You Can ONLY Do This In MONGOLIA! ๐ŸŽ (#165)

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s welcome it's what I personally think it's the coolest country on the planet we're Mongolia yes I did sleep in one of these things last night it's called a gear it's the traditional Mongolian home it's what allowed them to create the largest Empire in the history of the world cuz these don't take that much time to set up it's kind of cold out here ever since I was a kid I've always wanted to come to [Music] Mongolia used to play this video game called Age of Empires and in that game you could choose a civilization to play as and the coolest one by far to play as was Mongolia genas Khan sure you've all heard of him most of Mongolia indeed does look like this vast empty grasslands where you won't see a person for Miles you won't see anything well maybe a heard of animals maybe a heard of horses but it was from these vast empty steps where you can't grow any food that China's worst enemy emerged the Mongols the most feared Army up until well not very long ago the Mongols were the middle-age equivalent of a nuclear weapon and when you see the territory that they grew up in you can kind of understand how that happened you can see the former Soviet influence on Mongolia Mongolia is definitely the emptiest country I've ever filmed in it's interesting because it's almost 8:00 a.m. I'm normally not even awake at this time but because no one can Farm anything here no one really wakes up that early they do have though what appears to be a 24-hour mini Mar here at the gas station so let's check this out yeah you can even take a douche a shower you're at the mini Mark which is great cuz there's no bathroom in that tent that I slept in no not open the 24-hour sign is a lie man uh yeah yeah where's yeah Mongol I fil video yeah yeah yeah video video yeah okay okay americ okay all right I go now yeah oh that's the ruins okay it's it's beautiful M okay Mong yeah Mongol that was a enlightening conversation in Mongolia it may not surprise you to learn that they speak Mongolian it's not a particularly easy language to learn but interesting fact because Mongolia was basically a puppet state of the Soviet Union for almost 60 years a lot of people here especially amongst the older generation they also speak Russian now my Russian is terrible but might be able to have some basic conversations through that so what I believe that old man was trying to tell me is that just behind me are the ruins of the old capital of the Mongolian Empire the largest land Empire of the world has ever known unfortunately the gates over there also don't open until 9:00 a.m. seems like we got to wait for the Mongolians all to wake up from their hangovers huh oh photo okay I help you okay uh just uh a little okay R okay am very nice to me yeah what an interesting part of the world we're in here a part of the world I haven't spent much time in meting cians Russians kazaks just think just imagine within the corners of these four walls used to be the capital the world's greatest Empire used to have foreign dignitaries coming from around the world the pope sent emissaries here then was destroyed a few centuries later and then it became a Tibetan style monastery finish the BET and prayer circle now most people have heard of genghiskhan in the Mongolian Empire most people have not heard that in the centuries afterward Mongolia basically became kind of like a Buddhist theocracy there used to be over 500 temples and other buildings located here but then the Communist Revolution happened Mongolia became effectively a puppet state of the Soviet Union and as you may have heard Soviet Union wasn't very big on religion a lot of the temples here were destroyed and during the Communist era Mongolians had to stop practicing Buddhism for most of world history up until very recently by far the most powerful civilization in the world was China China just dominated everything they were ahead of Europe and the Middle East technologically they were huge no one could challenge them but there was just one group of people that they were always afraid of of course you know I'm referring to the Mongols the Chinese were so afraid of the Mongols that they would try to interfere in the politics of Mongolia they would try to turn one tribe against another so that they could never unify and be strong enough to challenge China Long Live genas Khan all right so I only have a couple of days in Mongolia and I really wanted to rent the car there was literally only one car available giant 2002 Dodge ramp riding around like the cartel here in Mongolia uh my driver jool yeah just taking a nap okay he feeding timee okay wow he's very angry very wild it's okay it's okay and these are some real Mongolians right here this is some real Mongolian just imagine 800 years ago these all would have been getting prepped to go and invade China well alcohol all milk okay okay okay okay we can [Music] okay wow [Music] okay oh so apparently we're about to drink fresh horse milk and I don't know how to feel about that okay for [Music] cor it's very sour oh yeah oh you're already finished this dude went through that milk like a knife through butter W miss it okay no okay I'm going to guess this is cheese I'm going to hope it's cheese oh okay I see now oh I see wow whis whis yeah okay whiskey whiskey whiskey okay wow oh this is like old school Mongolian liquor I'm a little bit afraid of this this is a big glass Cheers [Music] Cheers whiskey whiskey okay [Laughter] the whiskey is easier to drink than the milk no no wonder this country is so dangerous so as you can see these tents oh got to watch out for the horse these tents which are called gear these are not just a tourist attraction Mongolians legitimately live in them