You Must Play This New Bannerlord Vanilla Plus Campaign Mod

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are you looking to start a brand new banal or campaign but don't know what mod to play well today's video has that sorted for you as we're going to be diving in with a newly released kadia rework mod this mod goes ahead and keeps the game still very much base of value so don't worry if you don't enjoy the big overhauls that completely change the map for style of combat Etc this is a great kind of vanilla plus mod and basically what it does is it goes ahead and replaces all the factions with unique cultures changes up the armors and weapons and unitri for each of the factions and actually just provides a really Dynamic new experience because the way they've created each of the kingdoms is very cool and there's plenty more to mess around with all with their own unique cultures I will also mention as well that this mod is very very lightweight the only ones that this one requires is of course kadia we rework the mod itself open source Armory and then swadian armor and Harmony it's only them four mods so again if you're not looking for some big mod list that's going to crash a million times this is perfect for you because again it's just been for mods the armor mods aren't going to go ahead and cause crashes so you should be in a really really good situation and then if you want to build upon p and add more stuff you definitely can with stuff like RBM because both for open source Armory and swadian armor have RBM counterparts to them so there's plenty of stuff you could do and I would imagine you could probably even add in like Banner Kings to this or something along them lines if you want to go really hard but as you can see we currently have the default Six Nations that we're used to and then we have an additional five and each of these do offer again unique stuff I also like the way that they've gone ahead and created this little artwork in the center it's nice to see I would also love to see some more additions to like the actual faction Specialties to kind of boost them up I think that' be a nice little addition and something I love seeing in mods when they have kind of verying sort of play style behind them so here we are on the campaign map and this is what C radio looks like and as you guys can see it has dramatically Chang many kingdoms rising and falling and it's really really different I think probably the only faction that is intact really is going to be this Northern Empire faction besides that I think every other one is like very different in their makeup uh which again is cool I I like to see that because again it just kind of creates different borders different Dynamic stuff and we'll basically go in and take a look at every single faction a few factions have very similar unit trees again this is the first release of the mod but it's still cool to kind of see them at least having very different unique cultures and play Styles so start offing so let's start off with this faction off into the East this is very much I I feel like it's kind of more of like a Korean than Chinese faction because this type of armor is a bit more Korean I believe Maybe I'm Wrong let me know Down Below in the comments but they look really really cool again I like this kind of basic civilian armor and they go up and just have like a heavy focus on crossbows and we even have crossbow Cavalry as well which is pretty deadly and then for their Noble Cavalry I mean look at this bad boy right here that's a glaive uh so some really really powerful Cavalry going to be able to rip through anything uh which again is cool to see kind of the uniqueness of that faction heavily focused around crossbows and that kind of elite heavy glaive Cavalry whereas the Infantry going to be struggling a little bit more and that's going to be important because the faction that they're probably going to be engaging the most is down here in the west which is taking up part of where the azerai used to be and the Empire so it's a nice little mix between them and this is going to be kind of your traditional Crusader faction as we can see they have pretty Elite heavy infantry they're going to have some decent melee Cavalry and then again they also have some kind of Lancer hybrid crossbow Cavalry and that's going to be supported by their infantry which is basically like a crossbow howood unit again kind of very unique and different you would expect the Crusaders to have maybe a heavy Cavalry but there's a lot of factions with that Noble heavy Cavalry so I like the idea of this one there you just have like an elite crossbow uh mounted foot infantry and that's kind of cool it's going to make up a different play style when you check these guys out to the north of them we do have an entire Cavalry based faction so again the Korean style faction is going to be surrounded by a lot of good foes and yeah they start off with just normal recruits and then they go into just some insane stuff I mean look at that swb this faction has that is one crazy heavy saber if you look at the the weapon length of it as well it's going to just do so much crazy stuff 139 that's as long as most swords which is kind of cool we're also mixed in with a pretty Elite cifra Archer unit and then just a normal Lancer one I think I'm going to be mainly going with these guys imagine these guys dismounted in a Siege battle would be very cool if they could Wing that weapon and then for their Noble unit they do have an elite horse Archer again pretty good stats 300 bow 260 riding uh when you get to that Max deer they're going to be able just to fire off so many shots at the enemy oh something I should mention as well which I actually didn't we also have Cal radier expand that is another mod that you do use it just just goes ahead and it basically expands the campaign map a little bit adds in like these islands down here in the