You are NOT Supposed To Access These Halo Rooms...

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over the years of Halo being a franchise with every game iteration there's always special secret rooms and areas that the developers obviously don't want players to get access to but as Halo has been out for many many years players have found different ways to access these otherwise unaccessible room or even worse if there's a room that still is mostly unaccessible to this day it becomes even more fascinating especially when there's things like mods and things like acrophobia that allow you to fly around and glitch out of maps much easier so let's take a closer look at some of these mysterious rooms we're definitely not supposed to be able to access foreign evolved on the level pillar of autumn there is a way that you can glitch out of bounds right away in the very first area getting up into this attic space it's really interesting a lot of speedrunners that use it but it is funny just to see what it's like to be up in these Rafters I guess and this no-go's area that you're really not supposed to be in also on Halo Combat Evolved on the pillar of autumn if you crouch through the window by these that have already left you can actually drop outside of it you can even go out into space if you want to also another interesting spot from the original Halo game is over on two betrayals originally there was supposed to be a fourth energy beam that you were supposed to activate like you do to slow down the Rings activation or something you gotta throw yourself into these light beams if you remember from Combat Evolved there's supposed to be a fourth one we were going to go in but they ended up trimming that out to keep the level briefer than what it was though with some modding you can no clip into this room that was never used and it's kind of interesting to look at okay we weren't really sure if this next one would count but we decided to throw it in the video anyways but on the great journey when you're inside this area with the brutes if you have a means to get up to the top area of this map you can see that the Skybox looks a little bit weird now if you change it to Halo 2 Anniversary Graphics the Skybox looks way different and it kind of is reminiscent to like the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas with the fake sky it's just kind of interesting that this is up here on high charity there's actually a couple of places that are really interesting to get a look at especially now that you can use acrophobia and Halo 2 Anniversary first thing we did was we went and explored the in Amber clad which was uh interesting to say the least it uh it looks like a combination of weird shapes and I don't know what these things are but if you fly the other way at the beginning of the level you can actually get far enough out of bounds where if you kind of position your camera while you're in the anniversary Graphics you can see where the cut warthog run was this is just really cool because essentially this was hidden away in regular High charity but when they did the remaster they retextured everything that was in the games themselves and this obviously wasn't needed to be retextured so we can kind of see the outline of where that lost cut warthog run would have been okay in general with Halo you're not supposed to make it into all of the cutscene rooms like the one on Cairo station though with some really tricky and complicated glitching you can nuzzle your way into the cutscene room that we know from Cairo station it just looks like another room that would be in Cairo station also this is one of our oldest videos on Halo content that goes on this channel but way back in the day we did a glitch to get out of the elevator section on regret and once you get out of bounds you can go explore the entire underwater area and finally see what's going on in all of those ruins and a lot of time there's really not that much going on it's more the atmosphere and wonder that you're drawn to when you actually get to go and explore it's uh pretty basic but I mean it was kind of neat too on the Halo 2 level Oracle you can actually get under the floor at the beginning by doing an AUP glitch and then you can get into that room where the flood is usually fighting underneath also you can glitch back into the room that you technically enter from from the previous level even though you're not supposed to technically be out there on this version of the level okay we do have more interesting spots we're gonna go to in just a second but since we don't have a sponsor for today's video we just want to give a quick huge early shout out to our patreon pledgers producers whatever we want to call them today seriously these guys have been literally the biggest help in getting our channel in a more consistent and stable place when it comes to revenue I don't know interest in Halo goes up and down depending on what's going on and we all know how things have been for Halo so if you guys want to help support our Channel and pledge even just a couple of dollars it goes a long way it shows shows up on Luke's and I's phones when someone doesn't it's kind of cool we're sitting around 500 monthly dollars in patreon right now our long-term goal is to one day get to the point where we have two thousand dollars being generated through patreon every month that's actually less than one percent of our overall subscriber count if just one percent pledged one dollar obviously not everyone can pledge money so if you know you got a couple dollars burning a hole in your pocket you can pledge for yourself and pay it forward for someone else who maybe can't help support our Channel I don't know we'll keep making our content for free but we do really really appreciate all of the support our