You Build What You Love | Erwin McManus - Mosaic

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oh good good morning I just love it that we have a girl drummer I just think it's like that's so epic he just crushed it Haven we love you I'm just so glad to be alive how about you it's a beautiful day and if you're our guest this morning we're so glad you're here you might be here and you're wondering how in the world did they get me here and I hope you're stuck in the middle of a row and you can't get out and and I'm just gonna pray that something beautiful something extraordinary something unexpected would happen in your life that would mark today is one of the most memorable moments in your life and I want you to know that no one's told you you have such value that God sees you he knows you and he's chasing you with his love so maybe sometimes it's just good to stop running and stop and let love run into you so that's just pause and pray together father thank you so much for this beautiful day guy thank you for life and for friendships for community for belonging God thank you for laughter surprise and wonder I just pray Jesus you'd Rabbids person here up in your love that know how much they matter to you then you would heal their deepest wounds and the guide you would just arrest their fears and calm gather their hearts from all the stress and worry and anxiety of life god I pray this would be both a safe place in a dangerous place just a safe place to figure out who we are in a dangerous place because it changes us to become what we could never imagine and Jesus we love you we thank you for your your sacrifice on our behalf we thank you that your death was your gift to us so that we could love so we want to step into that life so we pray in your name amen and amen can we just thank God one more time before we sit down all right you can have a seat so yesterday morning I came in on a red-eye and I've been flying a lot of red eyes in the last few weeks and this week I've already been on two and but I want to make sure I got back home to LA no matter where I go in the world I'm always so excited to be back and I wanted to be back here for mosaic I want to be back for mosaic last night in Orange County but but the reason is that the red eye wasn't just so I could come back and be in church I'm gonna be really honest I came back because there was a football game and I wanted to go and and interesting what football game it was the Los Angeles football club it's what you Americans call soccer and but the rest of humanity calls it football and because they don't understand why you would call something football where you're using your hands and but we'll figure that another time so I was at the Los Angeles Football Club and it was this incredible incredible experience I just I took our nephew Taylor I love taking people who have never seen the soccer match and who are certain they'll hate it because when I take him to LA FC everything is just perfectly created to bring a person into a different perspective of life it's built for conversion and so I took Taylor and he's our nephews 19 he's from North Carolina and he doesn't know soccer he doesn't care about soccer he doesn't even ever want to know soccer and and I knew he didn't want to go I mean if he wanted to go for the free food maybe but not to watch soccer and then I told me hey there's a falcon and so he was excited about seeing a bird before the match and but if I left him at home you have to do chores cuz my wife would put him to work so he came to the soccer match with us and and I knew he was planning to be on his phone the whole time but we went in the place was extraordinary the stadium is beautiful we got to get some amazing seats yesterday and and the food was epic and and then when the match started no and there was a pre pre match this section that just screams and cheers for two hours even though the match only lasts 90 minutes and they're cheering and going crazy and so you know you should cheer and go crazy have you ever been in the middle of a crowd that's going crazy and you're even know why but next thing you're going crazy - yeah you don't even know what you're talking about and there there's just cheering and going crazy in the match started I could see he was slowly getting pulled in slowly getting pulled in and I could see the anxiety on his face who's gonna score who's in school who's the score do they ever score and then his eyes got bigger physically literally bigger and I knew he was fixated he forgot about his phone forgot everything else and then he looked at me and he says I love this because I love soccer I want to come back I said well you're not invited back but I'm so glad that you love it I could see his conversion I thought how many times is that the way a person experiences like Church they're like I don't want anything to do with Church just like I don't have to do with soccer I will never like this God stuff I'm not really into the spirituality stuff and then when you go in you're really nervous and Taylor had our friend Kevin who plays soccer and no soccer kind of being his mentor guiding him to explain to him what's going on it's always nice to have someone that kind of helps you guide you through it wouldn't be great if you here and you're a gasps that you have a friend who who believes in God and has come to know Jesus kind of like guiding you through just whispering in your this is what happens next and this is why they do this and and then they could just whisk for you this is where they have a human sacrifice and so don't stand and volunteer this is where you want to sit quietly and it's really helpful to have someone kind of guides you through because you're trying to create in an environment where a person can finally see what you see you can't you can't impose it on someone it has to happen within them and while we're there we got to see these different people coming by and and and then one of the guys said hey do you know who that is I said no and he goes that's Peter Guber he he owns the team and he's walking around just meeting people and and yeah you ever wanted like to say hi to someone but you didn't want to be that person so you hoping it just sort of happens casually by oh oh you know and he just kind of wandered over like just inches away and then I'm I heard about Peter it's just sort of bored