Yom Kippur 5783 | Kol Nidrei Formal Worship Service

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[Music] um foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] get away [Music] to myself [Music] foreign girls [Music] [Music] um foreign [Music] thank you [Music] so we have [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what are you doing [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign of the universe in awe and humility we have come to stand before you to pray with your people Israel and on their behalf who is fit for such a task yet you are present to us whenever our voices rise in Praise in your great Mercy have compassion on us that our congregation not falter on our account nor we on theirs guide the lips of those who lead your people in worship strengthen our faith and purify our thoughts and let your love draw a veil over all our failings so may our prayers Ascend this day to the throne of your glory thank you Rabbi urachmiel was a watchmaker before he became a rabbi and he used to tell this story to his hasidum when I was still a watchmaker I wanted to go study with a great teacher to secure money for the journey I offered to repair a watch that had long been broken I took the watch apart to see what was wrong with it and found there was nothing wrong except the tiny hairspring the least bit bent I straightened it out and the watch was as good and true as when it left the hand of its maker most of us enter the sanctuary on Yom Kippur a lot like that watch we do not come seeking God's forgiveness for serious offenses or moral failures but rather for the smaller ways we have betrayed the best within us this Yom Kippur may we have the courage to examine ourselves closely to open the watch face to find that spring the least bit bent and set it right restoring balance to our lives that the year ahead be one of fulfillment and blessing good yantef to new members and guests welcome to Old Friends welcome back for those of you joining us via the Internet we feel your presence too and as I know we have people watching around the country a special greeting to those tuning in from areas of Florida so severely impacted by hurricane in we hold you in our prayers and pray you find comfort and strength in our worship over these next hours together I'm Rabbi Davidson joined by rabbi's Ehrlich and ryanus Tanner glasman soloist Stephen Fox are musicians and choir under the direction of Jack Cohn and Dr Andrew Henderson by Our member and violus David Carpenter whose siblings Lauren and Sean will play tomorrow and later by our trustee Daniel block J Dell representing our leadership I am delighted to welcome the immediate past president of our men's club Joel Busan and now to Kindle the Yom Kippur lights are congregation's wonderful president Harris diamond and Amy diamond we continue on page 91. we brought our own oh source of life and Truth creator of the Eternal Lord of goodness and in the impulse within us the justice and mercy we pray that this hour of worship may be wonderful vision and inspiration help us find knowledge by which to live lead us to take the words bless all who enter this sanctuary in Search and in need all who bring to this place the offering of their hearts May our worship here lead us to fulfill our words of kindness peace and love [Music] hello [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] um foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] page 92 once more atonement Day Has Come all pretense gone naked heart revealed to the hiding self we stand on Holy Ground between the day that was and the one that must be we tremble and what did we aim how did we stumble what did we take what did we give to what were we blind last year's confession came easily to the lips will this years come from deeper than the skin say then why are our paths strewn with promises like fallen leaves say then when shall our lust be for wisdom say now love and truth shall meet Justice and peace shall embrace the hope of Israel in our weakness give us strength in our blindness be our guide when we falter hold our hand make consistent our impulse for good let us know the joy of walking in your ways colna Dre is the prayer of people not free to make their own decisions people forced to say what they do not mean in repeating this prayer we identify with the agony of our forebears who had to say yes when they meant no Colony Dre is also a confession we are all transgressors all exiled from the highest we know all in need of the healing of forgiveness and Reconciliation for what we have done for what we may yet do we ask pardon for rash words broken pledges insincere assurances and foolish promises may we find forgiveness for transgressions against God the day of atonement atones but for transgressions of one human being against another the day of atonement does not atone until they have made peace with one another foreign oh yes please [Applause] [Music] in the sight of God and of the congregation no matter how far some of us may have transgressed by departing from our people and our heritage we pray as one on this night of repentance call nadre A Whisper of wings as promises are remembered Saint and sinner alike commune with the most high we are at one heart of all life from this day of atonement to the next may we reach it in peace all Israel makes these vows to turn from sin and wrongdoing to walk in the way of your law the path of justice and right yet we know our weakness how prone we are to fail help us to keep