You Won't Believe What I Found on a Greek Island

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the incredible Greek island of tinos [Music] good afternoon today is Tuesday May 7th 2024 is currently 76° F that is 24° c a lovely afternoon here I was just uh leaving my hotel which is right over there and then drove in my rental car right there and was going to uh continue up the road and then saw this just totally bizarre building I don't know what it is but there's just a Central shaft in the middle like some sort of a weird Barn thing what I was showing at the beginning was from up there looking down there are lots of holes in the uh Rock huh is the purpose of this building that it's a Pigeon Roost and that's what the holes are for and the pigeons are still actually using it for that or is that just coincidental but then that kind of sort of looks like a mattress pretty sure that's what it is so I don't know I've seen a lot of uh strange architecture but this is definitely one of the strangest so uh I just arrived on tinos island here yesterday have the uh hotel for two more nights and I'm looking forward to seeing much more of this island absolutely one of my favorites it's absolutely beautiful love the uh main town I will show more of it later at some point in this video or in another one maybe I'll do some sort of a uh like walking tour through the town but uh for now let's get out of here and head for where I was trying to get to yesterday before I got distracted by my hike to the castle so now let's go to VX here we go OS Island Greece in the aan sea now I forget the name of it but that mountain was recommended as one of the things to do your on OS climb to the top yesterday I arrived up here saw that mountain there was a sign for an ancient town I decided to try to find the ancient Town turns out the ancient town is actually a castle complex and other buildings on the side of that mountain and so I got up there and ultimately got to the very top and then eventually I realized that was actually the U Mountain climb that I had been planning to do at some point uh anyways and I highly highly recommend it really amazing uh hike and epic views from up there as well as a uh really cool castle okay here going to BAC they're supposed to be something especially interesting there and about the uh potential for that uh building to maybe be originally designed as a pigeon Rost I don't know if that makes any sense but the reason that it comes to mind is that I know that in uh capadia turkey then they used pigeon guano to fertilize their crops and it was extremely important to their survival and so built into these very very old weird buildings built into Cliffs and caves Etc then uh they have these uh little spots for pigeons to roost and so that was just like an integral part of their uh architecture now that building that we just saw is probably more recently constructed than a lot of those uh old buildings in capid do and the caves and whatnot but uh still it does make sense that that could have been an important part of their livelihood that building certainly looked pretty old so you know if it's like a century old two three centuries old something like that then uh if they were farming then that would make sense okay BX 5 km to the right another little blue and white Greek church and another one really cute little village here almost to vac's square St John the Baptist Catholic Church also there was something else that I wanted to get out and look at so let's find a place to park here so oh no I am definitely not in the right spot to try to get to what I wanted to get to I saw something other side of this hill here actually this could work I was looking up at it and it was practically a cliff and so it wasn't really going to work to try to get up there from down there around the corner but uh let's see what we can do and either way see this uh Square which must be quite cute in this uh Little Village that that is just so quintessentially Greek right there blue and white church this H style [Music] of these stones with the white uh paint kumaro scavo hii aapi so uh places you can walk to from here and of course nobody else [Music] around I'm guessing that it will be a lot uh busier in the tourist season in July and August man this is just so Exquisite scavo 1.8 km Agapi [Music] 3.1 panagia spiliotis said church and we got cats or at least one okay why the red and white stripe I'm guessing a hiking uh marker and then oh a fountain really cute uh Fountain and old Arch wow this is just a classic Greek Islands Village yep all [Music] right okay why is party painted there yeah must be a hiking trail symbol how many people will we see so far I think three cats okay wow beautiful church and I'd seen that from the road that looks really unusual at first I was thinking that it was a church but I don't see a cross on top so so not sure what that is but let's check it out when I go back to the car 17 92 sure it's probably locked there okay this road is going in the right general direction to try to get to that building [Music] not sure what that says but I guess it's kind of a uh sign for this home here that's a hotel and look what we have a hiking trail to Camaros and panagia spiliotis church going in the exact right direction again hike marker okay maybe that's what the church is I think I might have seen a church next to it I forget but there was another building that I saw here that uh was quite unusual so I'm guessing that this is a hotel door door another room there very nice what a you wow this is going in the exact right direction I needed to go to and here we go where I saw the building was from the road down there yes I think that that square one is what I saw which stood out to me more than the church because the front is very unique but will also look a little [Applause] familiar oh there we go finally I can get inside one and show you what it's like very very simple but as you can see nine seats for worshippers so perhaps come here on a Sunday and there could be some people here look at that extremely old frescos I mean they're faded even though they're inside here wow fascinating and nice and cool in here all right let's make sure to un lock it all right this is going to take two hands and there it is you can see odd designs on the side and there is another one that I couldn't see from the road because it was tucked around the corner but right down there is where I saw that building from and I was seriously considering trying to get up here from down there and realized oh man that is going to be kind of insane so it's just kind of so fortuitous that there's a hiking trail going right there and so it is similar to the building we saw at the beginning as far as these kinds of odd designs made with the uh slabs of rock so what is this one hello huh what in the world there's a bathroom I don't know if you can see but uh there you go toilet sink shower oh my God this is a home what the heck holy moly this is one of the look unbelievable wooden bunk bed was this building maybe made for something else and then later converted into a living space wow how utterly [Music] bizarre I just thought you know it would be a cool uh thing to see the outside from up close had zero expectation of finding something like this I mean it looks like somebody has been here fairly recently paper towels whatever that is what the heck is the story with this