here's my question how did dinosaurs eat live and die before Adam and Eve existed if death didn't enter into the world until the first sin was committed question 2 why did God allow humans who had sinned namely Adam and Eve to procreate instead of quarantine them and creating a new perfect breeding pair isn't God to blame for the deaths of every human from the beginning of time he could have even made him sterile let them like bunnies to their heart's content just prevent them from procreated or if that doesn't sit right with you just take the desire for procreation away from it let them live out the rest of their lives in that pretty little garden make the snake crawl around on its belly it's punishment and start from scratch with the new set once you start poking holes in this stuff it just falls to pieces next question number three why are Jehovah's Witnesses still so opposed to beards when we know that the reason for their original beard been was because the early president Joseph Rutherford wanted to distance people from the founder who had a big bushy beard there was this book called thirty years a watchtower slave written in 1957 and it tells an experience of some of the leadership from 1925 which is about nine years after the founder Charles taze Russell died at this point Rutherford had taken control the religion but the hostile takeover and renaming hadn't happened yet that happened in 1931 so let's give this bit a read from the book like I said it's called 30 years a watchtower slave on page 51 and 52 it says an amusing incident took place at the time of the judges visit the judge being Joseph Rutherford the director of our German branch has had many before him had grown a large beard patterned after Charles T Russell's beard the judge did not want anything at all to remain which might remind him of Russell not even the cultivation of a beard so sitting at the table for dinner one night with in my ear shot the director asked the judge for one more large rotary press the judge said nothing for a while merely eight so suddenly he looked up his eyes pinned severely on the directors huge beard and said I will buy you the press if you take that thing off pointing to the beard it surely shocked the directors sensibilities but he meekly heeded the warning and soon shamefacedly appeared - the beard the story was confirmed in the 1974 Watchtower yearbook but the reason they cited in the yearbook was because Rutherford felt like it was creature worship quote unquote so if you were wondering that's why Jehovah's Witnesses don't wear beards okay next one number four how can you justify the early president of the watchtower society having a large mansion constructed with members money during the Great Depression in the US and deeded to Bible characters how can you justify him choosing to live in it until those Bible characters returned this question is kind of important to me because it's the thing that got me to wake up from the religion when I was in it Jehovah's Witnesses taught how wrong every other religion is in the world they talked to non-stop about how corrupt Christianity is and how they're the only correct ones so when somebody asks me this question it made me realize that Jehovah's Witnesses we're just as corrupt as any of them and I defaulted to not believing in any religion that simple bonus fact Joseph Rutherford the early president also owned a nice big Cadillac remember this is in the 30s during the Great Depression and when cars are pretty new to the world okay moving on number five according to Deuteronomy 18 22 we shouldn't fear people who prophesy falsely after 30 failed predictions and one current prediction out that's bound to fail in the next 15 years or so when should we stop listen to you this question is pretty self-explanatory Deuteronomy 18:20 to says if what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true that is a message the Lord has not spoken the prophet has spoken presumptuously so do not be alone Jehovah's Witnesses have made so many failed predictions that I absolutely cannot take them seriously anymore if you're wondering what the context of the predictions were you can watch the video failed Armageddon predictions that I just put out you can click the card in the corner to check it out anyways some of the predictions were far more significant and damaging than others some were casual dates thrown out some were time frames and some were exact and when they failed people left in droves which brings me nicely to my next question number 6 how can you show your faces publicly again after popularizing phrases such as stay alive 275 telling people that's when Armageddon was going to take place this wasn't a casual claim they stopped saying the end is near in their literature and talks as they always have and as they do now and they started saying the end is here as I covered in my predictions video the reason why they believed Armageddon was going to come in 1975 is because they think that God works in sevens numerology and they calculated it out to conclude that 1975 was going to be six thousand years after God created Adam and Eve and of course since God started resting after the sixth day they figured its wrath would rain down on humanity after 6,000 years number seven do you agree with the 1947 watchtower the excommunication by the Catholic Church is a pagan practice or at the very least wrong and if so why do you practice it in the form of disfellowshipping I covered this in a recent video too I have a copy of the watchtower from 1947 which is now considered apostate material if you have a copy of this the elders will have some hard questions for you the watchtower is about excommunication in the Catholic Church and to summarize it basically says that excommunication started as a pagan practice it talks about how the Bible doesn't endorse excommunication and in a fairly recent piece of their literature they even say that it's wrong to force somebody to choose between religion and family oh the irony the hypocrisy behind this one is stunning let me just read a couple of quotes from Jehovah's Witnesses literature to draw a picture of how they view the situation when it suits them this is from April 15 1988 watchtower it might be possible to have almost no contact at all with the relative even when there are some family members requiring contact this certainly would be kept to a minimum in line with the Divine Principle quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person now that's not the end of the quote but I just noticed that they put this next bit in brackets which means they're trying to add something in that isn't actually there in brackets it said or guilty of another gross sin interesting then it goes on to say not even eating with such a man that quotes from first Corinthians 5:11 wait is it 1 Corinthians or is it first Corinthians I feel like this is 1 Corinthians I mean I grew