YoloBox Live Streaming System | Best SlingStudio Alternative

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what's up guys today i wanted to talk about why i think that the yolo live might be the best streaming gear for beginners [Music] hey guys thanks for hanging out with me for this video if you're new here my channel is about filmmaking tips and just tech in general so today i wanted to talk about why i think the yellow live might be a good buy a good system for those just getting starting out in event streaming i'm starting out myself so just to give you a little backstory a little history i bought the sling studio and it's not a bad system it's a great system probably for for most people but for what i wanted to do um i didn't want to spend so much money getting invested in their system with their system you need to buy their hub and some of their cam links that you know you connect to the various cameras that you want to use you also need a laptop or or an ipad or something like that and from what i understand an ipad works better so when you add that all up it gets kind of pricey and on top of that because of the health situation that we have going on the national the worldwide health situation we have going on it gets kind of tough to find all the pieces that you need so that's really my main reason for kind of shopping around trying to figure out what might work best for me so what i did is i picked up the yolo live and i'll show you the yellow live the yellow box live this is it here and it's an all-in-one system that allows you to not only just record your your live stream locally onto the device but it also has the benefit of being able to broadcast not only wirelessly not only with ethernet like a lot of systems but also via cell so if you happen to be in an area where there's no signal there's no wireless signal there's no ethernet you can use a sell signal so that's one of the reasons i think this system might work for a lot of people so what i want to do today is is get everything set up and take a look at how it all works and let you guys know what i think for me i went as far as uh transmitter and receivers i went with the the holy land mars 300 so i have a couple of these that i'm going to hook to my cameras and then also again with the yellow live we're going to see how all this works so let me get this unboxed and show you guys what it looks like and after that we'll get things set up and working and uh see what happens first up we have the yellow live uh here's the box that it comes in let's get it quickly unboxed it's kind of tight packaging here but you can see it's pretty simple inside you have this touch screen display okay all right so here's the display um on the back here on the side or however you want to look at it you have multiple hdmi ports this is why i was really interested in this product there's hdmi here here one and two and pull that close so you guys can see and then you also have a usb in for video so if you have two devices that take hdmi and one that works via usb you have three sources three video sources to input um hdmi out you got your ethernet you have your audio in so that you can um have a dedicated audio source and then there's usb type-c for charging and powering the uh device the device itself has a battery inside but um i think you can also plug in an external battery to keep it going if that's what you need to do on the side here looks like you have i'm not sure if those are speakers which i could take a look and then on the top here you have a spot for your sd card where you can record video locally you know record live stream locally if you need to deliver that to your client or have it for your own use of course the power button i'll go ahead and hit that now so sim card so that you can like i said before connect the cell signal instead of just depending on the wireless and ethernet signals if if you don't have if you happen to be in a place that doesn't have internet then you also have your audio out okay so what i'm going to do is um before i set this up i'll let you guys take a look at the holy land 300 the holy land mars 300 and show you what what i plan to do with that and then we'll get this set up and configure it and see how it works real quick also in the box i should have showed you guys this before looks like a uh sim card removal tool most people have about 100 of these by now i'll probably leave that in here somewhere i don't know we'll set it aside and then of course your instructions i'll try to read those this time because usually i don't read the instructions but since i don't absolutely know what i'm doing here definitely gonna at least at least browse the instructions maybe i'll watch a youtube video you know how it is you get this foam here pull that aside inside you have regular usb your standard usb power bricks usb c like i said before so you can charge the unit and then you'll have a cold shoe mount with a quarter 20. um if you're into photography or video you probably have a bunch of these this one seems pretty decent some i know some can be super cheap but this one's solid nothing special about it but um that way you can mount i guess i didn't show you there's a quarter 20 thread on the bottom of the yellow box so you can mount this on top of your camera but also if you look at the bottom of the bottom of this here you can see that there's a quarter twenty mount also so you can put it on the light stand or something like that and that's probably how i would end up doing it actually i would probably put it on one of these little mini tripods i'm just a big fan of all these little mini tripods and i would probably connect it up something like that there i won't need to do it right this second but we almost got it so that's probably how i'll end up using it something like that just depends on on where i'm gonna be at and um the situation so anyway we'll set that aside there also inside you have an hdmi cable actually looks like you get two which is awesome and then you get one of these carrying bags a lot of other devices come with these these velvet like bags i'm not sure why why that's so popular i don't usually use them they just don't seem practical to me maybe i'll put like i know a bag of screws or something like that screws in there and toss them aside i just don't end up using them they're just they're kind of a pain for me but so anyway that's it with the yellow box that's all that comes in the box and let's take a look at the holly land all right so here's the holy land mars 300 pro for those who don't know you don't have to use something like this with your streaming setup i