You Can't Buy a Raspberry Pi — Why?

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all right I think we're live we'll see it should be live I see audio levels let me know in live chat if I'm not actually live um but yeah we have a little bit of a delay I can see that I'm live on here but I'm not even talking yet but now I'm talking so let's see YouTube is popping up all kinds of things because it's the first time I've live streamed on this new computer and crazy all right so um why is it so hard to buy a Raspberry Pi right now that's the title of this video we can't buy one right now technically speaking if you have tons of money and you want to pay like 150 bucks for a pie you could buy a pie there's a few models that are really really hard to get like the unicorns like an eight gigabyte Raspberry Pi compute module four this this is literally all well there's one over here that I'm I'm working on you can see uh if I go over to this view there's one pie over here that I'm doing some DVR testing on um NVR DVR whatever that is uh and man DVRs for any platform not just Raspberry Pi but x86 or anything especially open source ones they're a hot mess a video on that will be coming up um but anyway yeah these are all the pies I ever bought I have not bought one of these since September 2021 so it's been over a year now since I've been able to find one of these I actually bought most of them at um Micro Center I think they were in stock they had they had literally like three rows of cm4s at Micro Center when I was buying these things but then component shortage and everything but I wanted to give some clarity to why it is so hard to get them um what are some Alternatives that you might consider why might you not want to consider an alternative for some people and also uh I'm going to be testing it at the end of this video this this focusing is not working very well today oh there you go this is from Big Tree Tech a CB1 and before I actually tested um Rockchip rk3566 and a pine 64 so quartz these are cm4 compatible boards the rock chip the radza one the cm3 this one actually has a few interesting new features above and beyond what the cm4 does so it's interesting you know other other manufacturers are using the same form factor with the same pin out and giving some more features but there's some caveats and if you go look at that video I still have had some trouble with both of these boards getting them to do all the things that I want them to do so that's the topic for today's video at the end of it we'll try to get this guy going we'll see if we can or not we'll see if it's a good experience but that's one of the things I want to talk about um let's see a video on chat uh I'm live and live okay well looks like some people my audio is too low hopefully that's not the case it should be pretty good here let me I'll preview it over in my other monitor sometimes it's different people's displays and things of course I don't have speakers plugged into the computer that I'm previewing this on so um yeah turn it up all right so anyway this is yeah this is definitely live I mean I don't normally talk like this I talk a lot faster when I'm live and if you distract me enough I might not actually get to the points I have in my little outline here but anyway the reason why I'm doing this is because well two things one is I'm doing it live because I was going to work on a video for this week but life happened uh no Colon's still rolling I have my shirt on tonight um life happened and I've had a lot of issues with my health tonight I'm operating probably at about 80 percent and we just got back from our family vacation which was iffy whether or not that it could even happen luckily it did but anyway life happened I'm doing this live mostly because I wanted to do this as a big video but big videos take for a video like this a lot longer to prepare so doing it live lets me get through all the points more quickly and without as much upfront prep time and I might make another video about this later once I get a few more boards in to compare and talk about since this this changes every every few months how these other boards will fare because the communities around them some of them pick up steam and and get some some things working others don't but every every video that I post a pie project I get tons of comments about but will it be great to do that if there were actually Raspberry Pi's available and I get it I you know I do these I do these projects mostly for the projects and the things that I want to do I don't do them to promote Raspberry Pi I've never been paid a dime by Raspberry Pi I don't have any official tight relationship with Raspberry Pi I do have a few contacts so I talked to about it and I have gotten access to devices early from their Alpha Team for testing and things like that so you know I I'm not going to say that I I don't have any official relationship with Raspberry Pi but they don't pay me any money I'm not in any special relationship and I use a lot of other computers and a lot of other sbcs and a lot of other embedded devices so you know I the reason I use Raspberry Pi a lot of times is because the community around it the support for it the ability to get things up and running quickly without having to do a lot of hard work and labor intense things like spending a week just trying to get one driver going or something like that except for gpus of course um but the last official update on this was in April and if I go over to my browser here uh I I don't have the chat up on this computer so I can't paste it in the chat but if somebody wants to paste the link in their YouTube might kick you out because it thinks you're spamming but um the last update was in April and even Upton said you know it's hard to buy raspberry pi hard as an understatement it's almost impossible to buy a Raspberry Pi at MSRP by itself from any vendor and there's a lot of good reasons in here but the bottom line was basically they were prioritizing um prioritizing their OEM customers that's the manufacturers who partner with Raspberry Pi and have a special relationship and uh like I did a video on on NEC sharp of America they make a display that can have a Raspberry Pi inside of it so NEC is probably not the best example for it because they're a pretty big company they have other options they have alternative Intel modules you can slot in so it's not going to kill them if they don't have a supply of Raspberry Pi's but there are some companies that make devices for industry for commercial products and things that they formed a partnership with Raspberry Pi before the shortage and they grew their whole business based on the fact that they could get these raspberry pies and they contribute back patches to the kernel they contribute back support they have members who are makers in our maker communities and not all of them are like that there are some who are more like leeches that pull off things more than give back but because of that Raspberry Pi wants to make sure that they don't make businesses go out of business because they chose Raspberry Pi and it's a business decision and a lot of people are not going to like that um that's that's fine you know and I'm not super happy about it but it is what it is and so I actually uh talked to Eben and a couple other people at Raspberry Pi and asked about this and said you know it's been a long time April was I don't know like six months ago or so um are there any updates to this are we getting are things looking better right now and he basically said everything in the blog post is still valid things are still Supply constrained they're having you know they can't get the volumes of chips and other components in that they need to make these boards in higher volumes and they're still prioritizing the OEM customers but they are he said ring fencing that's a business term he's ring fencing some supply for customers so if you go to a site like uh like I haven't checked them in a little bit so our it has a listing of places that do have pies in stock and this is updated very frequently and if you're interested in getting a pie go here and set up alerts for it because every once in a while they one of these places does have like a few hundred boards and they sell out within a few hours so um you know that that's probably the best way to get it right now and they mentioned this in that blog post but um so when they ring fence a batch of these and send them to people they do send out a few hundred at its time to different retailers and the retailers send them but that's why the retailers also are putting like uh estimated January because they think it'll be January it could be a little bit later maybe they'll get lucky and get them earlier but it's better to give people a long estimate and then give them something sooner than something longer and you know sometimes they don't know how long it'll be so it ends up being months out or even like 2023 mid 2023 something like that but they also even wanted to make it clear that if you are an oem or even if you are somebody