out of my mind my mouth and and and I said Peter any any suggestion I'm meeting Pete goober this is so exciting because like he owns the Dodgers and the Warriors and LA FC every team that matters and I said this why thank you so much for creating this beautiful this place and this experience and just really really grateful to be a part of this and he was smiling so big and then he says something I did not expect he said it's delicious isn't it I didn't expect that and and and then I realized it is delicious it I would have never used that that language is delicious and and any he said it like four or five times it's just delicious it's just delicious and I and I'm like it is it delicious it's I'm delighting in the delicious right now it's incredible and and then it hit me that's why this stadium that's why this team that's why experience is different because love built this and you may not realize it but when you look back on your life you're gonna realize that that you build what you love you just may not be aware of what you love or you may actually say you love one thing but you actually love another thing have you ever said to someone I love you but you don't give them any time but you actually love something I see some of us love things more than people so we spend more time with things we do with people but we use the language of love for people and the language of like for things well actually say we love them too but when you look back on your life you're gonna have built something you may not realize it but you are so architect you're creating a life to the choices you're making and at the end of your life you're gonna get to see what you built and you'll get to see what you loved and it's interesting because jesus said this see in Matthew 16 verse 18 and I'm sure you familiar with these words from Jesus he said to Peter and I tell you that you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not overcome him Jesus didn't write any books Jesus didn't build any buildings Jesus never broke any world records never never there there's nothing concrete or tangible that could be preserved through history that says Jesus built this I know there are a lot of people who love finding artifacts that are connected to Jesus but they're really no jemmye and artifacts connected to Jesus because Jesus never built the house jesus never built anything here you go the one thing Jesus came to build was the church and if you connect the dots near ice oh wait a minute you build what you love then you realize what Jesus loves is the church but a lot of times we get confused we think the church is a system or an institution or a building but it's not see the reason Jesus loves the churches that he loves humanity and what he came to do is restore our humanity see if you want to know what you love look and see what you sacrifice for so there's this moment wait before Jesus where there was a man named David and he just began as a shepherd boy but he ended up as a king it's a incredible career to follow and in in G in Jesus's story he tells us what he loves and then you go back to David's moment and you realize you can see what a person who loves by what they built and there was a moment when David really messed up he was the king and he kind of forgot that he became the king because God was with him he started almost feeling like he didn't need God and he was really getting almost overwhelmed by his own press so he decided to use an account how big his army was how powerful he was and his commanders came and said don't do this King David do not count your armies because they knew this would violate his relationship with God but David had forgotten what made him famous now he was just focused on his fame and have you ever had someone give you counsel or have you ever gone to someone for advice but then you didn't like the advice so you went to someone else and you didn't like the advice so you went to someone else by the way if you go to more than one person for advice you're not looking for advice you're looking for agreement and if you go to four or five people for advice that just tells you your idea is so bad that you can't even find someone who'll agree with you that's right when people come to me and ask me for my advice I know they already know what they're gonna do they just want to point back to me so if it goes bad they can say you told me to do it so David's gonna count his armies and his commanders say don't do this and David doesn't listen so he does it anyway and what he does has such deep spiritual implications and by the way a lot of the decisions and choices we make in life that looked so superficial actually have such deep substance to them and when David does this he violates his relationship with God God becomes angry and God says David there's a consequence to what you've done I'm gonna wipe out a third of your armies which I think it's pretty brutal in fact when I first read this that's kind of mad thinking wait a minute you're gonna punish all the people who didn't do anything wrong and leave the guy who did something wrong alone I don't really think that's fair I think you should only allow the consequences to affect the person who made the choice that Lakers never liked that by the way in in fact the consequence of David's life was that Haven to live with the implications of this choices and how they impacted other people see when you understand that you build what you love you begin to realize that the material with which you build are the relationships you have in your life if you're gonna build something that reflects love you need to own your influence you need to realize that God has given you the incredible capacity to affect and influence other people's lives for better or for worse David was now King and because he was king his choices affected so many people in affected an entire kingdom say I think a lot of times we want more influence that we do not want more responsibility but if you're going to ask God to give you more influence you need to understand God's going to give you more responsibility and for every single person in your life you are now accountable for your effect and your impact on their life and simply this is what we want to ignore we want to pretend that our choices are isolated and disconnected from everyone else and I'm the son of an alcoholic and one of the things