You HAVE to see this Terraria Mod

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so the alpha edition of Starlight river is finally here and if you've never seen this mod before it's like witnessing the next generation of Terraria modding as of right now it's only pre-hard mode so I decided to play the entire mod in a single day and here's my reaction to all the new content the biomes the bosses so enjoy today is a very special day the alpha edition of Starlight river is finally here and I have not been this excited about a mod in a very long time so let's jump into it we're playing in expert mode because if you try boot up a world in master mode it gives you a big warning like please do not play Master mode you might actually rip out your hair and we can't be blamed for ripping out here it feels like it's been a long year since we checked out that uh beta preview this is it's gonna be so fun so this is our first look at the mod actually blended with vanilla Terraria because of course when we last saw it it was on a map that was pre-generated that had a structure that was is pre-generated so that you could check out a boss we've never seen how the mod is actually going to blend with normal gameplay so that's what we're checking out oh gosh you're gonna get a very excited version of me today and well to be honest I'm not actually going to apologize because it's nice to feel this hyped this all takes place in pre-hard mode because you know it's early days they're testing the mod I think uh you know you don't need to go the whole way not for the very start so we're just going to play it like normal Terraria there are a couple of boss fights I've heard I don't know what they are or how to get them so that's going to be a fun little mystery new item uh shining bricklayers Mallet doubles block placement and Tool range decreases mining speed by 50 for blocks outside of your original range also gives you Starlight regeneration uh do we give this a go it's not something that interested in and then why am I minding this listen I've been playing a lot of Tears of the Kingdom recently so if I'm Rusty today blame Zelda do not blame me one of the perks of going into this completely blind is that to discover the bosses we're actually going to need to really explore the world and I think that's what I'm most excited about you know it's been a while since I've gone blind into a mod obviously these big mods like Calamity inforium and such and such well I played those about six or seven years ago it's been a very long time for me since I played a mod quite like this so this is a big event for me um oh Finch staff not bad ah okay so we found a new structure right at the bottom of this uh living tree now normally at the bottom of the living tree it's quite boring a little bit underwhelming I feel like the world gen lets it down a little bit so this is a neat little surprise and let's see what's inside of here first off Aesthetics I love it it's a nice little structure okay I can hear a worm and I don't want to die just yet I wanna I wanna enjoy what I've got okay I'm gonna throw down a grenade oh there we go okay this is good right let's let's head inside but yeah Aesthetics very nice so what's in here then a barrel and a chest this looks valuable you get point of light 11 melee damage hold left click to charge a powerful spear buyers a laser when fully charged and then you can pick two of these so which ones do we go with Forest Ivy seeds can grow in hanging planters wait I tell you what no no I'm not I'm not mad interested in this I know that I know that this is modded I'm gonna go these two and I'll take my weapon so let's have a little look at the charge for this then oh okay so you can just uh slam it out but if you get the little click there you go fully charged boy that is that's really neat I'm seriously committed to uh to playing this in one session so you know to be honest it might get to the point where I've just got to hook up like an IV Bank you know drip feed me food uh drip feed me liquids because I'm not leaving this chair if until this is done I'm not ruining my my Starlight River experience so like I said I played about uh 10 minutes earlier and the first thing I did was I chopped down one of these trees now I want to bring this up now because a lot of you will be like hey can you just can you chop down a tree I want to see is there a special item uh apparently not uh you just chop them down and they disappear and it looks it looks honestly a little sad because they look so good so you know I just wanted to explain it now in case your curiosity is like chop it down don't let the tree survive oh okay uh so there's bushes let's see Forest berries okay restores 20 life uh consumable material all right let's find out what it mates so it makes Forest tonic uh provides regeneration and Immunity to poison with a 30 second duration cool all right uh I don't need that now and then one of these what is that what are they slime berries what was that about also these grow back pretty quick that's a good little a little source of food there right at start now look at this look at these Grand structures what are these about I wonder if this is going to become some form of a Boss Arena now my curiosity wants to know this one looks pretty tall is there going to be something no okay I wanted to see if there was going to be something at the top because it seemed like the kind of thing a mod would do one of the things I really like about this weapon is uh you seem to be able to just move with normal speeds like as it's charging that's quite nice and that's even better look at that so now we've got something for the short term and for the long term gosh these are quite these are quite rare as well like I feel like I feel like this might even be a better weapon oh that's so good okay I'm gonna keep pushing on so we we've got Crimson on both sides uh and we don't seem to have like any natural caves but I feel like if I can just make it past the crimson on either side well probably we'll probably find something healthy old wet stone uh equippable plus one to all damage why in tarnation are you sharpening your wand these little quotes I'm always I'm always so like Curious and always like a little bit out of the loop like what is this reference in Intrepid Acorn Sprout killing summoned tagged enemies summons acorns to fall on nearby enemies okay so I'm assuming this is some kind of a Summoner accessory that's gonna like uh pair with something else I guess that's what it is like oh if you kill an enemy and like you've whipped them and they're tagged you get a buff maybe reinforced Dusty amulet uh plus 20 Max life plus 20 maximum manner 0.8 times Critical Strike chance an old heirloom with an inscription lost the time so it seems like this thing has the like the added bonus of a plus 16 barrier now I did read that there was a bug with uh with barriers so you have to play on like a certain zoom level to get barriers to work a bit I think that's the case right now I'm not going to change it to the correct zoom level mainly because uh we're filming this video and uh and I don't want to zoom out a million miles that you can't seem I'll try it on and we'll see if if it breaks or if anything happens but we now have a barrier I don't know what a barrier is I assume it's oh there you go so that's the that's the breakage is it worth having this around