You Literally Can’t Get a Passport

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there are a lot of good reasons to get a second passport but we don't often talk about this extremely simple reason that's been in the news in recent weeks I'm going to share with you how you could just be stuck if you don't have a second passport [Music] so uh this is the headline from a website called quartz UK passport officials are going on strike for five weeks how are you going to get your passport now the article says the latest strike announcement adds to a wave of Labor action in the country not seen since the Thatcher area and so one of the things that we tell you here is the West still has some benefits and there's some countries in the west that I think do a better job than others Ireland and Switzerland are the ones that I've consistently mentioned I think that they give you a good return especially if you're a foreigner but the West in general us UK as much as we may like these countries as much as we may feel at home there you're paying more than ever politicians are coming out and saying you got to pay them more if you're even modestly successful politicians are increasingly talking about canceling your freedoms Boris Johnson said hey you know what if we don't like what you do maybe we just won't give you a UK passport to travel with we're going to literally stop you from traveling but now you don't have to have politicians do that because as you've seen this wave of Labor actions from people in countries across Europe obviously in France they're parting the place to the ground recently the UK has had a number of issues as well I was invited to go and participate and speak at an event uh last summer in the UK and I just said hey I'd love to go but they're canceling like half the flights I'm not going to deal with that stress I'm not going to be a guy sleeping on the airport floor uh no thanks and so what uh they're saying now in the UK is if you need a passport you're not going to get one so we've seen this played out not that long ago during the pandemic when the government somehow managed to keep everyone employed people were working at home or they were doing whatever they were getting their paycheck but Services were dramatically slowed now I am not the expert on all things government thank goodness uh but it always seemed to me you have an office that prints passports you probably don't have that many people have them put on a mask and get their work right but there's a part of it that feels like there's something more Sinister a foot when these countries use for example a pandemic to say oh we can't print passports and I I've told you numerous times I had a deal going during the pandemic to sell a piece of property and the guy buying it we had to delay for months and months and months and months because when you do International property deals if you don't have a local passport or a local ID number uh you need to have your international passport number on there and so the deal is not the U.S he's an American and I'm waiting around for the U.S passport office to print him a passport so the most obvious advice is have an active passport at all times most countries require three or six months of validity even after you're supposed to leave the country so if you go to Europe today and you have 90 days visa-free because you're an American and Australian what have you you know you should have a passport valid for you know potentially as much as six months every country has their own rules but you know with a year left of my passport I'm getting a new passport and now I might even want to bump it up a little bit um I I've got new passports after only three or four years because the thing's full and in some countries like the United States you can even go and say Hey can I have two passports from the same country one might be valid for 10 years one might be valid for one to four years and you may spill in a special form you've got to kind of beg please give me the Privileges the most basic and privileges of paying you so much money in taxes um but that would be something that I would suggest having right um don't wait until your passport's expired never go without having a passport because you never know when you want to get out we've seen the last couple years hey if you live in a New York City I think there would have been better places in the world to go in 2020 I can tell you because I did it I was traveling around the world during the pandemic you know things were certainly a bit there were more precautions in place but I was able to travel and I was uh you know relatively free more so than many people were who were stuck and many of those folks were stuck because they couldn't get a passport now imagine what the government what else they could do they're always looking for an emergency right it's an emergency and if you understand how most people work and the average person buys this Hook Line sinker most people work for the government they work for a giant Corporation they don't much think for themselves they're not entrepreneurs and those of us who are entrepreneurs those of us who who beat Toro drum we kind of think as people or want to do that everyone else is like us they're not right so when people say oh you know we we get a lower taxes yeah most people are against you most people want socialism in the west now oh well we gotta have a more more freedom yeah most people want the government to take care of them and to enforce you know more rules these days and so you think people agree with you which is why your country is going the wrong direction because they don't and you're just sitting there thinking wow it doesn't