You Are the Last-Day Plan of God | Carter Conlon

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[Applause] praise God thank you may be [Applause] seated first time I heard that song Pastor Tim Jesus is the answer I was about 20 years old that's an old old timer I hope I'm I got that right our Bible school has a table in the lobby uh after the service today if you'd be interested in checking that out our Times Square Church's Bible school is called Summit International School of ministry in Grantville Pennsylvania and this coming year we've started a brand new uh gap program eighth month course for people that are straight out of high school before you go into college and and especially face the pressures that are going to be found there and also for people who are in college and want to get strengthened in their faith before going into the workforce so it's it's it's brand new just check it out I think it might be a blessing to somebody here or maybe a blessing to somebody you know I'm going to speak to you this afternoon as a grandfather you allow me to do that a grandfather can say tough things but in a hard way in a in a kind way let's put it that way we have very many teachers in the body of Christ but not very many fathers and I hope you're very very thankful you do have a father in the faith and Pastor Tim Delina in this church thank God for what the Lord is doing and uh his leadership is exemplary it really is exemplary I listened to all of his messages every week sometimes I'm part of the actual online community on Sunday morning and never cease to be stirred by the messages that God is giving our pastor how faithful the Lord has been it's it's been 37 years now the presence of God has been in this church amazing amazing statistically that shouldn't be the people who do Church statistics say we should have died off a long time ago but instead of dying off for getting more and more and more and more alive and I thank God thank God for that thank God for all of the places now that the this Pulpit is reaching around the world and will continue to do so in ever increasing measure in the days ahead Pastor Tim I promised I'm going to stay alive as long as I can but as my dear old dad used to say it's pretty hard to get out of this world alive I mean there will be a generation that do get out of here alive thank God for that when the Rapture of the church comes and uh I'm hoping to be alive to see that because I think uh as many of you are starting to understand now we've just pastor trce and I have just come back from Amsterdam we were in Egypt by the way I got to see the pharaoh who told the people of God they couldn't leave he's on display in a grass in a glass case um in a museum there so I leaned over the glass case and I looked at him I said so how'd that go just to be able to say I did that that I did that and uh you know just uh even if you bury yourself under a mountain of rocks God will say God says do I'm just going to take you out and put you on display for everybody to see for the next uh who knows how long until the Lord returns but um all over the world uh we're in Israel too as well and all over the world the same holy spirit is speaking the same thing to the body of Christ Jesus Christ is coming soon and many people are starting to believe it's in our generation that we're going to see The Rapture of the church and uh the return of Christ if Paul and his associates thought that the return of Christ could have been in their time how much more in our time and especially now as we see the world around us just just absolutely unraveling uh insanity is taking over from sane thinking I mean it's just uh it's it's incredibly I never thought I'd be alive to see a day like this I I even just the 30 years almost 30 years I've been here in New York City the the degeneracy of this Society is mind-boggling what has happened just in one generation is is absolutely stunning but God has a plan and that's what my message is about today I want to encourage you and it's up on the screen already and it's just called accept it accept it you are the last day plan of God accept it now there's a difference between knowing it or hearing about it and accepting it I gave the illustration earlier today that the children of Israel they knew that they were being brought out of captivity by the hand of God when they were brought out of uh Egypt and they knew that they were destined as as had been spoken to their ancestor Abraham to be a people supernaturally given abilities to go into places that only God could take them to become a people in the earth that would bring the name of God to reputation not by their might not by their power but by the spirit of God by the promises of God by the presence of God they were to be a people that brought his name to reputation now so they they knew this but they didn't accept it that first generation so you can know everything I'm about to say today but if you don't accept it you could end up as they did just living and dying in a Wilderness that's what happened to them they died in a dry place they they never became what God intended them to be and his name the name of God was not brought to reputation for quite a few years because they never accepted the fact that they were the plan of God to bring his name to reputation so my prayer for you today is that in your life it would go beyond just recognizing or learning to actually accepting something I accepted God that you have determined to bring your name to reputation through my life you have a plan for me that's bigger than anything that I've ever thought or understood or even asked for this is you know if you if you have the spirit of God upon you you already have an inner thought God plants it there that my life is destined to be more than what I am today or what I think I'm going to be tomorrow there's something else for my life and you already know it in your heart you know that God has has planned something it it's a groan you know the the Bible does tell us that the spirit of God makes intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered according to the will of God so the Holy Spirit within you is interceding for you and I to come into agreement