You DECIDE what we build in Minecraft!

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foreign [Music] today we're gonna fight you just kidding with long legs I'm joking with these berries look how long our legs look today in Minecraft well welcome to Crew Live everyone we hope you all are having a great wonderful Friday or Saturday for some of you yes do you guys like the the stream music I was listening to it I was like swipe yeah it is hyper does anyone know well today's gonna be a super chill stream because as you can see from the title it is you decide what we build in Minecraft but what's the twist The Twist what if I don't wanna build hey what is the twist what is the twist all right bye guys you can't break the world we're gonna leg we're actually gonna start oh gosh guys hey why'd you close it let me out oh my gosh you guys are breaking the world how did you come back anyways to live on Twitter and hey what's up if you're new here welcome to Crew Live consider subscribing because we are almost at 8 million what are we gonna even do for eight million yeah I heard if we don't do the Pancake Challenge there's gonna be yeah yeah there's literally Forks pointing at us oh yeah you yeah you know what we're supposed to do here I've heard of that many eons ago yes Kat was saying cat was saying you guys were almost reaching 8 million subscribers what should we do and I was like Pancake Challenge we don't even eat pancakes it's like what do you need like a grill like a griddle but they're beautiful yeah funny what do you mean what do you need I made pancakes I didn't need a griddle you did not make pancakes those were not pancakes please show her really quickly what do you think of her pancakes here I'll show you this is Smash Burgers oh gosh that's how I felt with puffer fish burning inside oh my God a little sidetracked but our goal today is to build as many things as possible requested from you guys and we're just gonna keep building it all together and at the end it should look like one giant yeah chaos you know are we gonna do a poll how is it gonna work I don't know let's start okay guys what should we build comments do some stuff from hashtag Crew live but leave I'm gonna look at the new block we should build would you say Draco oh you're looking at me I'm gonna look at the new blocks look at this oh what is this it's purple flowering Azalea someone's gonna correct um someone's gonna correct our pronunciation Azalea Azalea wait like yeah he turned into a Minecraft shrub no I'm kidding anyways let's see everyone no okay out of all the things we're building today we're not building it's working Draco we're not doing that wait these new plants are really nice too don't feed his addiction these new plants how do I use how do I place this is [Music] cuter actually what are you doing it's small drip leaf okay I see in the chat a lot of uh crew teddies the whole collection the whole collection look sheesh has that is that like a pole or is that like we have to okay okay okay we'll we'll probably build KF Teddy after because like we have to but like okay let's I'll pick a pineapple from I am stoopy the raccoon pineapple pineapple let's start easy yeah yeah that's just easy this way I see where the sun's aiming in so let's get the pineapple to fall for the Aesthetics there's so many new blocks do we have a really cool Yellow Block I want a pineapple made out of gold okay remember we don't want to build stuff too big because then we get lazy well it's already getting big excuse me you're already making anything wait is it big yeah already making it fake no this is hair size we have to make a small thing if we're gonna make a lot of bills Draco make the pineapple cute you're good at those faces oh my God what is happening here what is happening today first lopsided please go too much it's gold too much guys why are you using that gold there's this gold [Music] wait guys can we make this an odd numbered pineapple this is true okay you're making me cry for blocks yeah Draco your pineapple Creator okay while dropper see what else everyone is requesting they're saying um crew Teddy everyone we're doing that all right fine I guess who wants to start the crew Teddy actually well I can I want to work on the pineapple we should have bought world edit it would have saved us some time Trail hmm so for those who don't know what the crew teddies look like hashtag I mean you can see the amazing teddies so I guess should we each build our own or how should it work I don't know chaos I don't know I feel like we should build it someone should frame it someone should fill it you know yeah Luna should frame it I think yes oh okay where do I start one um maybe we'll put actually let's put the teddies in the front [Music] how detailed are we making the teddies very I think okay I will do it in order yeah thank you thank you maybe rainbow right here because we're gonna build more okay wait lunar I will build you the size recommendations okay so Luna pineapple each foot should be at least three by three [Music] or a foot um all right Dragon lunar are getting at me I think this is tall enough gold is our pineapple too big nah oh wait no if we build it big then our um then our KF and our tatties can live in it they can go home afterwards like a pineapple base does look like a pineapple what do you mean look sunken in the floor or pineapple pineapples I mean that looks like a pine and then the green part and then you just use these new locks what normal can those beep like for the edge Draco no it's literally pineapple top but I want it to be in this aesthetic pineapple yeah that's not pie I don't know what block you're using oh my God it's groovy ah but it looks cute you should use azaleas you can multiple texture it now it looks sad no no no you don't use use Azalea say it look out zoom out zoom out Zoom outside we'll ask yeah guys you gotta use this Moss I want the green to be bright this pineapple needs texture texture actually the mosque is kind of good actually Moss looks a lot better when using all the nuts oh no lunar lunar you're doing this wrong these multitasking sorry this is a Teddy's foot right here yeah we're making it this way you think this is a base no it's a foot this whole thing is Rainbow's foot you look crazy give me a second he's already tired Draco you cray cray Striker crazy Draco are you crazy no I have a vision and my vision will not come to fruition how I Envision it it'll probably come out worse [Music] of course they're gonna say yes do we even need a lunar lunar oh my God there we go what what no Drake weird that's what the Teddy's legs look like no hopefully it looks like okay oh my gosh what are you doing no Rainbow's legs are not that short we got this is push me back to the pineapple this is where the legs end that's right and then excuse me I think I turned it to a pineapple gold okay bestie it's the wrong one the wrong way guys aren't the tires facing this way so you gotta face a pineapple this way all right huh like the teddies are over here so you gotta face the pineapple face right there right where we want it to be gold this is this is the angle okay let me open up a rainbow Teddy for reference I love my you know guys yeah arguing this is I have exciting news it's exciting Draco you know what's exciting we have World edits what's exciting no when you search Rainbow Teddy rainbow Teddy pops up on the first search hey no actually rainbow Teddy's a second Serge and then this is a bunch of rainbow bears no rainbow Teddy is the only Teddy the water yeah we only know of rainbow Teddy here who was like it I like are these teddies they're kind of quirky I like it nah I like I like the teddies we're giving them clothes lunar oh my cuter we gave them so much building we can give them clothes so much cuter I like their clothes but they're you know they're just like are you ready to hear the pull question from the chaos stream they are awesome again 81 big [Music] all right yeah [Music] forward gold I think it's missing it looks like something about this is lopsided you you made a lost sign and not me I was just following or what if we just make a glass like a circle oh I know what's lopsided it's this you know like make sure I'm already arguing Draco can you make the other shape oh why does Rainbow have a diaper it's not a diapey I'm trying to make it three-dimensional what am I doing what's wrong with these eyes why are they cursed we do something with coral [Music] I want this gold and then it looks like we're chopping three in the middle one two three is that even that's even Draco why don't you just let us get Worlds at it if we're just gonna suffer like this you can use the vanilla world edit which is called fill did you check the microphone Chad's just saying just saying Steve but I don't know I feel like here let me let me open up YouTube sorry I can't really hear myself talk during live streams unless I open it up on my phone okay I mean the music could be a little quieter so I'll make the music the music Luna you gotta build out Rainbow's head what do you mean I'm good I'm good Point all right this pineapple looks like it has a lot of detail on it golden rainbow you're welcome is to now try something else okay someone read a crew life thick rainbow Teddy I'm making a three-dimensional rainbow Teddy rainbow fish I don't know what Drago's doing yeah well I don't know what rain I don't know what Luna is doing lunar your arms are all wrong they're horrible they're Stumpy Blick some taller I need this is cutest pineapple on planet Earth yes is that biased it's not on Earth Minecraft world hmm okay so golden rainbow we're gonna have to start actually working on [Music] whose legs who's our gold legs and those are gonna be my leg and