You Can Probably Get Pretty Jacked At Planet Fitness...

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good morning everyone I'm Alan thrall I want to show you that you can get a good workout even if you train at a meme gym here I am not at Untamed strength gym I'm at the infamous Planet Fitness don't ask me how I got here I've done two straw man competitions this year in January I did the LA fit expo and I just finished with California's strongest man 2023. I do not plan to do any more competitions for the rest of the year there were a couple of big competitions that I was looking at but the scheduling the dates do not work with my scheduling so even if I was even if I wanted to do those competitions I simply cannot so the goal is to take the rest of this year to actually try and build some muscle conveniently this has come at the same time or coincidentally this has come at the same time that I've been really enjoying uh natural hypertrophes YouTube videos he's been making videos for a long time but I only recently started watching them more and more and I'm excited to take a lot of the stuff he talks about on his YouTube channel and implement it into my own training specifically or more recently in his last two videos where he critiques other lifters programs physique training ideas and methodology and I'm looking forward to putting some of that stuff into my own training and when if I was to take you know I say the rest of this year but even one year of focusing on hypertrophy alone is really not that much when we look at the big picture or we think of how long it takes to build a substantial amount of muscle mass I think it's funny when powerlifting programs or strongman programs we put in these hypertrophy blocks which is like four weeks long maybe six weeks long maybe eight weeks and who are we kidding we're not actually putting on any noticeable muscle mass in that short time period we might you know diet hard and lose some body fat and look more muscular at the end of that you know you might gain a couple of grams of muscle if we look at it in a laboratory setting under a microscope but again you're not putting on celebs of muscle in four to six weeks it takes a long time so I'm looking forward to implementing a lot of the stuff that natural person is talking about this channel uh into my own training so here we have uh squats front squats on a Smith machine so what I've been doing since California's Strongest Man is full body days upper body and lower body each day and each day we'll kind of have a little more emphasis on upper body or lower body this workout particularly was kind of split in half upper and lower but I'm doing five sets of five reps on Smith machine squats you're weak Alan soft your upper body's nut you're too skinny and then I moved on to behind the neck presses I did this from a kneeling position because it feels more like a standing overhead press the main reason was I didn't want to drag a bench over there and do it seated so if you're limited also if you're doing overhead press in a basement or your ceiling does not allow you to do a standing overhead press doing kneeling works just as well five sets of five for these again and I superset it with weighted pull-ups these pull-ups were not very heavy because the bar is very slick so this whole workout was a was very taxing on my grip so it's an added forearm day if you will this specific superset you're looking at the behind the neck presses and the weighted pull-ups was inspired by or really copied by erosoviak please rate my French the natural hypertrophy talks about in his last video and these super sets I was doing front squats with hanging leg raises are what natural approach we like to call free volume it's also a great way to condense your workout and save some time I call these grease ball Pull-Ups so rather than sitting around on my phone for five minutes in between sets I can superset movements that don't really impact each other meaning the secondary movement is not taking a lot away from the primary movement and vice versa so here I did a banded pull-up for one of my sets because the Planet Fitness worker was just way too efficient and he was doing his job too well he had snatched up my dumbbell that I left there so I found this band and did some weighted pull-ups excuse me some banded pull-ups same concept as a weighted pull-up where's John need they're playing Eminem sounds like Kidz Bop version of Eminem Alan is lifting his weights wearing extremely short shorts and drinking out of a half gallon canteen what a hunk my next superset was split squats which I really enjoyed doing in a Smith machine because I could place my feet in the right position and then go from there I didn't have to unrack the bar and walk back and kind of fiddle around with my foot placement for the front squats I did notice that unracking the bar my feet were maybe each set were a little too far forward a little too far back the bar couldn't move freely obviously so that was kind of a challenge nothing that I focused too much on but just something that I definitely noticed the split squats were super excited with dumbbell Romanian deadlifts back to forearm day or grip day the mini Factor here was my grip I could only do so many of these before I felt like the dumbbells were gonna fall out of my hands so if I really wanted to take my hamstrings closer to failure I would have used the lifting straps not a big deal I guess I'm just getting my forearms more and more jacked by doing these you'll notice when I do these Romanian deadlifts I'm not trying to stick my butt out and stick my chest out I'm not trying to really stretch the hamstrings I kind of think of this more as a back workout I'm trying to round my back over a little bit more than I you know normally would with a traditional deadlift I'm trying to build some resiliency in that round back position because in straw man you tend to pick things up in a precarious position finishing off I did three rounds a giant set push-ups to near Max I would say each set of the three sets was rpe seven to probably 10 and then I superseted that with bent over dumbbell rows which you'll see is a lot of hamstrings and lower back so it is a back movement but the row is also some biceps definitely a lot of grip my grip was shot at this point but my mid and lower lats my mid back and lower lats are actually pretty sore a day later this kind of simulates a t-bar row but with a pair of dumbbells this was pretty cool I got asked a couple of questions a few questions about uh leg training I think people were just checking out my legs uh but they they had asked what top three leg exercises were and then uh how to do a Romanian deadlift they feel like it's uh they just feel in their back how do they how do they get more hamstring engagement and then here I'm talking about squat depth so um mainly telling them to take a a comfortable stance that allows him to go through a normal range of motion not too narrow not too wide so it was really cool to be asked those those questions um in just a random commercial gym that's it thanks for watching and always remember trend on time
Channel: Alan Thrall
Views: 307,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sSIZCsxLSpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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