with God's plan for each of our lives and so there's a there's an inner awareness in a sense now I know I'm speaking to somebody directly today there's an inner awareness when you put your head on your pillow at night when you get up in the morning when you're driving through the day or you're riding the subway there's a thought that keeps coming into your heart my life is meant to be more than what it is even if what it is is a good thing what God has in store for you is a great thing remember Nehemiah he was building a wall and they tried to divert him into another place they tried to like kind of skim him off into a good thing but he responded to those who sent the letter to him and he said no I can't leave what I'm doing cuz what I'm doing what I'm called to do is a great thing I can't leave it even for a good thing so I want to encourage you today don't settle for a good thing if God's called you to do a great thing in the earth now he's not called you to do it he's going to do it through you all we have to do is accept it you see the people came out of Egypt they never they knew it but they didn't accept it therefore when they got to the border of this place of incredible promise and 10 spies brought back what the Bible calls an evil report they embraced it because they'd already been thinking it these evil spies as it is or these spies with the evil report they just confirm what the people had been thinking all along I I don't think I can do this I don't think I'm strong enough I don't think I have enough skills the mountains are too high the the Giants are too big uh how do I know this is going to happen and so when these reporters came back with this report that the obstacles were too great they embraced it I want to challenge you don't Embrace a report like that you see because it's not about you it's about the presence of God in you that's what makes the difference it's not about you you are not called to do the supernatural you are called to accept the fact that God has chosen you to do something supernaturally that will bring his own name to Glory it's not us who do it it's God who gives the giftings it's God who strengthens us it's God who does from the from the beginning to the end he's the author and the finisher of our Salvation young people listen to me I I've been young and now I'm old okay what I'm telling you I've lived I I I sat 45 years ago in a church and heard the words that you're about to hear I remember sitting on the edge of my seat saying God is it could this be true is it possible that you have something bigger for my life than I have for myself is it possible that you're thinking thoughts about me that are are far beyond the thoughts that others have thought about me is it possible you're speaking things into my life for the future that others others didn't speak they they fell far short as a matter of fact they spoke the opposite in many cases God is it possible and there's a point in your life it it came about in mind where you just get up and accept it Lord I just accept the fact that you've called me I accept the fact that you've determined to do something through my life that I can't do but you can do it it's not natural It's Supernatural and it will bring your name to reputation and glory in in whatever sphere of influence you give me whether it's a few people whether it's a lot of people that's inconsequential but my life will begin to have an impact where I go because you're going to take me into places that I can't go in my own strength and you're going to give me what I could never possess we're going to start in the book of second Timothy chapter 1 father I thank thank you God with all my heart today Jesus Christ you have a plan in this last day this last day when your name is being mocked this last day when truth is being trampled in the streets this last day when immorality is abounding and confusion is abounding this last day when lying is accepted as a form of speech God almighty God almighty this last day where your name is being mocked and your people are being vilified yet you have a plan as you always have had and God we are the last day plan that you have for this world would you open our hearts to accept it all of us no exception would you give us the grace Lord to walk into the place of Promise in Jesus Christ and face our mountains whatever they are and the Giants that we will have to face believing God that without natural Weaponry these places will have to come down they'll have to give way to the spirit of God oh God would You Deliver Us from being a natural people always reasoning everything God and would you bring us into the realm of the spirit the ability to Simply agree with you and begin to walk in this newness of life and power that you promised to those who belong to you father I thank you God with all my heart please God today please peace Empower this church and I ask it in jesus' name amen second Timothy chap 1 beginning at verse one Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God in other words Paul says I didn't choose to be this have this office but I yielded to God's will for my life according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus to Timothy a beloved Son grace mercy and peace from God the father in Christ Jesus our lord I thank God whom I serve with a pure conscience as my forefathers did as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day greatly Desiring to see you being mindful of your tears that I might be filled with joy now let me stop there for a moment I don't know how the scenario played out but here's the way I see it in my mind I I see Paul the Apostle coming to this house where there was a a mother and a grandmother and this this son or grandson there and the two women had led him to a faith that can only come through believing in Jesus Christ and and then Paul walks in and starts talking to this fearful he's an actually a fearful young man about a plan that God has for him that's so much bigger than maybe anything he ever thought his life could be and at some point the the words of God got into him and and laid hold of of him and he started to to agree with it at some point I think I think tears came into his eyes and Paul