- What's up my friends? Welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene and today we have an awesome seven minute
post-run yoga for you. So take your shoes
off and let's get started. (upbeat music) Alright my friends,
let's start on all fours. Hopefully you're nice
and sweaty, feeling good. Your endorphins
got kicked up a notch on your jog,
your walk or your run. Come to Tabletop Position. Take a deep breath in
and a long breath out. On your next inhale,
drop the belly, open the chest, look forward and really just soften the face, and like, let whatever
wants to happen happen here. You've earned it. Find a little
stretch in the neck, maybe some horsey lips.
Whatever feels good. And then when
you're ready maybe wag your tail a little bit, too. Yeah, why not? Love to do that on YouTube. It's my life's dream,
wag your tail on YouTube. Okay, here we go. Claw the fingertips into
the earth and round through. Just one of these,
so make it a good one. Press into the tops of the feet. Chin to chest. Oh, life is good. Make some sounds
if it feels good, really stretch the
muscles of the back body by pressing that
which is touching the earth, really down, down,
down, and then lifting up with the rest of your body. Inhale and exhale
to release. Awesome. From here you're
going to walk the hands. Curl the toes under, excuse me. and then walk the
hands all the way up to the hip creases. Little foot stretch here. Lift your heart.
Lift your chest. Stay here, kneading your thighs or reach the fingertips around, interlace the fingertips behind and open the chest. So yogi's choice here. Really listen to your body. It's different
after every run, right? Different every practice. Find soft, easy movement here. Take one more breath. Great. And if the fingertips
are interlaced, release. And we're going to
come all the way up. Uncurl the toes. Press the tops of the feet into the earth. Gate Pose, so
connect your core just for a little
stability in this transition. You're going to take
the right foot out long and turn the right toes in. So really press
into the outer edge of that back foot. Then when you're ready, inhale, reach the fingertips up high. Feel that stretch and then exhale tilting over. Right hand can
come to the waist line or gently to the leg.
Then lift your chest and then really press into the
top of your left foot here. Keep length through the crown. Inhale. Maybe go a
little deeper, then exhale. Come back to center.
Awesome, awesome work. Fingertips come forward.
Tabletop Position. Cat-Cow. Inhale.
Open the chest. Should feel really good here. Pause. And then when
you're ready, round through. Keep pressing into your feet. Great. Then inhale.
Come back to center. Bring the right
knee in. Roll up. Connect to your core.
Send the left leg out long. Turn the left toes in. so really find a lift through
all four sides of the torso. And then when
you're ready, inhale, reach for the sky. And exhale.
Gentle tilt to the left. Left hand gently
on the leg or come, bring it to the waist line here. And then breathe.
It should feel really good. Press into the top
of that right foot. Inhale. Exhale back to center. Awesome work. Hands come forward,
or fingertips come forward. Inhale. Drop the belly. Open the chest. Pause here. Breathe. Then exhale round
through chin to chest. Breathe. Fabulous. Bring the
left knee in from here. And then we're back
on Tabletop Position. You're going to send
the right leg out long. Curl the toes under and then just rock a
little front to back. Don't collapse in
the head or neck here. Stretching the
achilles, the calf. It should feel really good. Sweet. Then walk the
hands a little bit forward and bring your right knee all
the way in and around and up for a one-legged Pigeon Pose. Walk the left knee back. Inhale. Open the chest. Lift your heart. If you like, you can take it
down for a couple breaths. And after about
two breath cycles, nice full deep breaths,
you'll bring it back up and look past
your left shoulder. Maybe you reach, just reach
and stretch for your left toes, or maybe you bend that left knee and clasp the inner
arch or inner ankle. Take it easy here.
Don't push it, but maybe in time, you'll
be able to find a little bit more depth in that quad
stretch, but don't push it. Be super mindful. Inhale in.
Lift your heart. Exhale. Release with
control if you had that leg. We'll come back to
Tabletop, nice and easy. Find length
through the crown and then curl the left toes
under and start to rock. Give thanks for your
body as you breathe deep. Maybe complete the
sentence: I choose ... Why not? A little
mind/body work here as we stretch and release post run. And then, when you're ready,
walk the hands forward and then bring the
left knee in and around for your one-legged Pigeon. Walk the right knee back. Notice how this
side is different. Stay present. Keep listening. And then you can stay
lifted here, finding length. Or we can soften and bow. Take a couple breaths
here, and again, you might close your eyes and finish
the sentence: I choose... Just see what comes up. And we'll slowly roll it up. Take a look past your
right shoulder this time. Maybe it's just a big stretch. Lifting up
through the armpit chest. Feeling that nice
stretch in the pec here. Side body's long.
Big stretch in the psoas and then you can
take it a little deeper, perhaps, by reaching back,
grabbing that inner ankle or inner arch. Breathe deep. Don't push it. Be super mindful. Then release
whenever you're ready. This time, we're going
to swing the legs around and end with a
classic Baddha Konasana. Ending with a little butterfly. You can interlace the
fingertips around the toes. Sit up nice and tall.
Start to just cool off. Nice work my friends. Take a deep breath
in through the nose and exhale out
through the mouth. Come on now, big breath in. Exhale out through the mouth. And one more time. Awesome. Release. Ankles can
cross or legs can go out. Bring the palms together. Bring them all the
way up to your third eye. You're awesome. I'm awesome.
Have a great rest of your day. Deep breath in.
And exhale to bow. Namaste. (upbeat music)