YOU vs JACK THE RIPPER - How Could You Defeat And Survive Him?!

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It's late at night and you're out on the town in London, visiting the city on a european vacation. You've spent all day taking in the sights and now you're thinking you'll head to a real authentic pub for a good old pint. But as you turn the corner on a narrow alley, a weird fog surrounds you, and then dissipates just as quickly as it formed. When you can see again though you realize that something is very, very strange- for one, the modern street lighting is gone, and in its place are oil lamps that barely light up the dingy cobbled street you're now standing on. Panicking, you hurry along the narrow alley, desperately looking for something familiar, but then you reach a dead end. Hearing a noise at the mouth of the alley behind you, you see a tall figure step out of the shadows, tophat on his head and dark cloak around his body. You can barely see a sinister smile and the flash of what looks like a surgical scalpel, and then it hits you- you've stumbled into 1888's London, England, and the figure standing before you is one of the most notorious serial killers in all history. Hello and welcome to another episode of The Infographics Show- today we're asking, what if you came face to face with Jack the Ripper? Jack the Ripper terrorized London in 1888, where he was blamed for the murders of at least five women, though many people theorize that he actually killed many more. Of the five killings that were attributed to dear Jack though, all five took place within a mile of each other, directly inside or near the Whitechapel district of London's East End, a notorious den of insidious deeds and men and women of ill repute. What made the killings unique though is the obvious anatomical expertise displayed by the killer, who often removed organs such as the kidneys or the uterus, and it was thought that Jack held an specially deep hatred for women. Taunting the police who searched desperately for him, Jack was suspected of having sent several letters to the police, though of those received only one, entitled simply From Hell, is thought to have been authentic. Jack was never caught, and many people believe that he would go on to commit other murders- albeit none with his trademark anatomical expertise in full display. Others believe that Jack's rampage against five East London prostitutes was a one time thing, as true serial killers typically continue to kill and their ego demands that they be recognized for their crimes. Thus it's believed that if Jack was indeed responsible for many other murders blamed on him, then they too would have born his hallmark removal of organs or displays of medical expertise. Whatever the truth is, only the five Whitechapel murders have ever been officially linked to Jack, and his identity remains a secret to this day. So you're stuck in 1888, and face to face with the deadly butcher of Whitechapel- what are you going to do? Well first, you should probably snap a picture on your cell phone, which we're assuming you had on you when you accidentally time traveled because, of course you did. Most people today won't even shower without their phone, so do the world a favor and before you become mincemeat go ahead and snap a murder selfie with Jack so we can put the mystery of his identity to rest at last. Unfortunately though, for today's scenario we're going to be taking that cell phone away and imagine that you're just an average East London'er from 1888. You've spent all day working at the dung farm or... whatever peasants did back then, and you're out looking to blow some steam off with a nice pint when boom, you're Jack's next victim. Despite popular images of English gentlemen being foppish ballywhos that spent all day drinking tea with their pinkies pointed out, the truth is that during the Victoria era there was a rather robust movement amongst those who called themselves 'gentlemen' for being physically fit. A 19th century manual on gentlemanly conduct states that, “A gentleman should be able to defend himself from ruffians, if attacked, and also to defend women from their insults.” Dunbar's Complete Handbook of Etiquette, written in 1884, goes on to state that, “It is a matter of the first importance for the young aspirant that he attend to the training and deportment of his body, as well as that of his mind... The body should be properly “set” by gymnastics, fencing, dancing, drill, or other physical exercises.” Surprisingly many Victorian era men, or at least those who were not of the working poor, would place a strong emphasis on physical training, to include learning to box, fence, wrestle, Jiu-Jitsu, French savate- or kick-boxing, and our favorite: cane defense and parasol defense. That's right, victorian era gentlemen learned to defend themselves with a cane or parasol, because a man is no man if he does not have a distinguished cane and parasol