I think I could work on my teddy if I just open up the image on Google also guys hashtag Crew live so everyone who has Minecraft right now feel free to build with us and then send in images through hashtag Crew live and I'll pop up I'll pop them up on the stream so we can like show it off because that's gonna be pretty cool we're futuristic stream now we have assets no I'm kidding I have no assets maybe one day also yeah if you guys have any questions for us or want to talk to us hashtag Crew Live we'll be looking for those two while we build while we build different things I don't know if he's gonna be so far apart but guys we got a speed build we have to oh my gosh okay I wanna we're just rainbow Teddy yeah I want to build more teddies one two okay ask us to build a purple chicken nugget for lunar bestie I will do thank you thank you for thinking of me purple chicken nugget purple chicken nugget I'm gonna build another Teddy here one two four okay we're gonna build a fifth one here it looks too empty lunar rainbow is not like three-dimensional enough that was Draco lunar Rainbow's not three-dimensional enough choco I do not know how to do three-dimensional I only know of two they look like gingerbread cutouts you have to put some plumpness in her face has to be round [Music] um I'm just gonna wait for Draco to uh three-dimensional her while I work on the other one yeah okay Guys Rainbow I think that's good what what's good somebody is echoing the stream through their mic who is that I can hear it that's me I just want to make sure I can hear Draco being salty is that in the funny okay rainbow we guide that's a no rainbow Rainbow's gonna Clash sorry you gotta work on your teddies fine I'll build it from Twitter said two youngest siblings arguing do you have to put up with this every day yeah I don't know how to do music for stream I quit literally can't hear what volume level I should make it just uh here wait I'll listen here okay gold you listen by yourself a new music and you just tell me if it's too loud but yeah I'll stop I'll stop uh tinkering with it you're just gonna help me make my teddy let's go okay lunar are we using wall I mean this wall this is good it sounds good yeah that was good thank you clay I'm gonna go help Draco now funny I pull up an image yes [Music] yes put up the image yeah let me see if there's like a teddy bundle so you can just look at all thank you let me go find the bundle okay there the pineapple is eating a half bitten purple chicken nugget and now I will continue with the Chinese the purple chicken nugget rainbow why not just chicken nugget color because it was requested gold because [Music] um okay so that's how we're supposed to build the bottom shape I'm gonna frame it crispy wait blue yellow all right I have the image let me just pop it up real quick stream funny is it you our tidy image give me a second I'm trying to pull up okay let's put it right here for now you know I'll put it I'll put it on and I'll take it off real quick so we got funny you know what rainbow work on your own Teddy I'm gonna go work on Draco Teddy where am I going where am I going anywhere wait this order is wrong it's supposed to be rainbow gold funny oh my gosh where's Draco I mean we can put kids that's lunar yeah that's me I mean I don't think it really matters let's mix it up because no it's my calf like fly or something I think that's easier if we're gonna make the KF Teddy we should make half Teddy whole balloons I think that'll look really cool thing okay so I need to build my teddy I'll take off the image now I don't think we need it anymore I got it I'm gonna make Dragon City sticks that's a teddy is gonna sit what Oh I thought you were saying you're gonna make it real thick no I said I'm gonna make Jaco Teddy sit [Music] teddy bear how high are everyone's legs I'm gonna help trying to like copulation is good yeah it's really good uh it was Draco that like meshed it out you know I'm just the artist that feels really good actually yeah it looks like really cool so it's one two three four oh funny I think it's up one more it goes like this okay because it's like four blocks yeah so this is where it goes from and I mean how's it look AF really good I think so imagine if you had World edits next time if we do these we will the point outside rainbows is too cute Luna you want to build a mine I mean sure no I'm joking lunar loves building I need to build something on the Australian thing Bonnie what color is your belly my belly is white I need uh cute crew on Twitter you guys like studying no no um never never never never never never never never never grades without studying not good grades without studying wink imagine but we're supposed to be good uh influences so you should study yes Daddy no someone's belly is so large I can't make wait wait I'm gonna make Draco even bigger legs your legs did you make your legs uneven does anyone know how to make a cone I don't know how to make it I'm good it's okay I'll work on funny you could do something else I will I gotta make fired okay um I can try making a cone oh my goodness I'm so lucky that other people worked on my bill for me and now I don't have to do anything no oh yeah rainbow you feel it I think I think you have the base of it you just gotta thank you just gotta add the cone and okay I would do that okay let me make the arms I mean funny beside a pineapple that's pretty good well who likes studying that's the real question nope nope I'm sure there's somebody who likes studying to the stream right now we're gonna run an intense poll or even if you're in the comment section very intense do you like studying I'm sure it's gonna be split 50 50. you like the thought of studying I like do I like the thought of studying no I get stressed out no studies are stressful in general and then when you like you know the meme where you're like you study everything and then you just go into the test and then boom nothing you don't know no but like but like also when it comes when you sit down to study and then afterwards you're looking at everything you're like when did I learn this was I even paying attention that's exactly what studying feels like it feels like pain [Music] guys why the colors on this Minecraft are not accurate huh okay yeah what are you doing no you have to study go study by the way I bet you were gonna get some tweets coming in saying I'm studying while watching the stream right now wink wink wink wink I'm using an orange concrete powder summer oh yeah I mean there's summer school yeah remember summer yeah remember summer school I remember well in the summer that's awesome that's the worst because it's still in the summer how dare you oh remember how we were talking the other day you died schools just out but they're selling back to school stuff oh my gosh that's right when we're going grocery shopping there's school supplies on the Shelf so I don't even have school anymore and you're being traumatized by practice is triggering oh okay I'll stop looking you like all right guys let's stop let's stop trash hacking school I know I love school why are you laughing how dare you do you like Draco Teddy's texture I'm more glittery than all of you I'm shiny he's using concrete she's not us lunar is my belly white I heard you can burn down I'm honest green Draco District you can go check by yourself that dracco crew like I don't want those eyes oh yeah Kathy has a heart at the back it's time to do that baby is still not oh no sorry almost Rock 8 000 votes so 8 600 votes 36 yes 64 now [Music] I think those arms are too chunky oh they're so cute though um not like I like these colors they're not the perfect color but I always do you mean it will do not wait to do with that because it'll do that'll lose uh-huh um okay if I need I need your Professional Building opinion so should it be like three or two I don't I don't really know like should I chop off that little part or should I should I leave it [Music] I'm in a predicament let's stay or should it go yeah I should still go [Music] #crew live I bet you I'm going to see a lot of cool builds [Music] dude I'm so bad at building hats okay that's a neck a lot of work uh this is so much work [Music] okay maybe I'll just build the head shape first and then I can shape it out just to make sure that I don't make it uneven proportions e okay that's that looks good day two everyone's saying for me to chop it no it's cute I don't we gotta chop it right it looks it doesn't look like because like we want the image to look like this [Music] okay we got chop everyone's saying chop chippy chocolate chop chop all right funny I'm just gonna get rid of this whole part [Music] thank you yeah it looks better see this is why uh do live streams everyone's better yeah I see KF like uh fan builds coming in already cute so fast stupid Lily someone just asked to sniff it for me oh and then I'll share it thank you because I'm looking at who live on my phone let me let me snip share me those we'll show them at the end of this week okay let's build just make sure the head goes out one bit I don't know maybe yeah the crew Jenny heads are pretty big that looks they're they're like the hugest yeah the little massive teddy bears yes um Snoopy Lily asked have you guys ever thought about making a podcast in all caps I don't know yes we have but like what would we talk about we've thought of it but furiously but not not seriously I feel like these live streams are podcasts I mean yeah we just talk about anything whatever we feel about you feel like what would you guys what would you be interested in if we did start a podcast like what would you like to know because I know we have like so many crazy stories a lot of wild stories that I would totally not share on