probably I mean it don't look too bad if it gets really distracting and I'll uh I'll take the accessory off but yeah that's the that's the book at the moment what what is this what do I do with this um can I mine it no interesting wait actually do you know what I remember in the beta there was certain things where you had to like uh charge through it you could do like a Double Dash maneuver something like that now I wonder are we going to unlock that ability at a certain point or is that actually built into the mods because I don't know start star sight forbidden wins Faith flame uh let me I don't know what to put this one on let me do this one to that can I do anything with these no okay so I'm wondering then if there's an accessory or an ability that we get later so this is my this is my theory all right we're gonna find out in a couple of hours if I'm just like dead off wrong but maybe you need like a mallet to break the glass yes because the pickaxe is not strong enough you shall use the Mallet uh we do not have a mallet there is a chest up here though so I do want to I do want to grab that I've returned back to the surface I've sorted out my inventory because I feel like I'm at the point where I'm like I'm just leaving stuff behind and I feel like once you get to that point in Terraria it's almost like you're just doing things wrong the look there's there's going to be glitches as we explore this uh mod together right don't worry about it try try put it to the back of your mind so I think what we'll do then is we're gonna head right this time and I'm gonna go past the crimson and see if I can find either a natural cave system or alternatively maybe the ice biome because I often Overlook the ice biome and I want to make sure I'm hitting up every biome so that I don't miss any like call structures that might be down there so we have indeed stumbled across the uh the ice biome and it looks like I mean fingers crossed here this looks like a natural cave entrance this is her apparently in this world Jen a rare occurrence uh a thing to be celebrated oh yes okay I shall take that that background flickering what does that mean so what is okay all right it was a frozen Aurora chunk okay right so what does this do am I safe right now because I want to look at some recipes I think I'm safe I'll be all right okay so what is this to them let's dump this in here uh so it makes frozen Aurora bars at a furnace so it's three per one and it makes the book of Frost it's a book it's ice block and five of these so I need 15 so I've already got that Hallelujah it also makes the frost ball uh strike enemies to build your Aurora power heels players near the yoyo based on Aurora power gives you regeneration when retrieved based on Aurora power so it looks like down here uh We've stumbled across something new it seems to be like moving with the character though so I think it might be a bit of a glitch I think it's something to do with this so we've already got one of these I can't imagine this one's any more special and I wonder what it is I remember they did show off some weird water that you could pass through something like that this was a spoiler a long time ago I cannot remember the context and it might have something to do with that I don't know but based on the fact that it's moving with the player I think this is like a visual glitch whoa okay so it is that weird water can I make it move with me no so it always stays kind of like uh I guess parallel to the character I I I've been out of school a while all right I don't know the correct terminology here oh okay suspicious looking offering drop in Prismatic Waters to summon the one the squidity's worship ah yes of course the squidities cool so I'm guessing that is our first uh boss summon I don't know like I mean and this is once again the perk of going in blind I don't know when you meant to do this boss is it post Eye of Cthulhu is it post Wall of Flesh no idea but we are gonna find out oh my gosh it's a snowball I remember these so obviously like over the past year I've tried to cover uh Starlight revenues whenever possible right they they should they shared spoilers every once in a while and I remember the snowball got a lot of love oh okay so uh the merchant sells some new items uh armor bag stores armor for quick use um right click to equip stored armor right click with armor to add it to the back Nicole like I don't fully know the purpose especially now that we have um you know different loadouts and whatnot but I could I could see the appeal I guess maybe maybe for like carrying around different armors and you don't want to take up space in your inventory maybe I'm not getting it um but what's this Chef's bag stalls lots of every ingredient uh table salt can be placed seasoning uh food boss are five percent more effective uh add 15 second duration to food uh there's also black pepper so I wonder then is there like a cooking mechanic in the game so like these are seasonings for uh for other ingredients that's that's probably what it is so we've found a new structure uh this one looks very fancy a little bit threatening in a way like I'm a little worried that uh you know this is some kind of Boss woman so let's break down the door and we'll see what it is uh uh okay Aurora Spirit it headed down so I think we follow it oh gosh I've like hiked myself in ah okay this is where it was leading me to so I think it I think it's like a theory it leads you down there and then kind of like uh explodes and I assume if you don't get too close to it oh okay so it's another one so I wonder then if it's leading you to something Grand oh it is oh that's so cool okay I'm gonna follow this okay I think this one might be the final one uh because I mean look at it look at it it looks nightmarish it looks like a black void with two portals on either side but What's it gonna be I am curious if maybe as we get closer it will actually like properly reveal itself so this seems to be a door uh open it up what is this place blocks on Blue squares okay uh I have snow block is that what I need to to have okay I'll Place one here uh this might not be the right block um ah okay there we go you have to turn off Smart cursor oh my gosh I have a feeling I'm not ready for this all I've got is a tentacle Spike but look at it it's the it's the loading screen gosh it's gorgeous isn't it but I am not ready for this wow it is a beautiful now I bet you this is where we Chuck that suspicious looking thing and I reckon when it's time we're gonna be facing off against this this big squid back here gosh that is so cool it's so cool like do you get it now do you get where I was buzzed like when have you played a mod like this what is that oh it's so cool right we'll we'll leave this because obviously we're not ready yet we'll we'll come back for that so I assume for this boss that we need to be like post I've Cthulhu at least right so I think what I'm gonna do now I started digging underground I think I'm just gonna try and do as many like vanilla things as possible as in like get a basic set of armor make sure I've got all my movement accessories I've just managed to get a tsunami in a bottle because one of the structures had a fishing crate in it and the first fishing crate I opened had this but yeah we'll do some vanilla restore honestly if there's anything cool along the way we'll check it out but then we'll we'll