You'll Never Guess How They Got Caught!

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call them clever or call them crazy but there are real people out there who have tried to smuggle huge amounts of money live rare and exotic animals and yes even humans across borders and they've done so in the wackiest ways possible they almost always get caught but at least the police get a good laugh out of it from flying cigarettes into prisons with drones to hiding snakes in your socks it's time to check out some of the most creative ingenious and downright bizarre attempt since sneaking things across borders to kick off our look at the wacky world of creative smuggling we're headed over to Eastern Europe when a group of Ukrainian customs officers on the Polish border investigated a train carriage of tree logs they noticed that something wasn't quite right most of the trees headed for Germany and the UK seemed normal but some were incredibly light compared to the others so they looked a little harder and realized that the trees had actually been hollowed out sneaky after the search of 27 tons of timber was complete they had seized 55 hollowed-out tree trunks filled with 25,000 packs of cigarettes thought to have been planted by Russian smugglers by today's conversion rates if they had made it all the way to the UK then that would be close to three hundred and forty five thousand dollars worth of hidden smokes back in the mid 2010's and even today cigarette smuggling was a growing problem in Europe the reason massive differences in costs you could buy a 20 pack of Marlboros in Belarus for a buck 50 and that same pack would cost a whopping $10 at least in the UK ever since society started putting criminals in prison people have been trying to sneak in contraband money cigarettes ramen noodles you name it and it's been smuggled in but now with technology advancing rapidly guards are faced with a new smuggling epidemic drones so why is this suddenly all the new rage with criminals for two reasons one because if the drone is spotted it can simply fly away and two if the drone is caught that doesn't mean that the person controlling it is caught worst case scenario they're hovering toy is confiscated in December of 2017 over at the mosquée institution in British Columbia Canada someone used a drone to drop twenty six thousand five hundred dollars worth of illicit substances and tobacco over the prison wall that was in addition to the 41 drone related incidents at federal prisons recorded between July of 2013 in December of 2016 it's not just in Canada though it's been happening in the USA Australia and even England and Wales what are the prisons doing about it some establishments are starting to drape nets over perimeter walls and fences there's also a new system called sky fence which disrupts the drones internal computer and get this over in the Netherlands they even experimented with specially trained birds of prey to pluck the drones out of the air speaking of animals that's what our next smuggler tried to take across the border in Norway whether you think he's a genius or brainless is up to you officials discovered that this man had taped 14 pythons to his chest each rolled up in a sock while ten little geckos were tucked away in small boxes strapped to his ankles it's not like he had a large obvious bulge coming out of his shirt to give it away though so how the officers noticed that something was off turns out if you've got a live tarantula crawling around in one of your suitcases then you're going to get a few questions thrown at you who know if you're found guilty not only are the prohibited animals taken but you're also subject to criminal charges depending on the extent of the crime it's taken very seriously to considering that wildlife is now the fourth largest illegal trade in the United States that's not the only case of disguised animals trying to cross international lines back to Canada again where one woman was found trying to take 205 reptiles in boxes on a boat from Vermont in the US to Cornwall in Ontario she too was caught have you ever jokingly begged your friend to take you with them on vacation in their suitcase well it looks like one woman in Mexico took that phrase a little too seriously Maria del Mar Arjona walked into the prison to spend a conjugal visit with her husband conjugal visits are longer than the ones we see in the movies and often they let the prisoner in the visitor hang out in the same room and sometimes even sleep next to each other you know so it makes sense that she brought a suitcase with her to hold her pajamas and all that jazz what didn't make sense was when she stuffed her husband into the said suitcase when it was time to leave the prison we assume that you've never tried to carry a person in a bag but trust us it is not easy when the prison guards saw that she was struggling with the weight they checked her bag and voila they found Juan Ramirez Tijerina curled up in the fetal position and as you'd expect the wife was arrested okay think about this for a second if you were going to hide money in a car somewhere where would you do it did anyone guess the tires because that's exactly what cunning criminals have done time and time again a man named Thomas Kent tried to drive his vehicle transporter onto a ferry in Portsmouth Hampshire with the goal of making it over to Spain unfortunately for him he never made it because when border Force officials searched his truck they found money lots and lots of it stuffed in three spare tires all up that bust was a half a million pounds or around 638 thousand US dollars