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never probably so you know the idea is to I'm going to uh say some statements right and you are going see is I have of course and NOA I have never right I'm still working on my and if you can give us some context or some more information when you respond that would be awesome man I'm ready okay ready oh great so uh I never have I ever arrived late to sit wait so it's a double negative yeah I'm I'm still working wait wait never have I ever arrived late ah so so if I have arriv late so that's true if you arri late see a okay okay okay s got it never have I ever a right late to set never you think I will admit on camera that I he'll never watch this maybe twice maybe twice okay and is Al cool about it hopefully he doesn't know about it till this interview here's the thing I don't know if I've ever arrived late but I'm usually late so it's hard to to think that I would never have yeah okay I arrive exactly when I'm supposed to arrive that's the way I see it great okay second one never have I ever driven Dallas crazy about something have I okay not going to admit to that on camera we've we've driven them crazy about you know what you know like for example and I say we because it's usually me and George we have an idea and we go oh we really think the scene is and he just uh he'll either be like okay try it or no I I I don't think so so uh yeah I mean there's a scene in in this season where we're getting ready to to uh asked Jesus to be on his right and left hand and we we had an idea about how it was going to go down but uh that didn't play [Laughter] out so we what you see is what you get okay you oh well it's not really my fault but every time I come every season Suddenly I See the skirt is getting shorter and then he sees me and he's like no why are you doing this and I'm not doing anything I'm just putting it on you know so I okay so it's not intentional nothing his muscles just get bigger every season it's the washing it's the laundry you know Seck it third one never have I ever B A take by having a fet of laughter ruin to take I probably I probably have yes you remember no I'm pretty sure I'm I'm like I've done things that make other people laugh and ruin the take but not me I I'm in the zone well but I do remember this one take that we had it was like we all having dinner in this I guess festivity like celebration season two I think yes season no season seon season two and I remember it was the night a lot a bunch of us were being wrapped yeah a bunch of us were we been wrapped that night and we could not hold it together we someone started saying something and everybody just started laughing it was a group thing right but we still ruined the get frustrated when the other one and you have to repeat the take every time or no or you just no I I think normally when it happens it's during a scene that it's funny to many people okay and not just the person in the scene so I think we kind of give each other Grace it's it's it becomes understandable you know and I don't think it's ever gotten to the point where 30 minutes in we still can't get the take you know it's usually like one or two takes or or somebody will improvise a line that will crack other people up um yeah but it's it's we bit we're all pretty good about it yeah it doesn't happen all and sometimes we need it sometimes we need that like just let it all out get the giggles out because then you're okay okay then it's out I blame Noah James my he has the most infectious laugh he I don't know what he could be laughing about but if I hear him laugh I get happy I'm like it's time to laugh as soon as he's unet there's an atmosphere Li that's very very easy to laugh with okay um never have I ever Google my name man this is this is embarrassing of course you want to know what people are saying about you yeah this is embarrassing I mean it's vanity at its best you know whatever I think you see I disagree I think I think it's image control that's what it is it's like that if people are saying good things or bad things you want to no especially if it's like you know if you're getting attacked or like just to to be able to prepare for it for when we do things like this you know that's true that's so yeah not specifically this it wouldn't but for uh yeah yeah are we talking about the internet he's not on I heard about it I don't know he heard about it back in the day okay never have I ever practiced public speaking in front of the mirror uh yeah I have I how did that work well because I I get very I get like Tangled Up In my own words so sometimes I like so does looking at yourself help not even okay here's the thing um it's not only in the mirror sometimes it's in the shower okay sometimes it's in different places I'm sorry okay God but you but you rehearse it out loud I rehearse I practice you get it out loud I practice there you go and then sometimes it happens in the mirror sometimes have mirr there do you draw in like audience members in the mirror just with lipstick yeah no I haven't tried that yet okay well now I got something like on never have I ever dropped my phone in the toilet oh my gosh thank goodness oh God you I'm not I'm not going to tell this story it's just that simple I'm not going to tell this story not was it um have you dropped your phone in the toilet no no no disrupted dis you dropped it at all and broke like broke it it are we setting our phone I don't have one he just has a landline he's got coconuts got coconut on a wire cord never have I ever done a prank call oh man I think those went out of style as soon as those College yeah yeah bunch of them there do you guys remember there was like a a pre-recorded thing where you can call somebody and then you could put whatever like the the the voice was what you would use to prank the person on the other line and then I don't remember the codes back in the day to Star 60 star 60 was it 69 so they don't know your who you're calling yeah that that that but this back in the can you still do that no everyone's got you huh everybody knows almost you got coconuts for phones like him then nobody nobody knows little cans and from never have I ever cried while watching a scene in which I acted ooh I think when there's other people yeah yeah for sure she usually the other person do you remember any from SE I think for me it would have been like season two where um Mary magdalin is brought back by Simon and Matthew and mother Mary brings it to the tent and uh yeah and yeah Liz is working that was just so beautiful to watch and heartbreaking so yeah probably that scene for me so I have to be in the scene in order to like say the never have I ever is that how this work so if I'm in the the scene and then I watched it and then I cried but if I'm not in the scene but I watched it and I cried it doesn't count oh you're in it yeah no no then no still not still not yeah okay you're not a crier no I am a crier just not in a scene that I've been nothing sad like he's usually eating cake in the seene like eat my cinnamon cakes you know maybe maybe postseason 7 when they chop my head off yeah we'll get into it but but for now no nothing I I've never watched the show but uh this guy this guy no but I many times many times I find myself many times seeing the show and forgetting that I'm in it you know and then being surprised by it yeah especially these two first two episodes oh yeah it's like you f you know and we come in a little later and then it's I just when we were watching it the in an earlier Premiere I was like well we're we're in that show that's crazy like it's like pretty good show pretty good wow nice Rhythm music you know kind dancing I watch the show yeah I'd watch it you should watch on February February 22 all over Latin America [Laughter] [Music] I gotta give him my shirt for that I gotta give him my [Music] sh [Music] so yes that's itas thank you h
Channel: The Chosen Latino
Views: 96,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WBbRiG3iv4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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