try and uh get all ready for that boss ah okay so you can make something called a prep station right click to prepare meals so yeah there is a cooking mechanic uh okay right click place a main course in the top slot to start cooking so we actually do have a main course because they killed a bunny and I got a bit of rabbit so you put that in the top and then I'm guessing you can do like salt pepper maybe like a little appetizer on the side tell you what I will just make that so what did that make rabbit rich food that provides these Buffs plus five percent melee damage for 10 seconds yeah you can see why you need to to add to it because that's not it's not very long at all like 10 seconds to be honest I'm probably not gonna bother but I guess if you can extend it to say like a minute two minutes sounds better uh what's this double cross seven range damage uh extremely weak knockback uses arrows shoots your highest two ammo slots at once okay I quite like the sound of that so we could have uh wooden arrows and Jester arrows be fired I'm also gonna make a pickaxe because mining around at the moment is is awful and then is there anything else that's new okay not right now not right now let's try the weapon though oh cool very cool uh we should have yeah we've got ice blocks so what we'll do is we'll make icy arrows we'll make a bunch of those and we'll make flaming arrows and then we can have them like uh work in Tandem and then we're not burning through the jester arrows and we're getting flaming and frostburn so I'm not really uh talking my way through this because what I'm doing right now is it's pretty much just like vanilla Terraria I'm just like scooting about different caves trying to find things uh but this double cross Weapon It's actually no joke it's so good so I'm just trying to find like Life Crystals and yeah I guess just whatever else and just uh just try and Bolt the character up a little bit before we uh before we move on ah okay so it looks like we've found uh another structure and kind of I don't want to go in the wrong way to these structures I kind of want to make sure I'm doing it right so I assume you may be going through a different way or firebug I guess this is an enemy that was meant to probably whoa okay they seem tough so I'm guessing that was an enemy that was meant to be inside of there interesting I'm gonna I might scoot around see if we can find the uh find the entrance I don't want to get too sidetracked but this is new so we did get a new material from that uh fire bug it's called ancient ceramic and it looks like it makes a lot of things like maybe this is the first uh proper area that you're meant to find I feel like it would be that way because I mean there's a lot here so let's have a little look at some of the items uh Starlight pendant uh barrier boosts Mana regen by one percent per point of current active barrier uh pyro classic flow uh blast a torrential stream of lava that sticks to tiles and enemies this seems cool so this is a I mean this is after I guess brain of Cthulhu or Skeletron uh rhythmic resonator uh this is after Skeletron as well so this is a bow it's an upgrade to the uh vitric bow bittrick bow sounds really I could use a rework oh they've left the mod tools like the developers comments in here okay interesting so that that sounds familiar to me uh faucet and lassit lattice uh sorry I'm still laughing about this um right click to guard uh this is upgrade oh I no I didn't have a spear I've been to Trident there's a lot here magmite bomb I'm gonna just say this I think I reckon yeah 85 pickaxe power yeah I reckon this area just in general is is a place that you're probably meant to go to after you've done Skeletron so it's a little glitched out I wonder if I've maybe entered from the the wrong way uh but it looks like uh this is like a little mini bio as part of the mod uh and then this area inside of here seems to be like uh I mean it seems like some some kind of different Beast oh my my Feather Falls run out I was like why am I why am I moving so weird let me see if I can make it happen yeah look at that so I wonder if this is some kind of a event inside of here now I remember these crystals if I remember right it's been so long the thing with these is you had to do that kind of like special ability to to break them this this does look like that area we saw uh all those months ago so I can see there is a an NPC here uh called the glass Weaver now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to move the scaling back to uh to 100 just to interact with this uh this character because uh like I say there's something with the text boxes uh so let's see ah you've finally found me come to browse my Wiz my commissions are full uh but for the right price thank you very much thanks for that so it turns out uh that area that we were in it's like directly below the desert so I do Wonder then if you were meant to explore the desert reach the bottom and then uh Discover it that way which makes which makes a lot of sense that's why like I feel like we really really have to explore in this mod hey look at that tune rider boots very nice yeah uh coming this way totally worth it right so let's try this uh one more time let's see how we get on ah you finally found me come to browse my Wiz my commission's a fault but for the right price I'm sure we can work something out or that look you're giving me are you perhaps a fan uh what no uh what do I do now editor James here there was a little bug with this part of the mod yesterday but thankfully we figured out how to make it work so later in the video we'll be returning so that thing that we saw was frozen Aurora bars oh yeah yeah so there was a there was a yo-yo and there was something else now I probably don't have enough for the for the other thing but the other thing was like an accessory so what's this uh what's this yoyo like strike enemies to build a roar of power heals players near the yoyo based on Aurora power and gives you regeneration when retrieved coal so yeah I assume the the more you use it the more power you build up and then that power when it comes back to you gives you life Regen it's pretty cool I mean we're probably a little past it oh wait no wait okay let's sling it back to us so we got a little burst of regen oh yeah look at that oh gosh that's quite cool actually it's quite an easy thing to make as well if you add an anvil on you you could have made this ages ago in the ice biome oh okay warding disinfectant wipes critical Stripes have a 10 chance to reduce all debuff durations uh by three seconds does not affect poison sickness debuff that would be so cool if it did yeah what that might be a little overpowered some would say Jagged sliver ring whips have a chance to shoot out a smaller snake whip okay right I don't have any whips but I would love that I feel like that's going to be a really cool accessory to use to be honest I know me I'm probably gonna forget to use it because I haven't got to summon this build going on right now for oh gosh I mean there's always always uh multiple playthroughs here right like this this doesn't have to be our only video on it like we can we can come back so I'm just down here uh because I want to give a king slime a go I can't imagine it's gonna drop anything different but I was like well we may as well give it a go King Slime is almost uh defeated very easy fight very chill