get any better than this don't go where you're treated best no no you need to go where you're treated best because your country is heading in the wrong direction the people are against you and whatever the government comes out and says or a corporation comes out and says oh it's an emergency sorry can't print passports that's basically the equivalent of like when you go on uh you know you go to a hotel for example oh it's for security reasons what's it doesn't make any sense what you're explaining security it for security they just have their little lines that they recite they have their micro powers and you either go along with it or you get kicked out you have no choice and that's what happens with your passport hey you don't want to accept our latest emergency no obviously the pandemic was an emergency I don't understand how you can't print people passports so they can get out unless you don't want them to get out and so uh let's let's talk about what court says unionized members of UK's passport offices will go in strike next month after low wages likely disrupting the delivery passports during the busy Easter holiday you pay them a fortune and when it and when you need them hey uh can I pay you an additional fee to get you to print a little book that I can get people to stamp you know we're busy you consistently pay them imagine you paid a business and there's businesses that I pay by the way I keep them on a retainer I don't use the services sometimes for a year and a half but then I want to use the services I've been paying for all this time imagine if I you know turned on my phone service in a certain country if they're not using it but I've been paying for it for all that time and it didn't work right you'd be pretty angry wouldn't you but you've been paying taxes your entire life they tell you it's not enough in most countries in the west it's approaching 50 percent and then the time when you're like hey I'll give you a user fee to do this thing for me that you know it's kind of my privilege of citizenship right they're like yeah yeah oh Easter holidays yeah we don't care and so now obviously after uh brexit you can't just you know show up in the EU the same way that you could before you need to get a passport and so a hundred thousand civil servants including doctors what could go wrong there teachers what could go wrong there you saw that happen in uh in Los Angeles recently the teachers just all went on strike who cares if your kids get educated what do you think you're paying us all right what is it by the way what is it these these politicians always say in the US they don't talk about doctors because you pay a fortune and you get nothing for your money in Europe they talk about doctors and teachers in the US they talk about teachers and roads and bridges and all that and what happens ah we're just not going to work wait a second I thought that's why you told me I didn't pay more taxes because I'm a jerk if I don't support the doctors and the teachers and they also add the railway workers right okay maybe I think that's what I was paying more for oh no no you were paying more for whatever right by the way you know I live in the capital cities everywhere I live and I always you know I walk by the nice hotels I so often see like diplomatic cars pulling up with a little flag and the diplomatic plates and the guys getting out of the car and someone's oh let me sir can I open the door for you properly and he's going to the Ritz Carlton there's a cocktail party I went to uh there's a club I was I forget where it was but there was a place like all the time like a beautiful Club and I said oh we're sorry we've got a function for the diplomats tonight right that's where your money's going it's not paying for the doctors the teachers the real workers is paying for Gavin Newsom in California to go out and guzzle wine at The French Laundry it's it's paying for uh the politicians to get their beaks wet and who and they said there's no corruption in the Western World so it goes on and on and on we don't have to go through everything but uh the home office said it was disappointed by the Union's decision strong words and it would like to manage the impact of the strike action um more than four thousand passport workers meaning approximately one in four employees will walk out and so it may not even entirely makes sense why they're saying that they can't get you a passport and yet uh it's you're gonna have to wait uh much longer approximately a million people applied for passports uh last year during the five weeks they're planning on strike with summer vacations abroad increasing uh and so now they're just basically saying you know waiting times are going to go up so you could say hey I gotta wait a couple extra weeks big deal I'll tell you what some of my passports I walk in I get it renewed in the same day four hours here's your passport and they have a nice smile on their face it's a delight seriously done that a couple times in the last uh two years go in fill out a form here's your passport same day no screwing around why is the US and the UK can't do it tiny little countries are doing and I'm not just talking about citizenship by investment countries in the Caribbean by the way those take a little bit longer if you're not going to go there but the bottom line is I would not want to be only a citizen of a country where politicians threaten to take my passport Boris Johnson did it Justin Trudeau did it others have done in Australia they've talked about it these Western politicians are Drunk on Power they keep talking about yeah you know what if we don't like oh you donate it to the truckers I'm not saying I'm for the truckers