that you hear people with addictions say all the time before they own their addictions is I'm not hurting anyone but myself you ever have had anybody say that to you have you ever said it to someone you know what's fascinating about that statement I'm not hurting anyone but myself is that it's never true in fact when you're saying there's someone I'm not hurting anyone but myself you're actually hurting the person you're saying it to the reason you have to say that is because you're hurting so many people you want to deny the impact of your choices you never make an isolated decision you never make an isolated choice everything you do in your life impacts someone else sometimes they'd impact strangers but most of the time it actually impacts the people who are most intimate in your life this is I think the most disturbing thing about the way were designed as humans because you're your most powerful material from which you build your life our people our relationships see when you build out of love you realize what you're actually building into is people because there's nothing God loves more than people there's nothing more viable than people everything else in life is secondary and it's so secondary it doesn't even come in second so what happens when people get close to you have you ever been around someone that I'm to love them is to be wounded have you have you ever been around someone that when you care about them you you just you knew to care about them was to endanger yourself see they're there there are some people and maybe you're one of them right now it's dangerous to love you hey have you ever loved someone that was dangerous to love have you ever cared about someone but it was actually dangerous to care about them because when you care about something you you actually make yourself vulnerable to them when you love someone you open your soul completely to them that's what love does love strips you of all your protection so when you love someone you give them your heart and you would trust them not to crush it but what David showed us in this moment is he was not trustworthy with the relationships he had been entrusted with and there was a consequence to his choices and some of the people didn't even understand that their lives were being affected by the choices David made the people in your life is it safe to live in the universe of your love is it safe for a person to care about you sometimes when you hold the person close you have so many jagged edges that it cuts you deep but if that's true the contrast can be true to all see if there are times you can love someone and it's just really dangerous to love them you can care about someone that it just damages you and leaves you broken and hurting and say I think a lot of us carry the wounds of having loved not too little but love too much I think some of us are wounded because we cared too much or maybe we can't care too much or cannot love too much we just need to understand that love causes pain when you love someone who's in pain but the opposite can be true conversely true because see if someone can care about me and if I'm if I'm broken and filled with bitterness and anger I can actually break them then isn't it true that if someone cares about me and I'm healthy it actually can make their life better see I want to be the kind of person there someone cares about me it actually makes their life better I want to be the kind of person that someone chooses to love me it actually makes them whole not just me now I wonder what happens to a human being when they get close to you what happens to a human being when they were affected by the gravitational pull of your choices wouldn't be a beautiful thing if you can look back on your life and say you know I built this with love this was all built by loved ones when someone cared about me but the experience was so little I was but someone loved me they got the core of Who I am see out of your life you can actually pour it into someone else oh you can pour into someone else compassion you can pour than someone else forgiveness you can pour the someone else meaning and intention but someone opens up their souls to you pour out of yourself life so the you're pouring into them life what love does is it changes the way you live your life David did not need to build that altar for himself he had to build it for others he needed the bill that altar because this choice is affected other people and in fact that tells us when he built that altar he prayed on behalf of the people not on his own behalf he didn't need to go build that altar in the threshing floor of a Runa of the Jebusite because his life he needed it it was because he cared about the people that had been entrusted to him he realized that his choices in his actions had an effect on other people's lives who do you love enough to change for I think a lot of times the reason we don't find the strength to make the hard choices to change is that we don't love anything or anyone more than ourselves I know in my life it's made some huge huge differences when I made a decision to love my wife more than I love myself to love my children more than I love myself it changed the way I lived my life it changed the trajectory of my life it changed for me my priorities and my values what I find is when people only are in love with themselves they make the most destructive choices of their life but when someone loves someone else more it changes the way you choose tonight we're getting on a red-eye myself my wife Kim our nephew Taylor about 20 of us and we're flying across the country and we're going to Puerto Rico because it's it's the one-year anniversary of when they were devastated by the hurricane and and contrary to what you may have heard almost 3,000 people have lost their lives as an outcome of that hurricane and Perico is still devastated in ruins and people are still struggling to to get ahold of of their lives and just to make it day-by-day and so our team is going up to Perot Rico not on vacation but with intention to serve and I don't know about you but I'm a busy person I have a lot of things to do I have a lot of things I could do I have a lot of things I want to do making this choice redirects my life making this choice redirects that teams life all those people they all have jobs they all have responsibilities they're having to give up something to