community has helped us out with so far it lets us cover random little topics like this and that's kind of cool okay in Halo 3 there's a couple of rooms that still to this day I haven't been able to get in and access which bothers me more than you can imagine but on Crow's Nest when you're going through the barracks you can just see a glimpse of some sort of Courtyard outdoor area over here and I really wish I just knew what was going on on the other side of that window and then on the Storm there's this little hallway that goes to Nowhere right here at the beach beginning and Luke and I One Time thought we would for sure be able to find a way to break into that and we spent hours for a video that never ended up happening where we tried to glitch into this little hallway uh we haven't figured that one out yet so that video never ended up getting made now if we want to get really technical here we could also look at the Halo 3 multiplayer maps now mind you we've done extensive coverage of secret Areas from the multiplayer maps and whatnot but just a quick refresher we'll go through some of the interesting spots from the multiplayer side of things on Blackout there's these rooms all the way up here that you can't really walk around in you can glitch out of the main building on Foundry and there's this tunnel that's technically outside but it's definitely a closed off tunnel with gilberries around it you can also break in past these fences on Foundry also rats nests has these really cool rooms way up top overlooking the rest of the map you can only get in by glitching with teleporters you can get behind the glass on snowbound and on avalanche on this map the level that I can't remember the name of at the exact moment of me recording it but Luke will go ahead and record the name of the map in post-production go ahead Luke what's the name of the map I'm talking about ghost town there you go see anyways in the middle of this area there's this really interesting room behind some fences that kind of just connects together and it just looks neat you actually aren't supposed to be able to access it but once again using glitches like a machine gun turret glitch or just other forms of teleporting glitching you can get into the room oh and I know we're supposed to be talking about Halo 3 right now but also on Terminal there was this little secret area that you could get up onto in Halo 2. just thought we'd throw it in there as well Halo 3 ODST actually has a lot of really interesting spaces that you can use that you can access if you go out of bounds for instance on tayari Plaza using the acrophobia skull you can fly all the way towards the city and find these secret garages or maybe this would be the entrance way if these were technically train tracks where you would get into a train or whatnot but it is really cool that there is a structure all the way out here so far away from the main area that you normally play through when playing the level Terry Plaza also we thought it'd be interesting if we found a way to glitch into the room where dare's helmet gets launched into the window but during the daytime version and it wasn't actually all that hard to get in there and explore around not too much going on during the daytime but it is cool nonetheless to look out at tayari but during the daytime and as you may or may not know when it comes to Halo 3 odst's layout for Mombasa streets every single sector has a mirrored section which is more or less the same layout as the other version or the mirror obviously so kazingo Boulevard is actually the area that mirrors the same area from tayari Plaza except during the daytime we were also able to glitch into the mirrored building using the bump glitch that we use in a lot of speedrunning tricks and this is interesting this door is actually closed here so you can't explore the rest of the building but you can still go into this room there's really no purpose but it is a cool little Endeavor to go through if you break out of the main part of the level and you make your way over here instead also if you go to the sunken plot where you may have seen the triple superintendent if you mess around with the loading zones you can load it in where there's no doors here essentially you can freely go into these void hallways that are kind of spooky though there's really nothing going on here and similarly you can spawn bump through these doors getting access to the firefight rooms that you don't normally go in when you're playing through the campaign and it's cool just to see that these hallways are there fully even though we're technically playing through the campaign not the firefight versions there's actually another spot similar to this that you can see at night if you go to the area where kazingo Boulevard typically takes place where a door will mysteriously beat if you go past it and a lot of people thought there was some secret with the glyphs here you take a mongoose and clip through but really what it was was just a door that would load in enemies for the firefight mode that also happened here but still it is a secret room that is here also on nmpdhq if you glitch out of the map now this one's a little bit easier because acrophobia is in the game but there was other ways to do this before acrophobia you got up to the upper level here you could make your way inside these little doorways up on top of the level and there was just these dark rooms there's nothing going on in these rooms but they do exist okay then this next one's not one a lot of people know about but on Coastal Highway you technically can go out of bounds doing the same outbound glitches you would do in a speed run for regular but this obviously is way easier to look at if you're doing acrophobia go out of bounds and then you can fly all the way over to where