You Need a Product not a Project e041

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hey I'm Jake and today I'm eating this sky heart page and I'm talking about how you don't just need a project you need a product you you all right hey this topic today I feel strongly about and I really want to dive in deep on it but I want to tell you first about a conversation I had a couple weeks ago with another illustrator friend of mine really good friend Jed Henry and he is prolific and he's talented I've got a link to his website below so check that out when you when you get a minute but Jed and I were talking about this topic that I'm talking about today and that is projects and why you need a project and I was telling them how I think the number one thing holding back an amateur artist from turning into becoming a professional artist and even professional artists becoming you know breaking out of the mold and trying something new is that they're not either doing projects or taking projects seriously and and I was just telling him like there's certain things you got to do with the project you got to look at it this way and he summed it up in seven words he said you don't need a project you need a product and I was like that's that's it that's exactly it you need a product and so that's what I want to talk about today and how if you want to level up as an artist how do you how do you take on a project how do you do a product what exactly is a project I've got ideas today about I want to talk to you about of of what kind of projects you can take on that can level you up and then how do you actually execute you've got your idea you've got your project that you're doing how do you execute it and you and how do you create that that final product something you can hold and something can show to someone or sell or whatever it is so that's what we're going to get into that's what I want to unpack today and um so here we go okay and what I mean about taking on a project or I don't mean doing a freelance job or I don't mean working on something for someone else I mean doing a personal project I think it's through your personal projects where you you grow as an artist you you you're able to showcase your your individual like uniqueness your flavor and show other people what what sets you apart and what makes you different so so when I talk about project in this I'm meaning these personal projects that you take on yourself where where I think you grow the most as an artist and as an individual outside of an artist just just being able to accomplish something I think it makes you makes you better so I think if you really want to level up and separate yourself from the noise that's out there from everybody else saying hey look at me look at me you have to you have to take on a personal personal project if you're not getting better and if you find yourself on a plateau I really think this one thing will bust you through that wall and and it is taking on taking on that project so what exactly is a project I looked it up it's defined as a carefully planned and designed Enterprise to achieve a specific aim okay carefully planned and designed so I'm going to get into that a little bit more how do you carefully plan how do you carefully design this thing but also that the key thing is to achieve a specific aim if you don't have the specific goal set then it doesn't matter what you're working on if you're not working towards anything okay so I think a project is something self-contained you can look at it you can point at it and say this is a thing that I made you can link to it on a website and it's something that people can can either tangibly hold or tangibly look at visibly look at and say oh look at this thing that this person made or look at this thing this person did in order for it to be self-contained it has to have parameters it has to have limitations and it has to have an endpoint and and that's I think the key thing there's is you have to you have to look at what's that final product what's that final thing that you're going to make and you have to look at it as I'm working on this thing to make this final project not I'm working on this to make this final product not I'm just working on a project okay it's not a task needed to be done by a deadline it's an actual finished thing that has to be has to be made and finished okay so so why are projects with that end point with that end product at the end important number one they give you purpose all right they give you a reason to what you're waking up and doing in the morning or they give you a reason to why you're going down into your your your studio at night it gives you a reason why you're set in your table after the kids have gone to bed it gives you that purpose okay it's not just oh that's that's your playtime this is your time to unwind no this is your time to go and make that thing that you're striving to make okay number two projects with that end product in mind train you to organize and to prioritize you realize oh if this thing's not going to get this thing is is not going to get finished if I don't eliminate this certain thing in my life or if I if I don't do these certain things in a specific order okay number three and two that they train you to actual finish actually finish something and that's what this world desperately needs is people who finish things not people who are always working on something trying to perfect it never finishing it and and if you think about who are you the biggest fan of who are you the biggest admirer of whether it's in a pop culture sense or it's in a sense of I love this this brand or I love this product it's all because these people or these teams have finished a thing and put it out there you're not a fan of of very many people or ideas or things that that are still in the ether that are being thought of that are being being created you're usually a fan of a thing that's finished and out there okay so you need to train yourself to be able to finish a thing and you're going to do that by actually making you know turning your project into a product based project okay no another side benefit and why these things are so important is they actually they build true self esteem all right not faecalis self esteem this is true self esteem because you could say you accomplished that thing and you can you could say look at this look at this thing that I put all this time and energy and myself into and I made it even if the thing isn't perfect or beautiful or whatever still the fact that you finish the thing that builds that builds self-esteem okay also they define you