You can hit this with a SHOVEL - Dell Rugged Extreme 2022

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how rugged is the devil rugged upstream well it's pretty freaking rugged i think this thing is one heck of a good laptop i think and i really hope it's fine [Music] the don't worry extreme yeah you can see where the shovel hit it she's fine she's fine oh i need to take on my sweater ltt this is the dell latitude 7330 rugged extreme and it is one beast of a laptop if there's a laptop that you want to take i don't know into the middle of the desert to antarctica kind of anywhere that's just very bad for laptops this is the laptop you want let's have a little look where's the i o do you see the i o andy yeah this thing is waterproof so in order to get the i o you have to push down there and then it's behind this little waterproof door holy frig there's been such a trend towards less and less i o on laptops so you've got two usb type a's thunderbolt hdmi and is that serial port we also have ethernet another usb type a another thunderbolt mini sd card reader and a sim slot over here and this i believe is a smart card reader now you would use that for like authentication say that you're somewhere that has very high security someone would need their own special physical card to put in here in order to unlock the laptop oh okay cool this thing is latched like proper latch do you have to push down right here in order to get it open what a beast just look at it okay maybe maybe starting the video with hitting with a shovel wasn't the best idea ever but it's fine there we go it's totally fine you loved it so in here we have our charger it is 90 watts over usb type-c lovely can can you even open this thing up without just like a couple things like that i don't think you should oh it's a touch screen just found that out okay first thing here this screen is wicked watch this [Music] is your camera clipping handy excellent 1400 nits from this panel and what the macbook says 1600 they're liars this one's actually 1400 this is apple's 1600 nit display and this is dell's actually 1400 hits display how does that look on your camera there andy yeah that's brighter the dowel is brighter yeah the dell's way brighter like you can just see it with your eyeballs super easily one thing i am noticing is that this uh this trackpad really sucks there's a good reason for it though uh do we have some gloves around here yeah compared to something like the dell xps 15 this track pad right here fantastic love to use it this one is uh not not the best it's kind of weird but if you look here now it doesn't work at all i have some gloves on and the track pad on the xps 15 is completely useless whereas on the rugged extreme it works just as well as before i wouldn't say it works great but it works just as well as before the touchscreen worked too oh beautiful you can touch screen around yeah the touchscreen is supposed to work with gloves on uh just confirm not working too great on the rugged though it's it's yeah that doesn't work too great the trackpad works well though okay okay for the processor in here we have the intel i7 1185 g7 now compared to a 12th gen counterpart of this it is gonna be a lot slower this has four cores eight threads that said on a machine that's purpose is more like doing that i'm a lot less concerned about which generation they have and more so they're just gonna be focused on it works they know 11th gen works it's been out for over a year they don't have to worry about weird driver issues and crap like that ruining your day this thing up time's way more important than just having a couple extra cores remember we have 16 gigabytes at 40 to 67 mega transfers per second that's weird but whatever sure also a 500 gigabyte ssd from samsung probably a pretty fast one then wi-fi 6e wicked and iris xc graphics which are working pretty hard at the moment actually to screen record this ah the crab rave doesn't sound quite right like [Music] what's up andy yeah no yeah it's actually a segue to our sponsor xsplit thanks to xsplit for sponsoring this video xsplit is a trusted live streaming and recording software designed for gaming presentations and live events it offers useful features like xsplit broadcaster an all-in-one streaming recording solution designed for content creation connect webcam allows you to turn your smartphone into a webcam presenter lets you add your personality flair and interactivity to presentations capture lets you capture images record your screen and add annotation to voiceover and share as a link in seconds and also vcam a fantastic virtual background for any webcam use code linus at the link below to save 10 today back to crap rave here these speakers are supposed to be super loud not good sounding just loud oh it is loud it's hurting my ears a little bit um i would not say it's pleasant in any way yeah that's better [Music] well uh yeah those speakers are bad but very loud what can it do oh it sees your eyeballs well the screen doesn't look great it hurts your ears but doesn't sound very good and uh you can paddle someone with it yeah you could like i don't know oh or you can just accidentally spill a bunch of water on it while you're drinking from your water bottle and you can't do that with most laptops okay there we go okay aside from being waterproof the keyboard actually isn't all that bad you do need a little bit more force than most laptops require there's heaps of travel kinda mushy but at the same time like once you get used to it you're gonna be able to type super fast on this thing i guess another thing that you completely do not have to worry about is deck flex like a lot of laptops like i'm really giving it right now like this that's a lot of weight and this thing is just not flexing at all yeah i'll break the desk before i break this thing holy freak oh yeah delrite extreme so much better for gloves even though it does have a little bit more force required to do the actuation it makes it so much easier to not mistype when you have a glove with the xps 15 like the