You Can’t Unsee These Liv And Maddie Mistakes

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no tv show is perfect but liv and maddie comes pretty close despite all the great moments there are a few mistakes you might notice on your first or tenth watch through just be warned that after you notice these bloopers you will not be able to unsee them why would you purposefully turn into oncoming traffic when you can go up one block and make three rights the pilot episode set the scene for the entire series as we saw liv arrive home after spending time in hollywood but it seems like the team messed up one important detail which twin is older you stole my face this scene clearly implies maddie was born first yet later on in sweet 16 or rooney it's established that liv is the older twin and her birthday is technically a day ahead of her sisters don't feel bad though i am a day older according to this episode liv was born at 11 56 p.m on the fifth while maddie was born at 1202 on the 6th which contradicts matty's statement that she had their face first wait so maddie's never celebrated on her actual birthday there's no denying that liv is the hostess with the mostest in new year's eva rooney when she performs at a rocking new year's eve party but things get a little bit out of control when she shows off her latest product endorsement the drive by liv is the most powerful hair dryer in the world this poor clown learns the power of the drive by liv all too well as it sends him hurtling backwards and tosses his wig off his head but wait the clown was clearly wearing a red wig in previous shots of the party yet when he puts his wig back on it's multi-colored is that a color-changing hairdryer would you like a new one sleeper rooney introduced us to parker's friend evan who's possibly the best house guest out there but he gets to let loose a little bit and take part in a dart fight with parker and his fellow sleepover attendees when the boys are done there are darts everywhere including stuck to his green blanket flung over the back of a chair and scattered on the floor when liv interrupts the fun to show off her dinosaur impression evan thinks that she's choking and stands up to help evan honey i'm not choking but when he sits back down the darts on the blanket and some of the ones on the floor have mysteriously vanished dude even my mom would think this was lame those darts are far from the only appearing or disappearing objects found in the rooney household in one scene splat tries to put his feet up on a coffee table and accidentally knocks over a bowl of popcorn sending the kernels flying all over the place you can clearly see that the bowl is empty yet just a moment later it's almost full again despite the popcorn still scattered all over the table youtube bobbleheads have to clean our room today liv couldn't resist showing off her tristan lycanth costume in slumper rooney which was all fun and games until she couldn't remove her prosthetic teeth or ears when johnny nimbus refused to heed her request to reschedule the segment nibbling with nimbus she decided to cleverly camouflage her predicament with some strategic accessorizing smart johnny nimbus might be a better cook than we thought because check out the red pan on the stove well i got a griddle full of bratz and a side order of get to know you in an instant it's filled with eggs despite the fact that it was empty moments earlier who's going to tell him that you're not supposed to put eggs on a frying pan without removing their shells first the the armor glue says permanent in shuarooni parker convinces evan to act like a less than perfect house guest rather than have him set high expectations for karen when it comes to their behavior when she relegates them to playing with a box of crayons with the sharpener removed of course keep a close eye on the box no not because it includes burnt sienna but rather because it can't stay in one place we see it in an upright position and then all of a sudden it's lying on its side despite the fact that neither boy touched it so if i don't ever do anything i don't ever get to do anything here we have another error associated with liv's role as tristan lycanth she and maddie switch places so liv can take her sister's driving test and we'll talk about how that went a little bit later as for maddie she managed to win over some reluctant fans when posing as live but is that as impressive as this employee's ability to teleport you can see a woman with brown hair and glasses standing by the door in a yellow shirt then all of a sudden she's directly behind parker and if you blink she vanishes from that spot too all hail the sea tristan [Applause] in the pilot episode of liv and maddie the two twins have a huge fight after liv asks diggy out while pretending to be maddie of course they end up reconciling but during this emotional scene we couldn't help but notice liv's bracelet it keeps disappearing and then reappearing off her right wrist while she talks to maddie liv decided to stay at home with her family but apparently some of her jewelry had other ideas you couldn't drag me away how many of us have dreamed of having a twin we could switch places with well liv and maddie fans know that those kinds of hijinks can go terribly wrong let's go back to liv taking maddie's driver's test because it turns out the instructor wearing a helmet wasn't the worst idea liv crashes the car into a garbage can which leaves debris lingering on the hood of the car the rappers are still there after she strikes the mailbox and the car comes to a stop yet after the airbags deflate the hood is totally clean only one of us passed total bummering in the first episode of liv and maddie the family airs their grievances and we can see pete holding a stopwatch but don't stop watching it because after liv blows the air horn for a second time pete drops the hand holding it down yet an instant later it's raised back up then parker complains about not being able to use the bathroom with