South like right here which is kind of cool again for its own unique faction uh this could be kind of a cool way to kind of work up from just one side and again you can kind of see their roster I think this is very much the same as most of the the Empire faction to the north of them but it's still really cool nonetheless to have them here um and that just adds in a bit more detail to the campaign that we can see around here you have like farmlands better roads and stuff the Imperial roads scattered around so it's again it's a little bit of a heavier mod but it shouldn't cause you any issues when it comes to crashing and it just does make the map look so much better uh than vanilla so in the north now we do have another faction again this is going to be your kind of traditional Viking faction as you guys can see some really armors scattered across their their units they have heavy Cavalry and they kind of their Elite main line is going to be made up of these Berserkers so not really a lot of just like base heavy infantry uh for the most part this kind of hybrid aggressive unit is going to be a mix between uh having that two-handed weapon and then a spear infantry so going to be interesting to see how these guys play their Noble unit is also heavy infantry then as we scatter more to the West again this black faction right here is going to be another base medieval faction um but a little bit B lighter on the armors again I mean that big two-handed weapon this model loves to give heavy Cavalry big two-handed weapons and I think it's it's going to be like a bit better actually on combat because I feel like the AI does such an awful job with a spear at stabbing whereas swinging this big two-handed sword I think will actually be really really effective they also have a very cool looking uh foot infantry with the Pike and also be the mace to get that heavy armor in supported by some crossbows we can also see V for Infantry is really cool as well I think this is probably the faction I I would look to play um because they have a really unique starting position some really powerful cities and then yeah Elite heavy infantry like this which just looks super super again one thing I'll mention also is I I love the way that like every faction sometimes when moders create stuff like this the Banners are really hard to tell who's who but I I like the idea that everything is just very similar like it's custom banners which look really really nice but everything is black like this faction is black and white this one is red and gray this one is green and gold you know this is blue and yellow like it's just a very nice way when you got this many factions it's just a good way of just making everything feel very unique and standard as we make our way into Valia both of these factions are pretty similar in their in their units um they are just like medieval and they kind of vary in the style so I guess you can kind of pick the the medieval faction you kind of like the most of uh but they all do have their differences in their armors the unit trees are a bit similar now that's something I would like to maybe see the mo kind of go in future updates is just making them feel a little bit unique cuz again they all do very much none of them share the same type of armor which I love bad attention to detail but you know some factions are much more uh focused around plate like this faction is much more focused around like lever and male and each of the units like look very similar in that so that's a really nice detail but I'd love to see more diversity in the unitri themselves just to kind of give you again that different feel uh when playing them but yeah both these factions are kind of very similar kind of different types of medieval factions over here we have the banion again they're going to kind of make up that kind of like uh that nomadic kind of Woodland Warrior heavy armor Celtic style lots of javelins I imagine this unit is really scary with double javelins right there that's going to do a lot there 10 javelins they'll be able to get off so a heavy skirmisher with a Cavalry Force right there and then finally we make our way down into the azerai lands and again I like kind of the setup of this faction being kind of again it's just the unique positioning of this really kind of creates some different stuff like this uh this kind of more I guess it's more of an African faction is surrounded by three people on this side probably all going to be collapsing in and then you also have this faction off into the east as well probably going to be hitting them uh so and then of course you can go through the naval travel so this faction could come in as well so there's a lot of pressure like it's just going to create a very unique unique and interesting Dynamic I think but if we a look at their soldiers you can see again heavily focused on Cavalry and archers one heavy cater frct line to the to the the the the West we have one heavy horse Archer line say I say heavy this is actually quite a light horse Archer um but we're going to be able to output some decent damage with that and then their heavy uh heavy archers here which again are going to probably mix up to be an infantry unit as well I imagine yeah even the tier twos uh can probably do a pretty decent job here so you're going to probably want to kind of set your line up fire a bunch of arrows and then just tell them to hold fire for a shield wo and get stuck in into melee uh their stats yeah their stats aren't actually awful either their stats are actually pretty decent this is more of an infantry unit but an Archer unit so it's kind of again unique play Styles which I love I love that and then for their Noble unit is going to be more of a heavier infantry with that Lance going to be able to out kill a lot of Cavalry which is going to be important because this mod has a lot of Cavalry embedded in bar rosters and then the final faction we