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what's up guys welcome back to our Channel and today as you can see we are going to be doing you will never do anything remarkable now I don't know how this video is gonna go I don't know the the first like image we have never seen this by the way yeah we never pre watch anything FYI yeah but it has like a historical type background with some kind of guy from a long long time ago yeah 1800 so I have no idea I was gonna go but the title sounds quite discouraging anyways this video Westbrook was recommended to us by one of our patrons his name is Alan thank you and also thank you to David for becoming one of our new patrons as well also Alan super cool yeah three people now yeah I feel super cool oh my god actually want us to do this stuff oh you guys yeah we really do appreciate the support it really gets us it really makes us want to do this more yeah it's encouraging this is super new to both of us so we're trial and error and yeah so it's pretty cool to have people that are interested and kind of help us and figure out what you guys want to see also we are gonna be starting two new shows and if you're on our patreon you're gonna get the entire episode full episode you know if you become one or members and they are Rick and Morty and Brooklyn nine-nine so never even heard of Brooklyn nine-nine and Rick and Morty I literally only know Morty because I have a family friend that loves Rigga Morty and judging by his character I'm sure it's slightly inappropriate oh yeah I have no idea I know nothing about you there so I'm looking forward to it because I heard they're funny yep so if you guys want to catch those two those two shows please join our patron for the entire episode I will be posting them on YouTube after maybe a week or so and they'll be obviously see little snippets here and there just for you know YouTube and also guys just a quick reminder please there is a link down below please try to help us if you can try to say the alaska sealife center they are potentially permanently closing so we're just trying to help them out as much as we cut as much as we can the go fund me that we started is in link down below we have plenty of other Alaskans doing it as well so go ahead one and them yeah find anyone doesn't even have to be us or if you want to go straight to their page just go straight to the page yeah you can donate straight on their site um they are deciding I believe in October if they're officially closing and you know if you guys don't know much about it it's a really big thing here and it's kind of a tragedy that they're even considering having to close due to the pandemic so it'll be permanent and fortunate so yeah which is very sad anyways if you can help but please do if you can't don't fret please share the link or spread the word anything helps ya know what that being said let's get started this is the fifth Duke of Portland and he was a bit of a whack job in 1800 he left here in Baalbek Abbey he was so introverted he had his meals delivered to his room by a miniature train employing 15,000 workers the Duke constructed under the house a 250 foot long library 15 miles of tunneling and the largest Ballroom in England capable of accommodating 2,000 guests a touch ironic considering the man would hide behind an umbrella if anyone approached him probably put water in a cereal as well my birth country has a long-standing habit of excusing borderline insanity as some kind of charming eccentricity but it isn't just my country history is full of wonderful and great oddballs many of whom we have forgotten and none of them are you because you will never do anything remarkable with your life sorry about that 18:05 and the poet Lord Byron or just Byron then has enrolled in Trinity College Cambridge he finds out dogs abound alright Byron says what about bears though [Music] Trinity College Cambridge says Byron gets a bear and it stays in his lodgings and he takes it for walks on the chain much like a dog so that happened several years later John Mitton was on an alleged ration of eight bottom support a day one day he invites a number of his well-meaning neighbors over to his house John Mitton and bursts into the drawing-room writing a bear the animal was not the sporting fellow as it turned out as it bit mitten then went on to attack a servant is more like a sir anyway that's rich people though isn't it anyone could go bonkers if they have lots of cash well how about rags to riches stories no matter being you because you would never do anything remarkable with your early 1800s and Jim she apologies for pronunciation is a Chinese prostitute somehow she meets swashbuckling pirate Engelmann is meant to get married the Virginia's pirate fleet from two hundred to eighteen hundred ships or about 70,000 men and women when zheng he died in 1807 his widow took over the fleet and ching she became empress and one of the largest navies in the world and a pirate navy at that now admittedly one on sailing may not expect to the question what do pirates need more of his accountants but they did tink she introduced taxes and laws to her pirate utopia Luce had to be registered before it was distributed among the fleet for dissipating she you were free to hang up your pirate hat and go your separate way just as long as you left your head behind she wandered about from Canton to Macao beating the out of the Chinese British Portuguese yar etc until finally the government offered her and her pirates amnesty which is a bit like if you stole everyone's kettles and they responded by inviting you over for a cup of tea her power was slipping away anyway so eventually she accepted the fleet disbanded quite a few of her parents got cushy jobs and Ching she took a piratical sabbatical kept her fortune and was given a noble title effectively becoming a member of the aristocracy set up a gambling house and lived a relatively nice life what is the moral of the story here be clever be a pirate kill people chill could eat it anyway then again later you will never miss very unusual or eccentric they were just doing the right thing or trying to again unlike you in 1983 lieutenant colonel stanislav petrov is monitoring the Soviet nuclear early warning