in the community who has to get a Raspberry Pi for some reason and really needs to get them at MSRP or get them quickly or something like that please email their email address it's business raspberry uh you probably I don't think everybody like like if I just emailed them I don't think I would just jump up in line because I wanted an extra one I have I have enough for my needs here that's I use these for testing clusters I use these for testing like my NVR systems that I'm testing right now so I do need like five or six maybe I have ten right now so I need five or six and having a few extra is nice for me but I don't need more so I haven't bought it anymore um but if you are constrained if you're having trouble if you're working on this project for your seniors thesis or something go ahead and email that address that might that might get you to get one um but anyway uh as I said earlier his he said the main goal is to not let the companies that rely on Raspberry Pi's to kind of Wither and die because they have this relationship and they want to help each other and support each other and hopefully once this thing is over it won't be a big issue anymore and he said that they're currently producing still 400 000 raspberry pies per month I I believe that's Raspberry Pi is not Picos in addition I think the Picos are in addition to the Raspberry Pi's in that number but uh but it was the quote was 400 000 Raspberry Pi's so I don't know if that includes or not uh we could we could get clarification maybe on Twitter um but the final thing that they said after I I told him like I'm gonna make this video I'm going to talk about this stuff can I say these things and they said yes um and they're not going to do any more official blog posts until they have something new to say uh hopefully that new thing will be like maybe in a few months Supply is not an issue anymore but they do they do want to mention that the big things for them is the software support maintenance quality control things like that that is why Raspberry Pi's are hard to find and you know when you buy a Raspberry Pi you can be sure that it's a Raspberry Pi it's going to work it has support even 10 year old Raspberry Pi is like I have I have at the bottom of the stack I I have like an A plus over here and I have my original Raspberry Pi all of these are still supported and run that's even more than they originally promised and that's pretty cool and it it means that you know even if you have an old stock of Raspberry Pi's if you have certain projects you can run on them so um I mean that's all that I have from him directly and I want to give a little bit of my opinion too because I it does pain me to see when people are like this project looks so cool but lucky you you already bought those in 2021 I actually ordered most of them in 2020 it took six or seven months to come in um but I do I feel that pain and I I would I would like Raspberry Pi to start prioritizing hobbyists and makers again seems like that was the original intention education hobbyists makers and you know a lot of the Raspberry Pi Community is in the maker space and it's hard to see those people having to choose Alternatives which is fine finding Alternatives is good and knowing the whole ecosystem is nice too because arm is not just Raspberry Pi for sure and risk five can also be um you know an interesting alternative in the future I'm exploring that as well um but they do seem to be be able to prioritize Pico and Pico W probably because the little I don't have one on hand right here it's in a box somewhere uh but you know the the soc on the Raspberry Pi is you know I don't know 40 millimeters or something 20 20 millimeters I don't know how big that is but the the one the little custom silicone on the um Pico is teeny tiny so they can fit a ton more on a single wafer so they can produce tons of those even in a shorter run so they haven't had a problem with that um and also you know a lot of people whenever I mention this stuff on Twitter or something someone's like oh it's probably because they're focusing on the pi five or whatever's next and I can tell you for sure that's not the case they've they've been continually saying the problem is capacity and it's not just Raspberry Pi it's car makers and it's other people that are making silicone um any kind of chips are having the same issue so that's the big problem here um I you know me just guessing just postulating based on what I see elsewhere in the industry is that it probably won't change this year for the better it'll probably be another at least three to six months before we start seeing a change and you know the global economy how things are doing between different countries and things also has effects on that uh you know tsmc and other chip manufacturers around the world have gone through some interesting changes the past years I put in a note here overall my opinion on this is I am lasad yes that is uh I don't I think I typed this at night a couple nights ago so I am lissad um but another thing that a lot of people have been asking me a lot is to do more videos on other sbcs so not just the Raspberry Pi and you can see on my desk here I have my Raspberry Pi collection I have all the models Raspberry Pi I have the a plus and 3A plus I have my little I have my Pi tray mini here for testing the cm4 and my cm4io board but I do I have a few other boards in my in my organization over there sometimes what I've done is I I would buy a board and I would start testing it and I would be like you know I just can't I can't get this going to the point where I can do a good video on it and recommend it I I usually don't do a video on something that I wouldn't recommend other people doing because a it seems like a waste of time to spend enough time to make a full video on it and B I don't want to show you something and be like do this and then you do it and you're like man that was Jeff is an idiot I don't know why he needed that I mean you can think I'm an idiot anyway but uh someone says please design your own SBC I'm not going to do that and when one thousand dollars raised so that's that's a good transition here so that's why it's hard to get a Raspberry Pi right now uh the chat has some good uh good opinions on there too and you know at this point I think I've seen every argument from every side and and I don't think it's going to change for a few months at least um I'm still holding out hope every time I go to Micro Center I look and they're they're always out of stock but last time I went they had a giant bag of picots so if you want to do any microcontroller projects do that but thank you so much to everybody who's donated I'm supposed to have like a little uh alert thing on here but it definitely is not working I don't know if streamlabs has to be open for that to work um but let's see uh viewer activity yeah thank you so much I and apparently YouTube doesn't show me all the donations in a list so I can't even thank people by name but you know glance in the live chat because you'll see that stuff um but the reason I'm doing the stream tonight also and a second reason for it besides I'm lazy and I didn't want to make a full video that takes a lot longer and I was on vacation is uh today is international ostomy awareness day and for people who haven't seen my video about me being sick I've had quite a summer and today I'm wearing my no colon still rolling because I am an ostomate I that means I have an ostomy I had a major surgery called a proctocolectomy total practicalectomy that's like you know Total Recall instead of just recall and uh that was in 2018 and that's a pretty life-altering surgery and some people don't have the choice some people have it happen when they're knocked unconscious and have a wound in their stomach or they have colon cancer or something I actually chose to do it after a few years of having trouble with crohn's disease but the uoa who is the the person the organization that I'm raising funds for in this in this live stream is an organization that helps with people like me who have ostomies so they've been super helpful they have local chapters um and so you know I wanted to pay it back some way and so I might make this an annual thing on ostomy awareness day but anyway that's what this fundraiser is for I know a few people had asked about this um how has my health been lately good uh not great I'd say like right now I'm kind of 80 85 percent Health earlier in the summer I was like 50 to 60 percent health I was having some issues with infections and things uh but we you know with crohn's disease it's it's a lifelong it's a chronic illness that needs a lot of management so anyway uh and I I thank everybody there there are a ton of people who are supporting me on patreon and GitHub and now I I even added I think YouTube memberships which I don't think are plugging into the stream either they were supposed to show up a notification or something but whatever I'll have to figure that out for the next live stream live stream at least I was not muted at the beginning every live