You Are Forgiven (35 Years of "In Touch")

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come with us as we celebrate 35 years of ministry as Charles Stanley challenges our understanding of God's forgiveness chapter five of John verse 24 look to see what he says here very important verse verily Berta I said to you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but has already in the past one time kingdom of rights kingdom of darkness in the kingdom of his dear son has passed into one has passed from death unto life now I want us to look at something very very important here because what he is saying is this and you do watch as well as listen what he's saying is this that in the past back yonder Almighty God placed all the sin of all humanity upon the Lord Jesus Christ now listen to this now watch this if all of it meant past present and what all right some people say well I'll tell you I can believe God for the past I can believe God for the present but you mean to tell me that God has already made that already God has already forgiven me for my future sin well think about this for a moment let me ask you this 2000 years ago where was all your sin it was in the future before you were ever born God says that he placed all the sin of all mankind upon the Lord Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago so that when Jesus Christ out all of your sin was already the future so when he says that he has forgiven us having forgiven us all trespasses that means that all of our sin has already been paid for on the cross once and for all 2,000 years ago that there can absolutely be no longer any condemnation to those of us who have received the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior let me show you something you because you see what this what this stirs up in us is some questions and I understand that but I would then to go all the way through it and we'll come back because the question you're asking number one is no wait a minute if Almighty God has forgiven me I have some problems and what I want you to see here's some problem questions that you now need to answer number one is this if all of my sin was was placed upon him 2,000 years ago why do I suffer why do I fail what I have these heartaches in these burdens one of these things happen to me when I sin I know what's this know when the bible does it say that God's children are punished for their sin punishment is for unbelievers now watch this if Almighty God 2,000 years ago placed all of the guilt of all of your sin past present future and it was all future then upon his son the Lord Jesus Christ there is no way for Almighty God to punish you today having received Jesus Christ as your Savior having accepted God's substitute and God's atonement having accepted him as your Savior God the Father having put all the punishment and all the penalty on him there is no way for God to come back and say well I'm gonna punish you for this sin because he's already voted that's why in the scriptures he says here in 1st Peter that he bore all our sins in himself in his body on the tree now stay with me you're going to miss it that means God does not punish his children and so you see sometimes when we say well well God's punishing me if you're a child of God he's not punishing you all right you say well but I'm having difficult and I'm having all kind of problems here and here's the thing we forget that there is a difference between chastisement and punishment chastisement is what a father does to his son that is correction in love what did we read a few moments ago that he had that he had what we were once in darkness and he translated us into the kingdom of his what his dear son we have become sons and daughters of God through the cross of Jesus Christ now we're the children of God therefore how does God work in your life in my life not with vengeance and Punishment executing judgment what is he doing in your life in my life he is correcting us in love chastisement he says in chapter 12 of Hebrews is correction and love for the children of God aren't you sir but no wait a minute there's some things I've done in my life and men I'm here to tell you that I've suffered then I won't tell you my friend if you were saved before you committed those sins God did not punish you what we forget is the very nature of sin itself is that it extracts from us suffering because of it isn't disobedience now watch this Almighty God because he's just in holy and righteous has warned us of the penalty of sin he says ultimately the penalty of sin is death having received the life of his son within us having been translated into the kingdom of his dear son we are now living with Christ life within us so that we can ever ultimately die but if we violate the laws of God listen it doesn't mean that God is punishing me he will correct me in love I'm living under the canopy of his forgiveness but the nature of sin is such as nature's like a like a rattlesnake you play with one and you gonna get bit so when somebody says why do I suffer that's the reason don't blame it on God the second problem here is this and that is how does God a respond what's what's the effect of um of my sin upon him how does he respond to this well first of all God is very grieved when any of his children disobeyed he's not surprised knowing all things but he is grieved in his heart and what I want you to see is this that once you and I are saved by the grace of God this isn't license for sin it is motivation to devotion to God that our loving father who loved us enough to send His only begotten Son to bleed and die on the cross has made it possible for you and me to live everlastingly under the umbrella and the canopy of his forgiveness we live under that everyday God doesn't look down into his into your life in my life with vengeance and justice and punishment God isn't chalking up bad points against us Almighty God is reaching out and loving you and me every single moment of our lives he's loving us and loving us and loving us and reminding us that we're forgiven
Channel: In Touch Ministries
Views: 53,831
Rating: 4.9619451 out of 5
Keywords: Y1242 LL, darkness, Jesus, kingdom, heaven, life, death, Bible, past, God's plan, sin, redeemer, believe, faith, future, forgiveness, the cross, condemnation, questions, God, choir, pulpit, pastor, Christianity, answers, fail, suffer, consequences, punishment, unbelievers, baptist, 1981, 80s, love, discipline, law, canopy, sin nature, rattlesnake, grieved, disobedience, saved, grace, devotion, umbrella, justice, mercy
Id: L-P3WAOrt1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2012
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