saw that do you remember the first time you wept be when you became aware of God's presence do you do you remember the times maybe at night before you went to bed or when you got up in the morning or you're riding the subway and just a sudden weeping comes on you because the spirit of God is calling you to something that's that's bigger than anything you you ever thought your life could be and then suddenly I can see this boy getting on his knees and and the Apostle Paul lays that weathered beaten hand on top of his head like this and and he begins to pray and as he begins to pray the hand of God moves through the hand of Paul and a touch of Heaven comes on this young man and Paul says I remember this time I remember the day you were set apart for the kingdom of God I remember the day when the spirit of God Came Upon you I remember the day that that I was able to Bear witness to this calling of God Timothy that came onto your life even though you're young and maybe a bit fearful and I I greatly desire to see you again because I remember your tears I I I I remember you I remember a lot of the the people that come to this altar over the years I remember the tears here at this altar as as people began to believe that that God could use their lives for something greater than they ever believed they could be used for Paul said when I called to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and I am pers persuaded is in you also I I don't know what it cost Timothy's mother and grandmother to bring him that faith in Jesus Christ it was not easy in those days to stand as a living testimony for God therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying of my hands laying on of my hands now stirring it up doesn't mean just more physical action it it's more of a heart stirring Timothy remember that God has called you Timothy stir up that faith that I once saw in you when I visited your house and prayed for you don't let it go dormant in your life don't let the day-to-day routines that you have to come into maybe he has to go to school I don't know maybe he's got a Young Apprentice I don't know what he was doing but the reality is Paul's saying don't don't let these things override this call of God that came on your life that day stir up the the memory even of it the memory of the day that the hand of God came on you and called you for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of Our Lord now it was it was not a favorable time to be a disciple of Jesus Christ much of the known world of that time was somewhat scornful of the testimony of God and and and resistant to that testimony but Paul says no don't be ashamed of the testimony nor of me his prisoner but share with me in the sufferings of the Gospel according to the power of God in other words Paul's saying Timothy it's not going to be easy and don't let anybody ever tell you it will be the presence of God does not mean the absence of trouble as a matter of fact Jesus said in this world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer for I've overcome this world in other words the Troubles of this world will not take you down because I've already defeated them and I have promised to keep you I'll keep you I'll keep you in depression I'll keep you in flood I'll keep you in fire I'll keep you in trial I'll keep you when you're on top of the mountain I'll keep you when the Mountain's on top of you I will keep you I've interwoven God would say the honor of my name in keeping you you will not be triumphed over you cannot be triumphed over he himself said you're sealed in my father's hand and nobody can take you out of my father's hand if you're a believer in Jesus Christ you're in the most secure position or place you can be in all of the Universe you are in the hand of God now in that hand that hand will not forsake you when you go through the flood when you go through the fire it might get hot inside that hand but it's still safe in that hand and one day God will open that hand and just deposit you at the Throne of Eternity praise be to God bless the name of the Lord Jesus Christ do not be ashamed but share with me in the sufferings of The Gospel According to the power of God who has saved saved us and called us with a holy calling it's a calling that separates us from the people of this world it's to walk in places that the people who live without God know nothing about they can't walk there because they don't know God not according to our own works but according to his own purpose and Grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus Before Time began God is we we teach it this way he's omniscient that means God knows everything before the world was created he knew you he saw you he saw you before you were formed in your mother's womb and it doesn't matter how you got into this world you were not a mistake God saw you and allowed you to be born for a Divine [Applause] Purpose a holy calling not according to your own works but according to his own purpose and Grace given to us Before Time begin even before the world was created he had a plan to glorify his name through you and he knew that you and I would be perhaps the last generation that are going to be here before Christ returns he knew we would be the last day plan of God he knew we would be frail as Paul knew Timothy was he knew we would be struggling he knew we would have trials he knew we'd have to fight Giants he knew we'd be born as in a society that's it's losing its mind spiritually morally every other way it seems to be losing mind in this Society he knew you would be here and still planned that you would be his last day plan to glorify his name on the earth praise be to God he knew that in the book of Ephesians and Chapter 4 verses 7 and 8 Paul says to each one of us Grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift therefore he says when he ascended on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men so when he rose from the dead he took all of the things that could take you captive captive he overcame them he he defeated them listen to me I don't I don't know what it is you're going through or what it is that's oppressing you but he took that oppression captive and gave you giftings that