okay you're the girl who does the X thing right you're the girl who who created that you're the guy who who who made this book okay so so they define you as not just oh that's you know that that's Susan over there that's that's Eric they define you as oh that's the person who made that thing and and and so that that can be that could be bad I guess but I think that's a good thing because it it attaches finished projects and finished quality things to you as a creator okay another important thing is they are your personal benchmark okay you're only as good as your last project so I know that there's things that I've finished and I'm proud of them at the time and then I get better and better and I look at that thing as like oh that's really doesn't reflect how good I am now but because I haven't finished anything new yet people are still basing me off of this last thing that I did so it's a way for you personally to look at and like okay at this point in time this is how good I was and this is how I need to improve or get better but it's also a way for other people to benchmark you and say okay this is how good this person isn't doing this one thing so if you don't have a finished thing out there then there's no way to to define how good you are at that that specific specific thing and no way for you to actually definitively say I am good at this this particular thing but when you have something sitting there that you can hold and flip through or look at it's a way to definitively say like yes that's that's where I'm at or that's where I was at okay and also I mean ten fifteen projects down the line it's it's great to look at Oh ten years ago I was this good at this because I can no I have this thing here that I can look at and and this proves you know exactly where I was at that time you could see how you progressed okay projects also open you up to other opportunities as well you never know you never know what what is out there unless you're actually like you know aggressively working on something and talking to other people and and sharing this thing with other people and and this finished product can can sometimes be seen by just the right person and that person will say oh I really loved what you did here you'd be perfect for this other thing and it might be the thing you've always wanted to do or might be something you never knew you wanted to do but now you're now you're opened up to that possibility because of the thing that you created and lastly they make room for other ideas other projects and other endeavors to happen okay so once you've got that thing out of your system now it's time to move on your next thing and and you may have a backlog of ideas that you want to get to someday but you're never going to get to them if you don't finish something and get it out of the way first okay so finishing a project putting something out there allows you to be done with it so you can move on to your next thing so that's why projects are so important they give you purpose they they train you to organize and to finish things they build your self-esteem they define you and they set a benchmark for you and they open you up to other opportunities and lastly they they allow you to to be able to work on other things then move on to the next thing okay so what are the key elements of a perfect project you know you look at you look at certain projects that are finished and and they all have these particular parameters or these particular elements and and for me personally here's what I here's what I think these could be different for everyone but this might be like a guiding guiding light for your feet if you need it number one it should take longer than a month but less than a year to complete if unless you're super ambitious you could say okay finish this thing in three years or five years but let's be honest if it's going to take you longer than a year to do that is some serious commitment and let's do baby steps so let's let's set this up between months and a year and and and and really that's the timeframe I think you should be working with a month is long enough to to put 30 days into something if you're working on it every day and to really I think really accomplish a thing and to make something even if it's not huge to something small a year you can actually accomplish a lot in a year so so look at the time that you have in front of you and see what you're able to commit to it and it may be that you have a month's time to put into it but you're spreading it out over the year or maybe you have a full year to work on it every day but I think those are those are the time constraints you want to give yourself otherwise it can go long and you can forget the real reason you're doing it and you can become disinterested you can get discouraged to this taking so long I think if you say I'm going to do this in a week that's not enough time to finish something solid it may be time to finish a single piece but not a finished product okay so that's one second thing it should have strict restraints on time we talked about time but also budget style medium subject matter those specific things I think you need to set some limits on it set some restraints on there so say okay and I think most of us don't have infinite budgets you know that we can just throw it things like this so you're going to want to say you know figure out okay this is the thing I want to create this is how much money I plan to put into it whether it's art supplies or programs that you need or or or maybe hired help that you need to do to hire on temporarily to finish it give yourself set your parameters for for budget style-wise and maybe that you could do something very beautiful very ornate but that would be your 10-year project so you might have to die back on style and say okay if this thing is going to fin it be finished I'm going to have to do a more simplified style and sit down and figure out what is that was that simplified style and then medium sometimes medium is a really good constraint you know I would love to make an animated film or to make a video game but but those things require so much more time and energy than say making a comic book a comic book it just requires my my talents and my abilities and and I can have full control over it whereas and I can finish a considerable amount of it in a particular day or in a particular week or month as opposed to and make it an actual solid finished thing as opposed to spending a year on something like an animated short where I can only get a minute done or two minutes done something like that so so think about what you want to accomplish