You Won't Believe This!! 😱 Quick Life Update

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this just happened big news I officially got the firefighter job it's amazing I'm very excited I've been going to training and I got my full uniform already which is really really cool and I've been practicing putting it on as fast as possible which is obviously important it is very heavy friends and uh it's cumbersome so I just walk around the house in my firefighter gear to really get used to it plus first person who gets it on gets to drive the truck so that's pretty cool okay cool trick we always keep the boots in the pants so that like immediately you put it on make sure you're your overall little straps are behind you I'm feeling slow today I I need more practice boom boom boom's your uncle boom's your uncle going to fight fight GNA fight fires GNA fight fires practicing with my PBE is definitely the most important part because I have to make sure I usually wear a hood you have to completely cover everything all your skin all your hair nothing shown it's important you do all the Vel girls and the straps so that nothing is exposed to fire so I mean this is what I do at night in my spare time I practice putting this on as fast as possible and making sure that I'm wearing it properly because they they are all about safety which makes me feel a lot better now you're like Cass this is terrifying that you're a firefighter the truth is I was hired by the fire department as a volunteer firefighter but I still have to go to school firefighter school which they are paying for and I am doing both at night on the weekends and in person that's a textbook so I started school a lot of the people actually 99% of the people they hired had already been to firefighter college so there are three of us who have not been to firefighter school so we have to do the schooling and do the training it's a huge textbook I do a chapter every two days there's tests and quizzes it's crazy pants a ton of work but I actually love it I'm learning a lot I'm not good at school I'm a high school dropout I'm going to be honest with you so this is all new it's so much memorization so many acronyms but so far I've got 100% on all of my tests who's a genius academic weapon this girl you guys not only am I training my brain with firefighter school and all the training I'm doing I'm training my body slowly I hired a personal trainer and through Zoom I am doing like personal training weightlifting exercises with her and lots of stretching and I started to run because I got to get in shape this is it I have nine months to get my degree and also to get buff before I actually go into fires I also started running because who is this person this is new Cass this is firefighter Cass quick update of our new house I'm pretty sure it's cursed because what the do Bros it's growing holes in the ceiling last week Joe and I went on a Cruise my mother-in-law stayed here with the kids and she called us halfway through to tell us that the ceiling was raining it was raining down so they cut a hole in the ceiling and they discovered a burst pipe it was fixed by a plumber but we came home to this huge hole and I called a bunch of drywall people to come and fix it thank goodness none of them got back to me because a couple of days later this spot started raining Joe was having a shower and it was just pouring from the ceiling we have no idea where that water's coming from so we siliconed everything and we put down like new and we sealed the whole shower he's going to have a shower later today and see if it's still raining if it is it probably means that there's another burst pipe totally unrelated and yet my house just is making holes in the ceiling it may be cursed why do you hate me new house this is slightly depressing another quick house update you guys ask all the time about the flooding in the backyard don't worry it only floods every single time it rains no just kidding uh it floods a lot though so if we get really heavy rains this entire 3 acres is a lake and it happens about once a month honestly at this point we're pretty used to it and it goes back it recedes really quickly it just means we've got some muddy patches in the grass so I thought I would make some bread cuz this is like something I'm really into right now is making bread while giving you a health update I was harassed by you and I love you guys and I appreciate it about the skin cancer on my nose so I mentioned during a live that I had like a little bit of Basil skin cancer on my nose but I was scared to get it removed because I didn't want a huge scar some of you found my email okay it was a lot of harassment so I went to the doctor funny story um the doctor I went to was the same doctor that misdiagnosed my grandmother's skin cancer for four years and just kept giving her like laser skin peels until the tumor spread down her neck and into her brain and she actually passed away last week the day before I went and saw the exact same doctor how's that for crazy pants but anyways he burned it off guys he burned a couple spots off because he said said they were really shallow and close to the surface and it would be minimize the scar I'm going back in 2 months to like then if it's still there I'm going to have to see a plastic surgeon and get it cut but it looked gnarly for a couple days it looked gnarly I was wearing a Band-Aid right now it's healing and I've covered it with makeup and uh we're all good to go we're good in the hood so thank you you possibly saved my life I got the cancer dealt with and yeah that's my uh that health update next health update a lot of you guys have asked about my weight loss Journey so I had weight loss surgery almost five years ago update I did not keep all the weight off probably because I eat bread and sugar and candy and the thing is about weight loss surgery at first you can't really eat anything but now it's like I never had it in the first place so I am trying to do better I'm trying to to to do I'm I'm making bread and I'm drinking a ice cap am I trying to do better tomorrow I'm going to do better but a lot of you ask if I could go back in time would I have the surgery again and the answer is absolutely because I had three years where I didn't even think about food or my weight and I would do it all again for just those three years and even now it's not like a constant Obsession thinking about food and weight it's like a normal oh I should probably do a little bit better whereas before I had the surgery it consumed my thoughts and it consumed my relationships with other people who are always giving me weight loss advice I would go out in public and people would be giving me unsolicited weight loss advice and I could not Escape being fat and so would I do it again in a freaking heartbeat but I'm also very conscious now how easy it is to kind of slide back so I went down to 125 from 250 which was probably too small 140 was my sweet spot that was nice I'm now to 160 two sometimes three I I need to get back to 140 there I said it but um you know with the personal trainer and all the stuff going on hey it could happen I'll keep you posted and last health update I am part of an ADHD program where I'm like working on my brain seeing a therapist I have a new doctor a psychiatrist we're trying new medications and so I'm feeling like really good mentally so that's a win I want to take a second to thank today's sponsor hellofresh my life's busy especially when spring and summer comes along so I'm really grateful for hellofresh because it takes some