these vows made with contrite Hearts we have come to seek pardon and forgiveness [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] so now [Music] another [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] up foreign [Music] come on [Music] strange foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] God Lord [Music] knowingly or not the whole community of Israel and all who live among them have sinned let them be forgiven as in your love you have been patient with this people from the time you let us out of Egypt to the present day so in your great love may you forgive your people now by yomer Adonai salad and God said I have pardoned in response to your plea [Music] [Applause] [Music] inside [Music] my heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] blessed is the Eternal God ruler of the universe forgiving us life for sustaining us and for enabling us to reach this season please be seated unmasking can be unnerving after more than two years wearing face coverings we may be as anxious about taking them off as we are to take them off some of us are ready some are not some cannot because of significant health concerns others remain uncertain not knowing what to do each of us must make our own decisions according to our own degrees of comfort and need when I first got vaccinated back in 2021 I readily unmasked whenever and wherever I could bullish about the world's reopening I wanted to demonstrate my confidence as encouragement that others should be hopeful too then came Delta but then things improved next the first wave of Omicron again a respite and finally with ba4 and ba5 I began to wonder how many times do we allow ourselves to get burned dropping our guard physically and emotionally before we decide to keep it up for good all of us who have been hurt by others or by life know the hesitancy to make ourselves vulnerable again how much safer it feels just to keep the armor on for some The Mask has become unremarkable a quotidian routine a part of who we are like the clothing we wear but let's face it we all wear masks and I don't mean kf-94s or n95s but rather the facade we often Don just to get through the day which hides much more than nose mouth and Chin like the hood or cap pulled close over the eyes it prevents family and friends colleagues and acquaintances from seeing all the anxiety and conflict that roil beneath or the fear that what lies there is not good enough and will be rejected if revealed we all wear masks if not one then another bravado to hide our doubts strength to disguise our weaknesses achievement to Veil our disappointments humor to conceal our pain control when we feel powerless one of this country's great writers and one of the first black poets to be recognized for his greatness Paul Lawrence Dunbar wrote we wear the mask that Grins and lies it hides our cheeks and shades our eyes this debt we paid a human guile with torn and bleeding hearts we smile and mouth with myriad subtleties why should the world be overwise in counting all our tears and size nay let them only see us while we wear the mask in his book The Masks we wear Pastor Eugene Rollins describes the Persona Latin for mask as The Limited self-portrait we permit others to see without revealing more of ourselves than we wish to and most of us don't want to reveal very much the Persona presents two obstacles the obvious being that our masks become barriers to knowing each other most fully less apparent and even more problematic our personas become barriers to knowing ourselves most fully what we conceal from others we often hide from ourselves and what we cannot see we cannot examine or change Embrace or love but as Soren Kierkegaard counseled there Comes A Midnight Hour when all of us must unmask in the 19th century Danish Theologian warned of the danger lest we forget it I have seen men he wrote who so long deceived others that at last their true nature could not reveal itself and he who cannot reveal himself cannot love and he who cannot love is the most unhappy man of all if at times wearing masks is essential for us to function at this Midnight Hour for the sake of our happiness and fulfillment in the new year it is essential we remove them Yom Kippur derives from the Hebrew khafar meaning cover according to the Book of Leviticus on Yom Kippur the high priest entered the most sacred chamber of the tent of meeting the holy of holies to commune with God whose presence appeared over the kafar the cover of the Ark of the Covenant holding the Ten Commandments Yom Kippur summons us to lift the lid and examine what's inside not of the Ark but of ourselves to throw off our masks and look at ourselves in the mirror to confront the stuff we don't want to explore but must if we ever hope to address it we call this kashbon hanefish an accounting of the Soul an honest measure of our fears and our hopes and of whether our lives as we are living them align with what really matters to us or should matter to us when I was a little boy one of my favorite albums was free to be you and me 50 years ago this fall Marlo Thomas assembled an extraordinary cast to teach children about sexism racism homophobia gender stereotyping and the challenges of growing up I remember all the stories and all the music including the NFL's fearsome lineman Rosie Greer singing it's all right to cry it's all right to cry he's saying it's all right to feel things it is all right we need to be honest about what's going on behind the mask and not pretend that everything is