and the time that you have and and plan your style that you're going to or the medium that you're going to do it in accordingly okay alright third so we talked about time constraint we talked about other restraints you want to set for yourself excuse me the third you should be accountable to something for it okay now whether I've talked about accountability accountability before but but I'm a meaning you should either be accountable to if you have a fanbase to your fans or your friends or your spouse you need to tell somebody here's what I'm going to do here's what I'm going to do do it by and you can't just be accountable to yourself and the problem there is we are inherently apologetic for us to ourselves and we understand all of our excuses because we were there and we saw the whole thing happened and takes a little more to explain to someone else hey I didn't finish this by this point because X Y & Z and so I think what it does is being accountable as someone else helps keep you honest and helps keep you motivated at least that's how it works for me all right and lastly key elements of a perfect project is you should be able to hold the finished project in your hands or in your vision right if it's a digital thing it's something that you can click on and put into a folder something like that you can download it if it's a tangible thing you should be able to hold it put it on a shelf it should be basically a product you need to have a product at the end of it ok so here are 10 project ideas 10 things you know I take that back I thought it was 10 I'm looking at my list now it's actually 12 added a couple more so here's a dozen project ideas for you to think about working on and decide is this what is what I want to do but these are ideas for you - I think level yourself up take you to that next level rip you off of this plateau and start you climbing on the next you know trying striving for that next peak climbing that next mountain okay so number one is and I did a whole video on this one but that's draw 100 some things you could check out that video draw 100 some things but basically it's it's taking one picking one subject matter and doing a hundred different versions of it and I describe it all in that video so you can go get the specifics there but that's just a project to turn it into a product is you take those 100 some things and you publish them in a book whether it's self-published or whether it's professional enough that you could take it to a publisher but I want to see a book at the end of that it says here are my 100 robot bunnies and there's a cool artists online dado tronic because his name is he's doing a hundred robot bunnies check it out but um that's something I want to see it it's a book of of whatever the 100 things you made are okay so that's number one number two take on an art challenge liking Tober or lark like march of robots and what these are is you draw an ink drawing every day for the month of October on October there's lots of these month-long arch art challenges where you do drawing a day or painting a day or something a day and and take on that challenge that's a great project to do but what's the product at the end of it I've seen a lot of people take their inktober drawings and publish them in a book and sell them at conventions or sell them online but I think that's that's the key there is taking those drawings and either telling a story with it or or turning it into a collection of artwork or having it be a part of a bigger art book but but I think that's that's the thing you want at the end and then on the subject of making books I love making books making books really teaches you to to to pay attention to details and to make sure that everything really it takes your art to the next level because you're looking at how's this art going to actually be displayed on the printed page and how's it going to be held in someone's your thinking about the the experience beyond your actually drawing what's the experience of the people consuming it okay alright so lowly talked about 100 somethings inktober or to an hour challenge of making a book number three make a children's book okay write your story out so many people say I have this idea for this children for a children's book or I have this character I want to tell a story with it go do it go make that children's book there's plenty of opportunities these days to publish a single copy or 100 copies or use Kickstarter to to see how many fans are out there of your stuff to to to print books but actually make a finished children's book a lot of people say oh I want to be a chose book illustrator I don't know what they're waiting for you could illustrate your book today you can illustrate yesterday and have a finished finished book in six months and and I guarantee if you have a finished book in your hands either a you'll realize how hard it is and and and either decide that it's not for you or you'll realize how many things you didn't know about illustrating a book that you either learned on this project and you could do better the next time or if you're really good you will have a finished book that a publisher will look at and be like yeah we really want to publish this or it's something you could sell yourself okay so that's number three number four make a fifty page comic and I say fifty pages you could say forty pages make a forty page to a hundred and twenty page comics something like that whatever it is make a finished comic and and I don't think twenty pages is enough I think you want to do something substantial twenty pages is the start of something fifty pages to a hundred pages that's something substantial and finished okay so if you call yourself a comic artist or you want to be a comic artist someday and you haven't actually drawn comics yet or drawn a handful of them sit down and actually make that comic that you've been talking about making and and then again publish it somehow was it self-published or submit it to Image Comics or something but have that finished comic in your hands at the end of the time that you've given yourself to do that okay number five take a public domain novel like Frankenstein or Huckleberry Finn or Wizard of Oz one of these public domain books these classics and illustrate it say 24 illustrations and and what you can do is you could take that and you can distribute it online somehow or you can you can do a self-published version of it but that is a really good project and that's a project that shows that you can you can take something that's been written and show people your vision for it without having to make a you