You Will Never Be The Same Again - START DOING THIS TODAY!!!

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I couldn't think about my mother I remember being a kid of about five years old she would take me into the projects with her when she played cars from Friday nights with a bunch of women now these women didn't have more than a 12th grade education but they were smart black women they were powerful black women they had great stories to tell and I was a 5 year old kid sitting there on the floor playing with my Matchbox cars listening to them talk about their men their relationships and their pains and when one of them would get really sad another woman would come in and make a joke and they'd always start laughing I didn't know I was in a master class for my life I would get home and my father would be beating my mother and doing all kinds of things and saying all kinds of stuff to her and he would leave the room and I walk in and I didn't imitate one of those women and she would start laughing it was a power in that that I didn't really get until I got older I remember being about 11 12 years old on my way to my new school and I got to this intersection I had to walk past pimps prostitutes walk through literally walk through a graveyard get to this intersection six lane intersection there was a man standing there saying will someone help me cross will someone help me cross and there were all these people that kept passing by him and passing by and I said I'll help you cross so he told me he was going to my school and he was gonna sell candy there that's how he made his living so I helped him cross the street to get there we became good friends his name is mr. Butler that moment reminded me of my mother bringing her out of laughs out of pain into laughter to help her cross now first ten movies were all about her subconsciously wanting her to know that she was worthy wanting black women to know you're worthy you're special you're powerful you're amazing but I started hiring people like taraji and Viola Davis and Idris Elba they couldn't get jobs in this town but God blessed me to be in a position to be able to hire them I was trying to help somebody cross when I built my studio I built it in a neighborhood that is one of the poorest black neighborhoods in Atlanta so the young black kids could see that a black man did that and they can do it too I was trying to help somebody cross the studio was once a Confederate Army base and I want you to hear this which meant that there was Confederate soldiers on that base plotting and planning on how to keep 3.9 million Negroes enslaved now that land is owned by one Negro what I know for sure is that if I could just build this table duck we're prepared for me in the presence of my enemies rather than being an icon I want to be an inspiration thank you everybody I want you to hear this every dreamer in this room there are people whose lives are tied into your dream own your stuff own your business own your way god bless you we all have to people we don't have two people and I'm not saying you're crazy we have the easy voice which is that 20% telling yourself that you're I'm easy at 90% of my full potential maybe a hundred percent at that twenty percent that's that voice that we all love that's that very comfortable voice that that's that mommy holding you saying it's going to be okay doesn't care how good you are just loves you just loves you about how messed up you are like that's where you want to be at so that's that one voice this other voice that we walk very far away from is the voice say hey man you ain't doing so we tried to get this voice out of our head completely and we live over here in this land so what you have to do first is turn up this voice over here the voice saying things to you that aren't nice that it's in our head say you know what man do you're not you're not doing you're not and it's not putting yourself down people take this the wrong way in this new society I'm not saying to put yourself down I'm saying listen to the truth and the truth isn't in the 20% the truth is in this other part of your brain saying look man you're wasting a bunch of percentage here we have 80 more percent that we're not tapping into because in this other 80% is suffering pain failure failure failure self-doubt darkness and then a whole bunch of light but to get to this light you got to go through all of this I have this very blessed life where I get to surround myself with people like yourself who are just pushing the limit of physical ability of mental ability of even spiritual ability so I'm sitting back and watching how people act and they operate and to see the people who truly thrive in life but people who are willing to do things no one else is going to do and that's including the ability to sit and meditate for an hour and that's including the ability to go to the deepest depths of the hardest sets in the gym those are the people that succeed and and most people aren't able are willing to do that because of the story they tell themselves as to why they can't wow this hurts what that hurts which one of the genetics or I don't have the time or the ability it's at least stories you tell yourself around what you can't and if there's a story behind what you can't you must most like I said if you can't therefore you must so it's so important to challenge your own rules right and this is where the integrity comes back if you really want to succeed in anything if there's a fire in your heart pulling you to do something it's going to take way more than you think and you talked about this with your success of couthe quest like it talks it's gonna take so much to succeed so much more than you think it took so much more than anyone sees for me to be a great body builder like there was days where my soul was crushed crushed and I you know maybe I had a hard moment and I was like let's go I found that way to recover go deep in my soul and now I've be able to quantify that right it's like those hard moments are are your soul calling for this parasympathetic activity those moments we're just like oh my god I can't do any more good see thank you don't even breath go do a meditate calm day it's not just a matter of not doing anything it's a matter of learning how to go deep within your soul and recover so this active parasympathetic activity allows them the higher amplification of the other end right this chasing intensity and some people especially these strong men are afraid to sit down and meditate they're afraid to be bold enough to say dude I do yoga because it makes me be able to work harder than the other end like if I don't recharge my batteries I can't be present for my kids I can't be present for my wife for my business and here's a great test for a long time my kids they're my kids are amazing they're