the sentence five years behind bars a similar event happened in the US with even more money in Calexico California US Customs and Border Protection officers arrested a Tecate man after discovering 24 wads of plastic wrapped American currency in the cars spare tire how much are we talking six hundred and fifty four thousand and nine hundred dollars not a bad payday right land borders between the USA and Mexico are hot spots for smuggling this however might be the smartest attempt we've seen yet compare the pair can you tell which one is the real car seat that is not photoshop folks in 2001 a man named Enrique Aguilar conch Ola was found sewn into the passenger seat of a car as part of an attempt to illegally cross international lines he was found at the Sonya Cedro border crossing which at the time actually the busiest in the world it was part of a growing trend of people trying to fit themselves into all kinds of weird spots in cars behind the dashboard under the hood and the classic in the trunk poorly hidden under a blanket or two alrighty we're heading over to China now but first give this video a quick like if you own an iPhone one is usually enough for most people however for this Hong Kong citizen it seemed that 94 was more appropriate using a combination of plastic bags and masking tape he had strapped rings and rings of phones around his thighs torso and calves he tried to make his way into mainland China but was stopped at the border why because they noticed that he had some joint stiffness and was walking with a strange posture fair enough - have you ever tried walking in a straight line with 94 iPhones taped to your body it's really not that easy this method of smuggling isn't new it's known as a body armor smuggle because evidently all of the items add an outer almost protective layer to the person wearing them these were iPhones 6 and 6 pluses the newest models at the time based on their price when they first came out this haul would have been worth over 61 thousand dollars smuggling something doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be on your body though since the dawn of the mail service people have been sending all kinds of illegal and questionable things in the post back in 2008 wildlife smugglers tried to mail 15 Australian leaf-tailed gecko 's all the way to Europe in case you didn't know your mail is subject to checking by the government so be careful what you try to send to your pen pals in this case the officers at Australia Post discovered the animals hidden within hollowed out books and photo frames it wasn't just one shipment though they were actually multiple parcels addressed to the Czech Republic sent from four different Australian cities we bet that the criminals wished they knew of the consequences a little earlier though wildlife smuggling in the land down under carries a maximum penalty of ten years imprisonment and fines of up to ninety six thousand dollars if you're thinking that a hollowed-out book lacked a little bit of creative flair than our next wildlife smuggling attempt ought to take that box this is a Moroccan tortoise cute right keep in mind that it's protected by an international wildlife trade convention which when broken means fines of up to $56,000 or five years behind bars perhaps the man from Cairo Egypt should have thought more about that before trying to sneak three of these critters into Germany through a Berlin Airport disguised as ready for this pastries from the outside the package appeared to be for baked goods but the contents didn't look anything like your typical chocolate cake he claimed that they were chocolates but come on it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that they're clearly not meant for a midnight snack the animals were confiscated at customs and then placed under the protection of the border veterinarian but why would someone want to smuggle in a tortoise or a turtle in the first place remember how we said that cigarettes were cheap in one place but expensive in another it's exactly the same deal with exotic animals according to the wildlife justice commission turtles can be bought cheaply for $22 in places like India and resold in places like Hong Kong for up to $400 don't get any ideas though need more of a pastry fix don't worry we've got you covered as a pattern starts to emerge we've also seen massive amounts of cash hidden inside cakes we've seen money hidden and cakes plenty of times before ice cream cakes cheesecakes you name it but this one takes the cake one Italian man raised a lot of suspicion when he brought a Christmas cake into Germany back in April of 2015 why because April is nowhere near Christmas after the German customs officials inspected his stale four-month old baked good they found 250,000 euros or about two hundred and seventy five thousand US dollars in cold hard sugar-coated cash as it turns out this man who was charged with money laundering also owed three hundred thousand euros to the tax authorities whoops which of these weird attempts do you think was the most creative and which was the dumbest let us know in the comments don't forget to Like and subscribe and thanks for checking out the richest we'll see you next time
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 3,430,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genius, brilliant, smuggling, hiding, hiding spaces, got caught, ways people got caught, smartest, money, millions, dollars, goods, secret, places, richest, the richest
Id: GzReDm9x3CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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