this stream because we're waiting for a pot no I'm kidding [Music] let's go yeah this is what happens I may hold a really cute pod but yeah but I don't like know how to complete it can you just come look at her box I think it's because you're using the wrong block gold I think yellow is like like it's not fluffy looking it like looks like let me see I don't know what do you mean the body's so cute it looks plushy what was wrong with funny really I don't think the concrete did you make it last night like what Draco warned us about [Music] warned us about yeah don't make your head lopside oh my gosh what happened huh no because they're that big no no okay not me my Teddy's built out of falling blocks all right I think I'm just gonna knock this out one more people are saying your childhood blah blah um talk about Deadpool to talk about it good movie see we're already talking about it we're talking about movies okay I'm just gonna like fall off the face and what is inside funny Teddy's head we will never know a brain quickly like organs maybe it's empty Abyss in there you're like oh it's all fluffy Teddy's thinking about boom okay absolutely not absolutely nothing it's all fluff I mean my little fluster's looking pretty cute Phil someone just laugh excuse me what oh no I was like sighing my things lopsided so I'm annoyed oh my gosh okay what's the Stripe Right Jack why you sound like a villain mm-hmm why wouldn't I sound like a villain Taco's trying to make what does the back Jack look like Stripes oh you're actually gonna work on the back You're Gonna Fill in it yeah you have to work on the back the teddies are ready because I'm totally not lazy [Music] no oh my gosh the headiest lopsided I knew it I knew it oh my gosh this lopside it's too late we're already like 30 30. it's lopsided in pain we're good uh-oh I'm just gonna give myself barrier blocks give barrier blocks he built his thing with sand that's why yeah I need barrier blocks to hold it up there's like a pattern on the back um I'm not sure if I could mimic the pattern very well so so I mean that that's pretty accurate I think that's pretty accurate back of funny teddy looking looking pretty good we need our cheek fuzzies like this what is the cheek fuzzies like that [Music] like that like that like that that you know what I'll let KF judge I'm just gonna draw I'll make two maybe I'll push the smaller fuzzies all right guys chat fuzzy one fuzzy too let me know does anyone know like the the childhood um what are they called one of those things like fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair fuzzy Wuzzy something something wasn't really fuzzy oh yeah tongue twisters does anyone know that nursery rhyme Ozzy Wuzzy was a bear fuzzy was he had no hair fuzzy Wuzzy very fuzzy wuzzy oh it's a tongue twister yeah was he was he your head is cursed told hey I'm not talking about the curse do I make the it look dipped I mean that's pretty good me complimenting my own stuff oh [Music] all right Everyone likes we're kind of it's in between one or two I mean look at Luca funny teddy in the eyes the soulless teddy bear why do fuzzy are too fuzzy maybe so everyone's saying I need ears first they can't decide that's true you gotta flesh it out you know [Music] gotta make sure we got ears on the little bear first before we actually come to a conclusion those look like fox ears that looks like KF look like a wolf bunny uh I mean that looks pretty good lunar does this look like a wolf huh how did the ears kind of I mean not bad I'll take not that it's sorry I don't know what happened to this head why is a lot what happened why is the lopsided let me see where did you go wrong dude oh I know I need someone to fix it how did I go wrong I made it even [Music] I think I fixed it yeah I definitely fixed it I was just missing some more I don't know I don't know what's wrong with the head I literally what the Draco I need your professional help I am not professionally helping you because I'm working on my teddy what's wrong with this teddy bear I'm working on my teddy so I'm not gonna help you guys you have to wait I will come help you once I'm done with mine they'll fix it after they'll fix it after they'll help me fix my Chris Teddy I'm gonna look at the hashtag right now okay um hero of candy City says the funny teddy looks like a blue baby Yoda can I see this why do they think oh thank you oh I'm trying to make blue baby Yoda this whole time your beard is uneven I mean not beard what is it called the fluff the side fluff the floof [Music] so it's cute though everyone I like your ears on the chat really loves they love this fluff so we're gonna go for seconds [Music] why do I feel like it's uneven everything is uneven we have to burn the tally I'll burn it with the flints I mean pretty good pretty good right guys let's just get the eyes so funny Telly's eyes are nice and some sort of Blue Block let's see if there's any new type of blue crystal block we can use for the eyes blue ice blue ice is the closest hmm let me see will this melt whoa gold Teddy you looking um spoopy froggy is asking right now what is your favorite animal why mine is either raccoons or llamas because I keep getting them on my Tick Tock and I think they're really cute raccoons yeah they're actually really cute except for when people are like having pets as raccoons now right and they have like those really long nails I didn't I really like uh I really like wolves wolves I like tigers I'm a tiger person that's why tiger see that's why a wolf [Music] seriously well I also like bunnies too but like I don't know I really like polar bears I don't know why I like pandas so everyone basically likes their teddy except unicorns don't exist so that's what I like no you have to say I like unicorns rainbow unicorns aren't real they're real if you believe rainbow sorry you did not just say ing how we feel how we feel Kaya I mean scoopy's asking do you guys like fruits no yes I like fruit oh you want to hear a funny story every time even like this morning when we made fruit for everyone lunar literally puts it all in a blender and blends it because that's how much she hates fruit and Luna you want to tell everyone what you experimented oh yeah but we missed what we had for breakfast today what you Blended ah cream nasty I blended orange juice like from like I squeezed it out of the orange like a fresh orange and then I put in the green apple slices because that's what we had and then I added vanilla oat milk and it tasted like orange creams that sounds crazy but I'm not lying yeah she does sound just a bit crazy I'm missing all the builds are adorable oh oh my gosh I forgot funny Teddy's hat I'm so okay my bad thank you Chad um I think it's like dual color so it's funny teddy is always ready to party my ears too big [Music] I made my bills too big I made my bill too big and now I'm gonna suffer because I make my bill too big but it's gonna look nicer than I'll let your bills I thought we were just I thought we were okay wait song for you why is Gold's head so far back what's happening with gold Teddy's head I'm building it the wrong way don't see what this oh yeah it looks like your neck's breaking shy don't look at her it looks like the wind blew your neck backwards yeah it looks like the wind goes like a gust of Windows yeah exactly what it looks like [Music] cute right cute I think I think my build's a good time you're done you're building more stuff now so I help um [Music] membership we definitely have crew teddies everyone is saying crew teddies no Draco so much draco's working Draco look what you've said look what are you proud I am proud you're proud of all the twerking you've caused disaster amongst the KF Don Toretto family is everything nice try Serenity of course families family family is what stupid duck I've heard of that is the duck that has like that hat and it's based off of a I think it's based off of a YouTuber oh it's a Dancing Duck a v tuber a virtual same thing that's so cool okay let me search what a sugar duck is give me a second it's a dancing duck oh Dancing Duck I mean that's simple I I believe [Music] all right guys [Music] how do you make sideways ears I'm so confused that is up for you to find out and me to not know [Music] turns I I don't know how to build her all right we got it oh it's so cute he's dancing so that's the duck we gotta build in the right corner oh cool what type of legs do we want I don't want something boring duck legs webbed feet they're yellow concrete like is this the perfect I mean this yellow looks pretty good it looks like the Ducks and then for the texture I guess I kind of want to use wool again well so boring do we have anything that looks like feathers like a new type of block the concrete powder looks good there's a lot of moon blocks snow block I mean chat what do you think do you think this white concrete powder or snow block be voting between it's more like the image even though the duck is like kind of like an off-white yellow we gotta get the Hat down let's get some red with a hat which looks like some concrete ah if only carpet could go upside down like that I could have made the trim you know what this looks like the trim that looks pretty good and then we also need another white for the Hat why concrete [Music] everyone's saying let's go everyone's telling you to make little moon lunar we're going with snow I don't even know what little Moon I don't remember what little Moon looks like it yeah don't I don't I don't remember oh [Music] I'm so sorry all right I feel so bad you've you've little Moon hates you now oh well noon's grown-ups be a little hate okay I'm joking I'm joking oh man this head is gonna give me a headache you're so sad what happens in the family it'd be