system and notices that five nuclear missiles are apparently inbound from the u.s. Petrov has a choice he either picks up the phone and reports this to his superiors and initiates probably a Russian response meaning nuclear war and potentially millions of casualties or he doesn't he has a bit of a think five missiles does seem a bit unlikely considering the u.s. at the time has thousands to play with as you may have guessed from the fact that we are still here Petrov did not report the strike and decided the warning was a glitch which indeed it was thanks to sunlight reflecting off of the clouds so we'll show his perceiver for that war this is Ignaz Semmelweis who was the medicine or the chief iceberg inspector must have been to the RMS Titanic Semmelweis was a dog collar in the 1800s and he noticed that now I hope you're sitting down for this washing your hands before delivering a baby actually stops women dying particularly from what was then called child bed fever humans we ask of a germ theory for a while yeah but it didn't matter some always knew that something changed when doctors kept their hands clean so he informed got a minute on this i won loads for wards and died happy and respected in a way no humans a in the opposite happened I was ridiculed mercilessly by the medical community despite having proof of his hygiene theory eventually had a breakdown and died 14 days after being committed to a mental institution only after being eaten up by the guards Stella a century later and this is great Korolev in 1933 he designed the first liquid-fuel rocket to take off in the USSR he was rewarded for his efforts with imprisonment and a stay in the gulag by some miracle he was released and went on to mastermind the first satellites in space the first dog and of course the flight of Yuri Gagarin who on the 12th of April 1961 became the first of the Homo sapiens to leave the earth orbiting our planet for 108 minutes in Vostok one Sergei Korolev would die five years later probably thanks to injuries sustained in the gulag the Soviet space program was extremely secretive and he was largely unknown in his lifetime as history marches on one day our period will blur into the bless others behind and ahead we are not special but some events who stand out this will stand out it was the first time we ever touched the heavens and it was in large part brought to us by a man grossly mistreated in his lifetime and largely still untalkative today outside of science and engineering circles there is currently a portrait of him in the service module of the International Space Station above us right now and if by some miracle our species emerges from its current adolescence there is every chance Sergei Korolev sport Rey will one day accompany astronauts to corners of the heavens Korolev couldn't have imagined even in his wildest dreams [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so in light of all this what makes a great person of history well let's start with two born to ideal parents eggs yes lovely two cups of in the right place at the right time sugar excellent three cups of natural talent flour and finally two and a half teaspoons of greatness now we recreate the greatness gone we're all out oh that's right we we don't have any in at the moment because it doesn't exist for the longest time I believe that there are two types of people the Noah's who knew what they were doing with their lives and then the feckless plebs like me who were just wandering idiots going from plan to misguided green thirty is now spitting distance away from me and you know the most traumatic part of exiting one's 20s isn't the sudden random failure of body parts nor the blissful crushing hug of student debt or even losing the ability to party past 6:00 in the morning and not die it is the realization that this model is bollocks because these people do not exist now clearly expertise exists don't trust a barista to fly your plane nor pilot to make you a double frothy laxative anxiety years but when it comes to wisdom we're working out how to be happy or big boy and big girl meaning of life stuff no one has a damn clue when they're doing not your heroes not the smartest among us when it comes to matters of the soul it is open season and this is a wonderful thing because it means that as far as art or innovation goes the world is anarchy and while you may have convinced yourself that there's no point trying to do anything groundbreaking or novel because someone will do it better whoever the Great's are that you respect obviously they have the same doubts and they push through they were intensely interested in who devoted to something or simultaneously feeling lost all the time a long period of confusion isn't a side effect of trying to do something radically interesting it's the price of admission we forget the van Gogh was 27 before he even bothered trying to paint properly the Darwin told us I was considered by all my masters and my father a very ordinary boy rather below the common standard of intellect the Emily Dickinson was barely even recognized during her lifetime but it wasn't until a hundred years after Melville's death that anyone really gave it down about we dick they were beset on all sides by mean critics or the worst critic of all themselves cthulhu's dick I have heard of art classes where the teacher begins the first semester by showing the students they'll never break through and it's pointless to try rejection letters Wright has received instructing them to put down their pens and never bother at it again vacuous jaded bollocks that convinces young artists to give up but may I humbly recommend that if one is informed you will never do anything remarkable with your life perhaps the most appropriate response isn't yeah you're probably right but rather off who the me you anyway they will tell you we've had all your good ideas it's all been done before you're too old to John there's nothing new Under the Sun per se lifespan is 80 years were about twenty nine thousand two hundred days if you're 18 you're about six thousand five hundred days through twenty eight about ten thousand days through thirty eight about fourteen thousand days true one believes in the most alive for not these days