means he gave you abilities to live far beyond these things abilities giftings to do things that you could never do in your own strength to go places you could never go and and to become what you could never become we are a supernatural people we're never meant to be natural as the Church of Jesus Christ we we were never meant to be an argument about the existence of God we were meant to be a living testimony about the reality of God we were a people that were destined to be taken into places that only those who live with God can go given abilities to do things that only God can do to bring his name to reputation do you understand that's how the name of God is brought to reputation not by arguing with people but being a living demonstration of who God is to them you become free from these past fears and failures by looking forward to what your life will be instead of constantly running away from what your life used to be you know the children of Israel when they came out of Egypt I'm sure there's some that were always looking over their shoulders I wonder if Pharaoh has found some more soldiers he's found some more chariots he found a way through the through the sea I wonder if we're still being pursued I wonder if we're going to be taken captive again you know you're not supposed to live your life looking over your shoulder it's your past the Bible tells us clearly to look forward to the future to what what God as we Behold Him the scripture says Jesus Christ his victory his promises his power we are changed into the same image by the spirit of God we become a new creation we become that which God has destined us to be as we are looking forward I often find over the years or have found as a pastor that people who live their Christian Life just to not be like somebody in their past end up looking like that person in their past because you will go in the direction you're looking in and if you're looking over your shoulder that's the direction you're looking in no no we leave that behind us Listen to listen to what the Apostle Paul said where Paul said I I I've not achieved I I've not arrived in a sense at at every every place or everything that I'm supposed to be at but I'm going to do this one thing I'm going to leave behind the things that need to be left behind and I'm going to press forward to the mark of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus he he even though he had achieved things in his life there was still in him that inner thought there's more that God has to do through my life that will bring his own name to Glory even if I'm in jail and even if I can only write a few letters to a few friends somehow I believe that all things are working together for good because I love God and I'm among those who are called according to his promise so as he writes these little Epistles to Timothy and others he has no idea that hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of people around the world are going to be reading his letters and strengthened and encouraged by the spirit and by the power of God all things do work together we are not a natural people we are a Supernatural people now Christianity is not a spectator sport unfortunately in America it became such in many not every but in many places it became a spectator sport a spectator sport is where you you buy a ticket okay you buy a ticket that's your tithe I suppose in the church you come in you get your you get your jersey in the lobby or you take it out of the closet and you wear it and you come in and and you wear a it's either a football jersey or a hockey sweater in this case and you come in and and you ever noticed the Jersey always has somebody else's name on it so we come into to Times Square Church and I see a lot of Delina jerseys I'll tell you straight out and that's a good Jersey to have because he's a he's a powerful player in the kingdom of God I thank God for that we come in and we we we see Pastor Tim with this this incredible passion to win the lost this this this Vision to win a billion souls and it's exciting to be part of that it's exciting to have a hero in in whatever uh venue we're going into and I see some ubu jerseys some Jerry Hampton jerseys and there's a Sanchez jerseys and uh there's a Victoria Griffin jersey and uh you know there's everybody has a hero there's even a couple of Conan jerseys left at Times Square Church you see them every once in a while now who ever heard of of Ken shinkle anybody here well Ken chingle was a player for the New York Rangers from 1959 to 1964 he didn't play a lot of games one one season he played 39 games another season 28 and another season only four but the point I want to make is even though we didn't hear we don't remember his name it was his name on the back of his sweater it wasn't somebody else's he actually came and he actually played in the game now a lot of people say well I I don't I I'm not I'm a seasoned ticket holder you know you know how you know you're a seasoned ticket holder in the in the in the church you sit in the same seat it's an assigned seat that's a seasoned ticket holder you you put on your uh you put on your your jersey with somebody else's name on it and uh you come and you sit in the same seat week after week and you get all excited because the the preacher is excited the the worship team is excited and there there's this excitement every and even some worshippers around you are excited but why is your name not on the back of your sweater why is it somebody else's name why is it somebody else's ex excitement you say well you see I I haven't been called well you see that's where you're wrong that's not true First Corinthians chapter 1 beginning at verse 26 Paul says for you see what your calling Brethren you see your calling not many wise according to the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame things which are Mighty and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen and the things which are nothing or not to bring the nothing the things that are that no flesh should glory in his presence but of him you are in Christ Jesus who became for us wisdom from God and righteousness and sanctification and Redemption that as it is written he who glories let him