stream for the past two years I've been muted at the beginning accidentally uh but yeah anyway that's what the fundraiser is for uh let's get back to it I have a note here to try to try to thank the people that donated but uh there's there's a couple that are showing up since I mentioned that but it I think YouTube like kicks them out I can't scroll up so thank you for to Justin uh crazy cho751 Alex cash um anonymous anonymous anonymous um there were even a few people that donated before the stream began so thank you so much uh other people like I I have a very positive outlook on life and I you know I do this work as much as I can around my illness and I'm so thankful to have a job where I can do that I can work around it there are a lot of people that don't have those privileges that I have and that don't have the ability to work from home and things those people it's even more important for an organization like uoa to help them to figure out ways to live with their illness and and manage it so anyway thank you for that let's get to the next step in this before I get into talking about the CB CB1 which is in here oh look at that they have a little duck that's cute I don't know why they gave me a duck um it's from from Big Tree Tech I've I've done a few things with big tree Tech before I've bought a few products from them and they seem to be mostly for 3D printing type things I don't know why they gave me a dock if anybody in the chat knows why they sent me a duck that would be nice I mean it's cool maybe it's because it's squeak no there's a little valve on the bottom I don't know what that does um looks like it includes an antenna and the actual CB1 which is the same form factor as a Raspberry Pi compute module four which I'll pop out of here and these my 3D printer is not perfectly calibrated so this little oh I don't want to break those now but those little cases actually came from Miracle or Ivan from uptime Lab he has those on his GitHub to hold these things if you're like me and you have more than one Raspberry Pi computer module 4 but this is the same form factor and we'll get to this in a couple minutes but there's other Alternatives too not just for compute module fours and like I said I have a video on the radsa cm3 I don't know how to get this to focus there we go rad so cm3 here and the pine64 so quartz both of these use the rk3566 chip I haven't seen anything with a 3588 I think it is the newer chip that's a little faster and has more pcie but the cool thing about the cm3 is it has a third connector along the top and it's funny the the manufacturer of these connectors the high rows connectors they're called each of these is 100 pins they say specifically like these are not meant to be used with more than one connector per board you know we're adding more and more and maybe someone will add one down here and we'll have 400 pins coming out of these things but it uses that extra one to expose I think USB 3 SATA native and something else maybe more gpio or something which is cool because you can you can use this form factor which is Tiny and put more interesting things on it um on the flip side so this one is a 3566 it's a competent little SOC but I was having trouble getting an OS to run on it because it had the SPI flash had an issue this might be an earlier board too so I might need to just buy a new one and see if I can get that one working but there's there's little issues like that you can watch my video about it to see but the CB1 this one from Big Tree Tech it has I can get it out no static protection at all so I've never had any of these break because of that this one has an all winter h616 which is a little bit lower and I think it's an a53 I have the specs on here somewhere yeah it's an a53 quad-core 1.5 gigahertz CPU which is it's fast-ish but it's not as fast as the Pi's a72 cores it has one gig of LP DDR3 RAM so that's slower than the pies RAM and slower than the RAM on those other boards and it only has a 1000 megabit ethernet I don't even know I guess that might be built into the chip I don't know if there's a ethernet uh Nick chip on here and then it also has built-in Wi-Fi and I believe Bluetooth it might just have Wi-Fi I don't know but it has it includes this little antenna for it too but this is it's interesting to note that this board um which is not focusing there we go this board like many other boards that are alternatives for the pi and many other boards that are built for like embedded devices it's built for a purpose and this purpose is basically for 3D printing so um the problem that big tree Tech saw was we have these people building these platforms using the compute module 4 which are awesome for 3D printer control but they aren't able to get compute module four so how are we going to solve that so they made this which is a lowish cost alternative to the compute module 4 that will let people run the software that they need you know I believe you can run octoprint on here it can run there the board that they make for this the manta ray or something I don't know what it is yeah the Manta m4p control board can run Clipper alongside this and control your 3D printer so that you can build a 3D printer around their Solutions which is cool but this is not necessarily going to replace a cm4 in all functionality and I don't believe that they are going to spend the same amount of time making it a general purpose computer built for all kinds of applications like industry and you know video software and and Robotics and things like that it can probably do a lot of those things but they're not going to support that as an organization to the same level that Raspberry Pi can and that's the case with all these like the uh the uh so so quartz from pine64 is built by pine64 which is a lot different in the way that it works um as an organization than a lot of the other manufacturers a lot of the manufacturers work with set-top boxes or work with you know big tree Tech does 3D printing mainly um pine64 is kind of like there's cool Hardware in the world let's throw it on a board and then throw it at the wall and see what sticks and then see what the community care is about and then whatever they care about is supported so for this computer module for those these two I think there's another board I don't remember if anybody in chat knows what it is um yeah someone will be 45 by the time the pi Market is stabilized and someone's mentioning that big tree text customer support is non-existent so you know these these are the things like each of these organizations is built around a specific use case whereas Raspberry Pi is a lot more generic and um you know you could be a maker using raspberry pies you could be industry using Raspberry Pi's you could be Control Systems it could be commercial you could be um I know people that are using them for voicemail systems for audio control for video switching all these crazy things that you wouldn't think a little pie would do and they're doing it because this thing uses like three to six watts and a PC would use at least 10 to 20 watts even for a tiny one but so these are these are alternatives for the compute module four um and some of them work some of them work better than others none of them are as easy out of the box as the Raspberry Pi I'm at the end of the stream we're going to try to get this thing working and see how that experiences and I'll compare it to the the first time trying to get the RADS uh cm3 and these uh pine64 so quartz running but also for the Raspberry Pi 4 model B this guy there's actually a lot more Alternatives from uh what do we got we have like radza makes a couple versions that are similar to this or some are a little bit bigger some are a little bit smaller banana pie orange pie odroid Asus I think don't they make the Tinker board still I don't know if they still make it or not um but anyway there's a lot of alternatives for these too some of them are supported by a system called armbian even if the manufacturer stops supporting it armband is something to check out if you're using one of these alternates uh armbian maintains Community Support with a Debian like distro for a lot of boards that manufacturers are like here's Ubuntu 16 and then they never update it and it's like years later and Ubuntu 16 is not supported and the only way that you can get the board running with anything modern is using armbian so cool kudos to that Community but that's that's another thing that you'll you'll get with some of these Alternatives is the lack of support you know or you're you're running Linux kernel Five Point 0.6 or 5.10 in perpetuity because the manufacturer doesn't support device trees for anything later they have their own Fork of the kernel that they are like well we have this new device so why would we maintain that old one whereas Raspberry Pi has their Fork of Raspberry Pi Linux that is well maintained and works with all their boards and they still do updates to fix things bugs on the older boards very frequently so um yeah so uh let me check if 1.4 000 thank you so much my informal