give something and what happens when you love and you make people the focus of your affection when you make people your highest value it changes the choices you make it changes the direction of your life it changes the way you choose David built an altar because he knew that he had to live his life beyond himself because he was called to live a life for others so how are you doing with people when you look at your relationships are you building a kingdom of love do you own your influence then he goes on to tell us that after dad told David the goal and built an altar David and his men went and he went to the territory of Arun on it says in verse 20 when Aruna looked and saw the king and his officials coming toward him he went out and bowed down before the king with his face to the ground Aruna said why has my lord the King come to a servant to buy the threshing floor David answered so I can build an altar to the Lord that the plague on the people may be stopped Aruna said the David let my king my millet my lord the king take whatever he wishes and offer it up here the oxen for the burnt offering here are the threshing psychist and the ox jokes for the wood your majesty Aruna gives all this the king who had also said to him may the Lord your God accepts you now by the way Aruna may have been the most generous guy in the world but he didn't really have an option because the kingdom belonged to the king you may think it's your land but it's not your land it's only your land as long as the King says it's your land and the moment the King wants that land it's not your land it's the King's land you may think those are your ox but they're not really your ox is the king wants those ox there's the Kings ox and the King comes with his officials riding in and I remember been terrified he says what my king what are you doing here he says I need that land and I need everything necessary to build an altar you have one option o my king everything is yours you may not want to say that but if you want to live you will say that you can't go to the king so you know my king the market is kind of high right now oxen are a commodity yoke are selling at a really really high value right now and that threshing port it's my favorite threshing floor to give that up because King David has some wealth maybe I could make a little bank here if he took that posture he would be dead so he offers everything to the king and the king could have taken it and from David's mindset it would have been absolutely right acceptable to take everything that was given to him because it was his but David responds simply and clearly no I insist on paying you for it you see when you're building out of love you realize what you're bullying into people and the material that you build your life on is relationships but you'll also begin to realize that not only do you need to own your influence but you have to build your altar you have to decide what you're going to be identified to wealth see because in an interesting way if relationships are the bricks so that God uses to build identity is the cement that holds those bricks together you have to decide who you are what are you identified with if he had taken what aruna offered him that would have not been his altar that would've been a RunAs on davis's know I need to pay you for it because this is something I'm doing this altar is an extension of Who I am see whatever you are and wherever you are in your life you may not realize it but you've already built an altar and your altar may be the frame your altar may be the power your altar may be the wall your altar may be the pleasure your altar is being built right now it's where you worship it's what you give your life to it's what you give your passions to it's what you give your heart to is what you give your talent to it's what you give your money to you want to know what your altar is check for a moment and see what your placing your life at the feet of coz that's your altar you see you're called not only to build an altar you're called to be an altar and David says no I need to pay for this because this is my altar impalement and it's to be fascinating how David rides in as a king but he steps off that horse and he builds the altar as a sir says I got too full of myself I I I started believing my press that I'm Katie David I needed to remember that I'm actually serving David and I should live my life worshipping the God who's brought every good thing into my life I'm gonna be marked by who I am in some ways David remembered who he was because he forgot see David began as someone that was marked by his relationship to God when he fought against Goliath he was so clear and standing in the place between God and humanity and this altar was a place where God stopped his wrath and began his compassion and God said David and what you to stand in between me and humanity be identified with me what are you known for li is so big on identity it's amazing how many things we want to be identified by and where the culture of brands I don't know if you know this brands used to put their brands on the inside you don't need most you don't even know that you know wait a minute why would you buy that if no one knows what brand it is because you see so along the way they've realized that they were branding us because we needed a brand they made us feel better about ourselves because the more we lost our identity the more we were willing to be given an identity have you ever felt misunderstood by people like someone will say something about you go that's not I said Who I am back I had a conversation this week we're talking I said then you know bro there's just like there's there's reality and then there's perception and I know that you think reality is more important than perception but in most cases perception is more important than reality because there's a reality in the perceptions that you don't want to see have you ever had someone say something about you go that's not true like you're late all the time no not I'm just I just late today and yesterday but I'm not late all the time you ever had that perception or you're always mad no I'm mad you everybody have a perception about you no not and you're always depressed you're always negative see when someone's telling you who you are you don't agree with it there's there's there's some kind of dissonance between the perception