YOU SHOULD BUY THIS CHAINSAW!!!! RYOBI 18v 12 inch chaninsaw (australian review)

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[Music] hi guys welcome to another Ned tool Talk video in today's video we're going to be talking about chainsaws so what are the different types of Chainsaw pretty much they all look the same you got a bar with the chain and you got the body of the Chainsaw with a brake and a throttle or onoff trigger and the oil tank now what are the main differences between the chainsaws well this one in particular is of course as you can tell Ryobi battery operated chainsaw 18 volt system in particular you can get if you need Chainsaw for longer periods of work or if you need chainsaw to cut the big logs like proper um loggers in the woods and whatnot um you're not going to go for battery battery operated chainsaw no matter what brand it is you're going to go for those big boys like steel whoan I don't know Makita probably has the petrol ones as well you're going to go for those chainss but for the guys like me uh me like majority of you guys watching this video um this type of Chainsaw for the work around the house to cut a branch here cut a branch there um help you on a project if you need to cut a piece of Timba like this quickly in half or or chop it up in few pieces but doesn't have to be very fine and precise this is the tool you want to you want to have so as I said this chainsaw in particular is Ryobi 12 in or 300 mm for us in Australia and Europe Chainsaw for you guys in us this is a 12in Australian model I think you guys have it a little bit different uh with models and it's um chance so that I bought some two years two and a half years ago and it served me very very good I had zero issues with it I'm just going to pull the battery out just in case for for for my safety um it served me with absolutely zero issues um I bought it of course from Bunnings it's a brushless unit it was fairly new on the market back then now it's it's still the same transer with the same part number um it just looks better cuz it's new it's not used um so I'm going to bring it a bit closer and I'll show you guys couple of key factors so right here you got a safety pull it there and then you can press the trigger but before the chainsaw is even going to work this is your chain breake this position all the way out is going to be when the chainsaw is off when you're going to use the chainsaw you're going to bring it there and then you can pull your safety down and press the trigger and then the chain chainsaw is going to work if you need to stop rapidly just do that or just do that and it's going to immediately Engage The Chain breaking it's going to break it's going to break within a second it's going to stop within a second um on the other side here you got your bar oil filler plug so that's that right here goes your battery and here you're going to have your seral real number part number and the manufacturing data and it says it's 96 DB um the loudness this knob here is in the middle you loosen it and then you twist the white part to the left to loosen it to the right to tighten the chain now I'm not really a professional by any means with that but I kind of think that's kind of somewhere okay now another part is you can take off this cover completely so just untwist this knob and it comes off that's that's a essential essential part when you finish working cuz right here under you can see the slot that gets very dirty and you want to clean that out as much as possible just to keep the chain uh moving freely without binding or anything now when it comes to the oil I want to come back to that for a second so when it comes to this um oil thing here what I do is I fill half a tank of oil or whatever of Bar Oil I'll use the chain so if I need more I'll top it up if uh if I finished my project or work or whatever and there's more oil left over I'm going to generally take my I don't even know where I left the oil yeah right here I'm going to take the oil container and I'll put a funnel in it and I'll tip it back out why do I do it well every single one of these chainsaws gets all smudged up on a bottom from oil cuz the oil leaks on the veins where it drips on a chain and there is no way to stop it you just can't I've called raob I spoke to everyone I spoke to friends I spoke to family and to the sales rep from Ryobi you can't stop it it's it's just something that happens so um it's not so much about a wastage of oil it's about making a mess so that's why I tip it back out and I Sav myself a headache of cleaning up the chainsaw and everything it still gets messy but it's a chainsaw yeah it's not meant to be a it's not meant to be a drill that you can take in your house and you're not meant to be taking it in the house now here in Australia there's couple of different brands of um chains that you can purchase recently Ryobi brought out this um Ryobi titanium chainsaw chain it say fast efficient cut and for this trainsa in particular this is the one you're going to need I'm going to put a product number up on the screen so this is the Ryobi chain I'm going to put a product number and a price at the moment of filming on the on the screen up there or there or here somewhere there um this is a Trier brand this is power fit also 12 in 300 305 mm depending who classifies it how um so yeah that's the cheaper one I'm going to put the price of this one as well that's the one that fits on this one the one I would recommend you to buy is Oregon they're the best chains a little bit pricier I think that would be probably more or less about the same as the Yi one but I I can almost guarantee that Oregon chain is going to be for more or less the same money better chain than the Ryobi One um I'm going to put all the process on the screen and everything for you guys and path numbers now what I want to do is um I'm going to move this all of the table and I'm going to clamp this part timber here um in these clamps and um we're going to go through we're going to make couple of cuts and what I'm going to do is I've got a 5 H power here I've got a 6 amp power and I've got a 9 amp power battery I usually use it with a six or n but I'm going to show you the performance in all three of these um 5m Power I didn't include cuz 4 five pretty much sorry this is a 5m power so 4 and power I didn't include 4 five pretty much the same thing and anything less than four or five MW you're just wasting your time you're not going to get your performance out of the so and you're going to get two cuts and that's going to be it you're just not going to be happy all right guys so let's get started now the timber is clamped up we're going to grab 5 m power drop it in I topped up the bar oil in here as well let's see oh yeah see I got to pull the brake so I'm going to I'm going to run it like this for a sec pull the pull the battery out and then you want to check your chain I don't know guys correct me if I'm wrong but to me that seems all right the slop in the chain so I'm just going to go with the cut so pull the brake towards you and okay so that's a cut on a 5 m power put that one there let's go to 6m Power so 6 M battery again same thing to me 5 to 6 M Power not much of a difference more or less it's probably just going to be the run time that you're going to gain now let's see the big boy 9 and power and by the way all of these batteries are fully charged they were all fresh topped up today so 9 and power let's see how it sounds [Applause] actually it just sounds like it's got a little bit more RPMs to me at least 100% happier so right here the wood is a little bit not so let's go right into there you can tell it's not as happy in a naughty wood and is as in a normal one is in a fine one but yeah so let's see the chain maybe a little bit more than what it should [Applause] be that's it so I'm pretty pretty happy as I said Don't expect the nicest cuts it is a chainsaw after all so the cuts are going to be rough but that's what it's made fast removal of materials fast and easy removal of materials so that was the chainsaw what else is there to say about it it costs $279 Australian dollar at the time of the filming this is um end of the April 2024 it probably will go up I think I paid 240 239 249 something like that so it hasn't gone up drastically but I'd say the next year it's probably going to be 300 Australian dollars anyways like everything else which is it is what it is um 18 volt a lot of people are on Ryobi 18 volt platform so that makes it a very good purchase um if you got batteries you don't have to look at the kit kit is I think mid 300s um and I'm not sure what size battery you get you probably get 4 5 amp battery probably nothing bigger um so yeah for the for the for the job that I need around the house this is more than good it gets pulled out from the shed every couple of months sometimes more often sometimes less often but it does the job perfectly fine as I showed you I've got a couple of these um spay chains just in case I like to have spares on hand um and yeah if you need the ch CH of for anything bigger if you're going to go logging or cutting some big trees down for your firewood during the winter and stuff this won't be a chain so for you um you're going to look at the petrol chainsa or you're going to look at the Ryobi 36 volt petrol trainsa um sorry Ryobi 36 volt um battery chainsa or you're going to go down the route of miluk 18 volt chainsaws the big ones now the one that I'm thinking of Ryobi 36 Vol chainsaw is this one this is a big boy 18 in 45 cm chainsaw but that's not a subject of today's video that's going to be some different video some another day brilliant little thing if you like the video drop a like share subscribe and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Ned's tool talk
Views: 209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KgklLCUBR7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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