so hard so we need a BBQ we need a baby yeah all right the duck is dancing so mine's why it's webbed Speak doesn't look like the other one the duck is a dancer and let's fill this up I'm professional builder don't worry our duck does have a little bit of like a Twist to them because the duck is like shaking so let's make this thing how's your guys tab these go it's almost done I just gotta add the small details and then I'm good [Music] okay we've got our duck it's a duck right yeah it has to be good and then we got our Duck's neck which is long like this this actually looks like the meme I'm surprised I'm surprised I'm actually building this that fast so ambitious with this build and the dishes just wait until you see this duck it'd be looking like a duck for real I was too ambitious with this build I told you not to make it too 3D [Music] I mean that was like the duck guy it's not gonna lie [Music] let me see oh it does oh it's so cute looks like Luna's pet isn't this pet everything is mine yeah that's right okay swag duck duck is turned like that we need the hat and hopefully yeah that looks pretty good okay so we're gonna get our swag hat on for a duck and then we need some red then we got some blue the blue has to be the same part yo that looks sick oh cool okay and then it's like a cap so it fills it okay I think I need slabs for this part actually we have red slabs uh run this I mean this might work this actually might make it look more like a cap fill the same I'm gonna ask a stream hmm our duck be looking weird I'm not gonna lie here back I need help with the cap something's wrong with the calf oh my duck you know I think we're just gonna have to improve uh Stevie Burrell asked if you guys ever watched Naruto what is your favorite Naruto character yeah we watched Naruto I had a favorite character Draco and lunar watched longer though I don't I watched iron for a long time ago I don't remember to dislike all of them afterwards I want to say I want to dip some tea rainbow hate Sakura the most I didn't hate soccer I just thought she was annoying it's the same thing it's everywhere it looks good how does it stream it was really good though it was hell things started going crazy Naruto or Sasuke oh Sasuke is kind of annoying too yeah I like Sasuke at first but then yeah I don't know if he was cool he was cool at first I don't know yeah after he started like getting obsessed with like Orochimaru and well that's not his fault he got oh wait spoilers not sorry that was like the early spoilers I will not be building Naruto I am the spoiling Queen we're gonna be quiet Without You spoilers a rainbow I think I'm done I am done my plush plush cool all right Luna you got to be ahead of something else world okay aliens okay I think it's cute right it is cute gold but it needs a little bit more I'm so now just needs a little bit more is I'm building her cute q10. it's the issue is that like your honeycomb looks she looks like a puppy now well the issue is that like I think I like this your your head has no support do you see her little black puppy ears they're supposed to be like your head has no support oh rainbow there's some more cool images on uh I know I've been snipping some and then like half building it's the cutest little puppy ever [Music] holds a puppy like oh what's that cartoon is it Adventure Time that Yelp or which one is it Adventure Time are you gonna call yourself a Lemongrab ort I mean it looks like Cinema oh wait Cinema roll said do you guys have any plans on vlogging VidCon Maybe I hope so it's like we're able to grab some footage it counts it counts like you don't know if vidcon's still gonna happen or not it's like yeah not just that but like most of the time like we're super busy like at VidCon and then it's just like big time and then we don't there's so many schedules yeah yeah we would want to we're gonna we're gonna Vlog VidCon this is our first time we haven't had a vlog outside in so long we'll do it for you guys yeah it's actually cool looking back on lavage like whoa we traveled wait we were talking the other day and we said most of our recent Vlogs were just like in our house that's because we have to stay in quarantine um Chad can you please tell me this looks really cute like I don't know the bod the head everything so where is your ears gonna fit like your ears the pineapple is taking your ear space rainbow I see a cool 3D one you should totally sent me that but look everyone is building what we're building that's so cool you have to tell me which one I don't know there's so many don't worry I'll grab these okay can you grab those ones because like I'm yeah let me grab three more hashtag Crew Live guys I am grabbing some I wanna like I just want everyone to appreciate these because they're just so cute and I just think it's like a really cool experience that we can share these photos live you know you guys can build with us too hang out with us during the Stream [Music] ER saying get off hey he's like this this is why you don't build out yeah looking funny oh okay okay here's a question from Jonna they said if you guys watch Damon Slayer who's your favorite character there you go I like the main characters already like the butterfly girl's funny I oh my God I love all of them I actually like all the characters they're pretty cool yeah yeah they all have really good backstories but funny see I told you I'm not crazy it's General Jenna crew Queen said I see no difference and they posted a picture and it's Jake the Dog see I told you okay oh yeah yeah okay off in the chat right now give us more stuff to build I'm gonna hire Luna pulled up higher lunar excuse me why is lunar building your belt and why are you just standing there hello if she's putting the crown on correctly what do you guys good job lunar see everyone loves Demon Slayer in the chat yeah he's a good anime you should watch it it's pretty good it's on Netflix so um it's funny no use Creator gold the bunny has too much robots we're playing Minecraft it's fine oh yeah we're playing Minecraft oh whatever gold Golds do the crew District ad right now I I have the perfect add moment I'm gonna play the crew District ad just to say something cool to say something cool how do you like these infomercials like available hi I'm not sponsored to say this but make sure to shop at okay also if you can't get the merch there is a free wallpaper you can download at make sure you download it if you're one of us I broke Besties mm-hmm I think I think gold you're fired okay she got so aggressive aggressive a little girl she's out okay I'm getting sidetracked tacos lunar eggs give us some tacos what oh make you some tacos okay gold you're gonna have to continue work I have to go make tacos now I'm not dying stuff oh yeah wait who wants to be in charge of the barbecue oh I think I do I'll make the barbecue Bessie I'm done my shoes I finished the rest of it even though I open rainbow work on the tacos only help gold right you're in charge of putting a barbecue grill like those classic little round ones in front of rainbow put some fire in it and Cooks oh I'm gonna be the one that's holding the family together I'm gonna be the grill you are rainbow I am the Dom I am the rainbow oh that's a big responsibility squash you guys I literally forgot to read the Twitter that I was reading so at ashilia from Twitter said hello crew I have a question will you consider playing royal high in the future also can you build gold uh she's saying pancakes anyways love you she put apostrophe pancakes molds pancakes I mean yeah if Royal high is an update we'll play yeah because we don't really go back to games if they don't update because we don't know what to do in them that's true because we already played it yeah lunar I want Gold's ears to be very voluminous gold you built your pants um well lunar helps you I'll build the tacos okay oh I can build it it's easy who likes tacos because at a barbecue they gotta be tacos is there tacos I thought it was like barbecue Foods we have tacos at this barbecue because a barbecue could have any kind of food oh yes what else things do we have at barbecue yeah what else do you bring to a barbecue this lettuce looks like what I would find yeah let us know rainbow are you proud of Draco yeah I know Draco I hope you why not I hope you feel better taco shells like VR maybe like some texture to it give me a taco shell texture this is more annoying because of the block I choose to use you feel like you're dead inside I told you I want to use concrete because that's what building Teddy's does to me [Music] it'll it'll pay off in my vision thank you it's way dark I should have built a duck in a patch so all right let's go up like this builds don't get more intricate than this [Music] I think I think um I don't know if this is with us but I think um I saw somewhere that some countries like when they say BBQ they mean the physical machine but then when Canadians Australians say barbecue they mean like food I thought Australian said Barbie I don't know if that's true because there might be a stereotype I don't know I thought that was like some Australian slang but yeah okay for our Australian chaos out there is Draco say it is right no no no no it's just slang for barbecue I don't know I don't know how you use it properly I think well that's what I'm I don't know chips how could we not have chips at a Barbecue's upset and she was the one keeping the family together I'm leaving the family now because there's no chip I am now sorry Luna we'll bring the chips I am now leaving because you don't have chips for you okay the audacity you make me angry foreign I mean for them if you want to be extra you can always put some buttons on the Shelf it's a seedy taco honestly looks