and the reality now either the perception is the reality and you're miss perceiving reality or the perception is disconnected from reality and some people are not reading you right so you need to ask yourself why am I being defined by an identity I don't think is me it might be you've never actually taken time to build an altar to say no this is who I am this is what defines my life there's some of you here when you're here in this kind of environment you're all about God you're all about Jesus but when you're not here no one knows you're all about God and no one knows you're all about Jesus because you're not you just think you are but the perception the reality don't match and what I've discovered is that there are people everywhere trying to find God but they can't find the markers to lead them to God and everybody keeps looking for a sign you ever look for a sign God just give me a sign but what we don't realize is that the Sun means the guide lays out for us to find him our people see you're supposed to be the altar that set on fire that sets out an aroma so the people can find God see you're supposed to be delicious [Applause] and I know some of you in your are you are delicious you have the aroma of God all over your life and other things people can't explain it they just come to you and go what's what's happening to you they don't have a language for you and it's not because they don't have a language of God they actually don't have a language for life they see you fully alive and they want that I I think it's so funny because a lot of people don't remember my name by the way my name is Erwin it's not an easy name to remember it's easy name to forgot so my code name is mosaic because wherever I go people go mosaic yeah yeah that's me and since birth I've been mosaic and and I've been in so many planes and they've been around so many people I thought I need to quick some new patterns in my life so I actually went and I joined a different like health club just to be able to go someplace just to kind of have some alone time kind of lip the gold machine and just you know exercising and headphones so everyone knows I'm not available and and I so I go for my first day and I choose one that's outside of the traffic patterns right and and I said I need I need some water so I get in line to get some water and it's going really slow but I'm a very patient person and because I know someone will know me and let go oh wow Jesus did not change his life and so I've tried to be really really patient and wait and and suddenly somebody behind me says mosaic I have headphones on he has headphones on headphones are the cultural language saying you know what it's saying right I'm not available right now it's just me this is me time I need bigger headsets and this really amazing guy interrupts me his name is Rene and he says I work as a trainer and and all these different you know clubs and and he goes I just went for the first time last week the Venice Beach I was at Venice Beach and I'm on a spiritual journey start share with me the spiritual journey and and it's a beautiful thing and there's two voices in my head one's saying I'm not gonna get the workout I can tell and another one is saying that's why I'm here I'm here in this place for the very first time because I'm supposed to have an encounter with this person because my life is supposed to be an altar not supposed to be an aroma and it supposed to help this person find God so we're hanging out we're having a great conversation and then he goes hey my girlfriend's here with you I'd love for you to meet her sure that's why I'm here that's why I'm here and and and and so he runs and he's got a few minutes and he comes back and it's like 20 minutes go by after that I think it's cuz she said okay I'll meet him I don't know if she wanted to meet me but I think she decides I have to go take a shower change clothes I'm not gonna meet him sweaty so another 20 minutes go by and another person gives up oh and they start mosaic so so I'm having OH all these conversation then his girlfriend comes I meet her she's amazing we have this great conversation about God and life and spirituality and our journeys and I'm 40 minutes later I have not made it to a single machine and and I'm that guy who walks into the actual ice place but never actually exercises and like Oh God and so I I went from there I thought okay I just I just got a heavy just I just act I need to have some time so I went down those little like I'm just gonna admit it a little spa I'm gonna get to a steam room i'ma get into a little like sauna it's good surely if I have a towel wrapped around my nakedness that they well no one will bother me and so I I and I and I got to the counter and I said I I must have looked like a desperate person I said you have anything that's like you know you have to like you have something to get to use the rooms and said you have like a a facial or massage there's explain to me what a minimis facial was and sounds great 30 minute and then suddenly I hear are you and I turn around and it's a rabbi it's a it's a rabbi and he says I don't he's never seen me before because I recognize your voice because are you overnight Madison from Hosea I said yes and and he was I know this is crazy I mean I'm just so excited and he goes I know I'm a rabbi I'm the ha'la'tha listen to you but I am listen to you and I listen to you every week I read your books but you did with Elijah is so amazing in the last arrow and and I'm a little a little awkward cuz I'm I don't want anybody know I'm gonna spa now everybody knows yeah he's like let me give you my email address and so I give him my address and he emailed me right away cuz we're gonna be best friends and that's so good if it goes I know I'm not supposed to and that was the second rabbi who contacted me this week that's such a beautiful thing and one rabbi said to me I've been searching because I felt like something was missing say I think we're all searching rabbis pastors Imams artists musicians politicians we're all searching trying to make sense of life and we're all looking for markers and if your life isn't an altar how will people know that you're a part of their way to find God oh and then we're at this soccer game and joe or kevin says Kirwan look the Salvadorian flag and I said where and then before I could even say anything else the