goal I didn't put this anywhere an informal goal is to get a thousand bucks raised and I would be very happy about that so that's awesome thank you so much it's going to help so many people who are in a situation like mine but many people are like I said if you're surprised like if you come out of a surgery after an accident or something and you all of a sudden have an ostomy that is a huge huge life difference for me I had time to think about I had time to talk to people who had ostomy's that was huge for me um and it made me more comfortable it's still not something that is like oh this is the best thing ever everybody should have an ostomy but I I think if I ever go up into space it might be easier for me than some other people but anyway we don't need to talk about that right now um I'm gonna try to get this CB1 working let me also show you a little bit more about it so this is the board I I bought it direct from Big Tree Tech I think you can buy it on Amazon and I should have put a link to it in the description I didn't so again if someone wants to paste that in the chat that'd be great and someone says 461 likes let's get a few more likes on this live stream if everybody wants to click that like button that'd be awesome but anyway so this is the big tree Tech Pi 4B adapter and uh so what I did was I bought this kit and let me get out the adapter too they didn't include a rubber duck in the adapter box I'll show you that so sadly there's no rubber duck in here but again I don't know uh I don't know I don't know why that included it but it was nice but they make this adapter which does not have a thing for me to tear so I'll grab my scissors they make this adapter that's supposed to work with any cm4 style board so basically your compute module 4 goes here like so and this puts it into a form factor that's identical it should be identical let's check let's double check their specifications well it obviously a couple ports are missing but close to identical to the Raspberry Pi 4 model B however there are a couple notable differences one is they have USB 2.04 ports if they Mark that there and this says one gigabits Lan now an interesting thing about that is if you plug in a compute module 4 and I cannot see I hope you're seeing any of this let's see it's probably all probably all blurry okay there we go so if you plug in a cm4 the built-in Nic the network interface adapter on it is a gigabit and you can get that out through here but if you plug in their board this is the CB1 which I'll pop in like this because we're going to try to get it working if I plug this guy in it I wonder if that's a Nick there I don't know oh yeah it is it says Lan I think can you see on the stream you might be able to see better than I can because my eyesight is not perfect at that close of of a distance but anyway that might be the land chip otherwise it's built into the SOC but it has two 512 Meg chips for LP DDR3 RAM and but the the Nick on it is only 100 megabits now for a 3D printer you're not going to need a gigabit I don't I can't think of a reason why I have ever needed more than 100 megabits for my 3D printer with octopi and I'll do a video on that someday that'll be fun because 3D printing is quite an experience but anyway uh this uh but anyway this this board is supposed to basically turn a cm4 into a pi 4 model B which is a little bit closer I think so there's a few other boards like this like this is the one that I've been using there's a little dust on it because it's been up here for months now and I use it quite frequently to flash emmc on compute module Force which it's the pi tray mini from Source kit the reason I like it is it has a MMC boot switch here and you just switch it on to boot and off to flash which is super fancy and nice there's a run button I don't know what that does I think it reboots it or something but it's nice because it just gives me full size HDMI since my monitor is that way one USB port which I don't ever need to use because I'm just flashing through here and a USB port to flash the thing so this is helpful and it's supposed to be somewhat like the pi 4 form factor but it's not quite it's not perfect it's the same size but you can see the port layout is different the ports on the side are different so this is cool for that reason you can get a cm4 or one of these guys and put it into a pie case and not everything is perfect like it doesn't have Poe support it doesn't have a few of the other features it doesn't have the analog audio output or anything like that but it does have the camera and the si1 so they're two different types of of connectors which is a little annoying but you know you can build adapters but it has everything else in the same place so let's try uh that's the browser uh here I'll just let you see they have different packages available too there's like you can just get the board by itself without the CMC CB1 I keep saying cm1 and you can get some other options too for different things like the octopus is an I think eight channel uh stepper motor controller for 3D printing there's a bunch of different options for this like I said this is built for 3D printing it's not built to be a general purpose computer the same way as a Raspberry Pi but it might be able to do that um but they have a video on it and all that so you can go there and check it out uh so so let me try I'm going to take memory card I believe that they have an image I can download so let's try that in the browser uh big tree Tech do they have a link so this this is one of the quickest things when I go to raspberry I say you know what I just bought a Raspberry Pi I want to figure out how to do something like how to get it working so to my mind I'm like oh software I can download an image for it or something or you can go to documentation and their documentation should have like getting started okay that's great very helpful you know how do I you know I got a Raspberry Pi what do I do to get it running so it takes you through all that so let's see you know this this I think is more the experience that you get with a lot of other uh things where that's more focused on hardware and not the community that support things like that and thank you so much to Jim and to King of the Pod and Ezekiel and everyone else who's donated Swanee original radman uh Jason Jeffrey the hookup red fro bro mhm megahertz UHF probably somebody who likes radio John Williams probably not the composer but it would be cool if the composer John Williams too was watching this Alex Justin everybody who's donated thank you so much um but uh back to my point on this is like I bought one of these now I want to come and figure out how to get it working so this is the order page let me go to their home page so you know there's a lot of stuff about the hardware they have raspberry pad 5 I did a video on that the raspberry pad 5 you should check that out if you're interested it's a really cool controller built for 3D printing but it can be used for a lot of different things and I'm going to be using it for something different video to come someday on that but I don't see anything about like how to get set up so let's try big tree Tech driver board there's nothing on here like getting started or anything like that this is this is basically their main website maybe there's big tree Tech CB1 let's just do that okay so Google helps me here I can find immediately that there's this thing but I don't it doesn't seem like there's an easy way from their website to that that's what I found a lot of times or you know another thing is sometimes you'll buy one of these things like an orange pie or banana pie or something maybe it's an older model and you find that on the website they have an old image and you're like well I need to get a new image where do I find those and you have to Google around to find oh there's an ambient image or oh there's this other place where you can go in a forum to get a better image or something like that um someone says it's on the CB1 product page let's see if I can find it quick let's go back to CB1 the other funny thing is like it's the pi 4B adapter um like the way that they list this on the website also makes it hard to find just the CB1 I don't know if you can just buy the CB1 someone says there's a link to it uh oh so here's a there's an instruction for use I hate videos though like when I when I buy something and when I start doing something I don't want to sit there and watch a video take notes or copy out instructions and and do it so let's see if something down here has it specs oh what is this Oh I thought these were links but they're not let's keep going just a lot of slides basically I'm guessing this is like the video but in slideshow mode we're still going okay uh okay reviews I don't see a link yet that's not uh here technical support uh that's not I don't think that's gonna give it yeah I don't see anything yet yeah so I have not seen anything here's support center maybe support center has a link to it how can we help guide videos I don't that's another fun thing that you'll