You Won't Believe What I Found Magnet Fishing In A Dirty River!!! (ILLEGAL FIND)

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there it is what is it oh here comes dude what is going on today guys today we are out here to do some more magnet fishing and I'm not really sure if we should even be out here right now guys my state actually has what's called a safer at home order in place so a lot of businesses are closed down a lot of people are at home and the one thing that they actually did permit guys is outdoor activities so there's a lot of people walking around today so we're gonna have to do our best to try and stay away from people the best we can so I brought the 2600 pound double sided magnet with us today guys and we are gonna see if we can find anything here today if you guys would like to pick up some merch links will be down in the description guys same thing with the magnets if you guys have been looking for the magnet giveaway winners guys this is the video so make sure to stick around to the end of the video guys you can find out who won the magnets all right guys we got our twenty six hundred pound double sided magnet feel trusty here and we're at this little dock I don't really know what this is like just some some dock in a park here but I see people fishing on it all the time guys let's go ahead give it our first toss see we can find anything here today not today alright guys we did not find anything on that dock which is kind of mind-blowing because if you ask me that's where people are fishing and that's where people should probably be dropping stuff in the water the next thing we are gonna try is Maegan fishing this little walking trail here guys I've seen people dock their boats here all the time during the summer and people fish this Lake crazy so hopefully cross our fingers we can find something here Oh what is that oh I'm not something hard what the heck is that first throw oh dude dude dude this is huge oh my god what is this okay what the heck is that dude what is this you oh my god it's a dude look at this thing look at this look at this thing oh my god you guys okay this this is easily the longest thing I've ever found dude what in the world is that what the heck oh look at it you guys this ends got like shreds on it some kind of pipe or something dude wow that was like that is long it's like 20 feet long oh wow there's really nothing thank you guys this is like crazy to me we hit that whole dock there's nothing there and the only thing we found from the dock to here is just a pipe I feel like something's on there it feels heavier than normal oh yeah something's on there for sure yep yeah what do we got first fine first fine while second fine after that big tube is this just another tube what the heck is up with the tubes you guys Oh Oh what is it I thought that felt a little heavier dude nice what is this one of them ones with the key it's like a bike lock or whatever a word lock don't have the combination and I don't have the key but whatever dude that's cool I found one bike lock before I was pretty cool awesome dude something other than a stupid pipe alright guys I just packed everything up this spot sucks man I was here for like over an hour and I only found three things two pipes and then one bike lock the bike lock is pretty cool but overall I didn't find much fear at all so stick with me guys we are gonna head to another spot and I will see you guys when we get there alright guys we are here at spot number two hopefully we have better luck at this spot because we really didn't have much luck at the first spot at all I wasted like two hours there oh boy I just caught something for sure for sure big what is this oh my god what the heck is that was it something just fell I don't know what that was what is this oh just a big old piece of rebar just a nasty big piece of rebar guys look at that got a little spiky end on there you could make this into a barbarian fishing weapon oh yeah there's something in there oh it's on it's on oh oh what is this dude dude what is this oh here comes - oh it looks like a sign dude I love finding signs yes does this one say yeah are you kidding me I love finding signs these are like perfect garage decorations I cannot tell what that one says or something with a pee light line something maybe oh no guys sweet that's awesome I love finding signs but what is that I think I'm on something pretty heavy there can't really tell what's going on no holy Carla doesn't want to move well it's kind of moving well what does look at whoa what's going on here you guys what in the world is that look at that we pulling it up all the water listen leave it it's like it's like stuck in the mud or something on the other end I can't get it to move alright guys we got our claw I don't know what this fan is here but holy cow is that loud annoying hopefully you guys can't hear that I don't know what this orange little bag is down here but I'm gonna see if I can grab it it looks like a bag Oh what is this doing they just grabbed it what the heck is it saving a bag that was a lot more than I thought it was gonna be what is this dude what the heck is that I'm like I don't even know what that it looks like somebody's like suspenders what the heck is going on here you good what's a duffle bag this is straight up a duffle bag oh wait maybe not why is it shaped like that what is this looks like a some kind of like maybe motorcycle seat cover look at that guys it kind of looks like it cuz it's got like it looks like a seat cover but then it's like got the stretchy like you you wrap it underneath the seat or something like looks like a giant motorcycle cover that's what that looks like holy cow all right guys there's something massive in here and I keep working on it with the magnet but I just can't get it no way oh I got part of it anyways [Music] I think I brought it a little bit closer it's toss are making it back in there I think I brought it a little bit closer [Music] there it is there it is what is it oh here comes dude what is that a stop sign no no you guys it's a frickin stop sign no it's the whole it's the whole road sign you guys looking what the heck you gotta be kidding me lookit dude I found a whole stop sign with the road signs on there and everything no wonder it was so hard to get out this part was like dug in the mud dude look at that that's so cool holy cow this magnet is like it's saying look at that thing this thing can just grab anything you guys dude this is so awesome the stop sign are you joking Wow alright guys it is time for the moment you have all been waiting for the magnet giveaway winners so I'm giving away two magnets guys I'm giving away an 800-pound double sided magnet and an 800-pound single sided magnet we are gonna pick two winners guys now here's how this is gonna work I basically have this app on my phone where all I have to do is take the link from the magnet giveaway video put it in this app and hit get comments and what it's gonna do is pull every single comment from that video it's gonna get rid of duplicates so nobody can enter twice so the way that this works then is once it pulls all of them comments all I have to do guys is press one button and it's gonna randomly pick us a winner alright so here we are guys I already entered in the URL let's press get comments see how many comments we have and remember like I said this gets rid of the duplicates I'm gonna do we have we have 526 entries so that's how many people have a chance to win a magnet let's go ahead and find out who the winner of the single sided 800-pound magnet is our winner is s see live 0 to 1 5 congratulations alright winner number 2 guys let's see who wins the double sided 800-pound magnet winner number two guys Simon Shepard congratulations alright guys so those are our two winners you guys are gonna have to make sure somehow we're gonna have to get in contact I don't know if maybe by comment or the best way would be Instagram but we'll get it all figured out and we will get those magnets shipped out to you guys if you didn't win a magnet this time guys I apologize there will always be next time so then I was gonna wrap up our video here today guys if you enjoyed today's video make sure to hit that thumbs up button for me and don't forget to subscribe guys make sure to stay tuned and I will catch you guys on the next one [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 435,480
Rating: 4.7768321 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, fishing, illegal, illegal find, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing best finds, fishing magnet, magnet fishing illegal find, magnets, illegal activity, magnet fishing find, illegal magnet fishing find, illegal finds, you wont believe, i found something illegal, illegal finds magnet fishing, dirty water, dirty river, river, river treasure, illegal fishing, dirty, treasure hunting, river fishing, fishing river, treasure hunting in river, magnet fishing usa, finds
Id: 2LzF8678O6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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