glory in the Lord your calling we're all called into the body of Christ we're all called not just to be Spectators in the church we have a calling we have a Divine calling and we are given supernatural abilities to fulfill that calling I used the example this morning of a foot team in the locker room they go in they get their equipment they get their training they get their jerseys then they have to run before getting into the game they have to run down a a long Corridor a t it's called the tunnel and just before they get on the field and in the game they have to run through a paper wall have you all seen that before I'm sure many of you have there's a couple of people with poles and they're holding up and it's really just a paper wall it might have something written on the outside it might have some designs some clever designs but the team has has to break through the paper wall can you imagine an NFL team coming down the corridor running at full speed and stopping in front of a paper wall now the devil goes overtime for you and for me drawing imitation bricks on your paper wall writing things about you or you're a loser things that have been said you'll never achieve the Giants are too big you'll never amount to anything the promises are not for you because you failed here and you failed here and you failed here and he writes all this stuff on your paper wall and all it is is a paper wall hoping it can stop you because once you break through the paper wall you and I are now in the game we are now participants in the kingdom of God and the devil knows the devil knows trust me the weakest Saint he knows when somebody finds the power of God the damage they can do to his team the damage they can do to all of his plans and all his resources to keep this generation en capap ity I say it's time to go down the corridor go through our paper wall get on the field with our name on The Jersey and get into the game in the Church of Jesus Christ it's time for us it's time for us this is not a spectator sport in the body of Jesus Christ and God forbid that we should ever allow it to be it's not a place to come in and just get excited about somebody else's Journey that's wonderful wonderful to get excited about somebody that's gone before us and somebody that has been used of God to achieve certain things but it's not this is not an exclusive Club in the body of Christ you see your calling and the scripture tells us that the body of Christ moves by that which every joint supplies you have a place in the body of Christ you have something that God has destined you to do that will bring his name to glory in the earth you have a word to speak you have a sword to carry you have an influence to exert in some part of your your community in some Part of Your World gifted by the Holy Spirit carried by the Holy Spirit empowered by the Holy Spirit taken by the Holy Spirit and your testimony is the same as Paul says in Corinthians Jesus Christ is my wisdom Jesus Christ is my righteousness Jesus Christ is the power in my life Jesus Christ is my Redemption I glory in the presence of God I glory in this life that God has given me a glory and the sustaining power and the keeping power of the Holy Spirit of almighty God that's why Paul says to Timothy don't let your own littleness blind you to the greatness of God's power within you 1 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us his fear of fear God has not given you a spirit of fear there is nothing to be afraid of your name is already in the Lamb's Book of Life Heaven is already your home you already have a mansion under construction on somewhere on Heaven's Boulevard there's a mansion there with your name on the door already being prepared for you you are going to rule and reign with Jesus Christ for all of eternity that is your future that is where you're going until that day don't be afraid of of any of the opposition that comes against you you live on the victory side we live on the side of God's power we live on the side of Jesus Christ carrying us and empowering us so that our lives will bring his his name to reputation praise be to God not our names his name praise be to God don't let your own weaknesses rob you of an awareness of the depth of God's love for you Timothy he says God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love oh if you only knew how loved of God you are if you only knew if you only understood it oh we we have the word love in the Bible as a definition but I think trying to understand the love of God is like trying to take the ocean and put it in a thimble that's what our mind is like it's so beyond us I think when we get to the throne of God one day we're just going to go wow like wow for lack of another word and say it in different I don't know what it is in Spanish but you'll say it in Spanish too as well like hola I don't know what it is something like that we're we're just going to we're just we're going to be almost speechless when we understand what God so loved the world actually means understand how precious we have been in his sight understand how much he covers us when we when we feel like failures when we feel like our lives are not amounting to anything when we we feel so weak that we wonder if if God can ever do anything through us then we suddenly begin to realize how loved of God we are and the Bible says perfect love casts out fear doesn't it John the Beloved wrote that in one of his Epistles perfect love casts out fear when we when we realize how loved we are of God then fear starts to go out the window out the other side and of a sound mind of a sound mind I I shared this morning that you know the Pentecostals over the years if if you've been around a while they they laid hold of the power if you go to a Pentecostal church it's always the power we got the power we got the power the charismatics have the love you know we have the chocolates and the flowers and just love every you love me and I love you and everything's about love the good news is the sound mind is still up for grabs nobody has claim the sound mind yet put on that helmet of your salvation put on this sound thinking in God put on the understanding that I am called to something higher than I think