up in the religion and I heard these quotes all my life so obviously I grew up saying first Corinthians but I kind of like the Trump way better so I'll say 1 Corinthians anyways that quote is taken out of context this is a letter from Paul to the Corinthians there was somebody who had broken the rules and Paul was explaining to them what should be done with it after they did exactly what he said he realized what he'd instructed was wrong and he sent a follow-up letter in his second letter to the Corinthians where he said the punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient now instead you ought to forgive and comfort him so that he will not be overwhelmed with excessive sorrow I urge you therefore to reaffirm your love for him that's 2nd Corinthians 2 6 to 8 sounds like a backpedal if I have ever heard one but Jehovah's Witnesses conveniently ignore that context because it doesn't fit in with how they want things to operate anyway so the quote from the watchtower goes on to say understandably this may be difficult because of emotions and family ties such as grandparents love for their grandchildren yet this is a test of loyalty to God as stated by the sister quoted on page 26 actually it's a test of loyalty to the watchtower society the Bible legitimately does not endorse this kind of thing okay moving on to the next question number 8 do you think that pagan practices are wrong if so why do you wear wedding rings which is firmly rooted in pagan tradition Jehovah's Witnesses are always talking about how bad pagan practices are they completely separate themselves from massive cultural events in the name of staying clean from pagan practices it's completely over the top the strangest part about it is the fact that it's hit or miss some quote-unquote pagan practices are acceptable others aren't the practices they condemn versus the ones they don't condemn are largely based on the history of the religion it's honestly really difficult to separate yourself completely from pagan practices because paganism as a culture has contributed so much to worldwide societies toasting is a pagan practice which Jehovah's Witnesses condemn they claim that birthdays are pagan practices Easter has heavy pagan influence Christmas has some pagan influence but honestly not anywhere near as much as Jehovah's Witnesses tend to let on most of this stuff is condemned by Jehovah's Witnesses but in January 15th 1969 Watchtower page 58 it says since there are so many traditional practices so the Christian tried to avoid all the wedding customs of his area not necessarily in many lands it's common to throw rice at the bride and groom what's the point of this custom some people believe that rice is food to keep evil influences away from the bride and groom some say it assures the couple's fertility and of course as I mentioned in the question exchanging wedding rings is a pagan practice so why do Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to take part in Christmas and birthdays and toasting but they have no issue with throwing rice or exchanging wedding rings it's completely inconsistent number 9 how can you justify desperately begging your members for money when the founder clearly said that God would supply the organization with enough money as long as it still had God's blessing I covered this in a recent video to Charles taze Russell famously said that he asks somebody for a donation once and he felt wrong about it he said to himself but you aren't asking for money for you you're asking for the Lord but if you'd be ashamed to ask for yourself shouldn't you be even more ashamed to ask for the Lord that's when he decided that the moment God decided to stop supplying money to the organization is the moment it loses his blessing if the money stops coming in then the work will decrease in proportion but here they are asking for money on their JW broadcasting TV show I'm sorry not asking begging reading bible scriptures about how you should give your first fruits to God and everything it was the most embarrassing thing to watch especially considering as the john cedars channel points out that some of the governing body members who make regular appearances on the TV show we're rolex watches and pinkie rings and other affectations it's terrible okay I didn't cover lots of really important subjects in this video like blood transfusions they're miss handling of sexual abuse or the fact that it appears as though they're taking the bite model the model we use to determine if something's occult or not and modeling their religion after it figuring out the best way to keep people under control that stuff is probably on its way in a future video but that's all I've got for you for now don't forget to support me on patreon if you like what I do and you want to see me continue to do it I released a video recently in support of the G RSM community and it got demonetised for the first full day which is when it'll see most of the views that it'll ever see that got to me because YouTube purports to support the G RSM community but they D monetize progrm videos during Pride Month now to your credit you all supported me through it I saw a massive swell of support on patreon and teespring which evened out the damage done by releasing a demonetised video I'm a lot more comfortable with releasing videos now that'll probably be demonetised because I can trust it I'll have the money I need to pay rent every month whether I get ad revenue or not and to YouTube's credit they did monetize the video after the first day but they kept it off the recommendation list so it'll be recommended to people significantly less often as a result that means for the most part the only way you'll ever get to see that video is if you go to my youtube channel you check your subscriptions tab or you search for it in the search bar it's a lot less likely to appear as a suggested video and up next or in the sidebar either way at least they romana ties anyways if you want to follow my work you can also check me out on Facebook where I usually release videos a little bit early so if you want to see early releases then check them out there and finally if you want to check out my podcast I talked about all kinds of interesting stuff not only do I talk about politics and news I also talked about the recent Jehovah's Witness situation with reddit where Jehovah's Witnesses tried to get an apostates real name from reddit it's a big court battle and it got really ugly all links are in the description as always okay thanks for watching guys [Music]
Channel: Telltale
Views: 44,038
Rating: 4.9432259 out of 5
Keywords: telltale, jehovahs witnesses, beard ban, adam and eve, jehovahs witnesses questions, jehovahs witnesses hypocrisy, christianity, young earth, creationism, questions for christians
Id: K_77EbDnTJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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