know feature-length movie or to make a full comic but to do 24 illustrations or an illustration for each chapter or an illustration for every page it's a really good way to show people your vision for this particular story that everybody knows and loves and I think it's a way for people who already love those stories to find you through the channel of that story that they love um there's a guy named Evan forget his last name he does rice boy comic but he did Wizard of Oz he just decided he was going to illustrate the Wizard of Oz and so and so he did it and the book is beautiful and for a year I followed him creating this creating the illustrations for these and is really cool to see his version of The Wizard of Oz so do something like that okay number six redesign a classic board game or a classic card game and I mean design the box design the cards that go into it design the pieces and actually make make it make a if you do a one-off or you could do something fit for mass distribution something like that but that's a good project to really stretch your illustration your illustration muscles if you took Candyland or a chess set or something like that or monopoly and did your version of it that would be something really cool to see and it's something to take some time and take some organization and but I think the finished project at the end of that the finished product would be something really impressive that that would be a nice portfolio piece or an even something that might capture the attention of some of these some of these game developers if you one of the other big thing right now is playing cards and everybody seems like there's so many people out there doing their version of the deck of cards and that's a really good opportunity to to design to design something and really show your your strengths as an illustrator alright number eight redesign fifty characters from some sort of ubiquitous intellectual property okay and what I mean by that take Star Wars or take Harry Potter or take I don't know classic video getting Nintendo games or something like that and do redesign all the characters maybe a team man okay maybe it's Pokemon something like that take take that and do your version of it but do like 50 characters or something really substantial something that grabs people's attention and then either do a do a self-published book or do some sort of website that showcases them something like that I think that would be really cool to like show people hey everybody here it's me as an artist something I love and this is my version of it and it's something that's easily shareable it gives I talked a little bit about this in the in the fan art video but it's something that a friend can say to another friend hey I know how you love he-man check out this guy's version he-man all right so maybe it's like Victorian he-man I don't know something something like that okay number eight I've talked about this a little bit already but make an animated short a minute long animation finished with music sound fully colored I might take you a year it might take you six months but make a finished animation you can put on YouTube and have everybody like link it around and click to it I guarantee if you see if you do that if you do a cool one-minute animation or two-minute animation you're going to turn heads and you're going to people like talking about you if they're not talking about you already and I'll get I'll get into this later how to execute it but I'll save it for later but dude the animation okay all right we're at number nine design and manufacture a toy with the Box like the box thing toys are big it's a big like industry on you know on a level where you can buy toys at Target right but there's also like this designer toy industry as well and and I always thought this would be a cool artistic challenge to take one of my characters and make a toy out of them and when you get into that you figure out like how much you know how do you get it modeled how do you get it sculpted whether you're sculpting yourself or you're creating the designs to take to a sculptor this is an actual project that that really will stretch you as an artist and and you'll have something really cool at the end of it and again this is something that's going to take a little bit of a budget to create the molds for it and to create enough of them to sell but if you sat down instead okay by this time next year I want to have this toy sitting on my desk one that means you launched a Kickstarter for it are you financed it for yourself I guarantee that if you do that project you will level up as an artist you'll be a better artist maybe even a better business person or something than you were before you started that thing okay so do it toy number 10 set up a table at a comic-con pick a con in your city or one that's you could travel to easily get a table and Artist Alley and prepare for that con six months ahead of schedule or however early you can get that table start making prints start making little books art books or something but take what you the artwork you've already done and put together like a really cool table and that right there I've grown so much just by doing conventions number one you learn how to basically be an entrepreneur right you learn how to read people and to sell to people you learn what works and what doesn't like what people are into and what they're not into you you break out of your shell as a person by having to talk to people you you you brought in your fan base because there's people at these cons that have never heard of you're seeing you before and now they're fans of yours because we've seen your work so do a table at a convention okay number eleven build a portfolio it's as simple as that so you've been trying to get into a studio or that your dream to get into a studio or or to get work with a publisher or something say six months from now you're going to have enough pieces to have a really well defined well-rounded portfolio that defines you as an artist and shows your work make a portfolio I think that's it could be as simple as that especially if you're a kid in high school usually you're not making portfolios until you get into college but why not try it in high school make a really nice solid portfolio of your work and create work for this portfolio don't just do the assignments in class do assignments either shift the assignments so that they can fit into this fit into this portfolio that you want to get used to get into the animation studio or whatever it is you want to do with it but give yourself your own assignments okay and number 12 