are not coming back and there is not enough time to listen to cynics by the power of Grayskull look at where we are historically technologically galactically the whole game this isn't normal is it act without expectation makeup cool stuff just because give cats fishies always today it gets year decade and century you will occasionally be referenced in history and that will be that if one is cautious about pursuing an unusual path it may help to remember that the cynics will be forgotten just as readily as your failures will be too it has never been a better time to do a thing and just by virtue of how weird existing is in the first place there are a trillion interesting things it still undone on made and unset those areas have not been drilled Eli it is a world in us out there for everyone it always was the greats didn't know they were greats they were just more for humans who refused to bow to cynicism and worry to draw some collective lessons from their lives it might sound something like if the give you line paper right the other way in your projects in your silly pursuits in your unlikely follies and your expeditions into the abyss to recover those strange mental metals you will fashion into something no one has mate before I wish you the very very best of a century [Music] now sod off and be remarkable please oh yeah I feel inspired you feel inspired I feel inspired I just I got I got I want to do something I got to do stuff hey yeah you could invent something yeah with so I obviously everybody has their own experiences and stuff but what I take away from this is this YouTube channel originally I had no expectations for crying out loud when I had my first subscriber we were completely happy and you started off actually by yourself I wasn't even a part of this this is something he was doing by himself yeah and first few subscribers and everything obviously they're like family and stuff trying to support you or not but then you've reached a threshold where that's not enough and you're like I wonder if you know anything's gonna happen after this but just kept doing it kept pushing at it no expectations that's the way that's one thing military has taught me don't have any expectations you get rejected oh wow well one of the next thing I have nothing but expectation doing I like the history lesson I got in the beginning yeah actually I didn't know about some of them yeah I didn't know about like the history lesson and then it kinda like works you of like the actual point of the video and then it has like the full circle where I start talking about like this is why they're so great you'll never do anything markable they're like you can be remarkable if you want to if you push through and you know don't just you know beat around the bush and stay within your guidelines of what everyone thinks you should do mm-hmm I thought I was pretty good thank you for the suggestion yeah thanks Alan I feel inspired I feel like I need to watch that anytime seriously actually like the fact that they don't use anyone that you know you know they're not using like Einstein Oh like typical people in history that you are kateri well-known they're ones that are less well-known yeah although I thought I saw a million Earhart but I could be wrong that was her it was her okay I was like I swear I saw her but maybe not yeah I'd be surprised how many people actually don't know about really yeah I think she's amazing I learned about her in fifth grade and I thought and just from the time because I have a fear of heights but I envy people don't into a mid-level like I'm trying to work through my fears I feel inspired enough maybe another day I'll watch this video and jump up cliff who knows she really is too because she's gone on to rollercoasters with me and it was mostly because I kind of peer pressured her to do it I mind up here question kinda times I felt so bad but I knew she wanted to get over so yeah she was brave enough to do it but let's just say it the freshman I came up bawling there were waterworks for sure he was so bad very embarrassing moment everyone the Rose was like he do to her it was bad I think it was kind of like you know it also contains the basis of like he just basically belittled you to like you will do absolutely nothing you were do nothing remarkable and then turn it around and now you kind of inspired do something well yeah yeah because yeah don't tell your haters to off honestly don't you know just screw them you know we've read so many comments on our freaking YouTube videos and honestly I'm just laughing the whole time cuz they're either haters they're jealous or especially they're jealous of me having you know I know she's pretty guys it's the reason why I put a ring on it but you know don't don't listen anyone especially times right now man we're living in crazy times anyways guys thank you guys for watching yet another reaction videos with us please like and subscribe if you especially like this one if you like us to watch more of stuff like this let us know in the comments down below like I said we read most of the comments we do yeah we do almost all of them for the most part and for suggestion so they come across these off-the-wall comments I'm like interesting yeah some of the criticisms are home larious it's like yeah it is y'all want to criticize us from a five-minute video 10-minute video you definitely know me yeah thanks guys mo see you are amazing yeah like 90% of you what is he know yeah we said like 90 like at least 95% yeah this is that few stragglers stragglers naysayers anyways we'll catch y'all later fight [Music]
Channel: Miguel Rivera
Views: 15,804
Rating: 4.9087019 out of 5
Keywords: You will never do anything remarkable reaction, never do anything remarkable, remarkable, mind blown reaction, comedy, h&m, H&M reaction, H&M adventures, life of H&M, reaction video, couple reacting, funny couple, comedian, funny, laughing, Family, family vlog, vlogging, mom channel, Rivera, try not to laugh, Alaska, alaska vlog, thoughts and reaction, veteran, canon m50, Wasilla, anchorage, subzero, arctic, Alaskan, family friendly, new youtuber
Id: tpXwKBdOddg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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