Youは何しに新宿へ? 日本語能力試験1級のジョージア女性/日本は50回目のスウェーデン人パイロット/日本に7年のポルトガル人/夜の街が楽しみオーストラリア人

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thank you very much for your time thank you so we are from I'm from Sweden in one world what country is Sweden like it's clean why do you think so because I think it's it's it it's a clean environment we are environmental uh concerned we have a lot of forests national parks the the towns are not that crowded people are not living on each other they are living a bit apart from each other so I think that that creates a clean environment also I think also it's clean country do you find any difference or what it's a different culture but I really enjoy we really enjoy Japan people are friendly it's also clean here quiet people are quiet you can be in a larger city in the world the Tokyo and it feels like a small town in Sweden because it's not many cars the cars that are driving are quiet and also people are nice oh thank you very much yes you're welcome actually about the cleanest I think this Shinjuku is the dirtiest place in Tokyo you might be right but anyway I am impressed what brought you to Japan I work I'm an airline pilot I flew in just two days ago and I'm going home the day after tomorrow so you you have come here Japan a lot a lot of times yes yes many times maybe 50 50 times maybe yes are you bought with Japan or no no no no no we love it and my wife is here and we we just said it's fantastic to be here because as I said before it's a beautiful country how is flying flying is uh interesting it's fun you get in touch with the great technology fantastic people colleagues that are beautiful very nice well it's an interesting profession how many countries have you ever been to I guess maybe we're I don't know 100 120 wow what made you want to be a pilot like many kids when when they were young they saw an airplane up to the sky and they thought I would like to be there too and then I started in the military and then I started in as a normal pilot so your dream has come true you can say that you can say that this is a Shinjuku what brought you to Shinjuku today we are actually trying to find some nice bags my wife she wants it back and she's a lady and we are trying to find a bag here oh that's uh you're a great man of course of course and actually you are here right now we've been there but right now we're a little exhausted and we are going for beer did you buy anything we haven't found anything yet but we are patient so we'll see what happens your wife looks very glad yeah thank you yeah she must be happy she will be more happy when we find something I guess so thank you very much please enjoy your beer and you too good luck with the YouTube hunting thank you very much first of all we are from I'm from in one word what country is Portugal like one word yes be like related to the beach beach or seafood because Portuguese people we love going to the beach we love the Sun the hot weather and we love Seafood it's very popular in our country so I feel like hot weather yes you like this Japanese yes I do compared to last year it's pretty hot but it's okay I'm used to it so are you going to go to the street in Japan I I did already Okinawa it was really lovely I've been there three times already I love Okinawa soba I just love everything I love the food I love the people I like the beach of course because it's very beautiful the scenery and everything what brought you to Japan so I used to live here nine years until last year and now I came back this year and I'm here for two months traveling do you speak Japanese yes [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] what country is Georgia like it is like a lot of nature it's the best country for wine lovers because it's like the place where the wine making has started it's pretty like chill country but like people are very proud of their culture so I would really recommend to foreigners Georgia to visit from Georgia yes what brought you to Japan I'm an exchange program in Japan studying in Japanese University so do you speak Japanese yeah I do this is [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] this is [Music] foreign good morning foreign foreign foreign thank you very much for your time hey yeah that's weird first of all we are from Australia Gold Coast in Woolworth what country is Australia like Australia is not like this small beaches more beaches and this is really fun for except Godzilla's closed I couldn't believe it come to Tokyo and been to Osaka um and Hiroshima what brought you to Japan everyone says how good it is and how amazing it is here and so I had to try it myself how was that yeah it's really good it's really good I love it what was the most surprising thing or memorable thing in Japan I really liked haruyuku and I really liked miyajima island with the deal it was really good it's really hot though lots of sunburn which is hotter in Australia or in Japan at the moment it's winter there so it's really cold there it's true yeah winter right now yeah 7 people are struggling with the seats and where ready to go to the all the bars and clubs are you by yourself yes heading out to meet friends um at Fuji so you guys come separately yeah well it seems pretty safe so and I like to travel a little bit by myself I admit that Japan is safe but this place is the most dangerous place so it's all right I can handle myself also ready the space country too yeah yeah very good very safe but except for the crocodiles and the drop bears you have really good English oh thank you very much please enjoy the night thank you thank you [Music] thank you foreign foreign
Channel: 英語で歩こう【外国人にインタビュー】
Views: 179,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Interview, インタビュー, English, 英語, 外国人, 日本, Japan, 東京, Tokyo, foreigners, 旅行, trip, 国際教養, international, 交流, communication, 異文化, 教養, カルチャーショック, culture, 観光客, tourists, Youは何しに日本へ?, Why did you come to Japan?, 英検1級, 英検, 海外の反応, Japanese, リスニング, 日本語字幕, 英語字幕, 日英字幕, What brought you to Japan?, 文化
Id: Cj3IBDZdoQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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