You Won't Believe This Stealth Shuttle Bus Tiny Home Conversion

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foreign feel like this is one of those things you either do it or you don't so we actually made these a big priority for us this time was to have a big bed just wherever you want to go you can hi I'm Nate I'm Dace and this is our Duramax shuttle bus come take a look [Music] Welcome to our bus here is the entryway um unfortunately we are getting ready to sell our bus we traveled for a short time and now we are moving on to something different so we're really sad we've loved it so much but we are getting ready to sell it so starting off this here of course are just our hooks this is where we put our towels to dry our coats anything from rain or outdoor we built this was actually a shelf within our bus so we just kept that and made it all of our bathroom stuff so nice and accessible here a hook to hang my hat of course needed over here is we kind of left this alone it is just all of our electricity circuit board things things I definitely don't know about so we just kind of left it alone and fancied it up on the outside um we made these blackout curtains with this like movable Rod right here so that these two connect um when we sleep we shut them make sure we have our privacy Welcome to our kitchen um starting here these are shelves on our ceiling that go all the way back so these front ones we kind of just use for our outside gear we have a outdoor camping stove if we want ever wanted to cook outside and like towels backpacks when we went on Hikes just easy access right there um starting here so we got these cabinets actually from Ikea it was with the countertops and the cabinets beneath we were going to make our own countertops and we got all the supplies and it just was one gonna take a really long time to build them out but also expensive when we looked at Ikea we were like man they come with everything so um of course even though we live in a bus we had to have a junk drawer so this was our designated junk drawer and below it we kept a big five gallon drinking water tank that we would fill with ice and water from anytime we went to Walmart getting make sure that we have nice cold fresh water and then we have our fridge so we can pull it out it's on a slide and then pretty self-explanatory but a fridge to keep all of our food nice and cold and we were going to try out the cooler but that is just not not doable when you live in the bus life at least not for us a fridge was definitely necessary um starting over here again just more cabinet space so here was silverware we did our pots and pans fit in these also all of them have the like eight pound resistant thing to make sure they close while we're driving and then down here I think with rags and oven mitts things like that so um this I am so glad that we got a stove in an oven in our bus so we actually found it on Facebook classifieds I think or Marketplace for a really really cheap deal and we were praying that it worked and we took it home kind of cleaned it out it worked um so I mean in the summertime it's still really really hot to use so we didn't use it as much as probably we thought we were going to because it's like 90 degrees and then you turn on an oven and it's so hot in here but we still love that we could have it because dinner time meal times we had an oven and stove to cook on behind Nate just custom made for each of our knives a place to keep our knives safe and in there so we didn't really have to worry about them in a drawer um cutting anything I guess but um yeah they're nice up in there below our stove we just kind of made kind of like a trash shoe so we'd have Recycling and garbage in each one and it worked out great they're little and small but it worked out great so we could put them in the small trash cans so we didn't have a big giant garbage bag that we didn't know where to fit in um moving over this was more just kitchen supplies spatulas cooking utensils things like that underneath is where we kept our plates bowls all of our other kitchen supplies that we needed we actually have um an outlet here so we did have a blender a mixer everything that we needed inside this cabinet as well coming underneath the sink we have our gray water tank so we would just take that out to dump it we did overflow once so make sure that you always check your gray water tank underneath your sink but I love just having it right there accessible we didn't really have to move around things it was really easy to dump out foreign [Music] we decided to kind of get into this lifestyle or do this I I really don't remember if I saw a video I was like that's cool and just decided to go for it I feel like this is one of those things you either do it or you don't so we went for it she loves to travel and we knew this could be something that we could do that was doable and easy at the moment for us and we went for it yeah I mean I feel like Nathan kind of had to convince me of van or bus life for a little bit because like you said like I love traveling but I never really considered bus or van life as traveling and so he definitely like showed me and I was like that's just crazy like what a risk to just jump in and then he worked on me long enough apparently and then I just feel like what Nate said we just kind of jumped in we got a van we figured out that wasn't exactly what we wanted so we built a bus and went traveling definite Pros are like the road is at your fingertips like if you want to go somewhere you go like you don't really have much holding you back you get to decide where you're going and I I think that was like one of my favorite Parts is just like if we wanted to spend more time somewhere we could if we wanted to go to Maine we did if we wanted to go back down to Florida we could have like just wherever