pretty good oh man okay oh look at that hi that looks good right yeah rainbow they said Taco pen please on the top of her head without Googling it uh I don't usually Google my pens funny yeah Oh I thought I like it because I Google them oh they come off on the top out of the top of Rainbow's head wow how a reach now I'm building the chips I only had like a boring one but I'm gonna try to think real hard okay let me try to think real hard okay for my takeaways it builds the crew chips funny and not a chip what I thought you meant a chip ball crew chips make crew chips yeah three chips from crew eats which will regularly update you guys what is this chips for a baby how dare you gold are you here to help me build are you just here to stare you know admiring your glass you're admiring it one second I need to check something we'll help them gold has left the chat does Alex Play Good Sex crew as Sonic characters funny your mic is a little low you need to turn oh no are you kidding me I'm not trolling you I actually was listening my voice is like probably doing something to my microphone Maybe this is ridiculous about it my mic might be busted oof do I sound good now I feel like it went it just went red give me a second gold you should check right now when I'm talking now though should be good guys I don't know how audio works so what do you means the stream is for the audience I'll discover how like I should just make a test stream we should test all the audio and we don't know the settings instead of doing it live because I feel I feel bad I feel bad oopsies I feel bad feels bad your mic's good now funny no girl that's what you said last time yes we said how do I make these ears not look like Mouse ears [Music] oh girls also if you're gonna listen to the audio make sure you mute you mute us talking uh yeah that's what I was doing funny what do you think I am stupid okay I made the bowl your your goal is to make a giant chip ball for KF okay okay I got you okay I'm sure everyone gets the chips enough chips for the whole family because no one gets left that's right exactly Peter says I'm eating chips right now chips as you can see gold didn't put anything into the bowl why is that what funny does this look like chips no gold it looks like hell that was so bad ah stupid crew said am I the only one who loves the sound of glass breaking in Minecraft no I love it too yeah I need to hear this aesthetic satisfyingly chaotic really okay this might sound bad but I like the sound of squishing turtle eggs in Minecraft wait just you guys gotta listen to this okay it's on my channel this whole time it's quite concerning [Music] see sounds pretty good you know what I like what the sound of carpet listen listen [Music] nobody's saying anything [Music] now this feels like a pole look fish that sounds way better what is happening [Music] okay wait wait we're fine we're running a poll okay get ready get ready this is gonna be the most intense poll of all time gold you're gonna be our tester okay just just glass [Music] okay now go stomp on the turtle eggs [Music] foreign [Music] all right and now destroy everything and we'll run a pole I'm done I'm done Gold's plushie is the best sounds uh turtle eggs carpet or glass let's ask okay gold now you need to fill up with the chips yeah I got sidetracked in we got distracted we barely got this hour and we don't this doesn't look magnificent yet it's not ready [Music] yeah yeah I need I need to make the bread bread part it's got to be a red barbecue you know like the family I can't oh yeah oh yeah oh okay I'm done gold can you get started on KF then people oh yeah please please so can you just get KF in this area and get it floating and we'll drop and we'll make balloons Rocco can you make me a platform no you do it Draco looks busy Pikachu like so the head's out and then the two arms are sticking out and then we can draw balloons on the back but what do you think I am an anatomy master yeah okay she's laughing too much okay I I mean I could give you an example lunar of what I'm saying okay I'll try I'll try to imitate the pose for you let me pull up yeah this is like I'll get off the platform head whoa I like the sound oh my gosh yo we can make Minecraft ASMR like seriously like for a video as a joke or a shark listen this sounds so good lunar wow wow Luna you suck a little chills what you gotta appreciate Minecraft if it came out oh my I love Minecraft all right the head looks way too tiny to be kfk I've got a big head I can't make it bigger heck yeah I don't even know if this is even lunar this is up to you okay boom and then I think like [Music] arms out oh what do I mean like I'm just gonna grab yeah I just build it I'll uh I'll I don't know if this is not even I'll build it over based on that I'll probably mesh out the Chaos Head gonna get the colors first yeah the head might be a head is never too big the bigger the head the cuter that's also true okay let's follow this part [Music] and then we come back 50 years Luna should have something yes I should I really should and if you don't that sucks okay I'll see the poll you ready for the pool yeah on glass versus turtle eggs versus carpet which is the best like most like aesthetic sounds it is [Music] out of 6 500 votes we have total eggs with 63 carpet was 17 gold um gold no one likes carpet yes I think I think it's because like you hear carpet all the time in Minecraft so we don't really care oh so you're like you're tired of securing carpet I'm tired of it what else should we build guys leave comment so far it's looking it kind of does look like a masterpiece build I'd never knew the teddies would take so long to build but they did oh yeah hmm and why does draco's ears look like a mouse what do you guys bringing to the Barbie do you like my barbecue yeah I would like it if you like put nether in here and then put like fire you do it what you could be called Mouse tiger Mouse time no freaking Draco do we have why are these ears being so difficult draco's Teddy's twerking I promise you guys oh my goodness Draco looks magnificent he looks so fluffy is Draco trying to be cuter yeah of course I'm trying to be cuter he always tries to be cuter what a surprise thing I do I saw your pancake skull they looked exactly like the image closely thanks all right what are we bringing to the barbecue calf what are we bringing leave comment Chad said we've been here for an hour and 20 minutes yes well if you don't make it big then just don't make it oh my gosh okay draca like Draco said oh this looks so amazing from the side look I want the smoke like how would our teddies it dies wait what are you grilling rainbow uh steak no oh a steak how about a little flat pancake oh snap what I'm dying what dragon looks like a mouse potties I love it okay these doors are going on fire that's a problem it looks realistic look green was cooking barbecue for the whole family yeah they said can you put an egg on the grill an egg might be better because right now the carpet's lighting on fire which is not good okay what do you mean egg um I think like if we use if we could find a yellow slab orange any type of yellow slab y'all this is like a realistic barbecue this should be on building hacks do you want your bill to look like it's burning it's easy how do I make an egg oh I might cover the whole thing hmm you know what I think the easiest thing is we just put this Gold's pancake on the grill gold that's your pancake oh you know what you're missing rainbow you're missing a little spatula for a little Rainbow it actually looks really good thank you thank you is almost all together guys yes all here we would like to invite you to try some delicious pancakes the giant barbecue can you smell it it's done go look scary I don't know how much Stripes Draco has on the top of it no I do not look scary I'm admiring all the rules a car oh so I'm gonna make a car that's cute Draco you have like gold three is that for us to make a car enroll in sorry not Roblox in Minecraft car let's make a red car free from the big top of the forehead how do you make a car I actually never built a car well I built cars but it never look good so this is gonna run from honey your head looks so much smaller than ours sure I know you need a bigger head I try okay let's try this I used a red car a red sports car it's so boring you always go for the basic red car okay Golf and add something from I like a yellow car okay then let's totally not basic either oh yeah oh I've never called I've never seen a yellow car before oh that looks like a taxi not that yellow gold you just know picky girl this is why you don't have a all these yellows are bad maybe we'll just stick to uh wait you gotta raise it we gotta raise it best bestie you want black that's so basic yeah it's pretty basic what about this although I do love black cars no it's blending in it looks like I mean that looks sick yeah yeah I like the sports car okay I'll make the shape you can like make a sports car shape I mean sorry you could call it in the sports car when I figure out how to get though how to make it look like a car chairs stairs or slabs actually I like this blue gold oh yeah that was really nice too well we could do two colors Duo because like Duo color cards are nice right toad I don't know what I'm talking about two colored car trying to sound like a car expert you know please we know when cars look nice and we know when cars we're the engine Roar Roar yeah we know cars are nice we know so much stuff about cars gold horsepower yeah is that a V6 engine what you know what the stripes aren't perfect but they're okay and I'm too tired I'm exhausted you did it better look really cool Draco because literally the whole story mouse tiger who Mouse tiger Don't Call