my that I have thought my life was going to be put put on that soundness of thinking and when you do start pressing towards the High Calling of God that's upon you through through Jesus Christ let me read it to you from the words of the Apostle Paul in Philippians CH 3: 12-15 not that I've already attained or I'm already perfected but I press on that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid Hold on Me In other words Paul Paul had this understanding I've been gripped by God for a God intended purpose so my part is to cooperate with it my part is to accept it not try to rationalize it not try to reason it not try to scheme it not try to figure out how it's going to happen my part is just to accept it and to allow God to work his plan out through my life life I don't count myself to have apprehended in other words Paul's saying I'm I'm I've not hit the fullness of what I feel God has for my life but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus therefore let us as many as are mature have this mind and if in anything you think otherwise God will reveal even this unto you Paul was saying I I haven't I don't fully understand it yet but I'm moving toward something that God has gripped me for he wants to do something through my life and because he wants to do something through my life I'm going to leave behind I'm not going to live in the past I'm not just going to I'm just thank God for past victories but I'm not going to live there because I'm called of God for something bigger than I can understand he would have no way of knowing that even going to jail he was going to reach the world phenomenal what God now the devil knows this do you understand he's been around long enough to see this he knows that when you lay hold of the plan of God no that's the purpose of God and just say Lord I I I don't know what it is but remember the Church of Philadelphia the Lord said in Revelation you only have a little strength you've kept my word and you've not denied my name and that's a lot of people here today say God I the one thing I I've tried to obey you as best as I can and I and I know I'm not very strong I only have a little strength but it's to this church he said behold I set before you an open door it's amazing you don't have to find it it just comes down it's just there one day all we're required to do is go through it that's all he says I'm going to set it before you and I just want you to go through the door that I set before you and then go through the next door and then go through the next door and go through the next door the the point being accept the calling of God that is on your life I believe that we need to come back and so do I'm speaking for pastor Tim because I know he shares the same heart as I do we need to come back to where the church began in Acts chapter 2 The Church of Jesus Christ began in a prayer meeting hallelujah hallelujah it began in a prayer meeting with 120 people who knew their frailties 120 people there's nobody boasting there there's no Peter boasting of his love and loyalty to Jesus Christ he was a a man probably thoroughly ashamed of what he had done and what had come out of his mouth and John for all his his statements of love and how much I love you and you love me he ran in the garden when Jesus needed him he was gone and and everybody that the scripture says stood a far off in his time of need so here they are in the room and they they've not they there's no boolers there it's almost like God has to take us there before he can use us does that make sense he has to take us to the place where he has to become our our strength he has to become our our righteousness he has to become our Redemption he has to become our hope he has to become our everything because if he if we don't start from that place we'll end up touching the glory as surely as we breathe we'll touch the glory but in the upper room they prayed and they were commissioned and when God commissioned them when the Holy Spirit came they moved out of that room they accepted their calling and they moved into that calling with the power of God leading them really simple and they started speaking with an ability that they didn't naturally have they started speaking to people of other cultures and languages in words that could be understood and the scripture says they were declaring to them the wonderful works of God it's in the Greek it says omalos in other words they were saying this is who God is this is what God has done this is what God is doing and this is what God is going to do so you have 120 people moving now in unison they've accepted their calling not in their strength not in their might not in their own abilities in the mercy of God and they stepped out of the upper room and what happened is what should always happen the name of Jesus Christ was brought again into reputation and of the thousands heading back to wherever they were going to from their festivities at least 3,000 that day bent their knee when they saw the church God gripped when they saw the Church of Jesus Christ moving and accepting their calling when these people stepped out of the upper room they knew it wasn't going to be easy they were stepping into a a society that was hostile to the testimony of Jesus Christ at that time they knew it was going to be difficult and they were right because many of them gave their lives in the long run to bring us the truth that we have today of Christ and thank God for them but they stepped out and they changed the known world do you understand 120 people empowered by the spirit of God changed the whole Known World Hallelujah not by might not by power but by my spirit says the Lord they accept the point being they accepted their calling they didn't stay in the upper room and and try to relive The Experience week after week after week oh this is amazing we prayed the spirit of God came down Peter got up all excited let's let's meet again tomorrow let's meet again no they went out they went outside of that room and eventually we scattered throughout most of the known world of that time and churches were raised and demons were fleeing and and Truth was prevailing and God was glorified through this body of believers folks you are