you want to go you can you're in a bus [Music] foreign here's our sink and faucet we got our faucet off of Amazon that was actually a really good deal and then our sink I think we got it from Ikea and we were really scared because we're like is it going to be big enough is it not but we have loved it moving back here this is our pantry so we made the doors I mean we made the whole Pantry but Nathan made these handles and the doors that I just love this was a really big thing for us for storage like we put our games our food our mosquito spray like everything kind of odd and ends went in here because we had so much storage so I mean we kept a lot of food on hand especially Pantry items but we also when we went grocery shopping we only shopped for a little time being especially with the humidity maybe bread or things would go bad faster so we kept a lot of things in here whether it was like blankets or like I said game boards and things like that so also at the bottom is where we kept our toilet we just had a little portabot porta potty essentially so we would just pull it out go to the bathroom and put it back in so we don't have that right now to show but um yeah that's what we used for the bathroom it was just really convenient in and out but nothing very complicated there um this is our couch that we love we specifically made it this big because it turns into a bed but also it was really big if we needed more space or like for people to come visit anything like that we wanted a big couch for that we also made a seat belt for me to come and sit back here so a little extra safety it was of course we made that so we just had it bolted down into the ground so no safety regulations but some safety for me to sit back here in while we're traveling the Edition so we actually made these so we have some wood on the bottom and then we just took like a foam mattress pad and we cut it into the sizes that we need and then my sweet mother-in-law she sewed and did all of the fabric and made it look good stretched it and did all that for us so we're really grateful that she did that um also with some extra fabric she made us some some fun little pillows to be on our couch so we did that and then moving up here we have our windows that we just kept from our bus I love our window so much the natural light being able to open them and get a breeze at night we also still have the emergency exit on the window so we can open them all the way up in case if ever an emergency happened or also just opening them at night to have that breeze in the air the curtains also we just got I think from Walmart and they were some really long ones so we cut them in half and sewed them to a shorter length and put them up to fit for our windows up above here this is the same storage that like I said goes all the way across the ceiling so up above here I think we still had clothes over at this end I mean we had so much storage on our bus that we I packed a lot of clothes I filled it full so I think these two above here were still part of our clothes and and like I said a ton of storage and even underneath our couch here we have storage that we use for things that we barely use like extra I think jackets and blankets that were under there that yes we could have accessibility to them but we didn't really need it while we were traveling our table we made the wood top we just got a piece I think from Lowe's and just cut it to size and made it so we got this swivel this is from Lagoon USA so this was actually a factory second it has like a little tiny ding on it you can really barely see it at the bottom but it was discounted for us so the cool thing about this table right it swivels all the way we around where we want it but it also comes up and down and then you can take it off and store it away if you're not wanting to use the table at the time so we're really glad that we bought this swivel table because just with our short little entryway right here we need to push out of the way if it was ever in our way it was easy to slide to the side [Music] foreign traveling together in a small space honestly wasn't that bad for us I've heard a lot of people that are like I need my space but I felt like we never really were after each other I mean it does seem small but it's also kind of big like we could walk past people in the kitchen or each other in the kitchen and not bump into each other but honestly I felt like being together like made our you know marriage better or our relationship grow and the only hard thing was is we're both kind of big cuddlers and when it's summer and it's hot this amount of skin touching another person is like that's too hot get away from me that's that's really the only bad part I think um I would also say not take it with a grain of salt but also we lived in our bus for like two to three months so we I think with time things could have been different so we're not saying that we're not perfect right we're not perfect we had disagreements right so we weren't just like our relationship is so great so I think maybe time did that with us and we were both definitely on board so I think sometimes maybe um if one person in the partnership isn't fully on board with van or bus life that can kind of make things difficult but we were definitely both wanting to do this we both worked on building out the bus we both put our hard work and sweat into it and so I think when we both Reach the the rewards of traveling like it just made it that much better because we were like we've been waiting for this we've been working for this and so we both really like traveling and being outdoors and so that was a big thing too is we were in a place that we loved we were in nature and doing the things that we loved and so naturally that brought us a lot of happiness and so we didn't have a ton of needing our own personal space