You’re Not Allowed to Play This Roblox Game

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you're not allowed to play this Roblox game and here's why for a while there have been creepy rumors surrounding these games so let's Deep dive into them apparently this girl was playing this furry game and she was role-playing and someone bit her in the game and when she got bit in the game it heard him real life the other user then killed the girl who got bit and she was teleported to this game and apparently after the girl joined this game her Avatar in status said you shouldn't have joined so we gotta check it out it looks like an insane asylum of some sort ooh ketchup and can we go in here all right a lot of schools I'd love to see that in a hospital reassuring oh there's three doors okay let's go to this door hey dude oh he looks at you it's like those paintings that follow you everywhere and then there's another room over here oh oh my God this guy okay this image is really really famous across the internet apparently a lot of people have reported that they have seen this guy's face in their dreams I don't know how that's like possible but he has like a very generic face I've never seen this man in my my dreams I don't even remember like people's faces if I'm being honest yeah there's like so many articles about it it's called this man ever dreamed this man apparently people have claimed to have reportedly seen this guy in their dreams since 2006. yeah more than 3 000 people have reported seeing this guy in their dreams but yeah there's a lot of lore on just this one image and for some reason it's in this game he's here but I need to tell you guys the truth the story has came out about this place and it was all fake there's a lot actually okay this is the person who made this game called Justice 5150 and he was deleted off Roblox in band but the person who made this game he actually made a YouTube video about this he made a video called my game is a Roblox Creepypasta and basically like throughout the video he explains how he just like randomly made like this creepy Roblox game and it got picked up into a creepypasta he just like randomly chose that guy's image for some reason but yeah he has a lot of like videos of him making the game wait what is this oh he made it way more complicated than I thought like can you imagine you just like made a really creepy game on Roblox and some child just like hey I'm gonna write lore about it I would love that actually if someone wants to write lore about any of my games all my games are actually privated right now but um if anyone wants to write lore about me go go ahead okay I'm including this one because I find it so stupid you guys may have heard of this game called start survey and it was actually recently content deleted off Roblox not really sure why but the reason why I'm talking about this is because for some reason this game just blew up again all across like the internet people think this game tracks your location so that's why I think it was content deleted because people were freaking out that it was tracking your location grabbing your IP and uh I feel like it was mass reported obviously I don't know if that's for sure but for anyone who thinks it's tracks your location I'll tell you how it works if you guys didn't know roblox actually puts you in servers based on your region so I'm from the United States it's probably going to put me in a United States server and then the the game's gonna be like hey you're from the United States and it makes kids freak out as you can tell all right well let's start this 6 16. oh my God that freaked me out because I was like oh it is 6 16. it has my real time okay so it does know my location that freaked me out look around for a moment what oh in the game okay yeah there's my dead body there's a phone are you familiar with your surroundings um I I guess you know I don't know if they're talking IRL or the game I'm kind of familiar with my surroundings I mean we got a monster can we got a makeup palette I got hot sauce okay I think I'm familiar with surroundings in game and in real life yes have I ever had a panic attack all the time yes do you ever find yourself questioning Your Existence every second of my life yes am I answering these questions out of free will I mean yeah do you feel comfortable in your room um as comfortable as I can be I'm getting confused if it's asking IRL have I cleaned my desk lately no here I'll take a quick video um okay yup here's my desk I have not cleaned it lately as you can see I must say no open the folder on my desk oh that one you were from the United States what really you just put me in the United States Roblox server I'm freaked out do I have enemies I would say I don't but I feel like there's people who hate me so I'll say yes do I know the person standing behind me what person there's no person standing behind me it's just my dead body oh have you seen the person standing outside your window I haven't oh I said yes by accident Kyle rocks that's my display name um what about it do you want to know the truth uh sure look out your window oh I'm floating where am I going I'm leaving I knew the Matrix was real I can finally set you free you were kicked from this experience also check your door IRL I'll check my closet yeah there was a monster in there all right well I don't know how to feel about that one I guess it'd be scary to like a five-year-old okay so this next one is about this character named zordies and he is one game it seems like apparently he has like four other games but you can only access them if you play through this game I'm not really sure how that works but I found a loophole to it if you go scroll down and click places you can see all of his games so I don't have to go through it but we're gonna do it we're gonna do it he also has a YouTube channel so this video is called fun fun is infinite actually it's not when you die it's not infinite you actually it's not I recommend it I kissed a girl yeah and then he has another video called broadcast and it looks like he's just playing a song on the radio what song is he playing I can't play it because it's copyrighted but he's playing a tick tock song so he's a myth tick tocker watch out Charlie demilio you got someone competition here anyways let's go to the first game it's called home this is home to me but yeah this is supposed to show this myth stages of Madness I'm not sure how I can access his other games through this one it's probably like a hidden secret but like I said I'm not good at solving stuff so I'm gonna cheat as you can see there's a bunch of cameras around the house it probably signifies something this is supposed to be him like his mental stages whoa I'm sleeping no wonder why he went insane I mean look at his bed you're like halfway going through it I would go insane too I do have to say this whole game looks like something from squid games like you're constantly being watched and monitored um what is this is this the poop bucket I think it is I mean miff's got to go to the bathroom too and there's a little door I don't know how to get over it how would we get past this I'm a short King but let's go look at the other game that he has okay so this next one is called home as you can see everything is replaced with numbers all the vowels it looks like we're in a city and then this looks like it's just like a glitch wall but let's see let's keep going oh okay we just teleported randomly okay so as you can see this is the house it kind of looks like the other one but now it says fun is infinite right here which as you remember he said that in the YouTube video okay there's a little radio again it doesn't work and here's a bed and this one looks a little bit more comfy than the other one I'm like little Goldilocks which bed is the most comfortable I kind of look like Goldilocks so this is supposed to be his mental state and it seems like it's uh getting worse he's getting isolated maybe that's what I'm picking up let's go to his next game this one just has question marks so there's really nothing about it all right oh it kind of looks like the other one but a little bit more different now the road's just going straight up to the sky the buildings are just blocking the street all right well let's see if I can go around this I think I can squeeze through see how am I supposed to walk up there I'm like speed walking come on oh his home is destroyed rusted oh my God what happened to your house man you just need some wt-40 I relate to this honestly your mental state gets all rusted out and it doesn't work anymore fii what does that mean I'm gonna google that foreign institutional investigator what I think he investigates Financial stuff no that's why I know that's not what it means but let's go to the last game which is just called end you made it this far well done and then there's the radio all right cool that's the end of it okay we'll interpret those games as you will I just found those kind of interesting all right well you guys aren't allowed to play any of these Roblox games or are you okay bye
Channel: sarriebearrie
Views: 260,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: You’re Not Allowed to Play This Roblox Game, do not play this roblox game, never play this roblox game, roblox creepypasta, roblox, sarrie, sarriebearrie, sarriebearrie roblox, sarriebearrie hackers, roblox games you should never play, roblox game tracks your location, roblox myths
Id: W7zMLm72y_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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