woman who was down below because we were up see down below us jumps up El Salvador it's not for most sellers to me to San Jose tense out with her this is amazing in she goes that's my husband over there he's from Italy and these are my kids and she starts telling me where all of her kids are from and we've been having this conversation and and then eventually got to what do you do and and I said you know I started a church called mosaic and just that's funny we're Roman Catholic but my husband said to me this morning I mean we're not religious he's more Buddhist she said really but he said I need you to find me a church because I need music because I'm Italian [Music] and she said so I thought maybe we could go find a black church because they have great music so Pastor Joe Smith was sitting right next to me so I said I want to meet Pastor Joe Smith he's our black church and I think no chairs we got black shirt you wear everything and and it didn't throw up Ross that's awesome she got so excited and they ready text me this morning said we're coming next week because see people are in a spiritual journey and somebody gave them the tickets to the game that just happened to be sitting right in front of us somebody just happens to say look at the Salvadorian flag I just happened to be born in Hill South or she just happened to be from us out there we just happen to be sitting right across from each other that she was happening to be listening into the conversation he just happened to ask her to find her a church it all just happened [Applause] [Music] if you're not willing to pay for it you're never gonna build your altar because no one can build your altar for you I cannot give you the life God created you to live I can hopefully inspire you to it I can hope you encourage you to it maybe I can chastise you to it maybe I can make you so uncomfortable you'll finally fight for it but you have to pay the price for the life that God created you to live it's your altar you have to build it you have to choose it and then David says something I think all of us should tattoo on our hearts after he says I insist on paying you for it he says this I will not sacrifice the Lord and offering that costs me nothing how odd that we would ever think there could be a sacrifice that costs us nothing because the very nature of a sacrifice is that it costs you everything you cannot have a sacrifice the clash nothing it has to cost you something and you see this is the interesting thing about love the highest expression of love is sacrifice soon David says I will not offer to Lord a sacrifice it costs me nothing David understands that a sacrifice is not an act of obligation it is an act of love because when you when you love freely you sacrifice fully and when you love fully you sacrifice freely I wonder what is in your life that you are willing to sacrifice for what do you love so much who do you love so much that you are willing to give of yourself what in your life actually costs you your life I think a lot of us confuse what we receive with what we're giving that's why I hate free events we're doing one and I hate free events you know why I hate free events because free events are never free free events always cost someone something see free event means someone else sacrificed so you wouldn't have to see a free event means it's free to you so it costs more to someone else and the crazy thing about a free event it means it's that someone actually did something and not for themselves but for someone else because we're actually throwing a free event up in Seattle oh here we go again I never see more complaints than when we have a free event because people who take things for free most of the time are the most entitled in the least grateful and this is the challenge of the relationship with Jesus see Jesus sacrificed everything for you and for me he gave his life for us he allowed himself to be crucified on a cross so that we could live jesus is agonizing that was a sacrifice given freely for us and the tricky thing is that when you receive love freely you might actually demean what you've received so you don't sacrifice it to God to get God's love you don't sacrifice to God hoping you can get God's acceptance I want you to realize that God has already sacrificed everything for you he's given himself freely and he has positioned himself in such a position of vulnerability because he has loved us completely has given himself completely has sacrificed himself completely and he has placed himself in a position in a posture saying I love you but I'm not gonna force myself like you you cannot make a person love you can just hope your love wins the mother and David says I'm not gonna build a sacrifice that costs me nothing he understands the essence of sacrifice and and here's the beautiful thing when David builds that altar and sets it on fire and offers a burnt offering to God he says this and says I'm doing this because I need to pray on behalf of the people this is then the Lord answered David's prayer in behalf of the land and the plague on Israel was stopped have you ever noticed that when you're living your life for yourself your life starts getting smaller and smaller and smaller in fact some of you you're in danger of having a really really really crowded life because everything you're gaining everything you're attaining everything that you're accomplishing it's just for you and your soul is getting so crowded because you're not sharing with anyone so your life cannot be just about you it has to be about others and and you're gonna build a life on love you need to own your influence and you to build your altar but you also need to leave a legacy you need to ask yourself the question what am i giving that goes past me what am i leaving behind that's a gift to others one of the things I love about mosaic is we do these things called spontaneous baptisms and when we first started doing them here at Mosaic we would just invite people to decide follow Jesus now just receive his love receive His forgiveness receive his life just get up and go outside to be baptized and people are getting baptized with the clothes they came in and they're going home what it was is it's a great way to tell a story like to get on the bus why are you at a strange thing happened today I had a life-changing encounter with the creator of the universe and