ready at all times to fend off rain and ruffians alike from the woman on his arm. Known as Bartitsu, this uniquely British fighting style was developed by Edward Barton-Wright, a british civil engineer who was one of the first Europeans to learn and teach Japanese martial arts. Combining his lessons in jujutsu, karate, and other asian martial arts, Barton created Bartitsu, centered around the use of a walking stick or parasol to fend off ruffians. The technique became so popular that it even made its way to America, where it was valued as a self defense technique to protect oneself from punches, knives, and even guns. So face to face with Jack the Ripper, you'd better hope that you're not a stinking peasant and have had at least a middle-class upbringing and exposure to some of Victorian England's unique self-defense styles. Seeing as none of Jack's victims showed any damage from large weapons or guns, we're guessing that Jack and whatever he's armed with would be pretty short work for you if you're proficient in the gentlemanly art of Bartitsu- which by the way, totally needs to make a comeback because walking canes and parasols are pretty bad ass. But say you are in fact a dirt-farming peasant, and live a life far beneath the luxuries enjoyed by the upper crusts of society. You've had to grow up on the streets, fend for yourself, and make ends meet any way you can. Lucky for you, the rebellious colonies across the sea have an answer- American rough-and-tumble fighting. This technique is far less an actual martial art discipline, and more a naturally developed street fighting style that is exactly what it sounds like: rough-and-tumble. With a focus on cheap shots, low blows, eye gouges and fish-hooking, this is a technique of all out survival, and something that requires little more than brutish strength and an eye for striking at your opponent's most vulnerable areas. The eyes for example are wonderfully vulnerable, and a good eye gouging can temporarily blind an opponent- let's see Jack cut you up with his surgical expertise when he's seeing stars, or nothing at all because you gouged one of his eyes out. Blows to the ears are also particularly effective, with a pressure center located directly one inch or so behind the ear that if struck has the power to instantly K.O. an opponent- that is a secret that has been passed on to America's modern military. But you have more than feet and hands, and rough-and-tumble fighting encourages the use of all of your assets to induce maximum pain. Your teeth are good for chewing, and the jaw muscles that power them are some of the strongest in your body- a good bite may not be the most sanitary thing in the world, but biting sensitive areas such as the groin, nose, ears (just ask Mike Tyson), or even hands can be crippling for an opponent. Your elbows are also wonderful striking surfaces, and often much preferred to strike with over a closed fist- specially since most people, even professional boxers, simply don't know how to punch properly without breaking a finger or two. Just remember, the only rule here is survival, so claw, scratch and bite your way to victory any way you can. Running into a face to face encounter with Jack the Ripper is going to be a perilous affair, but like any survival situation in the end it's more about state of mind than physical or fighting prowess. An amateur who is able to get a handle on their fear can overcome even a trained opponent with pure savagery, while a well-trained professional can fall to pieces if nerves or fear gets to them. So get a grip on your fear, accept the fact that you're likely to experience some physical pain in the ensuing fight, and set your mind to causing far more damage than you receive. Or, just run away. Every professional martial arts instructor will always recommend that you run whenever possible. Sure, maybe you'll bust out a few Jackie Chan moves and look like a regular Billy Bad Ass in front of your buddies, but maybe also you'll end up dead on the ground with Jack cutting out your kidneys. If you run, you greatly reduce the possibility of the latter. So just go ahead and run away, but not before you snap a selfie with Jack so we can finally put the mystery of his identity to rest. What would you do if you came across Jack the Ripper? Let us know in the comments! Also, make sure you check our other video, why Jack The Ripper was never found! And as always if you enjoyed this video don't forget to Like, Share, and Subscribe. See you next time!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 321,052
Rating: 4.8677177 out of 5
Keywords: jack the ripper, animation, animated, cartoon, cartoons, serial killer, crime scene, unsolved mystery, true crime, education, educational, the infographics show, unsolved, case, investigative, crime, mystery, you, survive, defeat, what if
Id: vWdtEOgT9DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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