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foreign [Music] [Music] Sunday results how to renew um bigger okay [Music] Sarah yeah foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] 70. this is foreign election [Music] s [Music] oluwawa is for me why is [Music] oluwawa is [Music] foreign foreign California foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] every order [Music] help me [Music] [Music] [Music] I love me foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] videos [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] wake up [Music] [Music] Social Security [Music] okay [Music] yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I yeah [Music] foreign [Music] let's see [Music] everything [Music] no matter [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] I hear you out too [Music] much [Music] myself oh no I know [Music] [Music] I am by yourself [Music] [Music] how are you [Music] [Music] [Applause] Hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] affairs [Music] [Music] here I go [Music] [Music] [Music] oh do I live [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] he won [Music] another world guys [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] why worry is foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign 40 programs foreign [Music] logo [Music] [Music] I want a joke foreign [Music] foreign 13335 1 3 3 5 vishna Street then color code of the day is silver color silver ado um [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] September 2nd 2023 yeah every Sunday foreign foreign hello foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] come on leave me now foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] really bad [Music] [Music] foreign everybody [Music] foreign [Applause] I know [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I know [Music] my baby [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music] okay Hallelujah all right solution is Hallelujah again um and she could go and yeah lonely foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign foreign Ty foreign [Music] Italy Kenny Kenny Edge Sunday screen televisions knee Africa alone I may be order Jimmy I went soon mama yo Chinese foreign foreign testimony testimony is a weapon of War because the men you give testimony for What the Lord Has Done you are challenging him to do greater things for you Hallelujah okay Hallelujah okay Allelujah [Music] baby foreign foreign [Music] [Music] yeah I do yeah [Music] Hallelujah [Music] [Applause] CDC declare no more covet Hallelujah today on your test positive positive ly okay be alone Tim will see foreign level when you were alone [Music] and whatever you want me to do let me know ashang bhatura a meta not as positive um [Music] foreign foreign [Music] money only and so many exposures [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] God bless you [Music] I guess [Applause] [Music] lover s [Laughter] Hallelujah okay Allelujah okay Hallelujah Hallelujah [Applause] alone Hallelujah double yes now almost seven years America 's okay Mommy hello [Music] demo what did you do oh yeah um alone [Music] testimony [Music] foreign learning about bad rap for me [Music] my name is hey let's talk about [Music] pretty pretty ah money last night [Music] more boys [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign you are the one who have the ability to recompose the composed bodies you recompose the composed body of Lazarus that was why it was very easy for you to put together the broken bones father we thank you that you gave Mama the grace to walk on her feet again but I will thank you the beginning and the end Alpha and Omega complete your work in the life of Mama in the name of Jesus thank you Lord for answering our prayers in Jesus name we pray yes amen Hallelujah Hallelujah [Music] because she would reloading me every picture a company um [Applause] Hallelujah foreign [Music] thank you church just for all your prayers um we're standing here today as a testimony even you know through the fire that we went through last year God has been faithful so I just want to start off with a song quick song uh that goes Jesus [Music] Hallelujah you know um last year was a real tough year for us um we were put in a position that we never thought we would be in um just to say the least that you know the doctor said that you know she had a mass in her we didn't know how big the mass was we didn't know how serious it was but um through going through the doctor they told us how big it was um it was abnormally big to the point where you know we were scared for our life I was worried obviously you know we had a little daughter and um you know I didn't know I was I didn't think I would be ever be in a position where I could think about you know just me having to take care of this little girl by myself and so my whole life flashed before my eyes um we went to different doctors I tell her hey let's go to this doctor let's get a second opinion let's get a third opinion and every doctor said that hey this is going to be a big surgery but through all the whole thing you know I stay faithful I kept being strong for her and I told her hey it's going to be a testimony you know when God says to have you know faith of a mustard seed you know it doesn't say how big the fear would be and although the fear is big in the back end the faith of a mustard seed is what brought us through and so I just want to say um thank you Jesus thank you God it's really all that we can say we can't say anything more than that I want to start off with this song um tyranny [Music] bye [Music] um praise God I've been sitting there crying because I'm thinking about everything that I have to say today and that's why I wanted my husband to start off because he has truly been my rock you know we've we've been dating for a long time but um it was it was until last year that I realized what God has placed in my in my life when it comes to my husband when it comes to my family my two mommies thank you so much Mommy Mommy thank you so much for all the prayers for taking care of Zaya when I couldn't I just thank you I thank God because I'm not gonna lie I've I've grown up with faith I grew up with faith but last