fine when it's not so many are hurting each of us arrived tonight burdened by anxieties no one else may know but no doubt others carry while for some the past year brought profound Joy there exists enough suffering here to break the heart ask the families who have Grown Apart the parents unable to communicate with their children The Grieving and the sick the isolated and the lonely the child enduring silently The Bullying of others the teenager standing alone outside a circle of friends many of us are anxious these are tough Economic Times some who have watched their savings diminish Daily Now worry about how to pay for their children's college education or their own retirement for others the circumstances are truly dire their concerns much more immediate including those with family along the path of Destruction hurricane Ian tore through Florida and many of us are afraid as we see our parents siblings spouses or friends age or Our Own Strength diminish We Fear this may be the year the blessings of family and health are taken from us we don't want to acknowledge it let alone dwell on it but on Yom Kippur we can't escape it colne Drake confronts us with our mortality in many synagogues as The Haunting Melody is sung the Torah scrolls are removed from the ark revealing an empty box and our own a casket the Kittle the traditional garment worn by men this night is white like a funeral shroud Yom Kippur brings us face to face with death so teach us to number our days the psalmist implores to make them count that we may get us a heart of wisdom in their training for hospice service chaplains learn to assist in the poignant conversations between the dying and their families ask them the chaplains are encouraged how they would like to use the time they have left be it little or much we too would do well to answer in a recent New York Times article titled the art of choosing what to do with your life professors Benjamin and Jenna's story share an Insight from Thomas Aquinas Aquinas believed that all our motivations the reasons behind the seemingly separate decisions we make are governed by one ultimate goal he called our last end which Aquinas identified as true happiness and fulfillment sometimes though we confuse means and ends we live in a community where we all feel the need to measure up to a certain standard to seldom do we consider whether it's the right standard or the right one for us it is far easier to step on the gas and drive than to contemplate what we really want out of life in their column the stories recall a student who had worked tirelessly for a fellowship others assured her would open innumerable doors but then having won it she wasn't sure why she had pursued it to begin with she realized she didn't need countless opportunities just the one right for her yes our children too are at risk the world impresses on them its values getting rich getting fit getting connected getting online getting in line getting into the right College and sometimes instead of unmasking for them our own struggles growing up our own anxieties our own self-doubts we become unwitting accomplices I have witnessed parents heartbroken by their child's defeat in a race for class president enraged that their toddler could not get into the best Nursery School as if their future worth as human beings depended on it too easily we just lose perspective many of us live our days at a wearying pace in our work we are ever on call beholden to texts tweets and posts voicemails and emails the consequences of our own technological ingenuity exhausted we ask what are we chasing why are we running so fast to provide for those we love we answer to give them or ourselves every opportunity to serve the community yes our intentions are usually the best but as Will's store explains in his book the status game even our noblest aspirations often depend on attaining enough influence to realize them and when achieving the means becomes our last end it may never be satisfied in his short tale how much land does a man need Leo Tolstoy writes of a man named pacom who discovers the answer never content with the land he owns he chases endlessly after more Now Rich with a large estate Pac home learns that in the country of the Bosch gears for the price of one thousand rubles a man can take possession of all the land he can Pace off in a day pacom can't pass up the opportunity arriving with his servant he sets out early on the appointed morning to make his claim though the sun burns down on him he won't yield an acre I will go another three miles he says to himself the spot is so fine it would be a Pity to lose it after many hours he Stakes the first corner of his holding and turns North onward he walks reaching a well-watered stretch he also refuses to give up finally marking the second corner he turns West only to notice the sun sinking toward the Horizon he has traveled too far frantically he marks his third corner and races back running as fast as he can he throws away his boots his coat his hat and his flask keeping just his Spade to support his weary legs and with the last raise of the Setting Sun he reaches his destination only to collapse upon it dead his servant picks up the shovel and pacom's hand and digs him a grave six feet from head to foot in the end that was all the land the man needed the eye is never satisfied with seeing endless are the desires of the heart who is Rich the mishnah asks the One content with one's lot certainly Judaism does not condemn Prosperity far from it