You BECOME Everything You Think About | Fix Your Mind

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[Music] every great action begins with a thought when you align your thoughts toward a goal your actions invariably move in that direction it's a chain reaction thoughts influence beliefs beliefs influence actions actions determine results so your thoughts shape who you become many people are not aware of this the way you view yourself and what you believe to be true about yourself affect your life if you see yourself as limited or not good enough you'll live that way but if you change your mindset to be positive and see your true value you can create a better life when you believe you're worthy and can achieve great things you make it easier for good things to happen in your life your thoughts aren't just Daydreams they can really affect your life so pick your thoughts carefully if you want love success and happiness you need to believe they can be yours Buddha said the mind is everything what you think you become this means that if you can manage your thoughts you can guide your life's Direction your thoughts can either trap you or free you the choice you make affects how good or bad your life feels Seneca said everything hangs on one's thinking a man is as unhappy as he has convinced himself he is when things get tough don't get lost in negative thinking instead steer your mind towards finding Solutions and looking at the bright side think about what you want and believe that things will work out in your favor change starts with you if you want a different life first change your thoughts about yourself think positively be kind to yourself and be thankful imagine reaching your dreams and telling yourself positive things to boost your confidence and drive you forward don't let what others think or expect shape your life you're in charge of your own Journey break free from what Society thinks and believe in your own choices and thoughts dream big and don't be held back by other people's limits dream big and trust in yourself what happens outside is often a mirror of what's inside you so by changing your thoughts you can change your life to make your dreams come true you need to match your thoughts emotions and actions positive thinking alone isn't enough you also need to act towards your goals keep pushing even when it gets tough stay focused believe in your journey and always think of success and abundance at all times always remind yourself that you're strong and can shape your future choose thoughts that push you towards your dreams believe you can succeed and picture clearly what you want keep that image in your mind and let it direct what you do and choose let go of past mistakes or current challenges the true power to change things is in the present what you do and think right now shapes your future instead of getting caught up in thoughts of what you lack or can't do focus on the endless possibilities and wealth of opportunities available to you believe in the abundance that's out there waiting for you to grasp it always remember the universe feels your energy and thoughts it reacts to The Vibes you send out so if you constantly think and feel in tune with what you desire you're more likely to attract those things into your life understanding the strength of your thoughts shows you that you're in charge of your life's story you have the power to fill your life with happiness success and abundance keep in mind that what you think about you become so think good things and picture a bright positive world for yourself the deeper you understand this the more you see that you can't blame others for where you are in life you write your own story be the one in control focus on positive and empowering thoughts because they have the magic to shape your life think of your thoughts as seeds if you plant seeds of thankfulness they'll grow and make your life richer plant the right seeds care for them and watch your life blossom don't let fear or doubt hold you back believe that you can shape your life with your thoughts change starts with how you think when negative thoughts pop up notice them but don't let them Define you challenge them and replace them with positive ones train yourself to see the bright side even when things get tough know that you have unlimited potential and special gifts don't limit yourself keep positive people and resources around you find mentors if necessary read books listen to podcasts and join groups that match your goals talk with people who lift you up and motivate you when you're in a positive space it boosts your confidence and helps you believe more in your dreams every time you achieve a milestone no matter how small celebrate it it reinforces the belief that you're capable and on the right path so today let's make a conscious Choice let's nurture our minds with empowering positive and ambitious thoughts let's sow seeds of success and water them with action because in doing so you shape not just your destiny but the very world around you if you are still with me I want to thank you for your support and wonderful thoughts you've shared your comments have been truly wonderful and I'd be happy to read more from you and continue to share this video with your loved ones thank you for your precious time and I hope you have a wonderful time foreign
Channel: Wisdom Nuggets
Views: 57,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wisdom nuggets, the power of thought, how to use the power of thought and imagination, thoughts become things, the mind is everything what you think you become, become what you think, power of the mind, subconscious mind, self improvement, the power of subconscious mind, the power of your subconscious mind, fix your mind, mind is everything, positive thinking, the power of positive thinking, power of positive thinking
Id: Re9ZI6Mpx4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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