or against the truckers I don't even know I don't know the truckers I don't know Putin but what I do know is you have the right to get a passport now you actually don't have the right to get a passport but you have the privilege to get a passport but they keep adding all these different little rules so you don't even have the right to get one but okay generally speaking you get one right no one needs to worry about how oh it's it's a privilege on a right but it's increasingly becoming a privilege and I would not want to be stuck in a country where they want to take more and more of my money where they want to reduce my freedoms and not have anywhere else to go what I'm always telling you is you have a couple residence permits okay and then you work towards the second passport maybe you get a second passport in a matter of months by investment maybe you go through the family tree if you're British maybe you have Irish ancestry now you get your EU passport back maybe a van sisters from somewhere else all right if you're American lots of different European ancestries and in Caribbean and many other countries in the United States get your passport by ancestry get it by investment get it by whatever way works and then what you do is you switch the residence permits that you have over to the new passport so let's say that I'm British and I can become Irish through descent and I'm going to get a residence permit in Malaysia where I can actually go into the hospital and for a tiny price I can get the most amazing Medical Care uh when the doctors in my country go on strike and actually need medical care so I'm going to get a residence permit in Malaysia or Thailand for example and I'm going to put that in my UK passport but then when I get the Irish passport I'm going to flip it so now I'm not reliant on the UK anymore to travel now obviously there are some countries like the United States where you're supposed to leave on their passports if you don't have a valid U.S passport they're gonna be like well you can't leave um so that's why you want to have something going at all times so the issue for me isn't necessarily that you should make an excuse for letting your passport lapse and just think you can get one whenever you want whether it's pandemics whether it's strikes whether it's whatever the next emergency is I would hope we realize by now the government is not there to serve you they're there to take your money and then go to they're like the guy who goes to the bathroom when the bill comes if you are British or from almost any other Western Country except for the United States you can move wherever you want you can go through the process of becoming taxed under resident move to Dubai if you want move to Vanuatu move to Monaco move to a territorial tax country you can pay as little as zero in tax both in the UK and in your new destination all right now you got a little bit less argument although you are still a citizen you paid taxes for many years you're paying a user-free for a passport you still should get the passport but my point is why am I putting all my eggs in one basket why am I relying on the UK to control my entire freedom of movement throughout the world when we've seen the kind of stuff that's happened just in this Century Wars on terror pandemics Financial crises austerity measures all kinds of things they'll find any reason they want to keep you in now I wouldn't wait for them to do that I'm already out I'm already living my best life in the countries where I'm treated best but if you haven't done that at least get started on getting your second passports Nomad capitalist helps people do it by descent if you have an ancestor parent grandparent great grandparent we can help you do that just on its own you don't want to lower your taxes you don't want bank accounts you just want that passport I think you should you should look at it in the holistic sense but we help people get passports through their ancestry we also help people look at all the different you know issues I live in a country I want to move to another country here's why I want to move what are the countries I should move to what passport should I get what residents how do I do everything how do I handle taxes on my banking right so there's also that for folks who want to take a more bold move but what I always say is you know get something going get a second passport especially if you qualify through your ancestry not just like that's just no joke just had a friend by the way who uh is is visiting Europe a couple years ago could not visit Europe until they found that they had a claim to citizenship by dissent and now they've got a European passport they can go wherever they want their entire life changed uh with that and their children and grandchildren's life will change the whole new opportunities so that's just a good thing on its own and who knows what comes next who knows what they might invent next you want to be ready it's what Nomad capitalist does every day
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 105,238
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Keywords: nomad capitalist, go where you're treated best, dual citizenship, second citizenship, second passport, andrew henderson, You Literally Can’t Get a Passport, News, personal finance, investing, taxes, UK news, uk, news, passport strategy, life in UK, life abroad, UK’s passport, Why Do You Need a Second Passport, Disappointed Decision, Who is striking in the UK?, life in europe, where to live, Strongest labor movement since Thatcher, British strikes, riots
Id: ogV3-kZ8Nv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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