um please please please please please give me a hook though I would appreciate it gosh my my aim my aim is definitely it is definitely bad Okay so gelatin that is something new no uh right okay yeah there is something new but for a second I was like am I just am I looking at this guy okay treasure bag hook awesome uh Ninja Gear Awesome uh slimy saddle great as well also it's great to see that Taylor louder wants to give achievements now that's pretty cool okay so gelatin is a main course it gives six percent damage reduction and three defense so I found some new weapons uh the blade saw shreds through enemies uh repeat hits shred enemies and overheat the saw increasing damage right click to use as a tool I think I remember this one from one of the the little spoilers let's give it a go I don't wanna I don't want to chop down my big trees okay no wait left click is fine yeah I remember this that it was used for killing innocent squirrels I I like the gore when you use it I'm a big fan of that a strange traveler has arrived Wanderer I wake you at the place you entered well I didn't read it I'm guessing it said where you entered the world uh oh no wait wait okay right zoom out uh the crow okay the crow like creature oh my gosh now I'm getting a phone call the crow-like creature gets up off the ground with a triumphant look in its beady eyes dusting itself off and then straightening its ruffled feathers okay uh my mother forgot to give me a chat message okay great continue oh I think I am glitched I don't think I can click on these uh these text boxes even though I probably should be able to uh I think I meant to set you are I scaling to 100 oh there we go oh gosh okay that's so good so I'm guessing we're off back to that other NPC then there you are I've jumped through 17 different axons and a half the entire Capricorn Tropic to try and find you okay yes yes my name is alakan and I believe we can help each other you see I am a seeker of what exactly is not free information but I'll give you a hint alakan leans towards you with its void reduced to a whisper and a manic glint in its eye manners not the only thing out there it's an engine of change it can blow things up it can reverse entropine but it's not all there is I'm studying Starlight the inverse of Mana the energy of meaning of memory of connection if you let me observe your efforts I will teach you how to use it this is Starlight the ability to Glimpse the wave of fate and meaning grasping onto but a thin thread if you encounter something beyond your own understanding use it to borrow the knowledge you need and have a feeling you'll be generating a lot of useful data for me I've got business in the aqua okay in the equatorial ring but before I go one last word of advice something lurks beneath the nearby desert okay right so that's where we were meant to go the threats of memory uh converge in a great tangle if you wish to understand Starlight you must confront and decipher whatever's waiting for you there I'll be watching wow uh Mouse four nothing interesting here nothing interesting here to be honest I've picked a pretty awkward time to do this with it being a Blood Moon uh and I didn't bother to to make an arena or anything but as you can see uh the Double Cross is really good all right okay uh and we got the shielded Cthulhu ah okay uh whoa what is that what is that haunted War Banner okay a goblin army is approaching from the East okay this is good because if it leads us into a boss fight and we're not able to uh to actually do it uh yeah we should be all right then to get some more upgrades okay so trick is uh UI two okay that was that was too much ah you've finally found me come to browse my Wiz my commissions are full but for the right price I'm sure we can work something out or that look you're giving me are you perhaps a fan I what what what do you mean that you're just wandering in here nobody comes here to see the legendary Weaver of glass without a reason especially outside of my Forge it must have been fate I am an artist and Crystal is my medium but to properly work it I need some very powerful equipment and well how do I say this I did maybe forget to maintain the tools in My Chosen Forge for a bit only a few centuries don't give me that look you might not be able to tell with your lack of experience at all but I will give it only a few more years before the magma channels erode and the four chart collapses so I've been diligently scouting out a nearby Forge Temple thing is it's almost an even more disrepair if you handsome Warrior wise kind Explorer a proven off to venture in and fix up the forge I'll let you keep whatever you find inside here I'll show you where it is show me that Temple no wait you can't just barge in you need a key I need to know if I'm giving my faith in Crystal to the right person so when you think you're strong enough challenge me properly and I will put you through my glass Weaver Gauntlet to really test your metal don't keep me waiting you know where to find me see you around ah my fated Champion here to liberate my Forge from that dastily Sentinel uh forget I said that I'll tell you about it if you win okay so the Sentinel I do remember the Sentinel that's the boss that we faced in the uh in the preview okay right so I think the gauntlet is try and run through as many of these little like enemies as it's gonna set up for us so this should actually give us a pretty good idea and I'm really glad it's doing this of like what skill level you need to be as in is this like post Skeletron is it around now we're taking a lot of damage to be completely honest like I didn't come fully prepared so I think of it yeah I think if it came to the actual boss fight I think I would be screwed okay I'm just gonna head up here and keep feeling damage yeah I was not prepared I I think we've got to come a little later I reckon this is post Skeletron at least alright so Goblin Army's done uh that wasn't too bad but yeah as I was fighting them I was thinking about like the fact that you know these enemies that we were just facing were probably just like I don't know like 50 harder than the Goblins so yeah I think we we either need to bump up to like brain of Cthulhu gear or go full Skeletron and start exploring the dungeon I think that's probably what it wants I reckon like the bosses and such uh a little more late game than I was expecting that's cool though um so yeah so I guess what we do now then Is We I guess we go do the brain of Cthulhu and we get the brand new Cthulhu out the way but then yeah I I think this might be the second boss I don't think this is the first one I think because the fact that the crow leads you here I reckon you do this then you do the Sentinel then you do whatever this is and then it probably like leads you in the direction of the final one right so we're very close to uh taking down the Eye of Cthulhu uh essentially took me uh two attempts I think what we need to do is we we need to make a we need to make a better weapon I reckon that's what it is this weapon is very cool uh but just in regards to damage and whatnot you know it's probably not the best although I I feel bad do you ever get like this where you get like a modded weapon and you're like you know what you've carried me a little bit and I'm and I'm proud to have here and then you just feel bad about like throwing it away I feel a little bit like that