the door open despite the fact that his family has changed his diapers before all of a sudden the stopwatch vanishes out of pete's hand entirely then when liv says she might as well go back you can see pete grasp the air horn with his left hand that was holding the stopwatch before quickly correcting himself and putting it on his other hand well guess what my life doesn't need fixing seriously how could parker bringing home tarantulas not go horribly wrong he claims to have six of the creepy crawlies and promptly loses all but one of them he and joey try to hunt them down and immediately find one crawling on the table alright caught one they later find one crawling on an unfortunate slumber party guests and managed to grab that one too though a little bit too late now the boys have a total of three tarantulas meaning there should be three remaining when we see five of them clinging to karen's sweater these spiders aren't exactly native to wisconsin so where did the two other ones come from i know this is completely in my head but i feel like i can feel them crawling all over me on pete's birthday he wants negative five presents which means he wants to get rid of five things around the house which his wife karen is not crazy about one of his picks is an artichoke candle holder which karen bought for parker after he agreed to try artichokes for the first time karen said it was like she could still feel it there after they placed it in the box to get rid of and it's possible this was a bit of foreshadowing since this wasn't really the end of it we saw it in its place on the end table in the episode's grandma aruni and video aruni did you see it in any others let us know down below no 20 bucks what's going on who could forget the time-honored tradition of cowbell week this special time of year involves kids putting cowbells on each other while trying to avoid receiving one themselves there are actually two mistakes in this episode and the first happens when willow targets mackenzie with a cowbell she calls out mckenzie's dress despite the fact that her classmate is clearly wearing a skirt and top was this a last minute wardrobe change or a simple script mistake i love your dress at the end of cowbell week maddie is the victor and she isn't exactly humble about her victory when she's taunting her classmates about their losses she says but maddie didn't bell this girl in her sleep because we saw her do it while she was wide awake at school in the beginning of the episode maybe all of maddie's victories started to blur together after a while well that sounds like loser talk both liv and maddie are portrayed by the talented dove cameron who switches up her style to make each character stand out in the first two seasons liv has a side part in her hair which helps distinguish her from maddie yet in the third season she also started wearing her hair parted down the middle which isn't a mistake on its own but it was when it happened in continue to rooney this episode was meant to take place immediately after champa rooney in which liv's hair was parted on the side her abrupt middle part was a continuity error that some fans couldn't help but notice this is a life-changing offer for me since dove cameron plays two characters sometimes the special camera work is required and sometimes it goes wrong in this scene liv and maddie are standing next to each other when suddenly the sight of liv's green purse is cut off in an unnatural way this must have happened when maddie was added into the scene later on i love wearing boots the rest of that sounds really awful the kids tease karen for being less than tech savvy when she treats herself to the latest smartphone yep just holding it makes me feel smart she uses an app called face gab to call liv but when parker notices that she has the hip hop gnome snow cone maker liv abruptly ends the call by pressing the speaker button instead of the obvious disconnect button on the screen how did they not tell us we're moving when maddie plays pin the tail on the donkey she wears a scarf tied around her face then all of a sudden her makeshift blindfold is off her head and into her hands despite the fact that we didn't see her remove it how'd she take it off and straighten her hair up so quickly how are you doing on the whole breakup thing still hurting but liv and maddie are twins but they have differences between them maddie needs her glasses to see and she doesn't share her sister's talent for singing at least not in the episode switcher rooney yet in the same season maddy sings along when liv performs count me in maybe maddie was just melting along to the backup vocals of the track thank you all so much for coming to the season 4 dvd signing of singing loud when matty and josh break up joey doesn't appreciate having to compete with her for his friend's attention when maddie joins them for lunch she expresses surprise that she has such a nice time playing with churros and spending time with her ex who says you can't be friends with your ex well clearly maddie doesn't say that because at this point she and diggy have broken up and stayed in contact afterwards so why was maddie so surprised that she could be around josh after they ended things dude seriously did we miss any liv and maddie mistakes that you managed to spot if so share them with us and your fellow fans in the comments section below and hey make sure to hit subscribe to get new videos from us here at the things thanks for watching we'll see you again next time
Channel: TheThings
Views: 691,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dove Cameron, Liv and Maddie, identical twin, can’t unsee, continuity errors, filming mistakes, camera work, FaceGab app, Cowbell Week, artichoke candle holder, pet tarantulas, pilot episode, driver’s test, dart fight, popcorn bowl, thethings, the things, dove cameron, dove cameron and thomas doherty
Id: Pc6JPeyxXOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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