the last day plan of God do you understand you are God's [Applause] plan it's time to get your own Jersey it's time to put your own name on the back nobody May ever know your name but I tell you heaven will record it heaven will record you may not play a lot but you were in the game and I'm promising you God will give you abilities that you can only dream about give you abilities to do things to say things to go places he'll fill your heart with love for the Lost he'll give you words to speak as he did to Peter on the day of Pentecost Peter who couldn't even admit that he was a follower of Christ to a little girl holding the door is now standing before a hostile crowd and saying this same Christ whom you took and crucified God has raised from the dead and we Are Witnesses of this Resurrection there were less people in that room than there are in this Sanctuary today and they changed the whole known world because they accepted their calling I can say like David I've been young and now I'm old and I get out of my seat when I was in my 20s I said God this is real this is true I never preached a sermon didn't like people for real had a really bad temper lousy husband not much of a father I remember coming to an altar one day and I knelt down and it was a service similar to this where the the preacher is saying give your all to Jesus give your all for the purposes of God I'm in I'm sitting in the back I'm in the center section in the back great where you are over there and I'm I'm not churched I I don't get church yet I'm not into the culture I'm a cop right at this point in my life and my life is different than these people I I deal differently I do different things in the week and I see a lot of stuff that most of these people will never see in their lifetime and I'm I'm back there and uh he gives an alter call and everybody there was about 700 people everybody stood up and nobody moved I was stunned I said what's wrong with these people like they got they got big Bibles you know that they carry here they and they're all dressed nice I'm probably in I don't know what I was wearing but probably jeans and a jean jacket I was on my day off they're all clean shaven I'm not um they were raised in Christian homes I wasn't they know the Bible I I I don't even know if there is a book of Ezekiel and nobody moves then my heart starts beating I said oh God you can't be serious I remember thinking your kingdom must be on fumes if you want me but the pounding in my chest wouldn't go away the call if you can accept it I wonder I wonder what happened to these people had they been in church so long that they just settled into unbelief were they just season ticket holders in the church did they just come to see the show every week what was it all about why could nobody move and I remember getting out of my seat and walking down the aisle and I kned here all alone the only other guy was a Mid Eastern guy in a green suit that came down over the other side the two of us were kneeling and and I got on my knees and I remember saying God I don't have anything to give you nothing I mean if if you need a bad temper I'm your man I I can't speak publicly I don't like people I'm not much you I said the little kid in the story I I think that was probably what he preached at least he had Loaves and Fishes I don't even have that like I can nothing to give you but I remember the words I said but if you can use nothing you can have me I've been all over the world folks I preached the crowds in the hundreds of thousands I just God has de done God has done amazing things over the [Applause] years but that's not the point what about you what is it that God's calling you to do where is it that he's groaning to send you what is it that he wants to bring you into agreement with for your future how is it what's the plan through which he's going to glorify himself through your life so I'm going to give an alter call in just a moment and we're going to pray here and here's here's the alter call you got to get through your paper wall you got to get through all the reasons why you feel like you don't belong in the game like you just some somehow can't participate in this thing all all the all the excuses all the reasons why God can't use it you got to put all that down and just come forward like I did and so here I am you know Isaiah in chapter 6 before God could use him he he had to see his unworthiness when he saw his unworthiness he was now ready to be used of God when he when he recognized it was only Mercy that could take him into the place where he was being called to go and so I'm passing the Baton now to the Next Generation I'm just wondering who wants it who who wants to go the full distance with God and become the testimony that God's destined your life to be in this generation I know you do I know you do and there's many others here you're ready now you're ready now say God I accept my calling I don't know what it is but I accept it I accept the fact that you've got more for my life than I have for myself we're going to stand in a moment I'm going to invite you to come forward and we're going to pray together I'm going to keep it real simple and we're going to believe God for a Paul on Timothy moment where the hand of God is going to come on you in a deeper way than you've known in your lifetime for the purposes for which you have been saved and set apart for god let's stand together please if we will if God's calling you now just step out will you balcony go to either Exit main sanctuary just slip out and make your way here just come on down come in close and we're going to pray praise God we're going to believe God together all all of us just come on in come on in come on in this is your time now this is your time thank God for all that went before but this is now your time you are the last day plan of God it's not me it's not somebody else it's you praise be to God just move in close balcony just keep coming we'll wait for you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank God for all the young people and older people that are here men and women teenagers strong men and those who know they need a savior even more thank God thank God Hallelujah Hallelujah just keep