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[Music] hello lovely people this is your ask me anything video i've received so many lovely questions from you guys that i am splitting this video up into two parts and still it only represents a fraction of the questions that you asked me but hopefully it includes yours let's get into it i've got them all right here what's your nationality and what's your heritage so i am indeed american both my parents are american i grew up here in the united states however my heritage is i am half italian a quarter hungarian and a quarter german i feel most connected to my italian side because my grandparents emigrated from italy i've been to italy so many times i know my family there i have many cousins where did i grow up and what was my childhood like so i am from new york but specifically i grew up on long island that is the little fish-shaped island that goes east from manhattan my dad was a pilot so he was gone a lot on you know trips my mom just like kept us home we didn't venture out too far luckily i had a big backyard and my childhood memories are all really based there lots of imaginative play uh i remember collecting you know various bits and pieces and pretending that i was making dinner like the moss was broccoli and the little kind of woody dry woody bits of a branch or chicken you know just like crazy imagination um i also knew very early that i wanted to be a writer um probably like the age of seven so i have wonderful memories of sitting up in a very big tree in my front garden with a notebook and a pen and writing my first novel my first story um and then when i was about 12 i got into horseback riding and that kind of transitioned into my teenage years where i spent a lot of time every day after school down at the stables taking care of my horse and learning to ride and having wonderful friendships got a sister nope what career path would you be pursuing if you weren't in media to be honest i can't imagine doing anything that wasn't related to storytelling that has been my passion from a young child as i mentioned um i think some of you would expect me to say i would be a farmer maybe some would say what maybe run a restaurant but i have first-hand experience with knowing how difficult how challenging both of those jobs are and no i mean i i know i would not want to do either of those things you know farming as you see on true food tv is incredibly difficult challenging risky work i'm very happy to do my vegetable garden that we don't necessarily have to depend on right eating from although we do end up largely eating from it when when things go well i have experience with restaurants my one of my brothers had a catering business and i was involved in that for a while and i have seen firsthand the grueling hours of food and the hectic nature of a kitchen don't want that for myself okay this next question comes from long time tftv member dwayne shout out to you duane thanks for your question how did i meet my husband my husband mark i was a reporter for the new york times and i was working on a story in which i needed an architect uh as a source to kind of sound off on this issue that i was covering back then there was something called the yellow pages i didn't know any architects in this area that i needed so i kind of like went like this and chose an architect um with a difficult name no less i don't know why i chose that person but i called him and he ended up being a really great source for me and we got on very well and we chatted quite a bit and he said oh what other kind of stories do you do and i said i wrote about travel he said oh i have an old friend mark who is also a journalist and he is right now working on a travel news website and you should be in touch and i was like oh my god website like back then it was like print you know that was the real stuff i was like yeah yeah okay all right yeah sure put him in touch and we both kind of didn't get in touch and then this architect friend was like no no no no you should really get in touch and finally we did we um mark was living in europe at the time so we had a call and we just had this like instant connection we shared a lot of you know common experiences and um yeah we just started talking i did eventually start writing for his awesome website and traveled got to travel the world together so a lot of our courtship was meeting up in you know some place in the world that one of us was writing about and that was really lovely it's really nice to get to know somebody first of all by talking to them i for the first eight months of knowing him it was just phone calls we worked together remotely didn't even have a camera didn't see him he didn't see me i saw maybe like a picture of the skype you know but we just talked and we worked together so we have always worked together um and that's a really kind of special way to get to know someone pros and cons of living in a century home actually it's two centuries old um but yes we live in sort of a very historic area um there are lots of kind of older houses like this here um but as you can see this wall is actually um one of the original outer walls of this house and i look at these rocks and i think about the people who quarried them and you know shaped them and put them up on this wall um i i just i i love living in a place with a history i it feels less like i own this house and more of like i am taking care of a heritage i love the creaky floors and the odd interior window [Laughter] just like the the quirks i'm thinking now of one of one of my favorite things is in the summertime when it's really hot the front door is quite deep so the walls are very thick because they're they're stone right and you can open that door and just have the screen door and when it's raining on a like a really hot day you can have the front door open and this lovely breeze coming in and the sound of the rain and it's not really like a common experience in modern homes are you always as positive in real life as you are on camera yes yes what you see is what i am okay so let's talk about school career there's a whole bunch of questions that came in for that what was your education and what was your work experience before starting tftv did any of that help prepare you for running your own online video business okay so my education uh i went to university in boston i studied english english literature and um i did do one year abroad in um in madrid when i was in university i was convinced that i was going to become a novelist that is what i wanted to do i wanted to write novels i took creative writing courses my senior thesis was a novella and um and then you know like a lot of people you graduate and you go right i have to you know afford an apartment and food you have to live um so i um got into journalism into newspaper um reporting i had never worked for any school newspapers or anything i always had found um erroneously that journalism was like too dry like i didn't i wasn't interested in doing that kind of writing but the challenge of course of any writing is to make whatever you're writing compelling and i really do believe that those days of being first a weekly newspaper reporter and then i started um working at the times and being a daily reporter gave me a real work ethic uh you have to hit hit those deadlines it taught me how to research it taught me how to ask questions it taught me how to hook a reader or an audience very quickly help me shape stories that background those early days of being a reporter absolutely helped me in the in what i do today do you work not counting the channel that's a good question and you're gonna have to wait for the next video for that one so make sure you have clicked that bell for notifications so you know when the part two of my ask me anything video drops make sure you're subscribed share like guys find me on social media i'm at truefoodtv see you next time
Views: 19,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nicole jolly, journalism
Id: a26tUgOZzLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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