find with a lot of these and you know I don't put blame on them these a lot of the people that run these companies and are part of this and the web developers are things are not native English speakers so I don't you know if I tell them hey you know this is misspelled I expect them to update that at some point but you'll find a lot of misspellings here because a lot of people that run these other manufacturers are not native English speaking the company is you know presented in Taiwan or in China or in you know other countries that are not England and the US basically so but let's see maybe under downloads it might be linked B1 BX now yeah so yeah I mean oh CB1 look at this CB1 Core board download I don't know what I'm downloading I have no clue what this is but I will take a risk and download it uh read me I don't want the file name I don't know oh this is Google Drive okay I don't know what that did always download things live on streams and just click open for any zip file that's always a good idea oh it's a step file so it's literally the schematics so that's not too helpful I can't run anything off that yeah so anyway like I said I went to Google and this is my page on it so let me go back to Big Tree Tech CB1 OS image yeah so we'll just go to their GitHub I couldn't find it oh there was a dimension of it let's see supported what does this say OS image oh okay never mind so so a comment has more information than the page did someone said there's a link to this on the page I I don't see that I'm not seeing where you're seeing that link um oh here they are these don't look like links at all and one of them has a purple underline under it uh that's a user manual though those are not links to anything so yeah there's there's no way to get to this that that's the experience that I've had with all these alternative boards you you just have to kind of take your brain into a different space it's not like Raspberry Pi it's not like apple it's not like Dell where you're like I have this model number and I want to get the software for it I go to the website and I get the software that that's not gonna be how it works so somehow I found this through Google through the luck that I had with my search and this doesn't oh so the OS image is not in here it looks like two days ago there's a release and they must build the image somewhere so they have the source code that's good to know that they have like a fork of Linux I guess they compile it through this Repository Linux 4.9 hopefully that's not the kernel version they're on that would be interesting but you know not necessarily unexpected but let's see I'll go to the releases and it says kernel 516. 711 so that's good uh shell script for setting Wi-Fi uh I don't need Clipper or anything I don't think so I think I'll do this maybe the minimal version no no I don't want to do that because all of a sudden it's given me a lot of weird stuff and here's another thing that happens a lot like I don't know it a lot of times the people that complain about these things like oh you shouldn't use Raspberry Pi all the time use all these other things like it's it's easy to get this working easy is an interesting word when you're talking about I've already jumped away from their website to Google to try to find a way to run something on the board and at this point I'm on Google and I'm reading about things like if you use this version of the image and it doesn't give a recommended version at all yet as far as I can tell there's two images there's one that's Clipper one that's minimal there's nothing like maximal so there's no like pios with a GUI I mean maybe minimal has GUI I have no idea it's for only 430 megabytes I'm not sure about that I'm pointing at my screen and you're not seeing it but there it is so I don't think this has a GUI I don't I don't know if this one does either but already it's saying like add these things to xrapper.config like unless you're a developer or somebody who already knows tons about Linux these things are like oh my gosh I'm not going to do that and that's the problem like I can't go up to somebody who I meet at a an event and say oh I do all these Raspberry Pi things yeah I have a guide here and it's like three or four steps and you just download the image from their website and follow the instructions on their documentation it's no don't go to their website go to GitHub download this release that hopefully is official like I I didn't even check is like his big tree Tech actually officially big tree Tech it looks like it is can't be 100 sure and this is not to ding on big tree Tech this is how most of the organizations are in the embedded device world it's this is how it is Raspberry Pi is the outlier and that is why it is so hard to find Raspberry Pi's because it's hard to find uh the support and community and resources that you get with Raspberry Pi on these other devices but anyway that's all besides the point at this point um just pointing out that this is the experience that you get it's not quick and easy it's a little bit more interesting so I'm going to download this and I'm going to put this in the computer me let me switch uh oh you know what I don't have a screen capture thing set up so I'm going to set the side camera and I'll just move this camera a little bit so that you can see see what I'm seeing get a sneak peek of my office too maybe I should do a tour sometime that's not great but that's what you get sorry uh maybe I'll turn up the brightness a little bit here for you okay all right so um oh goodness so I downloaded this image it's over in here I'm going to open up etcher with Raspberry Pi one of the cool things and you could use Raspberry Pi imagery for this probably but I'm not 100 sure but etcher is what I use for any other board and even for some Raspberry Pi images but this is expanding the image hi I can be on the camera still I just I didn't set up before like I said I haven't streamed in like six months so this is all all a bit different and while it's doing this I'll also take the opportunity to say please uh thank you first of all to everybody who's done it please consider donating to the uoa today is United ostomy the the ostomy Awareness Day October 1st so and it's the day before my anniversary too I kind of forgot about that I hope that that's not a problem um anyway uh let's see so we have the image here right here and it's 2.4 gigs so maybe it has a GUI I don't know and I'm going to flash from file choose this got that Target uh the SD card I put in a 64 gig card I actually have this little I want to make a tray I should have just modified the design and you can't see anything that I'm showing you I don't think can you oh yeah you can I'm looking at the wrong stream this is a little micro SD and SD card holder so I have my little SD cards and sometimes I have them all flashed with something other times I don't but I just grab whatever's in here right now there's 128 128 I mostly use these SanDisk extremes for testing because they are super fast write speeds you can't see that because it's too bright now because I turned it up for the screen but SanDisk Extreme Plus they're the best for the write speeds when I'm flashing a ton of images yeah I used to use the command line to flash my images but uh etcher is just a little nicer and I wasn't even flashing it so let's do that now oh I let's see you can't see my keyword good well it's your lucky day let's see yeah no the anniversary so this is an interesting year for the anniversary we we both decided that we're not uh we're not doing any gifts or anything but uh because of the way that our vacation lined up and my health issues and things we decided that we're going to kind of celebrate in a different way uh probably at later the year or something so it's not the worst thing in the world but I still like to you know figure out something fun to do and my wife might be watching this live stream upstairs so I uh I don't want to say anything too much there validating now let's live dangerously skip that okay that's probably a bad idea but whatever uh no I hate Google Drive I can't get this to turn off every single card that you plug in it does this the first time it's so dumb oh Google I should just get rid of Google Drive on here I use it to sync some things that are big but anyway uh why am I in OBS right now we need to get this card out so let me let me switch back here you know thank you oh I don't think you need to see that right now but you do need to see the hardware when I plug it in plug that back up and it's really bright now sorry about that let me turn that back that's not better yeah that's better okay so I got the micro SD card here and I'm going to stick it in and it's just like the the pi 4 that'll be same location for it and uh it has it's not a push push type it's just a you push it in and you pull it out so I like that they kept all that that is nice about this board so even even if you don't want their module this is a nice board it's it's uh the exact same form factor if you're if you're like me and sometimes you swap