I felt compelled to be marked by his love and people would follow Jesus and baptism and it's just a beautiful thing and and I realize every time someone chooses to follow Jesus and Baptist were building a house with love because love built this and I was last month it was actually the weekend of my birthday we baptized and I also had to catch a red-eye right in between after that last gathering and I went out this way and there was all these people soaking wet and this one guy I think his name was Jordan he says can I talk to you for a minute and I'm kind of in a hurry because I had to get to my birthday party and then I had to get to a plane and and I said I'm kind of in a hurry I got a go and he goes just just just for a minute and I said sure sure and he's the my name is Jordan and I said what's happening Jordan and he said I'm an atheist and I'm amazed how many people say that to me here at Mosaic but usually not after they were baptized and he said I'm an atheist and I looked at him and I thought okay I should probably ask a few questions and and I and I said you're an atheist he says yes I said but I'm your what were you just baptized he goes yes I was just baptized so that's that's great here at Mosaic be baptized atheists it's great and so I thought I should ask him another follow-up question I said so Jordan did you invite Jesus into your life and give your life to Him said yes and this is so awesome he came in as an atheist and that was still his identity he was an atheist who just had a life-changing encounter with Jesus see you can be an atheist and meet God because even though you don't believe in God God believes in you and [Applause] he goes but I because I feel all this confusion till this ant said oh okay let me explain anyways okay that'd be great that's because you know you're an atheist it just gave your life to Jesus in a theist who knows God it's it's a great place to be and and I said you know how your brain moves faster in your body so I can see the back of the room but it takes me longer to run to the back of the room yes so well the same way that your brain runs faster than your body your soul moves faster than your brain said so your soul has had a life-changing encounter with Jesus and your brains trying to catch up and that's the dissonance that you're feeling but don't worry eventually your brain will catch up to your soul and then if I feel your body will catch up to your brain it all come together is okay I can't brick by brick layer by layer we're building something by love but doesn't happen freely it happens because people freely sacrifice I want you to know something you parked free today because someone freely sacrificed you're sitting in a chair free today because someone freely sacrifice and the reason we're here is because 2,000 years ago Jesus said and I will build my church so Jesus freely gave His life so that we could left we are living in the freedom that Jesus paid for so what freedom are you gonna live for others it started to make sense to me why God does this to what he does this because I just hate the fact that God establishes the church where we have to actually choose to give financially I love that but I also hate it I love being generous but I hate that the church is always accused of all the church's wants your money I just I can't stand that and so we don't really talk about it a whole lot but one of things that really struck me because if I ever talk about money I'll always get an email from someone upset and it finally made sense to me when I read this this passage uh-oh they're angry because they're not moved by love you see when you love something sacrifice is what happens say I want to know I love you I love the church I love what God is doing in human history I believe that Jesus is the desperate hope that the entire world is searching for see and it makes sense to me to sacrifice for it what else can you do but sacrifice there's some of you it makes so much sense to you that no one has to convince you to sacrifice and and there's some of you going why why would I ever have to give and go no you don't you see it's not about giving it's about love and once you love it changes everything in your life because love liberate cyou together it sets you free from greed and we have a church in the Mexico City they have over a thousand people in like six months they have 18 people who give 800 people who come to Jesus and 18 people who give I can tell you why see there are 1,100 people who love with the church offers um and there 18 people who love the church [Music] and I if you're here at you love with the church offers you I want you to receive it freely but I just believe there's some of you who are like me and like Kim like so many others love has transformed you it compels you you have to create this free space but you know it takes sacrifice because your love what you build and you build what you love see what we're doing together we're just continuing with Jesus locked we're just building what Jesus felt because Jesus built what he loved and he made us he brought us together so I wonder if you're here right now in your life so desperately needs God so desperate you need God to give you a new future give you and you hope to set you free - you just desperately need God to free you from guilt and shame and you need God to free you from your fears and your doubts and and maybe you're just a little nervous because it's terrifying to give your life to God let me tell you the most powerful choice you'll ever make in your life is to cross that line of faith they say Jesus they give you my life coz in that moment Jesus pours his life into you and everything changes and everything God builds he builds with love I want you to get to the end of your life and look at your life and go wow I made mistakes in yeah I had some mess ups now maybe I do some things differently but Wow you can look at your life and go I know one thing love built us you build what you love so what do you love is it a time to love the things that Jesus loves to make people your highest priority and to build a place where everyone can belong but you just bow your heads to me just for a moment there's some of you here it's time for you to cross that line of faith and to trust Jesus with your life and I just want you right now just to whisper a simple prayer just one sentence here it is