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Canada after seeing the mess in the US [Music] teenagers in real life teenagers and Netflix teenagers in animes when your neighbors have Shrek's they do end up over there whatever the [ __ ] the u.s. is doing right now Europe recovering from Calvin 19 woman and medieval ages wanna see a magic trick everyone you know the rules it's time to die rest of the world you good USA no flat earthers on May 30th when you kill a big spider but it turns out to be a mother hearing dr. doofenshmirtz backstory as a kid hearing dr. doofenshmirtz backstory as in adults hades when everyone thinks he is the evil god but he is the only one doing his job and doesn't cheat on his wife the guy who ran the first marathon watching people reenact his death for fun several earthquakes near West Yellowstone Friday morning 2020 nor parents six hours of gaming parents six hours of online learning Canada America what are you doing up there America Canada staying away from you Harvard you need a plus grades in all AP classes in high school to get in some random kid what if I throw this ball into a basket Harvard you son of a [ __ ] urine the world falling apart SpaceX astronauts adios me opening a pack of gum the rest of the class protests in USA exists covet 19 slow down or we will call your mom orphans I don't have such weaknesses me winning in an online game my dad touching the internet cable might is so long they have to measure it in football fields 0.0008 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 football field I need someone to be my friend maybe send me an angel the nicest angel you have laughing animal crossing oberly I'm really pro animal crossing hentai wanna join the protest no we are robbing Gucci stores ei when they need more games FIFA I can milk you 2020 gets worse SpaceX pilots suckers schools punish the bully punish the kid wearing a hoodie reporter getting teargas in his eyes keeps doing his job me cutting onions I can't take this anymore me mental breakdown buying more plants the entire class when your name is in a math problem when someone asks me why am i doing this job and not following my dreams I was never in this for the money but it turns out that the money was an absolute necessity for me me is that Keanu Reeves some random ten-year-old no that's John wick from fortnight me tough guy finger snapping 1989 it's amazing to think what great and exciting things people will be doing with PCs in 30 years now ASMR Denis talks to you about his plans but he's on a lunch break with some fresh KFC using a time machine to prevent wars using it to steal memes that make it too hard to show you the power of merica I cut Panama in half flat earthers witnessing the curvature of earth during the SpaceX launch the earth is round the earth is flat the Sun is flat Russia is located in Russia cartography stay single until you find someone who actually gives a damn about you this little maneuver is gonna cost us 51 years when you lose your friends in the club and another group adopts you [Music] Americans Europeans posting memes while they are asleep Americans were screwed sleep schedules Europeans with the same problem billion of Indian guys on their daytime what the dentist isn't so bad the kid in the other room me taps my little brother gently to attract his attention how he explains it to more me after throwing my sister from the balcony because my mother said she is a little angel YouTube when someone uploads a video YouTube when absolutely nothing happened wheels on shopping carts be like that doesn't want a babysitter family gets a babysitter anyway dad and the babysitter [Music] when you stop slacking off and your grades actually improve when you're by shrek shuttle so you think you'll have twice the shot as anyone else but you just end up getting rejected twice as often not like the simulations ten-year-old me seeing the moon during the day is for a lot depends on the context dollars no days without a disaster in 2020 yes trying to make it to 2021 a melon watermelon earth melon farm Ellen this literally killed all my eyes can't take it in Detroit pic sir America I think I forgot something also America if you forgot then it wasn't important America yeah you're right virus Canada like what the [ __ ] is this baloney Scoob whatever America is doing in the middle of a global pandemic Mexico like what the [ __ ] is this above me Scoob PE teacher just a simple slow jog around the track the athletic kids when you make spook Toba memes now because we will never make it to October doot-doot teacher everyone get into pairs for the assignment me flat earthers after seeing the curvature of the earth during the SpaceX launch we greet in June show me what you've got Mexico when they see what's happening in the US teach your children to chase waterfalls not Wi-Fi me who doesn't have a waterfall in my backyard me in the toilet lating multi-track drifting pixel and kills the lies lowercase owls girls during puberty everything hurts boys may leading my aunt's house after teaching my seven-year-old cousin knew swear words God explains his plan for June Jesus Satan my girlfriend ordering my Starbucks drink me not knowing the name of the drink I liked last time global pandemic mass riots SpaceX launched literally all other countries no you can't just have an infinite speed limit it's unsafe ha ha ha go vroom my parents why do you never talk to us also my parents before give up on your dream and die tell me everything you know the best barber can never receive the best haircut God after he sees the new tune update for Earth is 420 GB something's wrong I can feel it me I want peace and quiet my ears for some reason high-pitched demonic screeching back in my day tick tock was a song by Ke$ha [Music] Thomas the Tank Engine