your pies out for testing that's nice let me get some water here what am I by trade oh that's an interesting question nowadays but I used to be a programmer I started out in web design and went into programming then systems programming and back-end infrastructure and at this point I am doing YouTube and infrastructure development I'll be at uh ansible Fest in a couple weeks so anybody in Chicago fun time for automation but anyway so we got the card in let's see I always have my all right I just realized right so right now I have this uh other cm4 let me let me zoom in over there can't really see it that well but that cm4 over there is running I think I have Shinobi on it right now I've been testing different DVR solutions that run on the pi and I'm trying to get some some setups that are easy to replicate easy to test and run well on the pi and Shinobi is doing okay but not amazing yet but anyway I'm using my normal setup for that right now so I'm going to switch to my other power cable actually I need to go grab this power cable and does 2.4 amps let me grab an official grab an official Raspberry Pi power adapter now this is a big thing for people that don't know these power adapters put out three amps 5.1 volts a lot of power adapters for USBC only put out um 2.4 amps or sometimes they say 3ms but it's not a full 3 amps so that's why you have power issues with the pi or flakiness and things so always use an official power adapter if you can because you're going to have weird issues with it if you don't now this board probably doesn't need a full 3 amps I think that this chip requires a little less power but I'm going to take my let's see my monitor plug here uh it's stuck in there there we go and I forgot that it's full size HDMI so let me grab the adapter for that uh I'm using that adapter for my camera so where's my other one I have another one somewhere HDMI hold on a second ow L okay well I'm just knocked something metal under my leg all right so I have I have too many of these adapters flying around you have Micro HDMI to full size HDMI micro HDMI is one of the worst things that ever happened to plugging in displays to anything I hate these things but that's what we have and the funny thing is the other end of this I'll just have to plug it into my computer down here hold on you guys are probably gonna knock that off the desk okay or Jeffco there he is all right we got HDMI let me grab Network which I'm using the network for that DVR again so let me grab another network cable eight network cable yes hundreds of adapters never the one you need oh my gosh oh flipper zero yes I'd actually do have one of those on the way I don't have it yet but I am going to have a lot of fun with that I hope if it's working well we'll see I'll let you know if it doesn't work well all right so we have Network we have HDMI micro SD cardizen I should probably grab a keyboard and mouse although I don't need one to set it up I can just find it on the network hopefully they have SSH they might not by default though and then I'll plug in power and let it boot grab that let me open up OBS on my PC obs so this is whoa holy cow uh remind me later no signal okay so let's plug this in see if we get a signal I see a green light on LED 2. don't know what that means don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing oh there's something so something is happening let me grab my keyboard in the house all right and it's there's a tree I'm guessing that's for big tree Tech it's going I don't know if you can see that at all so let me switch over here yeah you can see something on here this is the monitor that's plugged in through OBS on the PC someday I'll have a better streaming setup but I am not a streamer so this is as good as it gets for now it's uh oh oh maybe I should not have Okay I plugged in USB and then it flashed on and off I don't know if that was because I plugged an USB air for some other reason but we'll see but I was going to mention I don't have OBS on this computer connected through to the Mac Studio which I'm using for the actual stream and I was going to stream it all through the PC but I didn't have all the right input adapters for the PC so right now it's kind of a mishmash at some point I'll have the PCL set up for that and I can't see chat right now so I can't see what people are saying let me make OBS a little bit smaller no signal Oh Come Back uh let me move this over because I don't need to see my hands waving around uh what else do we see in here thank you again for all your donations that uh this tree keeps popping up I hope it's like you know the first time you put together a new board like I hear with the 7000 series from AMD it could take a few minutes to do the first boot I hope it's something like that and not an actual problem Oh there's there's a blinking LED on the board I don't know if you can see that it's a little green led oh and there's something on the screen here which is teeny tiny I think it's outputting in 4k oh boy let's see someone mentions the pi 3 was my favorite for uh things because you didn't need active Cooling and that is true the pi 3B plus was the first one that was really like you need a fan or at least a heatsink so this is teeny tiny uh oh great I might need to plug straight into the monitor for this because I cannot read that at all let's see so it is doing something let's see oh login uh I have no idea what that would be is there a thing on the website for it let's check browser uh the maintained 5.6 in the future and not release 4.9 I would rather they not release 4.9 because that's ancient ethernet is okay now even isn't connected let's see so it does well I get a I get activity I don't have a link light let's see is there it's saying 100 megabits on the switch so there is ethernet let's see if I can find it my network scanner which I'm not going to show you because it shows everything on my network and I don't want you to see all that sorry we'll see what it identifies itself as it's asking for a login with a password so let's try root root oh okay well there you go uh so apparently root root is the way to log into this thing let me switch back to my other camera so you can see what I'm seeing so I logged that as root root and now the resolution is really tiny um oh man I can't see that I think it's 134 or something like that let's see if I can ping it 134 maybe no is there any way to make the console is there a quick way to because the problem is I have this plugged into a 4K device they're a quick way to make the console text bigger or switch the resolution with just a quick command that should work universally in Linux a lot of times it's like oh it works in this window manager or something um but while I'm doing that I'm going to pop back open the network scanner and try to find this thing it looks like it says well one something let me scroll down and see if I see it here's my DVR uh 203 now oh here no no that's the camera okay that's not it and I have chat on like slow mode or something so it's you know tough yeah I'm not going to show you my social security number hopefully um make it bigger oh yeah I can actually do that in OBS I'm I don't know what I'm thinking in OBS I can make this bigger it's not wonderful but it uh I can just make this bigger and bigger and except for this is apparently not a 4K Source let me see if I can change that uh 4K like I said I'm not a streamer OBS is not my like native language okay so here we go root root IP address is 136 so let me see if I can SSH into this thing sh root head yeah root and there I am I'm in Okay so I can't show you that on this screen but I can SSH into it which is nice um uh let's see your name Dash a let's see if it is yeah it's Linux 5.6.17 let me actually make this visible for you 720P terminal make the text bigger and then let me add it as a source in OBS so I can show it to you if I go back to browser mode nope browser mode there we go then I'm going to add a window capture window capture where there it is uh terminal I'll call it and choose terminal and I don't know why it's not going to show full screen but it's showing up somehow okay and I think that's showing up for you now should be and I don't know why it's not the right size but whatever this is weird why is this this is not the right thing I think I'm in the wrong thing oops sorry about that terminal no no no okay I don't know what what exactly you're seeing let me switch back on here you're seeing something so that's good um but it's not quite right I think that it's just showing too big right now let's see yeah I made this one too small and this one is too big let me make that smaller sorry about this like I said I am not a streamer this is all lack of OBS prep time let me put that under there okay now you can see things all right so let's explore this a little bit so it looks like it has Bullseye 5.16.17 and I ran uh you name Dash a confirm that Arch 64. uh what else do I want to check lspci to see what's on there so there is there is no PCI bus on this chip it's the what is it the h616 um unless USB so