have to look at right here is going to be they actually have any units here is going to be right here and again they're going to be uh having a pretty standard heavy infantry line right here again very different to the other rosters with a horse Archer line stuck in their heavy axes again this is probably one of your more standard units but the units look great right again and I love this style like it's just kind of keeping that in you know they kind of have the similar armors and It just fits and they've done a really good job at creating these factions so now let's dive into a quick battle I'm going to probably get a bunch of units from these guys up here in the north and we'll go find an enemy that's a little bit different maybe we'll go end up fighting one of the factions off here like maybe the uh the Chinese or the Korean style faction and we'll put these soldiers to the test okay so we're in a a small little battle right now I thought I'd dive in and basically take a look at some of the soldiers as you guys can see this is not the fact I wanted to play as I was having a few issues with the crashing I think there's a little issue with one of the armor pieces for them higher tier soldiers so we just dived into a battle right here again you guys can see this is going to be one of the western factions that we're playing with I just took kind of like a basic setup of soldiers and we're going up against the Viking faction which we should be able to provide us with a decent challenge so if we get a little closer to them again you guys can see them in battle just going to be basically equipped with heavy armor lots of axes I'm really interested to kind of see how they're going toh perform actually in battle because the union balancing is going to be completely different uh when it comes to these type of battles you really start to see a lot of their Cavalry getting stuck in here causing us some issues and trying to bring us down it's time to go and send the Cavalry off we do have aggressive Cavalry so let's go charge them in the Infantry going to hold the line and we kind of need to position our crossbows that's going to be the main way we win right is using these crossbows to our advantage so let's bring them around infantry can for nice little tie to Shield wo and go a little bit longer on the formation just so we don't get overrun the Cav is going to charge off and we're mainly hoping for these crossbows to set up here and just a fire into the sides of them you can see that they're infantry their heavy axes with them Spears are moving up crossbows are actually a little bit kind of pushed up a little bit more and you can see their carry coming in as well the battle's going to be pretty brutal again remember that this is going to be um set up mainly uh without RBM so uh it's going to be a very different play style the crossbows on the side now that their set up should do a great job and we just need to basically take down this Cavalry and she going to get my infantry to be a bit more aggressive now and go a bit more like into the enemy cuz the enemy are very split up right now and I think we actually we actually out number them very heavily so let's get stuck in here um again they have better quality but our crossbows are set up and our crossbows are actually really decent when it comes to the melee I say that we just got absolutely slaughtered by their by their units I think I don't know it's going to be a close one we're not really putting many tactics into this one their archers are also doing a lot of damage I I definitely did not give them as much credit as maybe I should have unfortunately my men are a bunch of cowards but that's fine again I want to just kind of show you a little look see of the units themselves again these one the the coolest ones I could find but the other ones were having a little bit of trouble loading I'm sure that will be fixed but just keep that in mind I think it was more of the super high tier tier sixes I was trying to bring into battle but I just couldn't get to work so I think you'll be fine I didn't have any problems playing with the lower tiers it was just more of the higher te that were there was only two of the factions that were causing me a few crashes here and there sometimes they would work sometimes they would so just keep that in mind I'm sure if that is a major issue or if it's just maybe something wrong with my load order um I'll I'll obviously look to sort that out but just wanted to make you guys aware this is definitely a cool mod worth checking out regardless of that um and I'm sure if you do run into that crash if you could provide the uh report to the Moda I'm sure they be able to get it sorted out and fixed because yeah this is a ton of fun I'm really enjoying this the style of gameplay I'm really enjoying the way that the empires are set up the uniqueness of each of the factions uh and it doesn't you know it's not like anything crazy it's not like this is a uh you know adds in a billion things it's kind of still very vanilla pluses which I like so yeah go check out this mod I'll leave a link to it down below in the description make sure you drop a like and a comment down below and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Jackie Fish
Views: 34,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mount and blades 2 bannerlord mods, mount and blade 2 bannerlord mods, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, mount and blades 2 bannerlord, best bannerlord mods, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade bannerlord, bannerlord 2 mods, bannerlord mod, bannerlord best mods, bannerlord mods, bannerlord online, bannerlord modding, bannerlord best mods 2023, bannerlord update, bannerlord 2, bannerlord lord of the rings, mount and blade, mount and blade 2
Id: niycZuAFTVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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