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foreign Ty peeps today's video is all about the new Dollar Tree calendars I've come up with 10 ways for you to make a DIYs using them so let's just get into today's video I'm taking this locally grown calendar here and I cut out the barn I thought I was recording but apparently I was not so but you know how to cut out and then on the front which is also the same image I cut out the windmill there because I want that thicker part of it then I took one of these corrugated metal signs from Dollar Tree and I Mod Podge uh this down the barn down on there and I press it into the grooves um to keep it with that corrugated look and then using my heat gun here I just get some of the bubbles out of The Mod Podge Now using some 3D foam tape from Dollar Tree as well I'm going to put it on the back of this Windmill and add it to my design here and you can see my barn is a little off center and that's because I knew I was going to be adding this as well so now I've got some depth some more depth to this project now you can leave it here and add a little tassel to the top here you know so that you can hang it or you can go another step further so I'm going to grab this black canvas from Dollar Tree now this particular one you can see it wasn't wrapped very tight which you know it's kind of a bummer mop I'm gonna put it on here decide which direction I want it to go because it's not wrap tied I'm definitely going to go with the vertical and I'm just going to use some super glue and a hot glue to glue this down onto the canvas here and then you can see that Buffalo check ribbon at the top and I will go ahead and wrap that around the bottom and tie a little bow and then this project is complete foreign [Music] [Music] I love using the back of the calendars and there's really a lot of options that you can do a little smaller so I'm going to grab my two inch hole punch uh and that way or I should say Circle punch and then I'm going to cut out a bunch of these I actually end up going through a couple other calendars as well to get as many options as I could and what I'm going to do here is I'm going to make a little well it's going to be a calendar sign a little thing for your tabletop desktop that you can use throughout the years and change out the seasons we see these kind of projects a lot but I am really really excited with how this one turned out it's actually one I will keep and use another nice thing here to um with this particular hole punch you have to cut pretty close so this is a new home sign from Dollar Tree it comes just like this it's absolutely beautiful like you don't need to do anything to it you can see it has a white side and a black side so what I'm going to do is I'm going to add a magnet over the o and then I'm going to add a magnet to each one of these uh images that I cut out and now I can switch it out for every season or just have like an everyday one with some of the Farmhouse and as you can see here I have the cutest little calendar sign now you can see up at the top there on the top right you can see one that's squared the calendar is the exact same size as these squares like I don't even know how that happened so you can use the squares as well if you don't have a hole punch I will link one down in the description if you need again you can turn it over and you could use the black side if you like some of the images with the black or you could just keep it with this side I think you have a lot of options here now if you need a place to store all the magnets of course you can just stack them on top of each other and set them in a drawer but if you want something a little bit more organized I grabbed one of these metal signs uh from Dollar Tree as well and then I just laid down all the magnets so they are in one place this is definitely my favorite image from all of the calendars that cow is just so cute and you get two of them because you get the cover and you get the page inside of the calendar so I'm going to go ahead and rip this one out and again I'm gonna cut around the cow now I cut around a lot of the images in this video I find it therapeutic I just sit on the couch while I'm watching TV and I cut them out okay and then I'm gonna use this charger plate from Dollar Tree as well and I want him to sit right along the bottom here of where the circle hits so I'm just gonna indent that down in so I know where to cut um actually I think I think all black and white cows are females is that true because aren't they milk cows I feel like the brown cows are like me cows I don't know a lot about Farm life I'm a city girl um and also throughout this video I'm gonna show you different ways to adhere down You've Got Mod Podge of course and then um and this one I'm gonna use a glue stick I will also use double-sided tape just to give you a lot of options it really depends on what your surface is um how if you're going to hang it if it's table top I mean it's really going to just depend so in this one the glue stick worked perfect I like it because you can move it around to fit it onto this plate and you're not worried about it being a little bit too wet like with Mod Podge so you can have your stripes going up and down or diagonal I went with it up and down then I went into my alphabet Sticker Collection and I am going to put a saying on here now here is a little fun fact back in like 2006 Dollar Tree sold scrapbook supplies and I have been a scrapbooker my whole life pretty much my whole adult life and these stickers here that I am kind of ripping apart uh they're from 2006 so if you're a a craft hoarder I hope this makes you feel better because apparently I am as well whenever I use stickers or rub ons I always cut them out so that I can place them right where I want them before I stick them down and so um with this one I used all the same fonts except for the word moo and then I used a different font sticker so this says I'm not amused and there is just something about that cow that has that look to me um there's all sorts of cute funny cow sayings that you could use um my daughter said this one is going in her room there's a lots of ways that you can hang these but the preferred method I use is I take a command strip so you could do this I'm gonna hang it or you can just put a command strip on the back which is what I do I really like these velcro ones um because you can kind of play around with their placement so I just stick this down and then when I'm ready to put it on the wall I unstick that back side and I just stick it right to the wall I use these for a lot of the things that I hang okay again I'm going to