Yoga Teacher's Amazing Furniture-Free Tiny House Designed For Body Movement

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a good home is about so much more than just simple shelter it should be a place that truly encourages good health health of your heart of your mind of your spirit and your body and that is exactly what this next tiny house does in a very unique way [Music] hi Jamie hi so are you lovely to meet you to meet you this house is absolutely beautiful thank you and these gardens are stunning first of all can I just ask a little bit about where we are right now and how you actually came to be here on this property yeah we are at this circle Yoga Shaolin and it's a training facility for yoga teachers so we do 200 our 500 hour all the way up through yoga therapy trainings here and it's also a community so I was involved with them through yoga circles and it's just worked out that I was also building this tiny house and it was like I had found my people so I've spent the last two years building this and then moved it here in May and kind of finished it up and got everything in place Here I am and in that respect a tiny house is the perfect way to join an existing community isn't it because you have your own space it's all yours and as you like it and there's a place you can retreat to but when you want to be in the community it's right out here yeah I actually found that through personal experience I had lived in another yoga community in which I was you know in the main building and in sort of you know you have your own room but it's very different all the noises are right there so I knew that community was important to me and it was something that I wanted but I knew I needed to have my own space and have my own domain to make that work so you can have a space to retreat to like you said and who's this this is Dahle I done poor town beautiful dog yeah I'm not sure what sort of mix she is but she is my favorite accessory she's so beautiful so you named your tiny house turtle medicine tell me a little bit about that well there's lots that goes behind that I didn't name it that at first but as it started taking shape I started learning more about Native American traditions and turtle medicine and what that means and then in the native traditions everything at a certain time is medicine so say you were seeing lots of turtles around in your life and you could inquire into turtle medicine and what nature is showing you and turtle medicine is about slowing down it's about adapting to your environment so I was building this and filled Missouri and reclaiming everything so I just kind of started inquiring as to what was around what houses were going down and kind of just had to wait until the right thing arrived so it was sort of a way of reminding myself again and again that this was about a process and that process can't be hurried you can just relax into it again and again so through all the obstacles just reminding myself to adapt and adjust and slow down and be good with where things are what was it that inspired you to use so many reclaimed or recycled materials in this home the area that I lived there was a ton of materials to be reclaimed a lot of houses going down and all of that stuff was just going to the landfill and so it was sort of my way of not only reclaiming the materials but also reclaiming a certain part of my life by kind of returning to my roots and being a part of kind of the nitty gritty of the Ozarks you know the trailer in looking for it we kind of went all in through Southeast Missouri and the cedar siding came from a barn so I took down two barns and gathered materials from probably about six or seven different houses that were all going down so I extracted the windows you know pull the doors out of their spots so that was a lot of work but it was well worth it because I found things I really loved one of the things that immediately interest me about the design and concept of this house is that you've designed this to help encourage movement tell me how that all came about I've always been into movement as an athlete or a trainer and then now it's a yoga teacher but more specifically as I started to come do trainings here at the circle yoga shala I started to learn about all the ways that humans aren't really moving anymore so for example these stall bars I built to not only be for use in you know like mobility and range of motion exercises for the arms and shoulders but it's also a ladder up to the roof which is where my yoga mat kind of stays and where I do most of my yoga practices for now why the weather is really nice yeah I call it the top of the world and just in general here you've got such a lovely outdoor living space as well don't you I do yeah and it really made it homey so much faster you know to be able to have this space and I've always wanted around porch well I cannot wait to check out what you've done on the inside can we take a look yeah let's check it out all right oh this is absolutely gorgeous I love the style of this place Thanks yeah I love it too I always tell people there's not anything in here that I don't love that's a good feeling you can really say that everything in here has had a life before and comes into this space telling a story doesn't it it does yeah pretty much everything has a story for example this was an old flower box so I made this and the open shelving with the parts from the fire box so these holes were to drain the water from the flowers and now they're candle holders did you have sort of a vision for what you wanted to create in mind or was this all just completely dictated by what you found yeah the first thing that really determined a lot is this leaded glass window which I call the miracle window because it's a miracle it didn't break along the ways because we extracted it from this house which was a brick house so it was really hard to get out and then managed to get it in here so it was kind of the centerpiece of a lot of the design and the wood beams so that