Him Mouse tiger he has a name no more like that obviously I know what it is but you know exactly we can't copy it yeah it has a Tesla because yeah poppers get on the floor Pizza I'm bringing pizza besties or spicy chips that's the number one bestie if you bring pizza you are number one bestie no I like I like the spicy chips oh I love spicy chips rainbow is actually addicted to spicy chips it's not even funny at this point the I love spices once it gets too spicy you can't taste anything yeah that's not true it's true that's not true you like burn all the taste buds how do we make stuff look like headlights okay after you know can you give us some tips I would drive it if it looked exactly like this uh let's get some Wheels gold golden lanterns and I want you to add that oh good idea guys that's smart that's actually good that's a good idea oh my gosh yes where are we driving we're gonna drive to Japan we're gonna fly we're gonna fly yeah Drive there's like yeah we're gonna fly yeah I'm gonna drive across the ocean yes we tour in the cruiser chunk what we'll fly around the world yes that's sick this is the sickest car ever don't add us don't don't have us yeah don't fly around my brother AF in the cruiser trunk oh no I hate these buttons you guys are making sense car you cannot it's not say we don't make it I know we haven't been building off it looks sick oh look at this look at this oh I need to climb in there yeah that was so fake we gotta get in you gotta get in this see if it's comfortable hold up let's let's make like a little see-through right here no gold you could like go under so oh yeah you look like you're driving okay stay there stay there and then I'll just build around it hold up hopefully we can ah no just stay there gold it's good okay hmm am I a good model for this new model car epic okay gold where we go I can make it look like you're driving on the stream you ready it looks so yeah it looks oh my gosh it looks like you're driving what are you making oh that's amazing gold where are you driving KF where do you want me to drive I mean where do you want me to fly you we could fly you anywhere North Pole we got you oh my God she's driving towards us that's so crazy instead of going Hong Kong we go chonk chunk hi on the new Tesla oh my gosh gold it looks like you're driving look Tesla Cruiser chunkster 20 I mean 3 000. coming soon 2050. okay gold you're fired now get out I'm tired oh it was fun testing your model thank you thank you you can buy it for one million gazillion robots I can't afford that well that's sad I mean that looks that looks like a decent car it's pretty futuristic they're saying to Canada Australia Starbucks plus buy all the best friends someone said the car goes straight to Jupiter you're right [Music] we will live on Jupiter calf says we're going to Japan guys no someone said we're going to Walmart yeah I guess not okay I guess the only thing we're missing is like a license plate I need back headlights yeah and the cars be called chunk chunk five thousand that's the car okay are you guys done yet pay us all over the world do you see that in chat you guys [Music] oh my gosh look everyone's saying let's go to Korea let's go yeah we'll talk drive straight to tick tock I knew it this whole time I could have could have just drove to tick tock did you not know that he could have flew to Tick Tock but you chose to walk to tick tock so basic why do we have to walk next build we got chips Taco duck car pineapple licking and Amethyst right that seems like rainbow lunar is building something very epic up there I'm not gonna it's a purple nugget funny oh my gosh oh is it the BTS nugget no I'm kidding they're not for sale anymore okay what do we all what else are we building Besties um I'm gonna I think I'm gonna go help Luna with KF flying that looks pretty thank you rainbows that's my take I just love looking at this help me fill it in thank you I like referenced it off um a barbecue picture I found online like it needs to be red I was looking at it which is adorable yeah build your fear fears our fears there's a barbecue um the sun it wants to build the sun literally the Sun but the sun's right there guys it's too shiny yeah have you ever heard you can't look directly at the Sun oh yeah I heard it bad for your eyes look ow I don't even think you actually my eyes it's burning at 5 000 degrees oh everyone's complaining they said what type of BBQ is this without Pizza wait you can't barbecue you're right yeah but you can bring it through or thank you okay you know what I think to close off a giant pizza right here what kind of pizza [Music] just because we love you and you guys are so special we will make a really cool Pizza each slice will be a flavor that you want because wow that's ambition flavors from all over the world from Funnies and gold Pizzeria yes pizza I like that idea so should we make a plate for the pizza like yeah we gotta make a play no way we're serving our guests not late you better give us five stars you guys for this pizza hold so aggressive she ever opens her store she'll be like you can come in make sure to like the like button and make sure what else can you do now add the playlist share yeah hit the Bell oh there's so many features now live chat comment live chat memberships oh yeah and also welcome a bunch of new KF membership members what's up welcome thank you for joining thank you welcome remember in life if you want something be assertive that's true I should be passive but sometimes passive gets you nowhere and you just become passive sometimes if you see an opportunity you gotta grab it by the legs well I think we're becoming too violent this is why we're not sorry with each other yeah I'm sorry we can't ramble too much it goes a little too far well we're giving an inspirational speech to the stream I don't see my goodness Luna's getting you're scaring lunar and she's scary [Music] and draco's having a quiet Mouse having an identity crisis with his Teddy yeah cool that's cursed wait I'm checking out oh my you can't look at it funny don't go over there it's too Immaculate it's the cutest mouse tiger okay we gotta build a crust first I think brown powder is the closest what is this whole wheat crust it looks like burnt crust that I would make you know um you guys have any other ideas for the crust right now just leave a comment on what block we should use because we're just gonna build the format of it yummy it looks like pancakes oh it's a rectangle pizza it's not even circular oh isn't that better than who likes rectangle pizzas Chad do you guys like slices I can't even remember the last time we even ate a rectangle pizza do rectangle pizzas even exist uh what year is it well that's true we ate a circle pizza with red like square cut yeah I've never read the closet it never actually dude I never even seen a rectangle pizza all right so we're gonna go by the chat why is it raining clear the skies leave it it's so cool I like it everything's good I can't even see you know rain weather is such a move it's starting to lag okay I'll turn it off it's too cute though look at the rain go away but look how shiny the bills are maybe we'll make it rain after look at that see a ton of Hawaiian so I guess they know you don't like that Hawaiian pizza you gotta save room though because we gotta make more please it looks like cheese the block of gold does the block of gold look like cheese to you no I'm excited us right put it down let me see oops this oh it looks like pineapple actually it yeah it looks more like pineapple I feel like the pizza should look fun so this is a tomato sauce okay are you cringing um maybe I mean I could do Carpe right I could put carpet as cheese does that look like cheese oh yeah that looks pretty good yeah I just feel like this is like less boring okay hi Jeff leave a comment of what your favorite pizza is right now and we're gonna gather up everyone's comments and then hit it on this angle Circle Pizza it's delicious it's a new hip Trend what are you talking about oh yeah look at that crust it looks burnt it is ready to be to be tough we need a crust we need some sort of crust we have this crust is cursed [Music] everyone in the chat is saying striped striped Oak oh I was I was literally holding striped Birch just striped Birch or almost better no striper which is like raw wait a strip not striped fine oh my gosh funny it's true I was reading was funny I was like stripes honey you need grammarly I don't need Grammy I have Grandma confirmation no I'm kidding I don't how much is grammarly all I know is those Grammy ads well it depends if you like it like well cooked or like how scary is it that you like know the grammarly ad in the back of your head like you know the sound you do I don't you don't know the sound no what is it I forgot it but every time it flies I know what it is I I like it just y'all someone does someone know the sound of it like the wording you have to know it okay let me let me try mimicking the grammarly ad grammarly add meme writing is not oh wait I got it where's the full sentence one [Music] are you guys ready finish having a heart um still gotta make the balloons automatically correct it is wordy and hard to read writing is not that easy but grammarly can help I love grandma what's the full what's the full sentence I want to read it as a joke family learn how to spell for someone because someone hashtag Crew live with it thank you I'm struggling to find it right now so thank you there's something coming in from chat which sounds really grammarly grammarly [Music] so I just do this for the cheese there you go one for your pineapple pizza which is Hawaii that looks delicious olive pizza whoa ice cream pizza you guys are okay I've never heard of