year it was rocked but there was not a time that my husband did not continue to push me in the faith if I couldn't pray he was praying for me he was praying with me there was a different it was just a different shift a different Lawrence he's he's trying to be humble but we really went through a lot last year um that a lot of people didn't know it we went on it went on for over seven months um it was right before ziya's birthday we went to um I was having pain in my um in my stomach so we're thinking that it's like appendix so me I don't like going to the doctor I don't like going to the hospital they just waste your time you'll be there all day my husband kept saying no you need to go because now is the next day you're still you're still complaining you need to go I said no I'm not going so he just kept saying you need to go you need to go he finally drove me and forced me to go even with Zaya in our hands when we went to the Urgent Care they said oh no the pain that you're going through is too much you need to go to the emergency it might be a pendings you know that they might need to remove it today I said my daughter's birthday is tomorrow I can't her birthday party is tomorrow I can't do any surgery right now so we're thinking of something small appendix if you know what it is you get it removed and that's it you know but um by the time we went to the emergency they did every test on me every test known to man and um finally they said that oh they did a CT scan they said oh you have a 16 centimeter um either tumor Mass and at that time they used the term tumor mass and tumor the same thing but they use the term tumor and you know when we see we hear tumor we think cancer yes Mama mama you think cancer so we said wow that's very big they showed it to us in a rule it's very big and then we um they that shot gave us um they referred to us a different they refer to as a different doctor an oncologist to go to so we went there and um that one was going back and forth I was ready to just say just take it out just take it out but they say because of where it's placed it's wrapped around a valve that's connected to my heart so they can't just it's not like any other tumor they have to see if it's cancerous it's it's just a lot I could sit here and try to that's what was going through all those months we went to so many doctors so many doctors God kept and the thing is God was telling us where we should go but we wasn't listening and finally my husband was like you know what you need to we need to finally go we went and finally we went we found better doctors and by the time they went more tested the tumor had grown to 22 centimeters and I'm sure there are a lot of medical people in this room so you know how big that is and um it was okay the pain I was they the pain was so bad they get they put me on like seven different medications I've I don't like taking medication so that was just the worst pain that I ever been through I could there's times that I couldn't even carry ziya there's times that I couldn't even watch ziya um Lawrence has taken everything the things that they were telling us to scare us uh even wrote down a will because I didn't think that my birthday is coming up Wednesday I didn't think that I'll be seeing today but I thank God I thank God I give him all the glory I give him all the honor he's the great that I am and I'm sitting I'm standing here today with my family with my family with my daughter the will have to be torn away and I just want to give glory to God babe I want to thank you for everything for everything that you've done I never do love like this and I just want to thank you thank you so much thank you so much thank you church because I know everyone has been praying for me Mommy has told me about all of your prayers Daddy thank you so much thank you so much um thank God I'm gonna just close off with this song oh Mommy Mommy praise the Lord [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] alone foreign foreign Hallelujah pastor Andrew come again [Music] and this is indeed a testimony an expression of Love indeed unconditional love indeed by the grace of God we all knew them at the beginning of their Journey when they came in here to thank the Lord for a successful wedding and now they've exhibited given us indeed the fact that when it comes to love between husband and wife it is unconditional indeed Lauren says something I I want us to hold on to said we went through pain she was the one going through it but he shared all of it we went through pain and uh his wife also expressing gratitude showed a typical Yoruba woman knelt down for a husband thank you very much my dear daughter root and I pray that God will continue to bless you let us pray we thank you father of our Lord Jesus Christ thank you for seeing your children through the situation their faith was put to test but indeed you revealed yourself to them as the one behind this marriage and this family Lord accept your present thanks in the name of Jesus we did not have any cause Lawrence was saying Lord are you going to leave me alone to take care of Zion but you heard his prayers and confirming the fact that till death do us part Lord we thank you thank you for making it possible to cancel all the plan of the enemy to make Zion to become motherless Lord we thank you thank you for giving us the opportunity to come to your presence to thank you a few days before the birthday of your daughter Lord accept your present thanks in the name of Jesus I commit this family into the hands of the Lord afresh the Lord will go with you in the Journey of life in the name of Jesus all the battles that you have won I pray that if none of them shall react or ugly head in the name of Jesus those things you are asking the Lord for as a couple the things you are asking the Lord for us individual he's going to Grant it and you'll come back to give testimony thank you Lord for answering our prayers in Jesus name we pray praise the Lord [Music] now with the choir again melodious songs they will go to the back right there and start dancing I Will Rejoice with them foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank God [Music] [Music] I am alone [Music] your eyes [Music] let me see