of the pressure off of me I don't have to worry about meal planning or what's for dinner because there's over 45 recipes to choose from and they're all delicious they feel like restaurant style dinners that I don't have to pay restaurant prices for and a lot of the recipes are ready in under 20 minutes which is faster than having a pizza delivered because everything's pre-portioned there's less waste and there's really easy step-by-step instructions which means even I can do it if you sign up today you unlock a free appetizer for Life go to and use the code clutterbug apps for free appetizing for Life One appetizer item per box while subscription is active that's code clutterbug apps at for free appetizers for life I've been so into gardening this is really the first time I've had a bunch of empty Gardens to work with at this house so I've been planting a bunch of things and I've been to my mom's house and digging up some of her perennials so that I can have a real like Cottage English garden here and I have a video coming up about all of that how to like have a beautiful English garden when you have zero gardening ability and speaking of my mom she is selling her house so stay tuned I'm going to be helping her declutter and stage and it's going to be crazy pants we have so many projects planned but the next one like within the next week is this garage and I need another project like I need a hole in the head but we're doing it for The Container Store they're going to help us out and we're doing like an alpha system here and just completely reorganizing it but today I'm actually just going to shift things around and like do a little organization because this needs help like before we can do a big project I got to do a baby project to make room on the floor so that's going to be fun quick fast and then on to the next thing I just sat down to write a little bit uh and tell you about the book that I'm writing because I got time I'm writing a new book very exciting I have two chapters outlined almost done I'm looking for a literary agent like this is happening friends and I got a notification that tomorrow I am volunteering with St John Ambulance all day at a fair that I completely forgot about oh yeah I'm also a medical first responder in my spare time I got this i got this friends I got this this is exciting Milo's almost home from school and we're surprising him with a dirt bike today for no occasion just because it's almost summer and we have this big backyard and we want him to enjoy it [Music] so Milo was nervous it went so fast so Abby jumped on it we've had it for 10 minutes Abby drove off a cliff into the river the bike is now all broken and submerged and she probably needs stitches it's okay we're gonna I'm almost driving Lord help us all I'm gonna fix up your leg and see if it needs doctor all right let's go and Milo's probably never going to ride it again because now he's terrified my biggest challenge right now honestly is time time and Joe tried to warn me he was like you have too much on your plate to begin with you have a full-time job you're running a company you have three kids you have a big house I volunteer all the time I have aging parents and I'm like on top of that I'm GNA be a firefighter and have a part-time job and go back to college so I'm feeling the crunch there is no even few hours to just chill and watch a movie because there's just too much to do so I don't want to complain I'm not complaining because it's amazing and this isn't forever this will pass as soon as I'm done school and training it's going to be a lot easier and I actually like love it and I'm feeling energized but the truth is there is more on my plate than I can probably handle at the moment and I'm worried about burnout because I have so many things and projects I want to do and so many people who need me and so many things I have to do I'm like I don't know how something's got to give so I'm going to keep you guys posted on that probably make some videos of time management how to manage your time better speaking of making videos that's another challenge I'm having I'm like out of ideas I've been doing this for so long and I love helping other people organize their homes and I know you guys love that content too but I just don't have the capacity to do that right now organizing other people's homes is a huge project and it requires days and days and weeks of planning and work and I just don't have that so I want to be there for you and I want to support you and I want to help you and I love making content but also it has to be content that I can do in a few days so suggestions friends down below video ideas that you would like to see that you actually find really helpful and you know what I might miss some weeks too and that's okay and I hope you guys understand it is not forever it is just to I get through this next hump I hope as you're watching this if nothing else you're feeling really inspired that it doesn't matter how old you are it doesn't matter where you are currently in your life it's never too late to do the thing you've always wanted to do life is too short to have regrets so if you've always wanted to I don't know write a book start a podcast be a doctor what the heck are you waiting for I you I mean I can't do it full-- time but I can do it part-time you can volunteer you can have it all I promise you you can don't live one day wishing for a different life get up and go get it because you deserve it thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next time thank you guys so much for those of you who have stayed to the end um I watch baby reindeer I I don't have a lot of time to watch TV but while I'm getting ready I'm putting on makeup or I'm cooking I watch something so I decided to watch baby reindeer on Netflix if you have not seen it please don't don't watch it don't I it's like a train wreck remember Tiger King it's like you start watching it and then you can't look away that's how I felt about baby reindeer and then it was so messed up I was so upset I cried for like two days and then this super sleuth cast came out I don't know if you can relate to this but I have dedicated so many hours to researching the girl who is Martha and her real name is Fiona Harvey and I'm following her now on Facebook and she cuckoo banana pants and I've read all her Court files and I've I've super sleuthed her and it's like get a hobby cast that isn't this um anyways if you have seen baby reindeer I want to know in the comments below did it mess you up also and if you haven't seen baby reindeer please please please never watch it because it's wild and disturbing okay that was random also Bridgerton I mean Bridgerton how many times can I watch Bridgerton I don't know six seven times each season yep because it's awesome I also bought all the books and read all those too it's girl porn let's call it what it is it's girl porn okay see you guys next time F TMI bye
Channel: Clutterbug
Views: 91,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clutterbug, this crazy life, life update, clutterbug weight loss, clutterbug firefighter, clutterbug news, life lessons, life rules, how to be a firefighter, new clutterbug, clutterbug youtube, clutterbug adhd, adhd life, day in the life, what adhd looks like, what adhd is like, funny, day in the life funny, habits, daily habits of successful people, daily habits that will change your life, life rules to live by, life update vlog
Id: 5YQ9JjhgTG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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