coming bless the Lord bless the Lord bless the Lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus we'll wait for you just keep coming we'll wait for you hallelujah thank you God thank you for this Precious Moment Lord Jesus Jesus Jesus thank you God thank you Lord Hallelujah I'm standing here looking at the Endtime Army of God I just love it not many mighty not many noble not many Royal birth but God has chosen God has chosen God has chosen he's chosen me in my weakness he's chosen me in my nothingness he's chosen me in my struggles he's chosen me in my failures he's chosing me even though I don't I wouldn't want anybody else to be like me he still has chosen me hallelujah oh how good God is he's chosen me to empower me to be more than I could ever hope to be and take me where I could never go and make me into what I could never hope to be by this Spirit of almighty God he's given me power he's given me love he's given me a sound mind Jesus thank you thank you Father would you lift your hands to the Lord please father in jesus' name I just thank you for these men and women at this altar God thank you for the touch of Heaven Lord just as as Paul's hand rested on Timothy's head I pray right now God that your hand rest on the head of every man every woman every young person every old person here at this altar it would be your hand that rests upon them I ask God that you give them the grace not to be afraid of the tears today but just to yield and say Lord you have something bigger for me than I I've ever thought for myself you will use my life For Your Glory you'll take me with my fears and my frustrations and my failures and my struggles and God you will use my life for your glory Lord this has always been your plan there is no other plan there's no other there's no other way I pray now today that every every one of these people that at this altar would have their their own name on their backs not somebody else's name their own name every one of them every one becomes a a viable part in your kingdom everyone an ability God that only you can give giftings of the Holy Ghost Gifts of healing Gifts of Miracles Gifts of wisdom Gifts of knowledge God giftings of God to do things to preach the gospel giftings that can only come from God lift your hands those at the altar and if you can start speaking in the spirit just go ahead just pray in the spirit and everyone here in the sanctuary do the same thing just pray pray right now God do a miracle here today do a miracle Lord as you did on the day of Pentecost do it here do it here for for these people Lord do it here Jesus Christ thank you God thank you God thank you God thank you God for your mercy thank you for how your kingdom works thank you God oh God it's it's so far beyond us so far beyond our understanding but we accept it Lord we accept our calling thank you God thank you Lord and don't be afraid of the tears just don't be afraid of it just let the hand of God just come upon you let the spirit of God over overshadow your weakness and Frailty hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus lift your voices to God don't be afraid to lift your voice to God take a moment let this turn this into an upper room turn this whole church into an upper room God give us your Holy Spirit Empower us Lord to represent you on the earth grip our hearts Lord take us into the promised land of Jesus Christ that place of promise that place of blessing that place where we become a bless blessing on the earth a blessing in our homes a blessing to our families a blessing to our neighbors blessing to strangers God where where you take us and make us what only you can oh Jesus Christ God thank you Lord thank you for doing what only you can do thank you God Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah [Music] now everyone here you need to understand that you can't be a partaker of this until you have come to God through his son Jesus Christ for the Forgiveness of your sins sin being defined as just living apart from the way that God wants you to live and speaking things other than you should doing things that God's word says you shouldn't do and it separates you from God but the scripture tells us that God so loved you that he sent his son his son died on the cross suffered a terrible death to pay the price for the wrong things that you have done so that you can know that you can be forgiven today and once you're forgiven the spirit of God comes upon you and a whole new way of living opens up through which God himself is glorified I'm going to pray a prayer with those who want to open their hearts to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and if you've never done that before you've never understood that would you raise your hand so I can pray with you just right now okay go ahead all over I see you I see others just raise your hand up in the balcony as well you want to receive Christ as Savior God bless you thank you thank [Applause] you everybody let's pray this together for the sake of those who raise their hands Lord Jesus Christ Lord Jesus Christ thank you for loving me thank you for thank you for coming to get me thank you for coming to get me paying the price for my wrong paying the price for my wrong I couldn't get to you I couldn't get to you so you came for me so you came for me today I open my heart to you open my heart I invite you into my life I invite you into my life to be my Lord to be my Lord My Savior My Savior and my God and my God I believe I believe that you are forgiving me right right now I believe I believe that you are the Son of God Jesus God that when I die one day when I die one day heaven will be my home heaven will be my home but I also believe I also believe that while I live while I live you will enable me you will enable me to bring glory to your name BR glory to let that be my only future let that be my only future in Jesus name amen and amen and amen [Applause]
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 7,809
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Id: CPrkKp49QxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 31sec (3391 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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