okay so interesting development here uh we now have this so here's the thing right our level with you uh I went AFK for a little bit I had a burger I just love Terraria running I'm too scared to log out I really am doing this in one go uh and I assume uh something has spawned so we did the brain of Cthulhu and I didn't see anything so yeah well we now have this very exciting um so I'm curious and maybe uh we get something new from this that'll actually let us craft some uh some new weapons because my plan right now is I was just gonna go do uh I was gonna do Skeletron I was gonna do Skeletron get dungeon upgrades like do the uh the Goblin tinkerer and whatnot tell you what does this explode because that would make this a lot easier yeah you get bombarded with enemies here yeah if Moonstone could could equal something good oh gosh it would be good because yeah if not we're just gonna do upgrades before we get to uh The Sentinel or Sentinel whatever like I say I'm doing this in one session right have I have I hit my Peak right now maybe I don't know okay so fingers crossed then this makes something good so it makes Moonstone bars now listen here when the first thing you see is a drill containment unit you get a little spooked all right let's let's make a whole bunch of these so we can actually make 106. so you can make uh Moonstone armor The Starlight shuriken now this is what I remember from the beta okay so that's a pretty cool thing so it's made out of shuriken fallen stars so we have all of that gosh I think this might be what we needed uh this Diana's pendant that's cool uh oh gosh all right an upgrade to the uh to the star Fury we have a lot to do now this is actually good okay so Moon Fury call Down A Shard of moonstone afflicting enemies with dream fire Afflicted enemies take extra damage on hit from Moon Fury okay cool uh so let's make the leggings let's make the helmet let's make the uh chess piece so all of these give a barrier protection now there's a bunch of different accessories I've seen that they kind of work with barrier but like I said earlier barrier is kind of glitched in this version so it might not be ideal we'll see I love this update this uh sound effects needed okay I'll make it wait what's this as well Moonstone tincture causes barrier to reflect the light of the Moon yeah there's a bunch of stuff that works with barrier let's swap it over what was the other weapon that we could make it was uh this one okay let's give it a go I'm curious whoa oh no that's fancy now that is fancy look at it go that's it's quite cool 47 striking enemies chances of Staff with lunar energy condenses collected energy into a lunar orb when the final slam hits the ground okay cool um all right sick so I think what happens is is we use our weapon once we've gained a couple of kills we should then be able to uh bring in our uh set bonus okay so in terms of this Weapon It's not ideal in the sense of like it's it's pretty like I don't know you're gonna get pretty close to get it to work this is cool though I would say in terms of damage I feel like we're doing more damage okay what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna wait until because we have we have like a sword to summon or something like that let's let's give it a go oh my gosh it's amazing so that's the set bonus the set bonus is this crazy spear oh gosh here one Starlight River Starlight River I mean I was enjoying my time already I was having I've been pretty it's been a pretty good couple of hours but you know what you've just reminded me why this is so cool I love the way those enemies join together as well so yeah I am dead now I think if we came back with thoughts and uh I think yeah I think if we came back with pods I think I could probably do a bit better all right cool uh we found the goblin okay this is good uh because right so we have so many like random little accessories that the the mod is introduced but because I'm just kind of relying on like uh my movement accessories and whatnot if we start combining stuff I think it's gonna be really good for us I feel like we're gonna be able to um to free up some slots and then start using some more um some more modded ones so I just remembered uh I forgot to make this uh this is like really cool though so we don't have I guess we have a good bit of Mana this is a mage weapon uh here it is look at it it's Ace okay yeah so tosses a volley of magical shuriken Landing every shuriken decreases the amount from by one throw a powerful glaive uh when you would have only thrown one shuriken sure it couldn't gosh but it's so cool I tell you what if well to be fair this is a this is a melee build we've got going on right now we could always swap to Mana if we need to but I am enjoying these special effects so I'll leave it for now uh but that's that's a cool it just looks good as well now it turns out you can actually uh zoom in during this which is good and the UI doesn't like completely break okay I'm gonna head over them start taking these out what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to save my my spear for like the the latest off okay they're gone right I'm gonna use spear for this one because this seems this is where we died last time oh my gosh that one's got so much health in comparison okay he's gone oh and it continues they really are Relentless with this they're like you need to prove to us you're ready it's definitely not like oh you know just a just a couple like he gets the mechanics no no it's like it's an actual trial by combat it's great it's really cool though I like it because I struggle with a lot of mods to figure out like where the where the balancing is like you know you actually ready for this ball so are you not resistance like a clear test it's like yes they are ready they understand okay let me try get my swing bam there we go right I'm gonna use the spear for the rest of this because I want to try and uh just maintain what health I have take these out okay we're doing all right for health we're doing okay okay oh now it's glass weaver himself okay uh I should probably like really pay attention to this okay right let's do there oh my gosh what was that little orb thing you just said okay I feel like um yeah the spear is gonna come in real Handy here just keep using the spear and let's not worry about much else this this is a little bit like it's a little bit Hollow Knight isn't it I haven't played much Hollow Knight just to be just to be clear I know I need to change it I'm a degenerate I get it I know I'm in the wrong here right come on Slam him down there we go all right uh okay move that stopping away gosh writes it so that's done let's zoom out so we can read the text box that was intense congratulations you destroyed many decade of my finest work I really should have thought this through more I was going to have uh those help you clear out the forge but I'm sure you'll figure it out let me oh my gosh please enemies come on the fight's over all right it's done it's over but I'm sure you'll figure it out let me fill you in on what to expect it pulls out what looks to be a map but with completely illegible scribbles in place of anything useful you're not sure how one capable of creating such uh intricate Crystal work is so inept at moving a pen on paper but you've seen more bizarre things my great map of the grand Forge Temple just another legendary artwork that