last one build a website I've seen so many artists out there really good artists who don't have a website they just have a tumblr or they just have an Instagram and a web sites always been on their to-do list I say take the next month and make a website make a well-defined like really a cool-looking website and there's places like verb com which is what I use Squarespace Weebly where it's really easy for artists to make websites all right okay so those are the the ten project art gets twelve project ideas now how do you execute these things again it's a long video today I like making long videos I really like unpacking these things and and defining these things and getting deep into them so sit with me go get a drink or something and come back and let's let's finish this thing out okay how do you execute this piece of a project that you're that you're taking on okay there's ten ten steps here to executing number one choose wisely all right it all comes down to this initial choice you've got to be interested and passionate in the thing that you're doing okay it can't be something that you just saw yesterday and you're like oh that's really cool II I'm going to try this it's got to be something that you're going to be into it for the long haul whether it's a month or a year or anything in between so choose wisely this thing that you're going to do and you also have to think about how it's going to tax you as your time schedule financially all those types of things so take all that into account as you're planning this project out and make the right choice of the thing that you need to do you also need to look at it to like okay I do want to make this you know this graphic novel but I don't have a website yet so maybe the website comes first or maybe you need to make that portfolio first to land the jobs that you have the financial freedom to work on the animated short you want to do who knows but choose wisely this project be strategic with it okay so that's number one number two resource planning okay this goes into choosing wisely but figure out how much time it'll take look at break down your project step by step phase one it's going to take this time I have three hours at night to work on it and I can get this much work done in a night and this project to get this phase one done it's going to take 40 hours so three hours a day 42 into 40 you do the math you figure that out I'm not going to do math on the fly I'm horrible at math but you can figure that out okay number two how much money will it cost art supplies whether it's if you want to do that tour you want to make that board gain excuse me or you want to do an animation but you're going to need to hire a background painter or something like that figure out how much money that's going to cost you and plan accordingly figure out your key tasks okay there's the creation level like what is it actually to take to create it how much time it's going to do that what what supplies you'll need for that right when I talked about but also how much time it's going to take to if it is a book that you're making how much time is going to take to take all the illustrations you've done and design it page by page and design it and get it ready for a printer to work with how as long as you can take you to make that PDF and how much time is it going to take to go back and forth with the printer looking at proofs and press checks and stuff like that I figure out who you need to work with to get this thing done okay so that's resource planning alright choose wisely plan wisely okay number three make a schedule okay so set yourself daily all stones and weekly milestones and make yourself a progress chart alright so you figure out okay this much work done within a day so that's my goal each day I'm going to get X done and in a week I want to have this done in a week okay and then make your make your your chart that shows week one that's week to this week three this and I love checking things off so put little boxes next to that you can check out or or you can cross it out with a big fat sharpie feels really good to have one of these things these sheets these progress charts finish that are just covered with marks all of them that you you just killed it okay so make that schedule and make it work all right number four announce it all right at the beginning of your project announce it and this is part of the accountability thing but say online on your Instagram account if you've got a YouTube channel if you've got Twitter if you got a blog if you've got a website tell everybody here's what I'm working on I'll see you in a year or I'll see you in a month okay if you don't have an online following yet announce it to your friends announce it to your girlfriend tell your wife tell your husband tell your mom tell your grandma right announce it to somebody because that's what keeps you honest and you know you're going to get asked about it people are going to wonder how's that thing going and you don't want to be a loser you don't want to be seen as someone says they're going to do something and doesn't do it so announce the thing alright number five this is how you're going to finish this thing is you need to be focused on finishing it not making it perfect alright at every step of the way finish not perfect keep saying that once you write it out finished period not perfect period write that out post it big on your wall and know that okay yeah I could perfect this thing and spend another day on it but if that's going to throw off your schedule and it's gonna and it's going to make this thing not happened just worry about finishing it you can be perfect on the next thing okay just finish this thing okay keep that mindset finished not perfect and really with that thing you might strive and work hard and try to make this thing perfect but guess what in a year from now you're going to get better as an artist and you're going to look back at this quote-unquote perfect thing that you made and hate it because you see all the flaws of it so why waste the time making it perfect when you could just do the best that you could do finish it move on and become perfect naturally instead of forcing it all right number six share your progress all right so you announce it to everybody now start sharing your progress along the way tell your story you say hey my name is so-and-so and I'm just a guy who wants to do this and I've never done it before so follow me along this journey and I'm gonna you know you're going to watch me make mistakes you're going to see my successes document it share it people love stories that I love see people either