and they're actually very convenient they're easy to set up you can move around because you can basically set up shop anywhere you want in Mongolia all the land is free to set up on well you can live anywhere almost a thousand years ago the Mongols as they were invading the entire planet they used these to set up shop and move rapidly across the continent my driver is really this thing I keep drinking the milk it's really very smart how they design these things you've got like a skylight at the top that you can cover with the rest of the tent at night during the day open it up to let an air and sunlight question fore spee we got some milk some horse milk and some horse snacks for the road at first I thought my driver was taking me to like a tourist trap or something but no these are genuine people just gave us all this for out of kindness Mongolia man this might be the horse whiskey speaking but Mongolia has to be one of the most beautiful countries I've ever been to so I love it out here so I literally wanted to stop the car just to show you this here's another animal you can find wandering around Mongolia mother ring camels at some point Mongolia started importing camels into the country I think because there's the GOI desert in that's what your average town in Mongolia outside of ambata looks like in anywhere oh Hotel oh okay okay okay okay I already drank okay okay oh food food okay yeah yeah okay okay get you okay big house okay yeah my driver is from he was left behind the traditional life I wish I knew what he was saying okay but Mongolian food is basically how can we create meat in different ways can we put in a dumpling we put it and what looks like [Music] [Music] ananana one thing I've learned here is that they will always give you more food than you actually need you need to eat as much as a Mongolian wrestler it's a bit weird to see some sand dunes right in the middle of grasslands due to the brutal weather conditions and the overg grazing of animals apparently Mongolia is losing something like 7 km of usable land every year that is 7 km of grassland are turning into desert every single year guess there's not much else to do except turn it into a tourist attraction for the locals all right so we're coming up on the outskirts of UL and the crazy thing about this country is again you're just driving through endless Greenery and then all of a sudden a small City shows up and by city I mean look at this yeah nice to meet you all right yeah take now the big city of Mongolia ambata the settled City people are living normal lives all right so it's quickly getting dark here it's almost 9:00 here in Mongolia before the sun sets let's quickly make it to the main square and see a statue of the main man himself Mr gas K where do I live America I got all right still scaring children now that I'm here in ulat the Russian influence is very obvious to more specifically the Soviet influence being so close to China you would think especially considering there's a part of China called inner Mongolia you would expect to look at least a little bit like China but no this doesn't feel like China at all I mean certainly the fact that Mongolian is written in cilic the same script that Russian uses definitely adds to the russianness h I'm trying with Mongolian but it's it's not easy it's also no offense to Mongolians I love you guys you have a very funny sounded language you almost kind of have to make like this lisping sound to pronounce it you got to sound like the stereotypical nerd from any cartoon but the way to say thank you is uh I'm not exaggerating that's how you say it by I got to show you one of the coolest things that you can only do in Mongolia I just found out about this apparently you can stop literally any car on the street and if they're willing they'll be your taxi driver you just tell them where to go they'll take you there and you pay them let's see if I can make it happen yeah okay that was fast all uh the main Square sorry uh how do I say uh no taxi not taxi uhhuh okay you're just helping s that's where you're a baby yes oh okay you have uh one baby two babies three babies three babies okay Coro Coro wow that's cool my first time in Mongolia okay yeah M oh uh okay thank you is a peeve is it uh Mongol yes Mongol okay Mongolian nice okay thank you thank you well Mongolian Hospitality Cheers Cheers but you you you can drink later yeah okay later I pay you money no no no no give me a beer and then a ride thank you thank you okay man e by how about that I think that's the first getting in a stranger's car they give me a beer and then drop me off while I'm trying to go can't complain mongolia's come a long way living out in the grasslands got the shanga hotel now also people driving Mustangs Alexis Mercedes where's all this money coming from we finally made it to the Central Square ofata just as the sun is fully setting and you're probably barely able to see it and there he is Mr Boss Man himself gasan all right cheers Mongol there we go now I've been to many count isues where they have a statue of some old leader controversial president an old dictator stuff like that this is the first statue of a political leader in a country that I think we can all get behind granted gangas Khan did kind of genocide millions of people but genocide was cool back that Mongolia that's about all I have to say for [Music] [Music] tonight and know hold and know
Channel: Sabbatical
Views: 215,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sabbatical, polyglot, mongolia, mongolia vlog, ulaanbaatar, ulaanbaatar vlog, old mongol capital, mongolian empire, genghis khan, adventure, drama, off the beaten path
Id: maGNwyUKyoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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