whole finger was just hitting like three keys at a time this one right here it's difficult and you have to hand pack it but at the same time you can okay okay it's doing it it's doing it it's playing valheim at 720p at what feels kind of like almost 60 fps occasionally less than that this is not too bad the screen uh the contrast ratio is not very great like compared to an oled or something the black levels are not fantastic but i don't think it's supposed to be so whatever but do you know what this can do that no other gaming laptop is able to so we're running you know running not plugged in you can uh just remove the battery and just keep on going totally fine there's two of them and they're hot swappable so i think between these each one's 53.5 watt hours so if you had this much capacity in a single battery you wouldn't be allowed on a plane but because two of them it's fine and also since it's hot swappable if you're you know out in the field you can just have a couple of these batteries and be like okay hey uh battery's almost dead boom take her out then put the other one in battery's full again beautiful all right a couple more things before we open her up the webcam it has a physical shutter so if you look here there we go now you can see it now you can't all right how was this webcam uh first of all we lost footage from the first one so that's why i look different but anyway this looks it almost looks like there's like a facial smoothing feature i think it's just a very soft webcam but at the same time like i look so smooth right now the exposure is working quite well like it is exposing properly for my face and if i like move away it's yeah it seems like it's totally fine let's move it over here a little bit yep it's doing a great job good job dale you didn't totally screw this one up also fingerprint reader right over here if you want to get in without you know dealing with passwords and stuff should we take it apart now the rugged extreme is one of the most repairable laptops on the market it is just freaking great so first of all battery replacement we already showed that but you know boom there's one out there's two it takes a matter of seconds can you even just check it oh cool you can also just check the battery life when you don't even have plugged in for storage there's a single screw right here let's take that out and then [Music] yep yep nice and easy there's our ssd very easy to replace i haven't taken one of these apart for a while so i kind of forgot what you have to do let's just start removing screws and see what happens oh one thing that's really cool before we open it all the way up see all these pads right here those are contacts so that you can connect it to like a big old frame so it mounts in like a police car or an ambulance or something like that now that's why the outer shell of this is essentially the same as the last model because you know no one's going to upgrade if they have to change out their mounts and accessories and stuff at the same time so this right here complete drop and replace now we have a lot of screws and tell how a rug it is by that's all that happened when i hit it with a shovel oh we did it i think so oh there's only 31 screws yeah [Music] one thing that's really cool about this laptop is that the i o i believe can be swapped uh how would you do that okay the i o i believe can be swapped but we're not going to screw with that because it looks like half a time also like look at how many in is this for wi-fi what the this probably is partially to do with there being a sim card but look at the freaking antennas on this thing as well one two three four five six seven eight nine antennas inside of it they're snaking all over the place this thing must get incredible reception okay oh so this one's gps i guess this one's lan okay there's also another pcie slot right here so i guess you could use that for storage but uh oh yeah there's another couple antennas right here so that's almost definitely if you want to have an internal sim card one thing you might have been wondering though this thing is waterproof but it doesn't immediately overheat how do they get the heat out while not letting water in it's actually really cool so the cpu is under here then the heat pipes come out and around then there's a gasket right there and gasket goes all the way around actually and that allows you to have it so that this fan spins the air goes out here and i guess water can get in but whatever who cares you just do water cooling your laptop and then water isn't able to get into the rest of the chassis and screw around with your components one thing that's kind of disappointing is that i can't seem to find where you would upgrade the ram it might just be soldered down which is a little bit disappointing especially given that like how many laptops are you able to swap the i o on but you can't swap the ram it seems like a little bit of an oversight but i'll allow it the price is something else uh for this guy how we have it here it's what 4 100 starts at forty three hundred dollars and goes up from there uh you're paying for i guess this magnesium and this gasket and all of the testing that they have done uh editor please put a testing video up right here it's it's hilarious it's some of the funniest stuff that i've ever seen not covered by warranty though they they did mention that but yeah if you're just a regular person i don't think you're gonna buy one of these if you're a paramedic or working in an oil field or i don't know go in and you need something to be able to whack a polar bear in the head with this is the laptop that you want so huge thanks to dell for giving us this weapon and huge thanks for watching this video hit like get subscribed and just have a great day
Channel: ShortCircuit
Views: 919,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dell, rugged, extreme, laptop, review, durable, durability, military, unboxing, workstation
Id: 7dpdqO1EZK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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