Jesus I give you my life right now just whisper to me Jesus I give you my life I know it's crazy if this is where it starts it's so simple I mean you and God are gonna have a conversation to last forever but it begins here Jesus I'd give you my life right now just tell Jesus I give you my life Jesus I give you my life if you're here this is the moment where you're marking your altar this is the moment where you're declaring that Jesus is your Lord this is the moment you're crossing the line of faith this is the moment you're giving your life to him I want to pray for you if you just whispered this pair of Jesus I give you my life I want you right now quickly just to hold you in a pie and I want to see you I want to pray for you beautiful all right that's not high hold it higher hold it high what should be proud I want you be confident but to be clear I gave you my life Jesus right now beautiful anyone else right now Jesus I give you my life wonderful Jesus I give you my life all over the room this moment father I just pray for those that in this moment have cross that line of faith and God I know about you that you build what you love that you love people you love them so god I pray right now you would begin to build in them a new future building them with the materials of faith and hope and love building them a new life I pray you would fill them with joy God and encourage you would fill them God with compassion and kindness got to fill them with yourself let them know that they belong to you and you will never leave them I thank you Father I pray in Jesus name Amen can we just thank God for all those Chris Lunz ahem so beautiful so good so many of you alright one last thing before we have our closing song remember next week we're gonna start the series chasing daylight and next week I'm gonna really focus the messages so that people who don't believe in God and people who don't know who Jesus is and people who are really nervous in a faith or spiritual environment they're gonna feel right at home so we're going to talk about principles that are true for everyone and I want to encourage you to invite your unbelieving friends but before we do that we're gonna build a little more right now we're gonna build this house it's a little bit more because we build this house life by life heart by heart person by person we have the baptistry set up outside and we're gonna baptize right now and if you just raise your hand and invited Jesus in your life I want to encourage you right now just to move fast and go and I'm in because we're gonna open these doors right here you see you're gonna go from darkness to light we have clothes for you to change into and we're gonna give you an opportunity to build your altar to make your life an altar and so if you're here and even if you didn't raise your hand today maybe you come to the place in your life where you know Jesus is my life but you've never publicly declared it in Baptism maybe you're baptized as an infant like I was but now you're an adult and you have to own your faith for yourself it's time to build your life on love and so if you're here and you know it's time to publicly declare Jesus as your Lord and be baptized I want you right now just to stand up and go out those doors right now in front of everyone just get up and go right now come on let's go wherever you are just come right now right now come on I know there's others of you come on this is your moment just come right now Jesus is Lord and I'm all-in anyone else all right I just know that they're not the only ones you're supposed to do this today I do think it's interesting that women tend to lead the way [Music] so maybe it's like if you have alright your car come on [Applause] but men sometimes we got a man up every god I just guy just let God break us and I could make this easier it could be like real subtle like an everybody close their eyes and you go out quietly but you know life is full of Giants and if you don't have the courage to stand in a place where people are for you you're not gonna stand where people are against you so I'm just gonna give you I'm gonna give you one more opportunity if in your heart you know this is a moment you should mark this is a moment you need to declare Jesus as Lord this moment you need to say I'm all-in and you need to follow Jesus and baptism maybe your hearts pounding against your chest and you're hoping this moment ends quickly but you know this moments for you and I'm telling you some of you have missed moments in your life because of fear of other people or you're worried about what other people think or you're worried about so many things and so you missed the moment that's yours so I'm just gonna give you one second of awkwardness and if you're here and you need to step up and be baptized this is your moment I want you to come right now what you find the courage to stand up beautiful anyone else come on so judge this is come on this is your moment this is your moment come on go go amen so good alright come on [Music] so does can you feel it life by life a house is being built life by life a world is being changed life by life the futures being created [Applause] come on [Applause] I know for some of you the church is already off schedule come on come on so good come on shut up guys all right I'm exhausted okay so if you gotta come you got to come fast but you know don't you just hate it when your life is put off scheduled because people's lives are being forever changed it's it's a beautiful thing I don't want people to ever come to mosaic going oh yeah I've been there I know exactly what happens I want people to go you gotta go you never know because if you miss it it's unexplainable because when God shows up you should be shocked at what happens it's gonna be beautiful let's all stand together have a closing song together
Channel: Mosaic
Views: 14,798
Rating: 4.9341564 out of 5
Keywords: Worship, ErwinMcManus, MosaicMSC, Church, LosAngeles, Faith, Mosaic, Mosaic Church, hillsong, elevationchurch, hillsongunited, lakewoodchurch, citychurch, judahsmith, bethelchurch, sacrifice, love, what does it mean to love someone, the love of jesus, the sacrifice of Jesus, sacrificail love, true love
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 11sec (3611 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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