ice cream pizza before dinner pizza with um they said chocolate sprinkles um marshmallows like a sweet Pizza oh that sounds good you know what let me try making the ice cream part here if I were to make an ice cream it would definitely be like a vanilla scoop and then it would just look like this yum oh I wish I had slabs let me see if I get something [Music] slab smooth quartz I mean that doesn't look bad with shaders feels like a scoop of ice cream actually it looks horrible I hate it okay let's do this okay so funny plushies said writing is not easy but grammarly can help this sentence is what grammatically correct but it's wordy and hard to read that one rainbow that's grammarly that's great that's Gravelly that's sentences makes no sense what do you mean you mean you hear that all the time on YouTube ads please you have to know what grammarly is well I know what it is but I did it no but you have to like know that sound bite like that sound bite is forever engraved in my brain okay but you don't remember it I don't remember because it didn't play okay Juliana says writing thinking of it writing is not that easy but grammarly can help this sentence is correct but it's wordy and hard to read but grammarly can help play that's the same one I just read so that was it yeah dude that doesn't make sense oh my gosh I'm just learning this now wait it doesn't make sense at all yeah it doesn't make sense at all I think the point of it is like they're trying to be funny like they're like that sentence isn't correct so please use grammarly you know wow I'm being grammarly uh I'm awake I'm awake now anyways the ice cream what else we got in our book we need a meat side so if we're gonna do meat I think like buttons do look like tiny sausages so we'll use Brown and then for slabs we could do meat slices which I guess I mean these granite slabs they do look like meat pieces good job goals you keep going oh delicious yo the pizza looks so tasty oh my gosh imagine if you just went into a pizza place and you just started say can I get an everything topping pizza laughs and we need veggies for veggies Moss carpet would be looking good I should stop using buttons almost done struggling that girl was very ambitious around what looks like I'm just posting [Music] there's can olives be Brown yeah or they look like mini sausages I don't know I'm just gonna put them on the pizza definitely don't look like mini sausages okay fine what looks like olives just [Music] maybe this button there you go tiny olives on the pizza for KF it's a button I'm clipping some builds funny so if you want to like okay thank you well I'm just gonna put the pineapple around instead it's just gonna be everything taco pizza because it's looking really good it'd be looking good [Music] ah okay it looks good stoopy yr says that crew you aren't separating the senses correctly that's why they're grounded us so like we need commas oh how dare you grammarly grammarly voice actor they fired me totally true story it is true it's true I tried applying no I didn't I tried applying for the grammarly voice actor gig but they said you couldn't read and that's my anime backstory and then she grew up and then she learned how to read um so those are some really cute builds from rkf on Twitter look at that funny is holding a heart adorable oh I wonder what this build would look like during night time I mean when we finish we should totally turn the lights off do it shut it down on this build Moon I think you made the site a little too big guys yes this belly is a little tiny no okay it's so hard wait you should you should nag Draco Draco like you're saying to Draco didn't contribute to that build don't go to Draco oh my gosh I can't so cute he was like I'm gonna be the cutest so it looks like the most HD build I've ever look at it hey Draco bestie can you give me those eyes no I think I'm good yeah these aren't your color okay chaos I mean the bills we're still building still building because they're not done they're one built buckles congrats you're welcome for holding up the stream pretty much smash like because Draco hold it up the Stream I mean if you look at what me and Luna did though it's pretty okay you guys uh I mean Randy can you add the balloons to kf's back because funny wants them to be traveling on a balloon did you say balloons yes that's how kf's floating while I work on the stomach area we're not going to build grammarly KF thank you thank you very much I love bunny I love your ambition okay goals we have to build balloons hmm it looks like from the YouTube chat they really want us to build we cannot see under here potato chip bag Gold's best to come here you gotta build the crew chips do you got gold you gotta you have Google yes your job is to build the crew chips right here like a really big right here it's right here I know no right here right here go behind it like it has to be enormous chip bag hey normally I think I know what the colors are actually I think I could help you um what color balloon do you guys want for it yeah true colors I can make rainbow yoga color e oh one color one color I'm the second party clown no one color I hate you yeah I don't care we should fire her she's mean can I get two colors at least no since it's my birthday I'm not getting paid for this it's one color oh that's true if she doesn't get paid for building so let's just give her one neon blue neon blue neon blue it is no okay if you're gonna make it hard for rainbow I'll help you with the balloons rainbow I'm done now I'll help you want a giraffe yes I'm not scared of clowns I like clowns I think they're funny they're like okay from a distance but I never had an actual interaction with him when they come up close it's kind of freaky why not Draco don't let me try to make a clown what do you mean oh when I was little I was deathly afraid of mascots uh criminal back door no Chuck E Cheese's he was my worst enemy why are you saying like that is it Chuck E cheese or Chuck E Cheese's why are you laughing like that oh what or was the mascot afraid of you um why would it be afraid of me because the way you're laughing very monody Audrey from Twitter said hashtag Crew Live have you guys tried tuna Pizza I tweeted about it earlier and other KF seems to not know no we've never tried tuna Pizza it sounds good before we like tuna right we I love tuna should we make tuna Pizza I know one of our ideas were to make Tick-Tock Foods because Tick Tock like when you see stuff on technology it's so good it dies what is tuna Pizza I'm gonna google image um oh it's ever it's like pizza with tuna on it and corn all right I think draco's done I mean can you help with the balloons Draco yeah no I'm not done modification he's a piece of perfectionist Taco is a perfectionist wait lunar you something shiny those Balloons look sad I like glass over them oh but look how shiny well do you want to make the K logo rainbow I don't know if you know this but there's not that many shiny materials room to make a cave oh I know make it like KF like gold golden blue to match the theme nah we need three balloons though um oh yeah yeah that's pretty rainbow why is Draco Jack what no I'm just everything being built out of sand whenever something Falls I get a little heart attack dude just use carpet thank God she's scared you guys you guys want to hear this stop building your balloon why why Twitter crew sister from hashtag crew life said a wolf shaped neon yellow balloon with heart eyes can you make me a dog how would I make you uh cucumber or a snake you copy the shape of my balloon please rainbow you're so annoying you're so annoying here please can we have a vote actually no you can't look at this yet you have to make it big though rainbow that's so tiny don't be annoying song they are annoying each other like don't be annoying yeah don't be annoying don't be like rainbow and Luna don't be annoying don't be annoying rainbow you have to make your balloon Bigger it's not that's all you say now if someone's annoying you just go hey I'm done why is KF have a Pinocchio nose okay and you make a better note someone's being shady yeah [Music] Shady sauce Shady sauce queen look at that chip bag all right that chip bag looks immaculate oh my gosh what's happening okay oh funny we found the newest cool sound look at this new block look at this new block are you ready for some more ASMR okay this is the shroom light okay it's scary sounds Fierce Better Block Draco this one sounds more Supple and moist oh that just sounds no Draco I actually found the best one listen to this one listen listen that sounds like nothing listen [Music] okay we should stop okay let's finish KF I'm gonna go look at Draco reaction oh too cute can we listen on video thumbs up boy let's see if it was a thumbs up his thumb would be here otherwise yeah you try hard I'm stealing that totally worth two hours of building hey what's wrong oh I'm gonna steal this thank you no he only made his eyes for him they are only for me put it on let me see let me see the masterpiece okay Jacko can you come build one more balloon please to finish and then Tada yes we'll be done well we're funny in Magic oh my God you're a little taste Draco Draco you have to tell me how to dye this black I forgot oh so cute you can you have to use a sight oh you wrecked it funny I don't care it's still cute I don't care the blue eyes is technically fine you have to do that for KF but you have to redo it no no chaos and it won't help goals ASI's are too big it won't work yeah whoa can't wait to get a full zoom out of this this is gonna look so good you know what two hours of building and we built this like I said it's so impressive did you hear this block yet it sounds so sparkly what block is it this block it's