Yellowstone bison(buffalo) in rut, surrounds woman on motorcycle.
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Channel: Kelli Mcdaniel
Views: 3,249,413
Rating: 4.3383226 out of 5
Keywords: Yellowstone, Buffalo, rut, Motorcycle, Woman, victory, Bison, Angry, Scared, Road trip, Wild West, Cross County, Biker Chick, Kelli McDaniel, Sturgis, Biker
Id: N3gRMCktJ78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 34sec (94 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Well, she's on a Victory Cross Country Tour... If I were in her situation I'd have shot the beast and packed it in the trunk so I could make a bag liner out of its hide. Then I'd have shot the one in the middle of the road and packed it in the least full saddlebag so I'd have enough hide to line both bags.
Wheelie to assert dominance.
Would've gone around the buffalos... btw, best comment:
When in doubt, throttle it out.
My uncle has buffalo (bison) on his ranch and they're extremely docile and friendly...until they aren't. My uncle has a titanium shoulder thanks to one bull that got too aggressive at feeding time.
I would feather the clutch deftly, and unass the area.
shit bricks..without moving a muscle
Kill the engine, might sound like something want to kill or mate with.
Head over to the Winchester, grab a pint, wait for this to all blow over.
Hold completely still and pray your ass off
He really target fixated on those buffalo