i'm opting to use something like this because i want it an entirely wireless setup you could absolutely run hdmi cables from your camera to the yellow box or whatever system you might be interested in using but i wanted to completely wireless setup because wireless don't like wires so i'm opting for something like this to to try to alleviate having to deal with wires so anyway here's the holy land mars 300 pro standard they have a couple versions but again with these tight boxes but one thing i like about this is it has the and the wires i'm sorry the antennas for the holy land are internal um one of their other versions has a external antenna let me show you real quick so here you have your receiver and transmitter and with the receiver they both take the mpf the sony npa mpf batteries which is just great because those batteries tend to be cheap you can find them anywhere on the side here you have your hdmi out so two outputs there usbc for power so again you can use the the sony mpf batteries but also if you have a us usb c source or a power source you can use that to power the device um also here is the transmitter on off button just gonna get closer for you guys there on off button this here allows you to change the channel that you're on hdmi in and hdmi loop out so let me get let me grab a battery and show you guys what these look like all right so here's what it looks like once you get the batteries connected i had to find a couple of mpf batteries this one's bigger you can use either size it doesn't matter right now you can see they're both set to uh channel eight you can set them however you want hook up the transmitter to your camera take it from your camera to the hdmi in and then here's your receiver and these are what i plan on connecting to the yellow box once i get everything set up i'll show you guys what it looks like but again with the unboxing quick unboxing i know i'm all over the place guys but um looking at the transmitter on the receiver they out they each have quarter 20 mounts on the at the bottom so you can put them on a light stand or you know whatever type tripod or stand that you want to use and i have to figure out exactly how i'm going to mount these also in the box usbc cable i'm glad everything is you is usbc now because it's just nice being able to grab a cable from anywhere and use it with with your devices you know back before we were using um micro usb and mini usb and it was kind of a pain but um i'm glad that we have that there's also a quarter 20 mount that will screw into the back or top depending on how you look at of the transmitter and receiver so if you wanted to you could mount it vertically or horizontally depending on what works best for your situation also cold shoe adapter so if you wanted you could mount it on top of your camera like that there what i plan to do now is get everything set up get everything configured and play around with it and come back and show you guys what i figured out with this system so be back in a second okay on to the yolo live setup i've already set mine up so what i think i'll do is i'll go ahead and um reset this and show you guys from the beginning how quick and easy it is to set up it really took me about 10 minutes to get everything set up so i'll show you the steps right now go ahead and do a factory reset so you get a quick little boot screen it takes a little bit longer than i'd like for it to start up but that's okay it it seems like it's running on android i'm not sure what version um behind the scenes but it seems to be based on a uh one of the android os so you get your typical of any setup in any tablet or phone you select your language for me it's english uh on to your your time zone and hop down here to new york because i'm on the east coast and then it will ask you to log in with your email address so let me do that right quick enter your email address of course once your password and basically you're creating account or logging into the account that you've already created with yolo once you get logged in then you will need to add your your your streaming accounts for example um let me go back here you go to accounts actually mine's still added here which is kind of weird um i expected all this to be empty but what you would do is you would click on facebook and add your facebook login information youtube add your youtube login information and so on looks like twitter is not quite an option yet and i don't have a twitch account so i haven't logged into twitch but you could also log into twitch and use that so to create a live stream you go ahead and hit the plus sign you name the live stream title and i'm just going to name it test real quick click done and you can give a description i'm not going to do that now looks like you can schedule for when you want the live stream to start but i'll go ahead and click click create now and you can see it's sort of a project file sort of a a project that's set up here i have the test i guess i can create multiple multiple uh live streams to to use at a later time but i'll go ahead and click on the test one and at this point the cameras would come up and you can choose which accounts you would like to stream to whether it's your youtube facebook twitch custom rtmp let me go ahead and get the camera set up and show you guys what this looks like all right so let me show you guys what i got going on here uh let's start with this camera here this is the a7 s3 and you can see here i have the transmitter and a battery pack hooked up an mpf battery and with the hdmi coming from the camera to the transmitter and we'll transmit out to the receiver uh hopefully you guys can see that you know it's a little bit dark in here um there's also another output if i had more hdmi cables i could connect the transmitter also to my ninja v ninja five depending on how you want to say it field monitor and recorder so you can also have video displayed here while you transmit from from the camera to the receiver the other camera i'm going to be using is the a 6400 and it's got pretty much the same setup hdmi coming from the camera to the transmitter and from the transmitter over to the receiver same setup if i had another i realized i need more hdmi cables move this sucker a little bit so you guys can see turn it you can see in here i showed you guys before you can see right in there there's a second uh hdmi out that i could run from the transmitter to this field monitor here this is a field world forget the model number but um another field monitor so i think it will be helpful to you know if you especially if you have a crew helping you a couple guys helping you a