came from a barn that we took down and I just love them and so I knew I wanted those to be exposed in this portion of it and from there I had originally thought I would do stairs but then I found that ladder and so it all sort of just adapted from there when necessary the design in here is really nice walking into this part of the home everything just feels really nice open light spacious tell me about how you've said everything out in here yeah so you know this main living space I really wanted it to have sort of that great room feel that it was high ceilings and connected to the kitchen and sort of just a unified living space so I kind of designed it to where I would come in there's two doors would come in that other door and be able to have that as the utility space and then that this could be just you know for living and keeping beautiful and organized it's actually quite Spartan isn't it you haven't cluttered it up with a lot of furniture and everything yeah so part of that movement aspect that we were talking about is that sitting on the floor or you know sitting in different positions is really good for the body so not having chairs that kind of put you into a thinking or a passive position but using your hip rotation and your core to sit upright but also still being able to have kind of lounge spaces that are comfortable and cozy is that still relaxing nor well doesn't that look pretty relaxing a chill that looks pretty relaxed you know give me a book from popcorn and so all these benches are modular so I can move these over there or I can put them into the center and I use this wall for my projector so I'll kind of just move this over there and and sit and watch music videos mostly I really like music videos on the wall so I find it really comfortable and I can use the benches also for laying on or relaxing that's kind of why I decided to go with these benches that are a little bit less pushy or cozy than most houses would be but I find them really useful and then down here we have your kitchen space yes beautiful live-edge countertop yes this is silver maple and all of the live edge actually the walnut and the maple that are on the benches and this maple all came from wood that was at the same properties as the barns that were coming down and the houses that I reclaimed this window and several of the windows from and so all the trees were going down you know probably 20 old-growth trees and so I got on Craigslist and I call it a sawmill guy I said will you split I mean of the wood with me for processing it so they all you know have a lot of sentimental value to me in that way because it was kind of all part of this process of just starting to try to find you know what was available and I knew I would have some wood slab but this one I chose because I really like the kind of bump out feature here for a little bit of extra counter space no sink in here just yet though no so where I'm at now is not connected to water so there's no need for the sink I sort of used the kitchen right now mostly for supplements or making an omelet something pretty basic and then I just either use my water jug to wash dishes or go to the main house to wash everything up again just looking at this kitchen there's so much beauty and character that's just been poured into this space thank you all of these mugs and everything it all just looks like it's so at home in here yeah I made all those mugs you make these yeah beautiful yeah so every time you know you have a cup of tea in it and a cup that you made it has a certain feeling as well and then I loved how you've done this open storage in the kitchen too yeah so I'm really into herbs and spices and so I knew I wanted to have a lot of open shelving and I also think it's really beautiful to see all the different roots and plants and yeah designed it to be really open so you can see all that and have it easily accessible when you're making your potions gorgeous and this all gets used it's not just decoration oh yeah it all gets used I'm a chai fanatic no I think several varieties of chai I get to hang out while I make my chai so it's that's really what I was going for first thing it's kind of one of the things I do so to wake up and get some movement in and be able to do that right here because I also have a tendency to walk away from the chai and it boils over and now I don't have to worry about that well there you go no that is super cold tell me about how you've done that yeah so this bar goes straight through underneath the loft and really it's only purpose is to be able to hang because this is something that has sort of moved out of the movement profile I guess you could say of human beings and is really important for a head and neck alignment so usually a lot of people that I see as a yoga therapist this is what we're focused on so I wanted to incorporate that making it as seamless and is integrated into my life as possible and so what do we head through here so this is sort of the start of the utility area so my closet is here and then there's a fridge back behind here and I sort of made the curtain so that it could go pretty much any direction so that then this area still feels nice and clean and uncluttered and then through here is your bathroom I'm guessing yeah so it's sort of a bathroom and a dressing room I call it so the toilet is composting there's a big compost operation here so although the toilets are composting that just makes it so much easier doesn't it when you're actually on a property whether you've got existing infrastructure for doing all those yes it's a whole learning curve so to just be able to get in on the process was hugely influential and actually putting the blue in here and having this for winter I think will be really lovely to not have to walk to the outhouse every time yeah definitely go yeah so not having a shower in here is that a problem no there's a whole shower room here I think if I was off the grid or off by myself of course I would want a shower and it's plumbed to be