going through the thing that they're trying to go through or they just like the storytelling of the person did trying to accomplish a thing so show your work what you're working on show people what your inspirations are you know maybe there's nothing to show this week you might be like well I don't want to show anything yet but here's what's inspiring me this week just be active and sharing this thing online that's going to help people help you build a fan base for this but also I think help keep you on track and motivated to do it as you get feedback from people now maybe if you haven't built that online following yet it may be like you just shouting into the void like hey look what I'm doing and nobody's listening if you're making good stuff eventually people will find you and they will listen and they will give you feedback so share your work that won't happen if you don't share it okay number seven stay on target all right just like the canal run in star wars that was called the canal run the tunnel run I forget stay on target stay on target okay keep a vision of the final product in front of you to remind you of why you started your journey just keep thinking I want to hold this book in my hand I want to hold this toy in my hand I want to set it on my shelf right keep a vision of that final thing in your head to motivate you and to remind you of why you started onto it and keep a vision also of what opportunities this could open you up to as well I know that's what motivates me a lot is I think about okay if I finish this thing it will open me up to these other possibilities all right number eight unlock achievements all along the way unlock achievements for yourself okay reward yourself every time you finish something so you did that first week of working three hours every night during the week reward yourself go to a movie or I don't know how you reward yourself maybe now you allow yourself to play that video game you've been holding yourself off of video games all week right now it's Sunday you're going to just chill and you're going to go out on a date or something I don't know maybe for me I love dr. peppers and I don't treat them all the time because they're bad for you and so I reward myself with a dr. pepper you know at the end of the month once a month something like that excuse me okay number nine have fun all right that's the key element to this - if you're hating every minute of it you're not going to finish it you're not going to want to do this thing so so if you're not finding enjoyment in it on some level I think you're doing it wrong or you pick the wrong thing to work on okay have fun with it it doesn't have to be a ton of fun right there should be some level enjoyment there and it doesn't mean that the project's not going to be hard the project will be hard any time you do anything of worth it's going to be hard but that doesn't mean you can't have fun along the way so figure out how you can have fun with it okay number 10 hit eject okay always leave that option open option open people change plans change markets change interest change give yourself the option of pivoting and doing something else um I don't want to say that look this is you're out this is your excuse not to finish but we have to be realistic here we're humans and and something might happen in your life where you just don't have time to work on to on it don't get frustrated about that hit eject and and and either start the project that you really want to work on or or save this project for another time okay but just know that that I don't think that's a failure it's just being realistic but but leave that option open alright so those are the ten things to execute them I'll just go through them really quick choose wisely plan your resources make a schedule announce it finished not perfect share your progress stay on target unlock achievements have fun and give yourself the option to hit eject all right so that is turning a project into a final product you guys I know this is going to help you like level up I know this is going to make you a better person a better artist on so many levels go take on a project and finish it have that final product in the end that you can hold in your hand or that you could share with someone or someone can download it or someone can watch it or someone can click on it let make that thing I promise you you're going to feel so much better about yourself and you'll be surprised at the opportunities that this opens up for you alright I can't wait to see what you guys do all right that's it I know it's a long video thanks for sticking around watching it and hopefully some of you got something out of this if you have any questions or anything you'd like to add to this conversation please share it in the comments I'd love to read those things I'd love to hear what you have to say about it two things before we go number one I just posted a new class on SVS learn comm it's how to draw animals the mammal edition so if you if you struggle with how to horses even work I explain that explain an easy way to draw them how do you understand their anatomy it's not a course for someone who wants to do like accurate Civil War Reenactment paintings of you know Calvary storming in off the hill but it is for someone who needs to illustrate a dog for something and they're not quite sure how a dog's hind legs work I explained like basic info on how to design and draw animals that I think is really helpful it's the way that I the way that I do it so there's that number two I have partnered with this really cool company arts next CL check out their website it's this really dynamic brother-sister team and what they're doing is they're providing a subscription to get an art box and what these are these little boxes full of art supplies delivered to your door this is premium art products and and we thought it'd be cool to do an inktober box for October so October is still a ways away but it's never too early to prepare for it if you want to get in on one of these boxes head over to inktober com where you can sign up for an email alert on when the pre-order goes live to get one of these boxes and I think they're going to be really cool we're hand picking these pens there's pens that I love pens that I that I use for my own inktober drawings so go check that out and that's all see you guys
Channel: Jake Parker
Views: 265,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZZLzI0CwhkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 16sec (2656 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2016
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