I'm allowing you to briefly look at free of charge but you can see the two main rooms of the forge here and here both are most likely broken in some way and if you want to access to the vault at the bottom you'll have to get to the power system and Hammer system in working order if you enter the Vault there's a pretty high likelihood of the Sentinel taking notice it will not be happy but most of the adventurers have no such compunctions about theft from holy forged temples and the murder of religious Guardians so you'll probably be able to take it out just fine why are you looking at me like that did I not tell you about the Sentinel before ah it's just a slightly oversized ceramic snake that's all it is not capable of melting the entire Temple if you do not Escape fast enough nope just put it to me when you defeat the slightly oversized snake so that I could finally move in I need a key don't you have better things to be doing like fixing my Forge it doesn't like look like you've cleared out the forge oh oh okay all right no no wait no I have the key gosh Starlight please okay let's zoom out a bit here we go all right okay so in the in the beta version that we played this was kind of like your starting area you kind of like came through you did like a couple of the little challenges and whatnot so I'm curious to see how this works okay there's a crystal here uh this Crystal is firing oh it's firing out enemies okay and I don't think we have the ability to break that Crystal yet so I wonder then if we're meant to either kill like a certain number of them or we'll eventually get the ability to to break that Crystal yeah okay there's Machinery here I love this little guy he's so good okay he's powering the Machinery that's fine also this could easily be some form of a puzzle uh so you can see here that the uh I can't remember what this is called I'm really sorry because this is like the the like icon of the mod uh you can see here that it isn't spinning this oh okay so do I just right click on them is it that easy let me try right click there uh on that one okay now that's spinning so these don't seem to be spinning so what's wrong with that one oh also it's different sizes oh that's interesting there you go so that's the correct size this one I assume needs to be this one needs to be larger ah cool this one needs to be smaller oh there you go look at that it's all spinning ah so as we made all that spin uh this door opened good good job you you did a real good job in here thanks for that as if this is an actual puzzle I was joking when I came in here I was like fumbling a little bit like I don't know what's going on ah maybe it's a puzzle okay what's this it's very beautiful I just have to say that real quick like gosh what are we even looking at here because this isn't Ferrari for anymore this is like it's its own different thing it's so cool looking Okay so there's a pocket mirror so I wonder do we need to to turn the pocket mirror oh okay it's giving me a symbol but I don't know what for okay uh uh oh you pivot it ah clever clever okay so I won't lie the process is a little finicky but I think what I'm meant to do is keep bouncing the light this way and then I think I meant to go that way and then up to there then maybe to there to there to there to there to there and then hit that I'm gonna give it a go uh it's it's pretty foggy it's kind of glitchy like a couple of times you think you've connected the beams uh but you haven't so like let's see if it does it right this one I think it will but yeah I think our our end goal God Is So finicky is to hit that one there I also don't know if this thing's gonna block it no it isn't we've done it oh my gosh okay we've I think we've enabled the forge I think that's the start of it okay yeah so this area is open now so we can come down here okay all right I'm feeling very proud forbidden wins oh my gosh look at it it's so cool yeah this is it this is what I remember from the from here forbidden wins press W A S and B plus Mouse five look at that so it lets you charge into stuff and uh and break it so I imagine now oh no wait oh you need to to dash into this guy Okay cool so I do Wonder then can we now break uh this little enemy spawner over here no all right okay that's fine so that's cool just a little a little special ability let us out of here please okay we can Dash upwards so you can Dash like whichever way you want basically um oh is this like a low gravity mode is that what that is if I remember right like when you first try it it can it can be a little finicky but it but it works you know okay uh gosh why is that so strong okay maybe what we're meant to do is no way am I am I able to to dash through this no May able to dash upwards ah okay so then let's uh let's break that okay and break that right so now that we have that forbidden wins ability we can now Fight The Sentinel which I remember from the beta very cool fight but also very challenging and I'm not exactly sure how we're gonna pull this off so if I remember right it was uh like this area up here that you did it in the beta or like something similar to this but we our weapon is not really that good so I think we're gonna have to really rely on our armor set bonus and and yeah to see how we get on okay here it is oh gosh it just makes me so excited Starlight remember you you're too fancy come on now what is this okay right so the arena is here ah so so where do I get the where do I get the Crystal from so you need to make a thing called a glass eye dome which is made of the Ceramics and the silver so we have both of those okay let's go do that it's also it's also funny right because you get these Forge keys and they're only meant to open one door but they just keep giving you them so so that's cool okay right so crafting let me grab these and glass Idol very fancy very fancy okay cool I wonder then I do wonder I wonder how do you how you get the mage build you know because this seems to be the melee build I do wonder where the mage build is because I reckon Mage for this fight would be a lot easier than melee they're very excited to do it though I'm very excited all right then I guess we give this a go uh do I think I'll beat this first try no no okay no no no we'll give it a go though we'll see if I remember right the trick was it like so so you did damage to the actual boss itself and then every now and again you'd have like a little phase where you needed to uh to kind of like charge into the crystals if I remember Ryan or it might even be a fight about dodging to be completely honest I can't fully remember it's been so long uh but yeah if you if you didn't see the original video back in the day uh essentially oh no wait I am meant to be doing damage okay that's good to know yeah back in the day this was the original beta fight and this is all you had uh had access to it seems like I am struggling to deal damage though let me get the spear out so I think yeah it's certain points in the fight what we do is we have to uh to charge into a crystal to maybe not like a part of its Shield off something like that so let's keep uh dodging and weaving out the way I'm going that way uh I didn't mean to do that but technically it does do damage though so it's fine okay right is it there you go that's it you needed that's it yeah okay do I have to do it the ones I'll do I do it more often times no okay I think I do it