everything about you okay [Music] how soon [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] everybody foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah really I am [Music] Merry Christmas [Music] because [Music] but I will thank you a bless you for the offering the Thanksgiving of rain you have enabled us to break in appreciation of your goodness as a token of thanks be there exalted O Lord in the name of Jesus Christ we therefore Sanctuary suffering for the use of your glory and we pray that everyone that has brought this offerings especially this family you blessed abundantly in the name of Jesus Christ those who are fear you have conquered for them and for everyone they will never arise again in the name of Jesus Christ your mercy and your glory shall continue to be with us and that America was chasing our path in the name of Jesus Christ thank you king of glory we dedicate your friend in the name of God the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit amen praise the Lord foreign Jesus foreign service shall be found in the book of Isaiah chapter 40 verse 25 to 31. Isaiah that's a currently today you call Colony and yeah stunning and you're happy anyway [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] submar so but yes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] listen [Music] I want to lose [Applause] [Music] [Music] more time ready [Music] [Music] thank you very much foreign wow YouTube [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] this week we continue from the topic called Kingdom prosperity is [Music] for Kingdom prosperity um [Music] waiting that's why I sang that song foreign foreign foreign [Music] alone [Laughter] the kingdom prosperity [Music] whoever talking about Kingdom Prosperity let's limit let's move our heart our mind Beyond money Beyond riches because whatever good that God gives you it's key down Prosperity it gives it to you as it pleases in he could decide not to give it to you so when he gives it to you be his child be it's good work be it scar means you got your documentation in this country a skin down prosperity and one of the major pillar for the kingdom Prosperity is waiting because between the period you hear about the promise and the actualization of the promise you're gonna wait that is the period of waiting and at your period of waiting if care is not taking a lot of things might go wrong Hallelujah money address group s foreign because the blood of waiting is never a an easy period Hallelujah means Hallelujah position number lgp 6 726 on display on the screen for foreign officially so if Abraham whom God said it means the blood of waiting is never an easy period okay foreign what is expected of us what the period of waiting generally is not a passive period is an active period and that's the name of God for my brother Lawrence am I correct for his testimony he said we went through pain during the period that was their period of waiting they went to that period when we give God the glory because they came out of that period and the name of God was Grover in their life that was why they are here this morning the period of waiting is a p is not an passive is an active period yeah foreign God wants you that high to be actively participated in the making of that promise it's not going to be the one the only one to do it you're going to do your own part in that promise don't deprive the time of waiting outside we must have this mind that God who had saved us with his own blood on the cross of Calvary as the capacity to hear our cries Hallelujah oh Warrior foreign at the same time we have to be expecting something different from what we asked for Hallelujah letters lessons 2024 about 24 years lessons from 2024 model um because what you are asking for is going to lead to your discomfort foreign [Applause] Hallelujah put your hope in his word [Music] 130 verse 5 and 6. Psalm 13 Verse 5 and 6. okay hey buddy during our time of waiting let us continue to be tested separately in prayer being watchful and Thanksgiving okay foreign foreign [Music] [Music] John chapter 11 verse 41 and 42. 9 6 is [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we thank God for the world went straight to the point when you come to waiting I I don't know how many of us and all of us have had cost to go to a restaurant and the person who attend to you at the restaurant is called a waiter but yet we are the one who wait for him or her you will wait to be given menu you will wait for her to take your order it's enough for you to say are you the waiter or I am the one waiting most of the time anytime you are waiting please be conscious of your position the Bible said in Luke chapter 1 verse 80. he said the child grew and he matured up to the time when the Lord showed him to Israel if you are waiting examine yourself most of the time what we are looking for is looking for us he will come and look at you are you matured enough for the gift if not you go back again waiting for you to mature [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I want to emphasize there are some denominations they do not allow they forbid the celebration of birthdays and I want to make this very clear those who know me very well will know that when it comes to the issue of public celebration I am very shy on my 10th birthday my parents did that when I clocked 30. my parents did that and I did that too to myself 40. no celebration just thank the Lord 50 60 I told my family just breakfast and that's it but this 70 there's a reason why we want to celebrate it and the reason is stated in the Bible Psalm 66 verse 16. Edward [Music] for me because foreign please the reason why we are celebrating the birthday is for the world to see the good works of God in my life and give glory to the father who is in heaven foreign foreign foreign foreign only for the past three years [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah go follow the Mary God bless you Google
Channel: Abayomi Jeyifous
Views: 1,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mFFwy-wEFwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 1sec (7261 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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