a ton but if we did it is big enough that Nathan would when I drive I'm up there she's back here so and there's times where it's six seven hour days so I guess maybe that's why it was easier because we actually did have quite a bit of space or alone time as well good [Music] Welcome to our bedroom area so we lived in a van before for a little bit and the bed was way too small so a big priority for us this time was to have a big bed so we have a full-size Queen in here and it has been awesome we have our lights right here to turn on and off that way we're coming into bed we can lay down turn them off once we're right there um back here we have a headboard that goes I can't remember it's pretty deep so right here we have a skylight it was the old uh emergency exit that most buses have we wanted to do something with it instead of cover it up so we took it out added some Plexiglas sealed it off and it lets in a lot of light gets very hot though so most the time we do have it shut but if it's a cooler day we can have it open here is our fantastic fan it blows air in and out we wanted to make sure that so if we're cooking it can suck the air out and then when we're laying in bed can blow down on us we learned the hard way we did not have a rain cover for it we woke up one night with a puddle about that big around and the next time we were able to stop at RV store we bought a cover so that we could have it open during the rain um here is an AC unit it worked when we bought the bus we covered it up and I must have hit a line and we lost the AC in the rear so that kind of sucked but luckily we still have the fan all right here's our outdoor shower uh we didn't put curtains up to keep privacy we'd just go at night we have a switch on there so we can lather up rinse off turn it off so we don't waste all our water because we only have 20 gallons back there here's the back of our oven here's our gas line it runs all the way to the back of the bus to our propane all right so here's our propane like I said that the line runs all the way back here we just mounted it up underneath here it is laying on its side but it was specially made to lay down by propane company I'm not sure who but they made it so that it could be laid down and not standing straight up so you could have it better fitting in there so here's the back of our bus we have a backup camera actually it's just a camera so we can have it on and off whenever we need here's where we fill up our water we had to put this in and then this opens up to our bed and then here's all the storage we have underneath so in here we have two 100 amp hour batteries linked together to make a 200 amp hour battery then we got a 40 amp mppt charge controller for our 400 watts of solar that are Up on the Roof uh we have a fuse box a thousand watt inverter and then my brother-in-law actually made these little clips for our wires that could just clip in so that way they weren't dangling throughout the bus we also have a 22 gallon tank for our water that we bought off of an old RV and it came with the pump for our water and then we also have a tankless water heater that vents out the side so we don't have gases coming underneath there it's all getting vented outside as of right now our future is you know sell the bus and put that towards the house I mean we built this we're going to build our own house we're really excited for that but then I would say a little further into the future we would definitely like to get into this again and build something but hopefully a little bit smaller we did love the bus but it would probably be for weekends so we wouldn't need such such a big big vehicle yeah I think like right now I'm getting into my career more and so I really want to pursue that for at least a little while and um so we're building a house kind of settling down maybe starting a family but even if we do um have a kid or two we would still really want to pursue van life like we've seen it done and um I admire that when people still take their kids and travel and like it doesn't really slow them down and so we really still do still want to like hopefully in the future sometime be able to do full-time on the road I would say to give any advice that's for someone who's going to build a bus like we kind of talked about before is just do it like it is a risk and make sure that you are aware of like the risk that you're taking and make sure that you can still find some success with it but just jump in even if you don't know what you're doing like we did build out a van before this so building the bus was easier but when we built out that out van we didn't know much about electrical or Plumbing or water or anything really to do with a bus like Nathan has some background in construction and knew how to build things but it definitely was a big learning curve and so there's YouTube videos there's help like just jump in and take that risk do it if you want to follow along for more our Instagram is desha pitch and our YouTube is Nate and Desh we will be videoing us building our house and our new adventures with that so follow us along thanks for being here for our bus tour and we will see you guys later foreign [Music]
Channel: Tiny Home Tours
Views: 70,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, tiny house on wheels, living big in a tiny house, tiny house england, tiny house uk, tiny house movement, tiny home, small house, small spaces, small house design, alternative living, architecture, affordable home, off the grid, small space living, tiny house life, tiny home uk, diy tiny house, diy home, van life vlog, digital nomad, van life build, off grid living, van tour van life, van tour with shower, skoolie build, skoolie tour, skoolie life
Id: FBGuvaq1uHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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