the ones but I think it's like you have to do it throughout the fight uh four times something like that okay keep dealing damage I can't remember does the fight actually deal contact damage or no I feel like it doesn't I feel like I remember somebody pointing that out to me a while ago like hey if you're doing the fight you can hit the head okay we're doing good though I mean our health is amazing I probably should have brought some uh some proper boxer name right I'm gonna use my spear again in a second I'm gonna head this way I keep feeling damaged it's probably maybe use a little bit of this but in terms of like actually dealing damage I feel like we're doing a pretty good job oh gosh no we're we're dead it does make me wonder though like was this meant to be the first boss or was the first boss uh ultimately the one that we could have just walked straight into which was the one I don't know the name of it but the one in the ice bio so I am I am interested I don't know if I should maybe go give that a go I don't know if it's going to be any different I feel like I feel like that could have been the first oh wow golden crime not bad I feel like that could have been the first boss like I'm actually kind of convinced am I I might go do it I might go see I know we're kind of like in the middle of doing something else but you get a free summon for it and you also it doesn't it's not very hard to find and there's no Gauntlet beforehand yeah I'm gonna give it a go I feel to be fair we'll very quickly learn or like what it's meant to be it just looks so pretty it looks so good now this is a very small Arena uh we can get around it you can also swim I guess okay right let's oh oh oh these ones drop do they all drop it's a really good point they drop but this one's permanent does this one drop no okay interesting right let's let's see what happens I've I've oh okay no I've done that right okay Aurora call the yeah I don't know how to speak English don't worry about it don't worry about it right so we'll start off by uh using Ranger just to see what that's like I'm curious what what am I meant to be hitting okay we've got seven seconds left on a bus on a health pack sorry because I don't think we're gonna get healed oh gosh I killed myself with the poison right so let's do round two now I imagine I'm probably gonna like trim up the first fight a little bit considering uh I spent a lot of it just shooting at the wrong thing so I'll treat this as like the real fight it's gonna be very awkward if I just die straight away I actually knew worse on this one oh no okay right so what we learn is is for one it looks amazing it's so good what a great design but we we don't shoot here James All right we shoot at the tentacles we shoot directly at the arms shoot at this okay that's good to know I would like to I would like to try this uh with a bunch of different classes so I I could definitely see myself coming back and uh and replaying this out for a couple of times and just kind of seeing what else is there okay for this one we want to make sure we're hitting these and then there's also these Little Gems that fly up okay so yeah it turns out if you actually like try and feel damaged where it's meant to be dealt it goes a lot quicker it seems okay so what are these okay so this one is going to be orange okay I butchered that a little bit I butchered that it's fine I'm trying to uh do a little bit of melee damage just so I can get this uh thing buffed up but I imagine this is probably like the only time we're going to be able to to use the spear because uh we're not dealing melee damage I guess I could build it up now because I'm already here okay avoid the white crystals I got a teeny bit of melee damage in then not much okay I've just got to remember to avoid as much as I can okay it's this one over here let's see let's see if I can get a spear in okay I can awesome all right now was a bad time to get a spear so I think now no no okay not ready yet I was gonna say I know it transitions to like we've got a deal damage to the head but one thing we've got to remember is to to just keep dodging as much as possible because at the end of the day uh if I tie the fight's over so you know it's just something to keep in mind right there you go deal damage for that one maybe uh charge up the spear a little bit with that I took way too many hits then to pull that off okay it's gonna keep dealing damage with this I want to charge up the spear as much as possible I'm gonna charge it up for when it transitions to uh you have to shoot the actual head itself to build the damage so I think they will be able to get a good amount in okay which ones the orange ones this one here and took a bunch of damage doing that that's fine good deal and damage where you can it's a very lengthy fight and I don't know for real I don't know which one I would do first in terms of the two I think so far though I think maybe because it's fresh this one's definitely my favorite that we've done okay let's get the spear out so we're dealing a lot of damage now so this is the attack I'm most interested in like how do you do you dash through it no I don't fully get that one that one's the one I struggle with the most okay let's keep moving out the way of these I hope like I played some pretty tough Terraria mods over the time like over my years and I'm hoping that like the muscle memory will just guide me through just enough to get me through this fight I don't know if it will though okay so I think I'd probably go back to okay now I'm still dealing damage to this part I was gonna say I assume that'd probably go back to dealing damage to the tentacles themselves I'm proud of myself that we haven't uh we haven't dip dived and dodged into the water this one okay move out the way so there is water on the side so we need to be careful of okay we've avoided that oh gosh we're doing it you're actually doing it okay we're getting close oh less than 100 health oh there we go so so cool so cool this right here this is why this could be one of the biggest Terraria mods we've ever seen that is special that is something we've never had before like what an experience in Terraria wow my gosh we are as a community we are so lucky we are we're so lucky like to have this mod in like a Calamity and a thorium and a spirit and all that good stuff gosh okay right so let's have a little look inside this treasure bag then bam ah okay right so we got the Octo gun uh 16 range damage uh converts musket balls into Oracle ink very cool aurorical ink uh Critical Hits uh and kills cause tender pistols to sprout out from you that fire at your cursor uh we also got the tenter lamps launches a shimmering tentacle lamps uh charged to fire up to four more lances at once so let's give it a go whoa that's pretty cool I feel like uh I mean I haven't used them in combat yet but I feel like in terms of damage and whatnot I do wonder if maybe uh you were meant to do that bite before we even talk on the Sentinel I feel like in terms of just like the fight in general the Sentinels the hard one and I've got a feeling now that the Sentinel might be the final one in this mod I feel like that's what it's going to be I reckon you've got these two two bosses and then you had the the mini boss that we did but I am going to ask on Discord after I've done the sentinel oh my gosh look at this so these are the guns that fire out