use the back of this calendar this time I'm going to use that piece at the top look at that magic uh yes I bought two calendars of everything so I got this little wood uh cutting board from Dollar Tree and I painted it with black chalk paint and then I'm just using my double-sided tape runner here and adding this image to the front um it was just a hair too big and so I'm just gonna flip it over and with my X-Acto Knife just cut off that little bit of excess because this one was a little thicker I didn't use my sanding method that I normally use that I use more on the paper and then I'm just going to add a little bow to the Top This was super simple this is perfect for your tear tray in your kitchen or or wherever you might want to set it in your kitchen and I just think this one turned out super cute I'll come back foreign [Music] I love this home sweet home image but I am even with the lemons but I am going to cut it a little smaller I'm going to use this bottle cap metal bottle cap sign from Dollar Tree and as you can see it fits perfectly there in that middle so we're just going to make a cute home sweet home sign now um I do make an error and I love to show you guys when I make errors because you know I am not perfect and so what I meant to do is lay the this on top of the bottle cap but then I had a brain fart and I put it down on the front which obviously you don't want to do because you want the image to be on there so oops but it's okay I Salvage this and I just had to laugh at myself and so I go ahead and I lay it on top and I'm just going to quickly cut the excess off around it I was kind of sad to see the lemons go because I really do love the lemons um I think this would have been less wrinkly had I done it the proper way but as you can see it does turn out but I wouldn't put Mod Podge on the top of this because I'm going to use rub-ons and they don't work as well because the Mod Podge on top so don't put matcha Mod Podge on the top put it on underneath and then using my sanding block I'm just going to sand off the excess this is going to give you the most perfect circle so you don't have to try to cut it out and get that you know good cut because it is hard to cut a circle and then once I get all the edges sanded off like I said I'm going to use some rub-ons from Dollar Tree and add that as well because you can see there's a little bit of leaf showing still on this and I looked in my stash in Dollar Tree did me so well because they have the matching leaves like they are the exact same color the exact same leaves and so I am just going to add these to the fronts give this a little bit more excitement and then I'm going to add a bow and this project is complete another treasure [Music] ment s [Music] [Music] [Music] come back [Music] this is going to be a super simple one I had this sign in my stash and don't know where it's from but I liked the shape of it and it worked out perfect for this image the fresh brewed coffee now I went back to get a second one of these calendars because at first I only got one because what I wanted to do was cut out another uh just where the the mug says coffee and and make it 3D so that the The Coffee Cup you know popped up off the sign when I went back which was weird because I wouldn't think this particular calendar would have been one of the more popular ones because they had all the other ones still but not this one so um I was gonna do that and if you like that idea grab two of these ones and just cut out that extra coffee so on this one I'm just going to use um a glue stick and glue it down [Music] [Music] foreign the edges off I'm going to use a nail file on this one because the big block you can't really get into those crevices as well of course you could use some sandpaper as well I added a little bow and then a little loop at the top to hang it and I stapled it down because this sign is thick and then that made this project complete this was an old a fall piece that I had made like three years ago and I'm gonna go ahead and take it apart because I don't have my fall stuff out yet and but I did have this piece out so using this calendar is absolutely gorgeous the cover just made me go oh we're coming into fall and that is just the most gorgeous scene right there so I'm gonna go ahead and cut that down and I'm going to also use its matching counterpart inside of the calendar as well I'm going to make two projects with the same image it's so gorgeous we don't where I live in California we don't have fall like that and it's so pretty so I'm taking one of these pumpkins that I popped off of that old project and I'm deciding where I want it on here and then I am going to draw around it and cut it out and then I will put that down on top of that pumpkin there was no need to take off the old paper this this works perfectly so I'm just going to add it down there I had to trim it a little bit at the top this one already I like I said it had the like what do you call it uh like jute twine around the top so there's a step that you can do as well mine already had it but I just wrapped jute all the way around the top when I originally made that stem okay once I get this um glued down there or I should say tape down I'm gonna of course sand the edges then I'm going to grab that Harvest um piece that I popped off as well this is all from Dollar Tree and that pumpkin was Dollar Tree this Harvest is Dollar Tree uh and so I'm gonna take some chocolate brown paint and I'm gonna dab it on because this is metal but I'm gonna dab it on and by doing that it kind of gives it a little bit of texture and then I am going to dry it and put it aside there for a second and then using the old um stand that it came in again that is that pumpkin I'm sure you've seen it at Dollar Tree it's been there every year for like the last four years so they're really easy to find so I'm gonna glue it back down into that bottom this was the bow that was on it previously so I figured let's just repurpose it but you could use any ribbon you like and add it or or forgo the bow if you like so like I said I'm going to glue it down into the base and glue the Harvest word on it and then that makes this project complete care emotions the weight of the ocean you keep climbing mountains too blind to see it's not getting you closer where you wanna be in your life and wait on your shoulders time to put it down but you figure it out okay using an old canvas that was in my old bedroom when I had super bright colors I'm going to cut that canvas off so that I can use this frame these frames work great on these calendars like I said I think this is a 12 by 12 um oh actually it might