the most wonderful human beings my life and their energetic and there's days where they're screaming and they're yelling and they're banging and the breaking stuff irritates you but that's not a reflection of them that's a reflection of my inability to to respond or react to that stress right so that I've been able to see this now definitively if there's days when that stuff bugs me or if your wife is your teddy there's nothing to do with her and everything to do with the way your body is sensing that when I was researching you this far the most interesting thing you said it really can hit me that every day the first thing you have to do is build your mind oh wow that's so interesting to think about that gave me the chills just think about it now to have to build your mind every day what do you mean by that I literally sit down and I did this for a long time of my career and create the person I want to be I can take 30 seconds to five minutes before I come in here and I can tell myself Who I am what I what I need to bring to this conversation what I need to bring to this environment so I can't go into my daughter's bedroom when she's 2 or 4 or 5 now and be the same man that I am going into my legs it can't be the same man that I am going into my business like I have to literally create these little versions like these little multiple personalities if I really want to thrive right cause I've had the same person it's gonna be a terrible overlap somebody's going to look terribly wrong so I need to learn to sit down and map it out like who do I want to be and what does that feel like and what's my posture what's my breathing and what's my cadence and how do I create that in every different scenario that's the way you succeed and that's hard in the beginning right so I try not to use that term like I don't believe anything is hard I just believe you need the practice right like nothing is really hard what's hard just means you haven't practiced enough yet so I sit down the beginning you're like me it's really hard to really hard to create this mind that I want to be to be a champion bodybuilder in the gym it's really hard to create this mind that's this romantic caring lover with my wife it's really hard to create this this dad who's able to play dolls and dance with my daughter you know but it's not it just takes consistency practice intelligence you know for me for a long time I sat in car and everyone's like dude we doing like I said my car five or ten minutes because I have to sometimes it takes really digging deep into your soul to understand your why like why am I going to go in there and have the hardest workout I'm tired I don't want to go I'm a hungry there's a million places I'd rather be than going to Jimmy I'll do this leg workout or whatever it is what I have to do who do I have to become Who am I right why am I here what I start I'm really ready time and I've journal in my gold box I'd sit there I write down why don't start why am i here who am i impacting how am i help in the world why am I doing this and all those things are just things that I dribble on and I'd say you know we just be like this expression of my soul why don't I want to do it like well the reason why I don't want to do it sometimes I look at those and those are the fire was the fuel to fire there's the kingdom of my um but I wanted to create like anything I do I want I'm gonna be not just at kidding how do you deal with self-doubt I struggled after a very long time we all experienced it myself included yourself included and all the listeners know should know that like it's not something that's exclusive to you sitting at home it's everybody I think feeling where it's coming from and not being afraid of it not being don't try to bury it I think I explore it right I think where's it coming from why is it there and realize it's probably some story that you're telling yourself about maybe somebody passed on or some belief that has been cast on you from the parents who passed in it it's not a bad thing you know maybe it's it's fuel maybe it just requires you forgiving the person who put it there and then thanking them and being legitimately truthful and grateful to them to say man thank you for making the person me the person that I am and allowing me to be stronger allowing me to be resilient to stress so that I think a lot of people try to bury the fear the negativity and the anxiety rather than sitting with it right so when you have anxiety what do you do you take a pill why why not say why it's here yes this is incredibly uncomfortable but this too shall pass how do I sit with this and use this as feel if I have anxiety there's a reason that anxiety is there how do I use that to propel like I literally will say thank you I'll smile and I go what's going on how do I make this better like is it my visit my family is it my finances is it what are these things that like what is it and how do I address it now fuel you've got a quote I'm gonna get it a little bit wrong but I'll get the idea right in the depths of your darkest moments smile yeah and the deepest depths of your darkest hour is your greatest opportunity to become your greatest self right and there's some iteration of that right yeah so when things get hard when all of the clouds are rolling in the Thunder starts to roll man this is this is where I grow this is where I thrive because if there's something that's hard in your life now it's because you need to grow right so I intentionally try to bring those things into your life you're like cool this is gonna be hard I hold on tight man let's go cuz I know at the other end either I'm gonna die and I'm stronger right and and if you accept death as part of a reality of life and not fear it if I die okay but otherwise much stronger and that that is something that bodybuilding taught me and some I've had some really amazing people in my life who have brought that mentality into my life and I think in our current society we put death at a distance like we try not to embrace it but like I think if we will all learn to keep death a little bit closer to us and respect it we would live our lives a little bit more consciously a little bit more on purpose [Music]
Channel: Inspire Discipline
Views: 250,622
Rating: 4.8810101 out of 5
Keywords: inspire discipline channel, they dont want what we know, keep them poor video, what the rich teach their kids, the game of the rich, do this or stay poor, inspire discipline, inspire discipline motivation, inspire discipline tyler perry, You Will Never Be The Same Again, never the same again, never the same again video, inspire discipline David goggins, inspire discipline never same again, the billionaires are doing it everyday
Id: -YtazKqaTX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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