of here if you kill an enemy with the with the Octo gun oh my God that's so fun oh it's Ace I feel like a Doctor Octopus right so let's give this another go uh this time I I feel a little bit more prepared I feel like Nan had the warm-up with the uh aquatic boss I'm feeling good but yeah ultimately this is gonna come down to uh how well can I dodge uh and I feel like I've got I've got to be clever about charging up my my spear as well like I've got to make sure that I'm actually doing that so that I can get a good amount of uh damage him whenever possible because clearly it's my it's my sphere that deals all the damage hey that was a bad time to do that uh little spear attack to be fair okay right so we want to be over here and we want to crack this one come on wait track it there we go I did it all right not bad not bad okay so let's keep it going we're dealing damage where we can we're not dealing insane damage if I'm being completely honest uh that's just the downside of playing melee to be honest okay keep dealing damage where possible next time we get the a big chance to deal a lot of damage we'll give it a go alright let's go that one there we go right we're gonna do the spear attack pay deal as much damage as we can doing well health is probably not doing amazing but I tell you what we're dealing with good damage to this fight uh so you know we're doing better than before okay right uh oh gosh I need to crack that one crack there you go okay okay let's keep going we're dealing damage we're dealing damage oh gosh we're taking damage we're having to to Really Brute Forces to be honest okay we didn't get much on a spear then not much at all uh we are still alive so that's good I feel like I've got a I've definitely got to pull back though because I feel like I'm not uh I'm not giving myself a lot of chance to heal okay so let's crack that Crystal awesome okay right so I think we're on to phase two oh my gosh I'm so scared thank you for giving me a chance to heal though I appreciate it uh there's a lot more going on this time right let's see if we can get some spear damage in them uh since that is our main hitter okay we're doing good well we're taking heavy hits but we're also dishing out the damage really well hey those crystals have popped I did wonder if we needed to actually uh to break those okay I think we're gonna die on this one to be honest because I'm not a maneuvering right I'm taking way too much damage okay all right we just broke one Crystal so that's good oh my gosh Everything feels so much damage okay let's see if it uh let's say we got a spear attack okay we're dead we did so well though so I'm into uh phase two again uh let's see how we do uh I'm I'm feeling excited uh okay right I'm gonna get some some spear damage in since I haven't done that in a little while uh I'm just gonna keep looping around it because that's what I think happens in this phase you have to you have to move as much as you can okay I want to crack that Crystal awesome uh I haven't got a lot of opportunities to deal melee damage which isn't ideal because we've gotta we've got to get close to to charge up the spear okay let's crack that Crystal let's go crack that Crystal uh we didn't have time to crack that one that's all right okay let's do uh some spear damage now then let's see how much we can get away with before the boss freezes up I think that's it oh hell yeah oh gosh it's such a good fight it's such a good fight oh my gosh we did it seros seros get right to me oh so cool so so cool we did it we actually did it yeah cool oh my gosh right let's let's let's bask in our Glory what a mod what a mod I'm still wild away it Blended really well with the vanilla gameplay I've got to say like it felt you know today playing this I felt as excited as I do on update day I had a blast going in blind just just like finding things just encountering issues along the way speaking to the community because I had these issues all of it very wholesome very very wholesome you know what it was so so cool okay so what is in uh tell you what I I need to my inventory is a little messed up don't even worry about it what's in here then so we get the uh agile Needler stick spikes to enemies to build up heat overheated enemies explode dealing massive damage there's also the coalescence uh yeah it's so cool it's so cool uh challenge for a volley of brilliant magic fully charged shots leech Manor when they Collide uh demonic faucet and lattice this is a melee weapon it's very cool uh right click to guard okay interesting I wouldn't exactly say this was my favorite one but you know it is what it is and then I think they give you this so that you can craft um other weapons and such yeah so if you wanted to make some of the other weapons it probably drops like this one I guess this is end game the pyroclastic film uh you have access to it it's now day two I spent about seven hours yesterday playing Starlight River and you know what it was a blast it was so good now I actually forgot to uh to go speak to the uh to the glass Weaver right at the very end because of course we completed their mission uh but it turns out that part of the game is a little booked I just went and tried it uh it doesn't acknowledge the fact that you uh cleared out the forge or Beat the Boss it kind of just um it resets now Starlight River had an amazing day one on Steam Workshop in fact it actually had 20 000 downloads so well done Starlight River team uh very successful launch um and it turns out they've put out a hotfix in the middle of the night that seems to fix a bunch of the issues like my character uh it's not corrupt you can see that the barrier thing is now working this is how it was intended to look the whole time so one of the things I realized I didn't even show uh I did not go back and look at those uh gray chests that we found uh that we couldn't break the ones where I was like maybe it's a mallet um I think it is this so we're gonna go check that out so this was uh one of them so let's try it ah yeah okay so you did need this to break them so we found the twice lucky slivering uh whips have a chance to shoot out a smaller snake whip uh so this is like an upgraded version of the uh sliver ring that we found in a in a normal chest that's pretty cool and if I remember Rye I think there is one on this track somewhere so yeah if I haven't already spoken about it essentially in this uh Alpha version of The Mod uh there is only uh two bosses and the mini boss which is a glass Weaver yeah okay here it is let's break it what did we get okay twice precise disinfectant wipes oh so it really is just like upgraded versions of accessories that we had access to earlier in the mod but yeah that's that's all it is in the the mod so far um put still though really cool that wraps it up for this very long video uh thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it congratulations Starlight River on a successful launch it was very fun genuinely very fun so thank you and and thanks for watching
Channel: ChippyGaming
Views: 580,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terraria, starlight river, modded terraria, terraria mods, steam workshop, tmodloader, calamity mod, starlight river mod, chippy, chippygaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 0sec (4080 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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