but as my father once observed when net worth becomes self-worth life is equated with things and the foundations of Our Lives begin to erode Ecclesiastes amassed more gold and silver than anyone before him only to discover it all was vanity striving after wind of no enduring value the true measure of our Fortune lies in our ability to appreciate what we have even if it might be less than it once was during the recession 15 years ago I recall a giant billboard posted along the Van Wyck Expressway you may remember it recession 101 it read self-worth Beats net worth we shouldn't need it and we surely don't want it but sometimes a jolt to our security can remind us of certain basic truths just as Yom Kippur asks us to strip away if only momentarily what is not essential to ReDiscover what is essential the people we love the community that surrounds us the values and tradition that sustain us these give us meaning purpose and hope for tomorrow when we build our lives on them are foundations are secure but first we must take off the mask and be honest with ourselves and that is why we are here tonight God demands of us a question the same question God asked the very first human beings ayaka where are you and what are you hiding you know the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden how beguiled by the serpent Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit then seeing they are naked their actions exposed Adam and Eve attempt to hide from God masking themselves with fig leaves next comes the test God calls out to them ayaka where are you which does not mean what it appears to mean because God knows precisely where they are nor does it mean what have you done because God knows that too it means are you prepared to acknowledge your faults and your fears or are you going to cover them up with fig leaves denying the power I have given you to choose the direction of your lives Rabbi Jack Stern writes no Jew can ever confront these holy days without answering that first question from God to the first humans on Earth where are you and if like them we have been hiding in the garden Yom Kippur is the day to come out of our hiding places out of our trick playing consciences out of our cynicism because Yom Kippur offers us the chance to start anew if we have made a wrong turn along life's complicated pathway and who has not we can alter course and explore different directions if we are frustrated in our relationships we can seek counsel from those who may help us communicate more effectively if we have concealed from those we love our imperfections and our anxieties for fear they will love us less we can show greater faith in them and in our own self-worth if we are isolated or afraid we can reach out a hand knowing there will be others eager to grasp it how many connections has this congregation forged between individuals who came here lonely but here found new companionship and new Strength how many of you have made that kind phone call to another just setting out on a journey you once navigated path to the other side of illness or loss yes it can be a risk to reveal ourselves to ourselves to let others in to face the future with hope but it is worth it Jewish tradition acknowledges a depth of Joy ditsa it is called only those who make themselves vulnerable can ever know because only by cutting away the protective hardening we have grown about our hearts shielding us from disappointment and hurt can we experience all the Fulfillment life can bring alas for those who cannot sing but die with all their music in them let us treasure the time we have and resolve to use it well counting each moment precious a chance to apprehend some truth to experience some beauty to conquer some evil to relieve some suffering to love and be loved to achieve something of lasting worth we will read those words tomorrow at yizcore between now and then we are granted these precious hours to uncover and discover who we have been and who we hope to be the kafar the cover of the Ark is called the atonement seat because the Israelites believed that upon it God granted atonement atonement is a remarkably descriptive word it's root from Middle English is at one it means to reconcile to harmonize to repair and make whole that is why we have come tonight to be made whole again we have passed through two and a half difficult years that fragmented Our Lives some of us in the most painful ways we put on a brave face each day because we had no choice but all of us are at least a little bit broken in this new year let us now finally begin to heal we continue with our call to prayer on page 96 I invite you as you are able to please rise true [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] through the Lord [Music] please be seated oh God how can we know you where can we find you you are as close to us as breathing yet you are farther than the farthest most star you are as mysterious as the vast solitudes of night yet as familiar to us as the light of the Sun to Moses you said you cannot see my face but I will make all my goodness pass before you even so does your goodness pass before us in the realm of Nature and in the varied experiences of Our Lives when Justice Burns within us like a flaming fire When Love evokes willing Sacrifice from us when to the last full measure of selfless devotion we demonstrate our belief in the ultimate Triumph of Truth and righteousness then your goodness enters our hearts then you live within our hearts and we through righteousness behold