there are some devices USB 2.0 only it looks like IPA so there's ethernet it does have a link let's do a quick apt update looks like it's going through whoops it's going through the China mirrors so that's interesting that's another thing that I I noticed with a lot of these boards is you know there's a lot of Chinese companies and Taiwanese companies and things that make them and they use all their defaults with Raspberry Pi a lot of times they'll set up something where you can choose your Regional preferences right away for ntp or for update servers and things like that but with these boards it's often like they get it working and that's the image they ship they don't they don't spend the extra time to make things um run around the world localized necessarily unless you know what you're doing with Linux so you know at some point I would switch the switch the mirrors to use something closer to me I don't know why this is taking so long let me feel the chip oh wow it is it's kind of hot this chip is kind of hot apparently YouTube is like insert ads right here um no that's that's not the point YouTube I don't want to just throw ads at people but if you want to make it easy for me not to ever do that you can become a channel member but right now the main goal is to get people to donate to the uoa that's what the thing on the side side of the screen up here I hope that I'm pointing in the right spot is for let's see okay talk about why we can't buy pies I mentioned that in the beginning of the stream this is going to be a VOD it'll be on demand afterwards and if YouTube keeps sending me these messages like Okay YouTube I don't care too much it's telling me right now that I'm streaming it too high of a bit rate like okay whatever okay so apt install oops wrong I'm going to do it on here so you can see apt install that's why I perform three hopefully that just works and then I'll start an iperf server dash s on my main computer and we'll see if we're getting 100 megabits on here for three dash C I think is my main yeah all right so it's getting 100 megabits this uh the chip is Toasty so maybe it needs a little heatsink on it or something it's not burning my finger but it's definitely hot to the touch this little little H6 h616 on here so you know I'm not going to Deep dive into this board it does look like the cool thing is this board has HDMI output which you wouldn't think is an amazing thing but I plugged in an HDMI cable and got a signal that's actually an accomplishment for some alternatives to the pie sometimes you get the stuff and you plug it into your screen and you're getting nothing you're like oh I guess it's broken then you find out oh we just don't have a device tree for that yet so HDMI doesn't work or like ethernet is stuck at 10 megabits you're like what's going on oh we don't have the driver working for that like this happens all the time and it's something you have to be prepared for if you're buying a new board um I have a rock 5 coming in hopefully the rock 5 will be better in that regard than some other ones because a lot of people have been testing them but this one is getting you know it's getting 100 megabits so that's what's advertised that's good it's running Linux 516 which is a lot better than a lot of other boards even ones that are newer from bigger manufacturers who make more of these things so that's cool but let me turn off the terminal and switch back to here uh so that that is that's surprising in a good way so I'm happy about that I don't know if Wi-Fi works let's see if I do IPA and turn on Terminal again uh so it does have WLAN let's see uh CD C slash WPA supplicant uh I don't see any WPA config yet um but you know it looks like that might work I'm not going to get into it right now because I don't have my iot Wi-Fi setup that I want to throw this thing on in case I don't want to blow something up um but yeah let me check uh the next thing I want to do really quick is check with this adapter board uh the pi 4B adapter board to see if it runs with Raspberry Pi so I'm going to shut this thing down down now okay that shut itself down that's good and I'll unplug this oh wow the whole board is Kinda hot so yeah even though this this chip is a little underpowered compared to the pies the h616 it's uh it still gets pretty hot so actually I can leave these plugged in can't I because now don't do this at home what I'm about to do it's a bad idea especially don't don't just leave pies like dangling off the edge of your desk I do that but you shouldn't do that um why can't we buy Raspberry Pi go back to the beginning of the video that's when I cover that part um and I'm going to switch this out for the Raspberry Pi compute module 4. this is I put labels on all these because it's hard to remember there's no way to identify what model you have so I always when I buy it I put the label right on the bottom which I can't see if you're oh uh okay I'm not doing that hold on whoa okay that's get that back to uh oh I never tightened the uh the mount over here so hold on let me get this tightened up so that it doesn't do that again what does the yeti say oh I actually have a note about that let's get this fixed first there we go okay oh sorry about that that was interesting I thought it was getting drunk or something but I'm only drinking water I mean it's either water or vodka you can see oh and I just spilled some water on my pine64. but this says sth for serve the home who just passed 100 000 subscribers if you don't subscribe to them check them out they have great videos on a lot of different things and I mentioned earlier in the Stream um those small form factor pieces I don't have one sitting over here I had like a really old one somewhere in my office that I could have showed off I guess but those little PCS that are like Edge type PCS that you see bolted to the back of monitors at Medical Offices and things you can often find those and they only use 10 to 15 watts so a little more power than a pi but not too much you can find them for like 100 bucks 125 bucks on eBay a lot of times because wholesalers will will batch them out on eBay something like that so another option but I found out about a lot of those through serve the home so go check them out it's serve the home on YouTube this is their logo and this is my favorite little yeti from them it keeps things nice and cold all right from the LTT Uber screwdriver yes I do have I have the blackout version here and I've I've been trialing it so my intention is to use this I have the Creator Edition one upstairs I'm gonna be using it for a couple months and then tell people how I like it after that I still am not converted to ratcheting yet maybe I will maybe I won't but we'll see let's see so I'm going to take this off like I said earlier don't do this at home this is how I take off compute module fours you're supposed to use a spudger but my spudger's over there I'm not gonna go grab it so I just kind of pull up on the edge and it pops off now the the high rows connectors on these things are rated for like 100 insertions or 50 insertions I have at least one pie over here that I it's my main testing pie which I'm like oh this might load up I'm going to use this one it's probably gone through like 150 or 200 insertions and removal so I haven't seen that as a big problem so I'm going to put that aside plug in the pi and see if everything works with this adapter board or see if most things work it also looks like it has a fan header here which let me grab this so it looks like it does have a fan header which is nice um and we'll see if that uh oh I'm not going to test that tonight but we'll see if this thing boots up with the pie how am I doing on time or just over an hour so I'm gonna see if this boots up and if it does I think we'll be good so it I see the power LED is like a very faint red activity is blinking oh you know what I don't have a pios image on here it's let me unplug this for now oh it actually is trying it's trying to boot that's interesting if I go back over here you can see yeah oh it's well it's it's not seeing a valid OS image so that's why yeah you can see that's just the pi boot loader trying to trying to find an image and it is not so uh let me power off of here and I believe I have pilots on one of these other cards so let me just oh I'll slap one in see if we can get it to boot all right let's see a PC CPU Cooler on the pilot one of those giant uh like obnoxious nh12 or something let's see so we got uh looks like it is booting let's see what it says here and it's rebooting now what SD card reader do I use I have like 40 of them so I can't give you a specific answer the one that I have I have like three of them in all my bags is a u-green one but the one I'm using right now is built into my Mac Studio the one that I use for flashing most of the time actually while this is booting I'll I'll show you so the Mac Studio is down underneath the desk and you can't see that because it's so dark so let me brighten that up the Mac Studio is down there that is my like desk lab has my audio