wild all right let's uh get back to the car and then go check out that other odd [Music] building and that one has the designs on more than one side so I think that I'm putting two and two together here when I was doing a little research for uh what to see on the island of os then I came across VX and one of the things that was mentioned that was in VX I'm kind of spoiling the surprise but we've already seen them I think they're called Dove coats now when I first read that I had no idea what a dove coat was and then I just didn't end up happening to uh search for the term at the time but doves pigeons so maybe it's doves that uh are intended to roost there and so it's looking like that is in fact correct that that is the point of those buildings unless that uh design is used for various buildings perhaps with different functions but uh so far I mean they're all the uh Little Square building and as we saw at the beginning with roosts for doves or pigeons so perhaps that with the bunk beds was created to be a dove coat because of course the outside of the building looks a lot older than those bunk beds so uh I'm going to guess mystery solved in fact they wanted do or pigeons hanging around and very likely for the guano for their crops okay let's go see this other strange building out there although I'd also like to see this other Dove coat oh it's right there so uh yeah let's take a look see if it's on all four sides or just two see if we can get inside that one looks like this Village was at one time just really perfect I mean it's perfect now in its imperfection but uh all overgrown but probably 50 years ago that was not the case and it was being kept up more and there you go dove flying lizard crawling and there you go so the designs on two sides what about the others and so it makes sense nope okay so it's just two sides but I guess the point of those is that the doves can fly out although it looks blocked up with rocks now maybe it wasn't before and let's see about a doorway inside looks like this one might be locked looks sort of permanently closed so I've been to all of the Greek Islands nearby here and haven't seen this elsewhere so why only on tinos island maybe they had the dove coats on other Islands but just with a different kind of a facade so there is a cross on top that is a church and another of the dove coats okay I guess uh I have to go this way so here's the church someone is sitting there so let see if they have a problem with me coming up [Applause] here yes [Applause] us yes and doxy n looking the church just look looking K spar [Applause] Ella means like uh sort of what's up or like what's going on or but it can mean more like in a like kind of come on or like what are you doing or why is this happening or something like that okay that wasn't the uh proper entrance but here we go oh okay really quick amazing VOA so I just remembered that the thing to see in Bullocks was not the dove coats I think it was just mentioning them as being all over OS but the thing to see here is these weird Boulder strewn Landscapes so I guess that is VX right there whoa tiny little Village oh man there is so much packed into this island of os I've barely covered any distance in the two videos now that I filmed here and seen so much interesting stuff so town is right there around the corner I figured might as well Park while I had a SP and also another one of these uh churches in a similar style as the last one so i' had seen a plaque on that other church that said 1998 this one is saying 2006 and you can see it looks uh much newer 1981 to 1982 so not sure what that is referring to but uh let's poke in here okay nice and cool in there as well [Music] what a cute little village taba TNA oh so lots of [Music] parking I hear people kids playing not sure if that is the way into the village I guess so or [Music] there there it is a Greek Amphitheater [Music] so what does that say [Music] 1968 I guess that says [Music] OS this is like a movie set of a peaceful Greek Islands so I guess uh the thing you do here is go hiking outside of the town the question is which direction I think up the hill makes more sense than going down so remember that I said 1998 was on the side of that church and look at this 1998 so looks like they're continuing the tradition but this is more of just a facade so there's fake doves there [Music] he [Music] all right leaving VX what an unreal place it just feels like an alternate Dimension or something so we have a map of the island let's see where I have been so far in the past two days took the fairy from Andros tinos Andros tinos town orora and then yesterday what are these geometric ruins is that oh hello cumos oh that is near where we are now okay where is that uh town that I said sounds like a dinosaur boom trotus and so yesterday I drove up here parked right there and then walked up here so I wonder if I saw those geometric ruins hiked up to the top of the mountain show Borgo so yeah I think that that is the peak of the mountain and then that was it and then today just uh drove the same route and then went like this and then I think that might be the little village where I parked scalos or lutra or was it crocos or monastery not sure so where is VX Agapi that's another place that I've seen on the uh map marble Quarry oh man colone where is OLX boom so I need to get up to Agapi because I've been seeing it as a destination but then that is all that I've seen Nevada Cape very curious to see that kimra that's supposed to be a nice Beach and then all of this and tomorrow is my last day accento Cape Old Stone quy oh man there is so much to see here okay let's go for a little wander find a uh Trail [Applause] I [Music] look at that little guy hiding behind The Rock [Applause] [Music] and here we are another church down there little whatever building and is it locked looks pretty locked to me but you never know oh [Music] okay W they're all a bit similar as far as what's inside and yet each one is quite unique so look at this there's this Arch and then I know you're not supposed to like you know walk behind there look at candles burning one out two almost out so somebody was here not that long ago wow does that say evangelismos that's my best guess I'm not sure about that okay I think that that is basically going to do it for today's exploring so two days of exploring two videos here on tinos and so far I have seen one of the places that I had in mind to visit here and I have one day left tomorrow and then sort of half a day the next day the ferry leaves at 2:00 p.m. going back to rafina on the mainland near the Athens airport so we've seen quite a lot and yet very very little of what they're is to see on this island so we'll see what uh transpires in the next day and a half more coming from amazing OS Island Greece in the aan sea have a good one safe travels [Music] a [Music] [Music] he
Channel: Gabriel Traveler
Views: 20,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gabriel Traveler, Gabriel Morris, travel, traveling, budget travel, travel video, adventure, adventure travel, world travel, tourism, holiday, vacation, backpacking, Greece, Greek, island, islands, Tinos, Mediterranean, Aegean, sea, beach, beaches, Europe, European
Id: NqQjTt3PakQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 33sec (2313 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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