uplift Reserve takes place and explore the areas over there though most of the buildings and the tunnels you typically can go in are not accessible it is still interesting to fly around vice versa you can go out of bounds on uplift Reserve similarly and fly all the way to Coastal Highway you can go up to some of the garages or the gates or whatever you want to call them you go through on Coastal Highway but you're technically playing on uplift Reserve also bonus points here though this one probably doesn't count but if you go to the area where you normally would crash land at the end of uplift Reserve with the cutscene you can just see like a picture of what the area looks like plaster on here if the whole level hasn't loaded and you can walk around in this vicinity there's not a lot going on but it is just a funny way that they scaled this down if you haven't loaded the level in the right order in Halo Reach on the level of the package if you go into the icy underground area that's super cool there are some little offices that you can look at from the outside and I've always wanted to just go inside one of these offices and explore sure this is the big Halsey Easter egg that you can go way inside but I want to see these little like okay level offices as well and just the fact that there's a window looking off to let me see it it's kind of sad that we never get to just hang out in one of these other offices makes me wonder are there other scientists down here studying too or does Halsey just have multiple offices in this small area studying the Forerunner artifact in Halo Reach on the level New Alexandria when you're inside of the hospital building there is this little room that you can run inside and be safe in and there's not a lot more to it than that but we've talked about this room before and I just like to bring it up every chance that I get pillar of autumn was another really interesting one for me I noticed that there was was this big destruction type area I don't know like what do I even call this room but I did notice there's this giant room that you cannot get into and it drives me insane I thought with acrophobia we'd be able to go in there we've tried clipping through with spawn bumping and unless we go full-on modding no clipping to go in there it doesn't look like this will be an area we'll be able to explore too too much and then of course many of you probably know about the Spartan that was used for scaling when they were building the part of the pillar of autumn that you do get to see in a level and with the acrophobia skull you now can fly over there and get a glimpse of him however you can't get too close to him like you can in theater mode though it does make us wonder if there are other interesting things that will come out of the other games once acrophobia is implemented like Halo 4 for example and now that we're on reach and we've talked about multiplayer secret Areas before we'll just bring these little ones up as well but on Forge World you can get underneath this little area in the Middle Island and it's just kind of this random room that you can shoot through Switching gears over to Halo 4 there is an interesting area you can access on the first level of the campaign the level Dawn and all you have to do is kind of jump up and backwards a little bit on these boxes and make your way up here and I guess this kind of counts as a room maybe okay and then when we get to Halo infinite things get a little bit weird because we can't really figure out if these are intentionally in existence or if they're hidden away and supposed to be a long kept secret by 343 Industries but if you go to various multiplayer maps in Halo infinite there are alternate routes and extra expansions that are completely closed off in these multiplayer variants of the maps now Forge at the time of recording this isn't out yet so it's not like we can load up on the map and Forge and see if we're able to access these extra little areas but it is interesting none the less to at least point it out matter of fact if we go through every single level practically in Halo infinite's multiplayer if you have no clip mode or something you can pretty much go through and see these extra areas that are usually unaccessible in the multiplayer maps like you can go through through these doorways on Behemoth that look really forerunner-like or these extra hallways on Bazaar there's an added Street Corner that has some really cool wall art on streets and then there's more simple ones just like an extra hallway or rooms on some of the other levels but nonetheless we still thought it was kind of somewhat worth noting in this section so yeah this was a really interesting topic to look at and kind of see these scenarios and areas we're definitely not intended to be able to access and then kind of look into some of those more mysterious ones as well but do you have any interesting rooms that you've noticed when playing Halo that you're like huh I don't know if this is supposed to be here or not let us know in the comments down below make sure you are subscribing notifications on for more videos like this we'll see you all next time with a brand new upload
Channel: Rocket Sloth
Views: 80,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rocket sloth, halo, halo mcc, rocket sloth halo, halo3, halo: reach (video game), halo: the master chief collection, access, these tags need jesus, halo2, halo1, halo: combat evolved, halo: reach, where was master chief during halo reach, halo secret rooms, where, arena, halo mcc par scores, halo 3 secret room, halo rooms, halo 3 odst secret room, composer halo 4 glitch, halo glitches, halo infinite secret rooms, halo 2, halo 4, halo reach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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