narrator Michael Angeles dies aged 68 we were on the edge of greatest we were this close and that's how the fight started your honor wait you forgot me Wolverine and Deadpool can't be circumcised too because of their regeneration abilities the earth after a massive comet hit in terms of dinosaurs we have no dinosaurs insects 300 million BC we are some of the largest animals in the world and have very few predators insects 2020 I died - some weird light 2025 mommy who's my daddy I don't know honey he was wearing a mask meat calling Papa because they zoomed in on a dude's that's why line teacher leaves the class girls be quiet or he will come back we have time to reread homework let's do this task boys I declare fourth great ninja war you got no money no real taxi me at 3:00 a.m. missing the way things were having an existential crisis feeling hopelessly alone stressing out about the future I'm on a dinner date what do I say he's so cute and I'm so nervous girls brains right after receiving four 10,000th compliment today boys after receiving a compliment from a girl a core memory you should know that Gwen has just been without the thick lips thought we wouldn't notice but we did my parents buy me a gaming console me plays games on the console my parents therapist sucker trump doesn't exist he can't hurt you sucka trump me so I kind of like you my crush only to me wait really my alarm clock when a high boy meets a bra girl bro why the phone why the video only in front of my girl your cute friend of the year the world our year I mean things could be better I guess meanwhile in the United States current objective survive where is Kendall Jenner with the Pepsi when we need her the most but when the world needed her most she vanished what are you eight nope time nine TI l scientists created a sound so loud that it can instantly boil water Windows XP go ahead make a wish I wish that I'll be alive for my next birthday honey if you say it out loud it won't come true I know I [ __ ] hate farming the hunter-gatherers stand around my fields and shout go eat boy go doctor are you sexually active me my mom why does her shadow look like rotisserie chicken my dad clearly disappointed in me me who asked him what is the biggest planet on earth I like eggs I will beat you to death me over thinking about how I'm overthinking when you get comfortable in bed when you turn on some chill music when it starts to rain outside random girl get out on my face before my boyfriend comes and beats zero her boyfriend white guy destroying where you live because you're upset doesn't solve anything their homes if I could make out with a hex girl from scooby-doo I don't think I'd have depression anymore a king in chairs a king in real life the government doesn't want us to know this but scientists can all turn themselves into pickles whenever they want me asking her what's wrong I just think it's funny how when civilization is at a breaking point and you're in the only vehicle leaving earth let's get the [ __ ] outta Dodge no one mums into Snee Pixar movies [Music] someone made up dinosaur noises without ever hearing them when mums colorado brown is taste a little weird schools when kids have lunch debt you'll get nothing and I like it every major city is being destroyed the two SpaceX astronauts doctors q-tips in your ears are dangerous also doctors holy bus and his girlfriend just saw us relax I'm one of you guys on my way to clap some cheeks on my way home after delivering some exceptional weinery fun facts blueberries are the only fruit named after a color firefighters save a woman from a burning building 12-year olds are well if it isn't the Simms 2020 every two minutes this isn't even my final form go can you help me taking off my bracelet boy named sell it it's the little things what women see what men see what Psychopaths see what idiots see what I see okay that u-turn was tighter than my cousin when 2020 is going so bad that you straight-up decide to leave the planet here lies split-screen gaming mom why are you taking pictures of the waters me you wouldn't get it me trying to describe the meme template because I don't know its name Google people who put the milk first people who put the cereal first people who put the bowl first when she's done King you off no one could have done better I could have done better when you load up an old game you haven't played for a while and combat music plays immediately I don't know who I am I don't know why I'm here all I know is that I must kill Gen Z Millennials watching TV is the same as watching computer screens boomers robbed Lex girlfriend you're 13 right 46 year-old man perhaps my gf who is real and goes to another school me when no one is looking and you finally get the chance to play see oh right minecraft players when they place logs in the corner instead of planks architecture sorry haters but awesome ends with me and ugly starts with you atheist gamers when they realize they are playing God of War instead of science of war ants when they look up to see my path stream raining down on their stupid little and Hill [Music] [Music]
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Views: 289,614
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Keywords: comment awards memes meme compilation cowbelly, funniest reddit posts, top posts of r/, best memes, reddit top posts, reddit memes, funny reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, best memes compilation, funny memes compilation, rslash, subreddit, reddit stories, askreddit funny, ultimate memes compilation, meme review, best of reddit, memes, clean memes, comment awards, top posts, r/, reddit, funny, memes compilation, funniest posts, tumblr awards
Id: XHlnWf6J_ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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