You don’t need 100 watts per channel

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hey friends my name is Steve Guttenberg and I am the audio fili AK you know I started to think that power is overrated you know this desire for power big amplifiers 100 watts to channel 200 west channel 3 on west channel I get it you know if you want to play really really loud you need power I that's it of course you do but here's the thing right now I just started working on a review of a first watt 30 watt per channel amplifier well 30 watts into four arms 18 watts I think into 8 ohms anyway 30 watts I have 4 ohm speakers that I'm using starting with this review and there ta DME ones and they have a rated sensitivity of 85 DB for 1 watt and a 20 on a concern measured them for hit the stereo file review he found there was a little bit higher 86 DB for 1 watt but that's still really low that's lower than average sensitivity there for own rated speakers so I'm playing them in a pretty big room I take out my sound pressure level meter and I'm playing when I'm playing them loud I'm playing them in the low 90s 90 91 92 DP you know yeah Peaks maybe 95 so that's fairly loud not crazy left right and I'm having no problem with 30 watts channel driving these speakers they sounded great this is a really good match at all so I'm using another first wide amplifier the f7 which is also 30 Watts at 4 ohms and both of them do really well with these speakers and I'm thinking maybe 30 watts is enough you know now if you've ever owned or looked at a power amplifier that has a wattage meter on the front right you'd see that when you play it loud pretty loud not crazy we see it when you play it loud and look at that meter it's dancing around it's going like 2 watts 3 watts of those they're not Peaks but 2 or 3 watts is with which with that amplifiers putting out crank up the power a little bit more you'll get the tenth and when you start to really push it you'll see 20 30 40 50 you'll see it rise a lot but at normally loud levels you'll see one or two watts right so maybe this desire for or this presume need of a hundred watts or two hundred watts or something even if you have inefficient speakers that's that's what's so interesting about this this example that I'm using is the T IDs are inefficient speakers they're about as inefficient as they get 85 DB but you know what I'm happy with these 30 watt amplifiers now I also have a set of pass amplifiers X a 100 point 5s that are rated at 100 watts per channel and they weigh 85 pounds they're big monsters and when I play them through the T ad yes they sound more powerful there is a greater ease to them they are 16,000 dollars a pair or they work because they're discontinued there's sixteen thousand dollar amplifiers the SI t I think is a four thousand on the SI t3 is I think four thousand dollars the F seven I know is three thousand dollars so this is kind of a little price discrepancy there right so yes throw enough money at something and you can get better sound but the point here is that a high-end amplifier like an it like a first watt with just 30 watts of channel 4 for arms I have no problem there it's kind of like right now the thing that I'm listening to most of the time I'm reviewer things come and go on my system all the time but I'm having a blast with 30 watts driving an 85 DB rated speaker so power may be overrated as a thing that you need to have just throwing it out there for your consideration now if you have experience in this realm of playing low powered amplifiers into inefficient speakers share them in the comment section below agree with me disagree with me just keep it civil guys and we're good my name is Steve Guttenberg I am the audio affiliate if you enjoy these daily shows please subscribe to this YouTube channel you might even consider kicking in a buck or two to my patreon which I will link my patreon account which I'll link to below and I think we're done anyway thanks so much for watching see you next time
Channel: Steve Guttenberg Audiophiliac
Views: 112,131
Rating: 4.8645835 out of 5
Keywords: power amplifiers, audiophiles, 100 watts per channel, stereophile, absolute sound
Id: R91HAP0t3AA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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