your presence please rise for our Shema yes hear o Israel the Lord Our God the Lord is one is [Music] I don't know [Music] foreign oh shame careful [Music] dead [Music] may God [Music] please be seated as we continue together on page 98 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all thy might and these words which I command thee this day shall be upon thy heart Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and thou shalt speak of them when thou sittest in thy house when thy walketh by the way when thou lie us down and when thou risest up Thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand and they shall be four frontlets between thine eyes Thou shalt write them upon the doorpost of thy house and upon thy Gates that ye may remember and do all my Commandments and be holy unto your God I am the Lord your God who led you out of Egypt to be your God I am the Lord your God [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] my God Israel [Music] page 101 the Shadows Fall but end of day fills the eye with brightness the infinite Heavens glow and all creation sings its Hymn of Glory with hope therefore we pray for Light Within oh God reveal yourself hide no more let your face shine on all who seek you Eternal and infinite God banish our Darkness be present to us as the sudden light that lifts the heart and brings us joy then shall we be at peace o God whose peaceful shelter we seek through all the days and nights of Our Lives key for your houses [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] teacher [Music] [Music] [Music] I do not foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] my lips that my mouth May declare your praise that my mouth May declare your prayers [Music] I don't know [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] him because [Music] so praise God [Music] because [Music] alive [Music] we take off the masks [Music] [Music] him Merlin [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] as we continue our prayers individually through page 108 and of course following wherever our souls might lead us foreign thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh he said [Music] sure the turf is sues oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] seeking forgiveness but at this moment we turn to God the hurts that we might feel the illness that we or our loved ones may carry seeking comfort and healing if there is anyone dear to you who you would like to bring to this moment of prayer for healing we invite you to please say their names aloud now our prayers extend also Beyond us to all who are in need of healing particularly those injured by Hurricane Ian or wounded by fighting in Ukraine or by protests in Iran may they all be in our prayers for healing As we sing mishabara page 110. [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] bless those in need of healing foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we continue on page 111 with vidui please rise as you are able [Music] new news look to feel our turn [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know hello [Music] [Music] of us [Music] [Music] I shine [Music] now May It Be Your Will God of all generations to forgive all our sins to Pardon all our wrongdoings and to blot out all our transgressions page 113 we continue responsibly the sin we have committed against you under duress or by choice the sin we have committed against you consciously or unconsciously and the sin we have committed against you openly or in secret life the sin we have committed against you in our thoughts the sin we have committed against you with our words and the sin we have committed against you by the abuse of power the sin we have committed against you by hardening our hearts Hashem sin we have committed against you by profaning your name is and the sin we have committed against you by disrespect for parents and teachers the sin we have committed against you by speaking slander fan the sin we have committed against you by dishonesty in our work and the sin we have committed against you by hurting others in any way for all these sins o God of Mercy forgive us pardon us grant us atonement hello [Music] [Music] [Music] we are here [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign page 116. at the bottom Shema colenu hear our voice Eternal God have compassion upon us and with that compassion accept our prayer help us to return To You O God then truly shall we return renew our days as in the past consider our words look into our inmost thoughts to not cast us away from your presence do not remove your Holy Spirit do not cast us away when we are old as our strength diminishes do not abandon us do not abandon us Eternal God do not be far from us for you God do we wait and you our God will answer [Music] thank you key on woman [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] please remember [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Orlando foreign [Music] Hallelujah [Music] love yourself [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] birth is a beginning and death a destination and life is a journey from childhood to maturity from youth to age from innocence to awareness and ignorance to knowing from foolishness to discretion and then perhaps to wisdom from weakness to strength or strength to weakness and often back again from Health to sickness and back we pray to health again from offense to forgiveness from loneliness to love from Joy to gratitude from Pain to compassion and grief to