uh I don't know what it's called the block of amethyst it's very sparkly first winner loves it whoa oh my gosh I think this is my favorite block sound all right time to wrap up the stream driving has to build one more balloon okay gold our job is to make this place Sparkle we have to start growing some trees around here to make sure that these builds really stick out I think we should use Spruce Amethyst in the sky like in the tree and stuff in the sky Gold's obsessed like this we're gonna make an epic wallpaper I got a good idea you guys should dig out all of these grass blocks don't you dare these grass floss and make them float on an island oh okay rainbow I'm kidding let's do this restart like #crew live guys give us some questions we are done building for now echo's just gotta work on a balloon and then we should be good gold your job is to check the crew live when I finished my plants and trees Draco where's your um what's this I just I didn't see draco's eyes and then I saw them distance you guys are cheating I need to add those eyes too everyone's jealous eyes no I don't well then you better start copy this goals gold festy what is this gold in the house was yeah gold what the heck what is this what is what she didn't even fill in the back of the gold you have gold I told you okay gold needs help gold needs help gold what's up balloon's done I told you girls had a broken neck no it's not broken Teddy I mean you weren't going to the back anyway I am going well I know but girl that's still everyone's filled is filled and what the heck everyone's screaming they're saying curse Gold Coast but it's a style she it's like kind of called fatty gold Teddy uh yeah the new version It's Not body gold Patty please it is it's like a Zombie Thing I don't want to fill the back I'm being assertive I'm gonna go over there okay whatever I can't make me fill up her back if I don't want to fair enough fair enough I don't care um my gosh dude you need to take a screenshot of this and post it on Twitter yeah it looks amazing oh my gosh this looks so good okay we gotta we gotta finish decorating building can I just say before the stream we saw a bunch of KF taking pictures of their merch that shipped like that's so fast like they're sure the shipments went out like so quick and you guys look fire yeah like everybody look amazing with this so thank you for sharing your images of the crew match with us on Twitter we really appreciate it it's so cool seeing you you guys win yesterday I feel so happy because like you guys look so happy wearing it and then like it's something we've worked we had fun and yeah it looks really cool and also the KF art like can we just say how amazing everyone is there's like so much I have to retweet so if you guys don't know um I think it's crew xkf on Twitter is our official fan art account where we retweet all you guys lovely things because there's so much and we gotta retweet it all so we're like let's just make a page let's spam everything Bunny and Draco don't have eyes oh wait they do have eyes can you guys stop sorry saying we don't have eyes hey funny there's someone in the car what there's an intruder in the car talking about [Music] what did you do I got okay someone who's driving the car are we ready Luna's super pressed she's not leaving the stream until she finishes the eyes too that that is so cute look at this also also everyone I finished Gold's black so she's cute good job oh my gosh look at that GG the tail and everything are you happy is this finished wait I think I don't think yeah I just remembered I have to full butt not half butt projects well but a project not half butt because if you have bought a project why is the point of doing the project quote of the day if you give KF those eyes then you have to give gold and rainbow those eyes Aussie on Twitter said curse gold curse I'm late okay I'm sorry you can't do that lunar We are family and nobody gets left behind if you're telling chocolate to help hold the rainbow while I make it it has to be equal you can I don't want to make any more eyes well if you made it for everyone now you have to make it yeah I didn't make it for everyone to finish the lore you gotta finish this yeah you gotta finish it bro indeed indeed yeah you can't do that Jacob finish it you gotta yeah very epic screenshot okay that's so cute oh my gosh this is the thing I am so proud of us it looks so good okay my entities aren't loading up like Gold's eyes kind of scare me a little bit now so animation gotta make sure Draco doesn't get cut off no it's not post effects put up the fields hmm I'll post a better HD one on Twitter because I don't want to like make these Graphics too high where the stream crashes so let's do this for now let's do a streamline whoa you guys ready [Music] um oh my gosh this looks so good it looks so good actually I don't know how you're supposed to make Gold's eyes Gold's eyes are just White just make it white gradient with like yellow or something how do you fix Gold's eyes all right no problem oh you go far away like we can try to take a far shot none of them have eyes oh my gosh I noticed that okay I think this is like the closest I can get Jacko is there a way in shaders to make your lens look like fisheye oh I don't think there might why am I lagging stuff oh my gosh I am starting to look I'm getting major like did someone put something down what's happening I just I was just doing her eyes or anything oh my gosh I'm starting to lag too oh maybe it's because I'm like oh my gosh that's so this is good this is oh that's not your eye color it's okay for now she can have gold this is your eye color there it's white okay how do you make her look like she has lashes Morgan says I love you guys videos I watch them every day thank you so much Morgan thank you we appreciate it thank you we love you thank you and thank you all the KFC I appreciate it where are the gold eyes Google yeah I did I did I did I'm doing gold you made yourself um okay but there's one issue you have to fill in the behind part face the eyes you have to place me in the middle I mean on the left on the left and right this way right who placed this it's like cursed oh my you guys good I am lagging so hard I don't know what happened your server I have my entity on very far [Music] you're lagging us all I think this is the perfect shot yeah let's stand right here oh my gosh Kev looks so cute yeah this looks adorable I love the balloons and KF is flying here come come match up with me guys pretty cute I'll drive here I'm like floating I'm floating to try to catch you're so cute guys too so why are we streaming and we have crafted one of the most magnificent builds ever yeah so from here family Barbecue yeah right that is invited to the barbecue thank you so much for um tuning in chilling with us talking with us hanging out with us for Crew Live this was a lot of fun we love you yeah we love you guys soon if you're new here consider subscribing we live stream every to be family Friday yeah you get to go to the family Barbecue I guess we have to have family barbecues come on the family barbecue sauce how are you where are you we're floating we're in the front we're in the front take your car there you go family Barbecue I'm bringing chips I'm bringing I'm bringing nothing I'm bringing water girl I'm also going to say I bring nothing how about we just bring an appetite yes yes okay time to change it up what what do these build look like at night time can you do your epic you know yeah for the outro I could do it through yeah so I will do that for everyone yeah oh what happens if we like let it have like a lantern glow I wonder why I have to put Lantern behind there I wonder what you allow you to do it don't don't mind Luna stop come back later I need it do it is it better is it better it's foreign okay let's actually take a real one for the stream now I think we're at oh my gosh look at this Sunset okay Luna you're good okay well that is it have a wonderful weekend everyone thank you so much for chilling with us on the live stream I need to take a screenshot of this real quick everyone please magnificent magnificent but the family needs to be in there I mean I'm taking a screenshot oh this looks so funny because lunar doesn't even go on Tick Tock we just showed that to her and these are now her favorite meme yeah it's your favorite and now she won't be quiet about it family that's so weird time set zero and then whether I want like the golden hour funny this is a golden hour all right is it um I got a golden hour one for this stream it's raining on my barbecue this is when Rainbow barbecues for real all right oh yeah that is true like in real life rainbow we're just following the official lore I don't know what the big deal is oh my gosh do you see the stream right now dude it looks like this looks sick like it actually looks so good except gold mustache kind of like grew out her bunnies I want to fix it it's too late it's not a mustache it's a muzzle all right epic epic Machinima outro totally this is totally gonna go well totally left all right have a wonderful weekend we are crew we love you guys so much thank you so much for hanging out with us once again see you later okay this is the epic part right gold you wanted it yes okay I don't cut gold off again I remember it off just like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,209,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft mod krew, minecraft mods krew, minecraft krewcraft, krewcraft, krewcraft funny, krewcraft series, minecraft survival series
Id: eHzHMt0e30I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 52sec (7432 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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