able to have a shower and it has an RV hookup for water so if that becomes the case or the next place I move that makes more sense then I can just switch everything up and the shower will come out right here and it's actually designed to be able to have an outdoor in an indoor shower but it'll kind of grow with my off-grid lifestyle well should we check out the sleeping loft and see what you've done up there yeah let's go all right now I'm pretty interested in seeing how this ladder is going to look because it doesn't look like the easiest thing to get up and down it isn't and I tell people that if they can't get up into my loft they can't come so I usually use one of these top bar kind of help and then just get a cheek on there in your ear and it's actually nice to have the handles at the top it is isn't it the way that this letter is actually folding over it's pretty unusual but it actually makes accessing the loft a lot simpler doesn't it beautiful space up here - thanks yeah this is all that same wood that I was saying is from the outside the cedar so hopefully it'll keep the mods away the floor is just a parquet floor but I put a geometrical shape underneath it so that was fun to get to do all those little things and I thought it would feel crowded but to sleep here really is super cozy and with the window right by my head I really love it and above us now we've got the deck area still right yeah can we take that out yeah let's do it more climbing let's do it so I want to show you one of my favorite ways to get down alright sydandval so involves hanging so kind of just lower yourself down and get your first morning stretch nice and drop but be sure to bend your knees as you hit the ground that is seriously cool and I just love how playful it's made this base you know everything just becomes so functional and I just love the way that the whole home encourages you to move yeah yeah there's one more element I can show you that I got from my sawmill friend I saw this burly thing and I was reminded me of a climbing hold but it's you know made a beautiful wood so if you're climbing you can also kind of get a little swing up and then this here is how you access the roof yeah so these are stall bars and then just also a letter nice are you coming up absolutely okay oh now that is cool I love how your yoga mats just already up here yeah this is where I use it and it's rubber so it's waterproof okay please tell me that those pipes have a rooftop bathtub can dream it you can do it and they'll be water up here yeah so there's water and electricity and this part is set up for solar panels should that ever be necessary or there's also a spot for batteries down in the front so I kind of imagine moving towards more and more off-grid and the view up here this is pretty hot debate isn't it it is up in the trees so how long have you actually been living in the home now I guess it would be three and a half months so three months that's still pretty fresh how are you finding it yeah I really love it I'm back and forth between here in Springfield where I still teach yoga and kind of run my business from there so every time I come home to it I spend about 70 percent of the time here I'm still really thrilled and it feels like coming home to a really restful place which is really nice how much did this home actually cost you to build well if you don't count what was bartered but you do count all the tools I had to buy but 12,000 total that's pretty remarkable what was the secret to keeping the cost down that love location the other would be just building everything myself do you know that doesn't count all of the ridiculous and I'm working on this yeah so from the materials coming from a barn that I just I had access to because otherwise it was going to be thrown away so the things that I built it with were you know had $0 in most cases most of the expense would be the electrical the plumbing screws the whole process was allowing myself to do what I really wanted to do at my deepest core and and that was to build things and to engage with process and engage with community in a way that I'm offering my whole itself to what's happening into what I'm doing so I learned one that I can finish something and that act of following a process from start to finish I learned about process itself so it also helped me to see where I am in my own process and observing all of the things that I would do you know when things weren't going well and things were going well and even now that it's finished sort of the feelings of safety and comfort that I have now because of taking these steps to sort of get grounded and and stabilized in my own life so it taught me that my practice is working and that's hopeful and I think that that is something that we could all use a dose of right now Jamie your home is truly beautiful I love all of the materials that you have put into this I love its story and I love how adventurous you have made this place congratulations on creating something truly special thank you there's little question about it that as modern humans we have definitely become way too sedentary and what I love about this home is just the way that it always encourages movement and movement in ways that we wouldn't normally use our bodies in day to day life this place really is something very unique [Music] you
Channel: Living Big In A Tiny House
Views: 2,794,316
Rating: 4.9087591 out of 5
Keywords: tiny home tour, tiny living, small house, living big in a tiny house, tiny house movement, tiny house build, simple living, tiny house design, small home, tiny house tour, tiny house on wheels, furniture free, furniture free living, yoga tiny house, yoga, yogi's tiny house, eco tiny house, small house living, tiny house, tiny home, small space, tiny homes, movement, body movement, body movement training, simple living minimalist, minimalist tiny home, small house tour
Id: V6ibjw_vWJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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