understanding from Fear to Faith from defeat to defeat to defeat until Looking Backward or ahead we see that Victory lies not at some high place along the way but in having made the journey staged by stage a sacred pilgrimage birth is a beginning and death a destination and life is a journey a sacred pilgrimage to life Everlasting at this time of tender memory we call to our hearts cherished members of our congregation who died during this past week or at this season in years past Milton S Aarons Anna Beck Beatrice beckoff William baikov Joyce Buckman Leslie a Cooper Sarah faga Fanny Florence Finkelstein Melissa Fishel orene l h Goldblum Harold Jacobs Jack clyman Joseph later Fred Landy David lair Maurice Levin Saul Levine Evelyn D Lipton George R Lloyd Jeanette Marmot Benjamin menchal Vivian milstein Bart perlin Samuel Portnoy Sylvia radham Mona schlossberg Roe schlossberg Irving Shulman Seymour Schumann Erica Sevilla Martin Simon Geraldine e starrenfeld Judith Tannenbaum Bernard Tannenbaum Robert Leonard Walden Oscar Wayne Claire wolf Gerber Gould Irving Young Frederica svas we invite those who are in recent morning pleased to rise now and those who are marking a yard site the anniversary of the death of a loved one we ask that you would rise as well and now we stand together the words of the kaddish page 121. it's a Honda amen yes [Music] May the source of peace send peace to all who are bereaved Among Us and comfort to all who are bereaved and let us say together please be seated [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] it's my pleasure to welcome Daniel block jadel to the bhima Daniel is a Seventh Generation Temple member and a distinguished member of our Board of Trustees in recent years Daniel co-founded one of Emmanuel's most vibrant groups the young members Circle and he has served as its co-chair Emmanuel has also benefited from his participation in the Temple's Vision philanthropic and membership committees this evening he'll share some important Reflections on the critical work of the philanthropic committee which allows your generosity to address societal challenges around us thank you Rabbi you're like there is a small Park in casimirs which sits at the center of krakow's Jewish ghetto it's one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in Poland it's been an energy center in the city for 700 years it is Misty full of overgrown trees rich with stories from happy and sad days an intergenerational group of volunteers from Temple Emanuel had the chance to spend Shabbat in this Square as a part of our humanitarian trip to the Ukraine border four months ago thanks to your support of the philanthropic fund our group was able to bring 5 000 pounds of aid what kind of a place would be able to take in this Aid and administer it so efficiently it turned out to be the local JCC it's remarkable that on the same cobblestones which saw so much history that the JCC Krakow is now flourishing first as a beacon for the renewal of Jewish life and as a humanitarian Center supporting more than 500 Ukrainian refugees every day for the past seven months The JCC is just a few Stones away from a sacred area where a special story about sadaka emanates 400 years ago there lived a rich man in Krakow his name was yosole the citizens of casimirs didn't call him by his name instead he was known simply as The Miser you see the community believed that he kept all of his resources to himself and never supported the needy when he died it was up to the chief Rabbi of Krakow Rabbi yomtov Litman Heller to determine where to bury yosole he solicited feedback from the entire community no families wanted him to be buried near their spots in the cemetery thus the decision was made to bury oselay at the corner of the Rama Cemetery a place with the least amount of respect that would still follow Jewish law he was not going to be missed and the days that followed yosole's death Rabbi Heller received knocks on his door from krakow's poor none of whom had appealed to him before they mentioned that the envelopes they would receive Friday mornings for Shabbat stopped appearing the needs of the community became even more dire it turned out that yosolei was not a miser at all he was instead fulfilling a great Mitzvah that of anonymous charity that offers no personal benefit the community fell into a period of mourning for not recognize the Holiness that was in their midst in an attempt to remedy the community's mistake Rabbi Heller decided that when he and his wife were to be buried knowing that people would come for centuries to pay their respects to him that he and his wife would be buried next to yosole in the corner so that yosolei would be recognized for his selfless example it's the work of the philanthropic fund to gather donations from our entire membership and to invest These funds into the humanitarians who are in a way like yosole we try to find the organizations that prioritize the service of the needy and direct dignity to the people they serve over the past year your contributions have supported Holocaust Survivors like zoja at that JCC in Krakow who were teaching polish to Ukrainian refugees knowing what it means to have to start all over after trauma Physicians from Israel and America through United had Salah and the Natan fund who have turned a supermarket into a hospital and absorption Center at the madika border crossing the philanthropic fund and the work of the tikkun Alum committee's front lines are also closer to home literally in