couple people helping you you know to be able to monitor video while it's being uh live streamed so that's the setup here for the a6400 and my third camera i'm sorry that's the a7 this is the a7 a7 3 and here's the 6400 try to shoot this on my cell phone since i've run out of cameras to to use for this setup so my bad a7 3 6400 so again same setup hdmi out hdmi from the camera to the transmitter and being transmitted to the receiver again i need more hdmi cables so i'm using every one i have i'm using three cables here and also three cables on the transmitters you see here i have three hdmi from the i'm sorry the receivers to the yellow box so six hdmi cables right now i need another three and i'd like to get some shorter ones because this is kind of a mess it's not quite the setup i wanted to run with you know as far as it being neat and orderly so i still have to figure that out but um let me go ahead and set these cameras up and turn them on and let you guys see what it all looks like so this is my work area it's kind of messy but kind of how it is when you're working solo trying to keep everything organized so again let's move on to the next part get this set up okay so now i have all three cameras hooked up and as you can see we have the test uh stream or project however you want to call it already set up from before so if i click on that now you should be able to see all three cameras uh camera one camera two and camera three and just the note if you see here i have hdmi one that's the one that's active it should be camera this one right here which is the a7 s3 and um i do have a picture profile on there that that makes the video a little flat um but that's okay this is just for our testing purposes and she will just tap to switch to camera 2 which is the a7 3 off to my right here and and if you look over here the last camera a 6400 that's connected via usb um that's a pretty cool feature if i'm going to raise the phone here up over the top show you guys again so i have the hdmi coming from this receiver into hdmi one then the second receiver here and the hdmi 2 and the last receiver i actually have plugged in via usb so i have a hdmi cable a hdmi capture card it's just a cheap one that you can find on amazon about 25 bucks and um converts it to usb and then i have this usb adapter cable plugged into the usb port so this is exactly what i wanted i wanted three sources of video all wireless without having to do anything too complicated i tried to plug this hdmi video capture card directly into the usb port but it's a little wide when laying out next to the other connectors so i use this this is basically an extender cable also just for just for fun i have a rode wireless go plugged in to the audio in because i wanted to kind of do a quick test stream i haven't done that yet and i didn't want the video to sound too terrible so i'm wearing a rode wireless go transmitter and um so hopefully the audio is not too too bad if i do a test stream so that's basically the the quick and easy of it like it's it's really simple i like how responsive everything is um if you're familiar with using a smartphone which most of us are or tablet or something like that then you can use this with with no problem the other thing you can do is you can record directly to an sd card um you can load files from an sd card so if you have pre pre pre-made video that you wanted to queue up for for whatever reason maybe it's an intro or uh an outro or something like that that you can cue that up as another source you click here to add video source you can see sd card as an option so that's i always thought that was awesome picture-in-picture video options not an expert yet like i said i think this is the best solution for for beginners and right now with the sling studio being so hard to come by as far as all the parts i think this might be the best option and until you can get yourself a sling studio so i'm gonna give it a shot i'm gonna go ahead and try to go live on youtube see what happens oh let's do it unlisted that's awesome we're doing unlisted i'll put the link below so you guys can uh check it out if you want to if you're curious about it holding my cell phone here for hit done so it looks like it says user is not enabled for live streaming i'm not sure if that's something i need to set up with my youtube account uh something i need to apply for or just activate especially since i haven't done this before so i'll go ahead and turn that off now so that we're not attempting a live stream but i i think this might be the quick and easy setup that i've been looking for hopefully it's helpful for you guys all right guys i'm gonna go ahead and wrap it up here that's all i have for this video uh just to recap and re-summarize the reason i think it's the best deal it's a great deal for people just starting out with streaming it seems like a very easy quick to set up a nice all-in-one system that that's very flexible allows you to record the the live stream locally that allows you to connect via wireless ethernet and sell signal i like how it's a touch screen it has multiple capabilities including a picture in picture it also allows you to load up pre-recorded video from an sd card so you can live stream that you know it could be your intro it could be your outro it can be some sort of advertisement and depending you know what your needs are and what you what you what you have in mind you also have the lower third options it has a scoreboard option there's a lot of features packed into one nice small touchscreen body it charges via usbc to me from what i can see it's a great solution for what i need i'll make a follow-up video later on once i have a chance to dig into all the features and get more acclimated to the system like i said i think it's going to work well for me these are just my opinions so nothing against sling studio i know i expect that people are going to come in and drop comments in the comment section about how sling studios better it may be but for what i need i think this is gonna work well that's it if you guys enjoyed this video please hit the subscribe button give me a like drop some questions in the comment section and i will see you next time peace you
Channel: Craig Kilgore
Views: 10,837
Rating: 4.9568343 out of 5
Keywords: Yolobox Liv, yolobox, slingstudio alternatives, slingstudio review 2021, yolobox setup, yolobox live streaming system, yolobox vs slingstudio, best atem alternative, how to use the yolobox, yolobox review, yolobox live stream, live streaming
Id: hGl0Rv1Pzxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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