be an eight by eight I'll have to measure it but I'm going to just put it over this as you see here now you could leave it as that natural wood or you can stain it like I do so what I'm going to do here is I'm just going to kind of do this like a paint by numbers I'm just going to add some of these yellows and gold and rust colors to this print and this is just going to step up this art a bit I'm not going to do the whole thing you could if you wanted I just thought I would do um kind of the trees in the foreground and just give it a little something extra so I'm just patting it down you don't need any fancy techniques I'm literally just patting it down with a small brush and then I go in uh so I started light to dark and then when I went to the other side I did it Opposite it went dark to light and so I'm going to recommend you go dark to light that seemed to work better because when I did it this way I had to do more blending where if you were doing it dark to light you start with that dark and then you build on top of it um you know sometimes we forget but this was really fun like I said you you don't have to be an artist you're just kind of like painting by numbers and I'm kind of mixing some of the colors and going back through it [Music] [Music] [Music] all the way [Music] already Shining so I took the frame and I used waverly's antique wax and I love how it looks it made this frame look so high-end as you can see the wood grain through it and then using the insert there's a little cardboard insert that comes in the middle of all the calendars so once I get this all um decided where it's going to go I'm going to go ahead and just using my glue stick again I'm going to glue it down to that piece of cardboard and then it's just a matter of gluing it down to the back and now I have this like beautiful piece of fall artwork I mean look at that oh I just want to go for a walk right now it is 107 where I live so that that little roadway there looks so magical to me again look at that frame that frame turned out so good with that antique wax like I just can't get over it I love it so if you're at Cross shells or anything where you see canvases like pick them up because you can use the frames like I use canvas frames all the time I said then just using some hot glue I go ahead and glue that back on to be hiding behind your fears but from my perspective God just what it takes you're in control here don't you forget you fall and you break you got baddest to take them okay I pulled this image out of the calendar and then I just had a good time cutting it out while I watch TV and then I grabbed one of these Wood Circle signs from Dollar Tree and added the antique wax around the outside and this is a simple project these are these are the ones that are going to be the easiest the the last one where you can just take the square out and put it on a square canvas or a lot of these images are circular and they fit absolutely perfect onto these Circle signs from Dollar Tree so I'm adding azusai only added Mod Podge to the middle because now I'm going to with a small brush just kind of paint it on now those brushes that come in the little kits you know that have some paints with them for kids I hold on to them for things like this where I just want to have a kind of a cruddy brush and this is what it looks like all finished and now I'm gonna flip it over and I'm cutting out the other one from that same calendar and doing a Christmas one so now I'm getting a double-sided sign I'm taking a second piece because I bought two of the calendars and I'm just cutting out the joy and I'm gonna put it down on a piece of like heavy duty like cardboard like I should say light cardboard or heavy duty paper and I'm gonna just cut the letters out so now they're going to be nice and thick letters and this is kind of what I was talking about with like the coffee one where you take the image again and then you can pop it up and give your project some depth so that is what I'm doing here again just cutting it out and then I'm gonna use some 3D foam tape and add this Joy to the sign now that circular sign I went ahead and painted it white around the edges um I kind of liked the idea of that Joy just kind of blending in look at how beautiful that is just from a calendar and again I just enjoy cutting these things out and it's really not that hard so I glue that down and you can see off to the side there I have these little foam mounting tape and it comes already cut for you which is so wonderful um I want it in the Scrapbook thing so definitely going to be using them but if you don't have something like that you've got your foam tape from Dollar Tree and then I thought how else could I spruce up this sign and so I found myself some red glitter now this is stickles it's used in card making a lot but I know Dollar Tree has glitter glue and that will work the same so I am just gonna glitter up my little berries here and that finishes off this sign but I know [Music] all right so using this calendar I really liked this farmer's market um calendar page here and then I've had that kitchen measurement uh signed from Dollar Tree in my stash for a while it's actually so cute on its own but we are going to add this calendar page to it now the whole thing cannot fit on there so I am going to cut it uh right below where it says mark it and that is going to give us a perfect fit on here so first I will cut that just to kind of give us a starting point and then I will flip over this like mason jar type sign and Trace out the size I need and then I realize I really do want it to kind of fit inside of those white lines that you see so once I cut it out then I go back in and kind of measure uh to make it smaller and then I kind of have to keep making little adjustments so that this image fits inside that white line that goes around the Mason jar I'm with you all the way [Music] [Music] baby get up [Music] see the light at the end of the tunnel take one step at a time with you all the way don't you stay down go and lift yourself up baby baby thank you [Music] under the trees [Music] that it could change [Music] I open it up [Music] [Music] [Music] I hope this video gave you so much inspiration on how to use the Dollar Tree calendars I would absolutely love if you shared things that you made with the calendars over with me on Instagram my name over there is dollar underscore underscore mom and you can just DM me I'd love to see your creations and until next time happy crafting
Channel: Lisa Kennedy - Dollar Mom
Views: 56,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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