our kitchen downstairs where we feed those in need every Sunday through our remarkable Sunday lunch program we are in the community that we serve we evaluate grants to have the greatest impact where we are the difference between a project happening and not knowing that one in four New Yorkers are food insecure and that homeless shelters are stretched Beyond capacity we support the urban Outreach Center in East Harlem Supportive Housing on the east side and the Bronx through neighborhood Coalition for shelter Phipps neighborhood in the South Bronx and self-sufficiency throughout the city through project Ezra there are the needy we support in Israel the remarkable work caring for terminally ill children through hakov Hammerhead the Amin ORD safe space for at-risk youth the society for the protection of nature in Israel that serves as a steward for Israel's imperative imperiled wildlife through our support of Israel Aid we sustained teams around the world providing natural disaster relief in real time and we continue to stand with the global reform Jewish Community as it seeks greater recognition for inclusive Judaism dear friends the needs have never been greater we are counting on you and hoping that you will pledge generously to Temple emanuel's philanthropic fund pledge cards were on your seats as you arrived which we hope you will fill out right now or if you prefer there will be a QR code in the lobby after our service you may also pledge through our website emmanuelnyc.org Phil fund p-h-i-l-f-u-n-d and for those watching remotely I think a link should appear on your screen right now no money contributed to the philanthropic fund is used to support Temple operating expenses that important work which our president Harris Diamond spoke about during Rosh hashonah is done through the annual fund with the philanthropic fund not a dime goes to Staffing music worship education or the other essential aspects of our synagogue heading back to the Poland Ukraine border when our group handed the donations of Aid and funds to the doctor running the field Hospital he and his team were able to draw strength that these resources didn't come from one person it came from several thousand it came from each of you by doing what you can right now to support the fund you can stand with these remarkable humanitarians and with those in the seat next to you to offer a collective gift that will work over the course of this new year to repair the world thank you and may you be inscribed for a blessing [Music] Hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my God [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] friends good yantiff we are so delighted to welcome you back here to be together with or without a mask in person or online to share this sacred holiday with you and just a few announcements about tomorrow's Services because our plans have changed due to the weather tomorrow all of our services will be held here at the temple and if you have summer stage tickets for tomorrow they will be honored at the door here are some of the changes at nine we have a pre-reader's service and that will take place in Wise Hall enter through one East 65th Street at 10 we invite you back to the main sanctuary here our Fifth Avenue sanctuary and for those who had planned to be at summer stage the morning service with the abbreviated yisker will take place in the Lowenstein Sanctuary at 10 A.M enter through East 66th Street if you are a regular Fifth Avenue Sanctuary goer and tomorrow morning you would prefer to be in the main sanctuary we can surely accommodate you please go to the Garden entrance and we will make that happen that's before the service tomorrow morning at 12 30 we invite you to wonderful study sessions with Scholars Dr Lawrence Hoffman who will be speaking on who shall live and who shall die really Dr Joel Hoffman do only the wicked suffer and our Bernard museum curator Warren Klein will speak on looking through the archives our crowd at 12 30 our teen service will now take place in the Leon Lowenstein Sanctuary on East 66th at 2 pm as scheduled join us here in the sanctuary for our avoda service whose Moving Poetry and vibrant Melodies tell the sacred story of our people our family service will be held in the Lowenstein Sanctuary at 2 pm as well along with a surprise visit from a goat a scapegoat I am serious but do not tell your children afternoon yisker and concluding Services begin at 3 30. and as we wish you and yours a meaningful day of introspection we also look ahead to Thursday when tikkun Olam starts in apple and honey drive to address food insufficiency for our neighbors and in the coming days we'll share some information about how to help the hurricane victims now we conclude with yigdal on page 122 I invite you to rise as you are able we'll sing the first second and last verses [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] there's nothing foreign [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] may God bless you and keep you [Music] [Music] foreign shine within you and be gracious to you he said [Music] may God bestow favor upon you and Grant you peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my God foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: Temple Emanu-El NYC
Views: 4,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b8V27OKNP6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 9sec (7989 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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