equipment and the Mac Studio and I used to have my Mac Mini over there right now I don't have another Mac there but anyway that's the SD card that I'm using right now they put this back up there the camera body is hot hopefully the battery's not gonna die soon but the stream will be done soon so that's okay oh and it's bright sorry about that okay that's better all right so the pie is booted so let me do uh IPA and that is on let me make this bigger here it's not getting oh I unplugged these or not that's why it's not getting link so we'll test this and just make sure that the I mean as long as the land uh the lines for this ethernet Jack are connected correctly to the pins on the cm4 should be giving us a gigabit so we'll test that really quick and make sure uh if I go apt update no pseudo Exclamation point Exclamation point and I'll do let me make this bigger so you can see something soup you still can't see it I'm sure but you know it's better than nothing if you want to look really closely and you're on a desktop computer full screen you might be able to see this uh pseudo apt install Dash y uh what is it hyper 3 oh it's already installed I must have used this for some Network testing IPA so this is I don't need the IP address on here I perf 3-c10.0.100.15 whoop nope nope nope okay yeah so we are getting a gigabit so this board you know I'm surprised in a good way that this board is giving me everything that they've advertised now there might be some features on it that aren't working the same way as on a Raspberry Pi let me switch back over to this um I don't expect it to be a Raspberry Pi replacement big tree Tech makes this so that people who are buying their boards for 3D printers and can't find the compute module 4 can still get something up and running that's the point and it seems like it's going to achieve that goal so that's awesome and this this little ARP archive oh something worked oh my gosh thank you Justin apparently memberships work I checked all the boxes but only memberships are working so I guess thank you very much for your membership sorry I didn't have the donations working that was the main thing I was trying to have working here um but anyway uh yeah so it surprises me in a good way because they aren't advertising a Raspberry Pi compute model 4 replacement they're advertising a compatible board this little guy with an all-winner h616 chip that will run the software that's needed to run the things that they want to run for 3D printing and that's cool and they have an OS image that surprised me I downloaded it and it actually worked and things like HDMI and networking worked out of the box a big surprise but in a lot of with a lot of this Hardware when you buy it especially if you buy it early on when they announce it you end up with something that just it's really hard to get working and you end up not having everything working and so you're like oh so that's why I should have just paid the extra money for a Raspberry Pi but you know going back to the title of this video that's one big reason why Raspberry Pi's are so hard to get right now unless you live in I think Denmark is the only country that seems to have consistent stock but only with one vendor and only one at a time or something like that but um that's why it's because this is an exception the experience that I had here and even with that as I mentioned in the video there were parts that were weird like I couldn't find a download link on big tree Tech's website for the image for this like they're not set up for that they're set up as a hardware manufacturer and they just so happen to have some software support this and I had to find that through Google and someone mentioned that it was linked I couldn't find that link after spending a few minutes now you know maybe it was somewhere on there just hidden somewhere um but anyway and maybe that user manual link was actually the link to that GitHub repository which would be funny because it's not on their main website um maybe that link to the GitHub repo that had the link to the image okay but that didn't make sense to me because I wanted to download the OS image not get the user manual but uh anyway so that I mean that's the big difference that's the big thing and thank you Tony and everyone else uh Gregory and everyone else who's donated to the OAA I was trying to have that working but I didn't have that working to show the notifications that would have been really cool um but yeah so that you know this this is sadly the exception and it's cool you know it I I might do a little more follow-up on this board since it was so easy to get working I might actually be able to do something productive with it but if you're going to go for an alternative to the Raspberry Pi you're going to have some Growing Pains and a lot of times uh you know like I said I still haven't gotten everything working on the soap so courts and uh I still am fighting the SPI bootloader thing on the on the radsa that's not to say it's all not my fault but the fact that I have to do things like figure out how to you know flash SPI or do weird things like that or figure out what Linux kernel options I need to use to get something to boot that stuff is not something that you have to experience with the Raspberry Pi unless you're doing ridiculous things like trying to get I have over here a Quadro uh GPU trying to get that working with the Raspberry Pi those are things that most people don't ever need to do probably everybody doesn't ever need to do that but uh yeah someone says in Turkey they haven't Yeah well yeah you need the money which no one has sadly in some countries that is a big problem right now but do I hack my colon not right now but uh yeah so um let me make sure that I didn't miss anything else out here I am lay sad I wrote I wrote it again I am really sad about the situation with Raspberry Pi shortages like I said at the beginning I don't think that that's going to clear up by the end of this year I think it's going to be at least three to six months before we start seeing relief in that regard um I have a note to make sure I follow up with super chats and things like I said I can only see I can only see like the past 20 or 30 oh you know what every time I switch off of the viewer activity tab it deletes all the ones before so that's annoying well if I would have known that I would have had this open the whole time and then I could thank everybody but I can see some people so thank you very much to Kevin Craig Tony Steven Anonymous Justin uh Gregory Stephen mc88dx everybody else who's sending William and DV8 from the code um hopefully I don't deviate Too Much from the code but thank you to everybody who's donated tonight the OA has made a big difference in my life um so yeah I I achieved that um but yeah I I will keep following up I'll keep trying to figure out ways um you know when I mentioned the RPI locator website a lot of people think I run that I don't actually run that website that's run by somebody else but right now that is the best way if I switch over to their uh that is currently the best way to try to find one and like I said if you if you set up uh notifications so there's there's actually tips and tricks for how to get one from one of the vendors when they do become available uh there's also a Twitter account that you can follow there are ways that you I know I'm sure somebody watching the stream has a pie set up that's running or a Pico or something that alerts them when there is one with the home automation or something like that so you guys can talk about that um but anyway yeah I don't think it's going to ease up too soon I hope it does at some point but thank you so much to everybody who's donated this stream is uh has been a fun stream it looks like I don't know I haven't been checking the analytics it looks like I've had like 1200 viewers or something which I think might be a record for this channel I haven't streamed in a long time I'm terrible at streaming but whatever but thank you everybody for watching and I hope you have a great night I'm gonna go and relax for a little bit after coming home from vacation and uh maybe I'll figure out a way to make my uh my anniversary tomorrow be special more so than I just did a live stream we just got back from vacation you know we'll see but thank you so much and I will see you next time or I should say until next time I'm Jeff gearling
Channel: Jeff Geerling
Views: 397,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, bigtreetech, radxa, cm4, cm3, cb1, 3d printer, 3d printing, pi 4, model b, shortage, components, pc parts, bcm2711, pi 400, pico, pico w, wifi, wireless, sbc, single, board, computer, hobbyists, industry, oem, supply chain, demand, scalpers, ebay, alternative, alternatives, clones, pine64, soquartz, allwinner, rockchip, rk3588, maker, live, livestream, uoaa, ostomy, ostomy awareness, fundraiser
Id: Krpac-MaD5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 40sec (4720 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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