You can Finally FORCE an Update on QUEST!!

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hey T here so welcome to the VCH Channel we all know that the updates on the quest platform can be just a hit and miss well till now because meta just released a new tool to run directly through your browser to actually Force the update of your headset so that means that you're not going to be stuck anymore in the past but you can join everyone in the future this is super new so I decided to do the guinea pig over here and give it a try with my quest two that was stuck on v64 so well let's together how to update our Quest right now but be aware what it seems a look all easy it's still kind of tricky and easy to fail so I have some tricks that I learned to make a go smooth and also to avoid breaking your device well let's Discover it together in this video let's get into it all right here we are I don't know you but happened to me quite a lot that I was uh looking at the blog post about the new update I will rush to my headsets and try to to see if the update was there trying to refresh trying to restart uh but many times like these updates were just not coming because met use a particular roll out where it doesn't just send it to everyone directly but sometime takes some days sometime takes some weeks sometime gets even month uh to get the latest update with the latest feature and so imagine how much I rejoice when meta created a tool to actually update directly with your PC via the browser your quest forcing it to True let's be this is not meant actually to just update your device but it's more like if you have problem and break and you know you get stuck on the update just go through it and to reinstall it directly but hey we can use it at our advantage right the process by the way is super easy I'm going to leave the link in the description below they going to bring you through everything but we can do it together right now because unfortunately at the beginning it was just failing over and over and then I understood why so I wanted to share with you my experience and hopefully meta in the future will fix this little problem to make it easier and straightforward for everyone because in some cases you might find that you break your device when in reality waiting there for the update all right so first thing to do is to go on alquest SLS software uncore update and once you're there get ready to select your device in my case right now I'm going to go with a Quest 2 because I tried with a quest three with my v66 update and well it said it was all up to dat so it didn't need anything there what is needed here of course is your PC your quest device 2 GB of space to actually download the update directly on your PC that is going to work in the back end so you're never going to see that file unfortunately and of course a USB data cable to connect with it so after selecting the device we have to go to the boot screen to do that we actually have to turn off our device first and then press together the volume down button and the power button when the meta logo is going to appear you can just leave them all together because you're going to be prompted with a new little menu that you can see in the picture over here and you can move up and down with a volume rocker so with that you can scroll down to side load update and click on the power button to select at this point the quest screen will go completely black but don't worry about it what we have to do is on the PC connect to device with a USB cable and click on connected device in the page and your prompt is going to appear in the top left part and then that point we can click on it click connect and uh yeah the update is going to start it's also recommended by the way to back up every save this thing by the way is not going to wipe your headset it's just going to work like a regular update but you know to be 200% sure maybe it's better to do it beforehand Now The Meta servers here are not the best probably the update was lower than what I imagine considered it was less than 2 gab anyway and one thing that you have to be aware of is that if you disconnect or if your quests get disconnected randomly well the update is going to stop directly even if it's still downloading so you have to start from the beginning all over again and here is where the first problem actually comes out because at the beginning I was just trying to update and download this update but was going to like keep failing and failing because the USB was getting disconnected I thought it was a problem with the PC but it turns out that the quest just a this decides to go to sleep while he doing the update so the only solution that I found and the thing that you will have to do probably uh to fix there as well is just to keep moving the headset to keep the accelerometer going the tracking going so it's not going to go to sleep and so yourb connection will going to stay connected this shouldn't happen because you are in the boot loader but it is what it is as I said the download is not the fastest might also be because of my connection but yeah you'll get through it and your arm is going to be even stronger also this tool is kind of heavy on the browser I think because my browser crashed two times uh but hey nothing happened to the device good I guess so after downloading it's going to start to install and you can see it directly going through also in the headset you're not required to wear it anyway but you can do it if you feel like so by the way a little thing to be aware of if the update actually fails you're going to be stuck in the black screen of the boot loader menu uh so it will feel like the headset is completely Breck because it's not going to respond it's not going to do anything so what you have to do is actually to keep pressing on the power button to actually shut down completely and even if you turn it on again it's will go again to that black screen so be sure to actually again after turning it off use again the powert button and the power button together to go back in the boot loader menu and this time just s like the boot device as the first option and the point you're going to be back to the regular OS and uh so yeah it's all fine and the update is going to be done but again this is pretty easy in this way you're going to be able to just force update your device sometime though you're still not going to receive your latest update because maybe you were in v64 v63 like I was and it's going to just bring you to V65 at that point when you try to update again oh well it's just going to have the file of B65 inside so it's going to say okay let's reinstall it uh no worry about it uh but there's actually a little solution to force it a bit better and that's actually cleaning your history with the cookies and the cash that you have on your browser at the point is going to ask again uh The Meta servers to download again and if you're already on V65 for example probably it's going to be v66 this time it doesn't always work right away sometimes you just reinstall V65 but trying over and over I don't know if it's an error with meta then uh you'll get there they made it out anyway but here we have it I think that all of this is actually a solution to a problem that shouldn't be there at very beginning the fact that they update in frenches it just doesn't make any sense uh not just because sometime you get stuck to an older update and sometime you never receive the newer one but also because sometime you receive the new update with some missing features and just to be aware of uh if you have v66 and you want like the latest pass through this is not to bring it with it uh this is like happening on the server side so uh you get the files for the update but nothing else you're still stuck without those features you just have to wait for meta for it and while this is a nice addition I wish meta was a bit more straightforward with the updates when v66 V 67 is going to be available everyone will receive it day one with all the features they're talking about in their blogs or we're talking about in the videos uh but yeah it's not happening yet this is the first step I hope and uh well at least we have some way to try to force these updates Anyway by the way I think this is a great feature also for support purposes instead of just sending back the headset if you have a problem we can just try to reset our firmware reset our update process directly from here saving time money and that is good but you have it guys I hope this was useful for you because my Quest 2 actually needed uh the latest update let me know what you think about it in the comments below anyway guys as always if you like the video like if you like like subscribe to the channel for more Tech love the channel button there don't further also Pat thanks the pat so join the channel of course and I see you guys the next video thanks for watching ciao
Channel: Tyriel Wood - VR Tech
Views: 17,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: update the quest 3, update quest 2, how to update quest 2, how to update quest 3, quest 3, quest 2, meta quest, meta quest 2, meta quest 3, latest update meta, force update meta quest, quest latest update how to
Id: HJmoeZB0ACg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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