Yellow trucking shuts down

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Well, one of the nation's larget trucking companies, Yellow, has shut down affecting more than 30,030 thousand employees all over the country. And so that includes hundreds right here in metro Atlanta, 11 Alive. Cody Alcorn is live outside onef the company's terminals in Conl. So Cody, this is going to have a major impact all across our country. A big time Ron and Jennifer and it's official. This freight terminal permanently closed. Take a look here behind me. The gates are locked up and the lights are out here. And as you mentioned, this is going to have a big imp. This could have large impacts on the country supply chain. It could force the cost of shipg to rise in the US last year, listen to this, the company was handling close to 50,000 shipments a day. Parked trucks and empty trailer. It's a ghost town at more than 300 of yellow corporations, regional terminals, 33,000 employees, now unemployed. That's 33,000 families. This is going to be effective. It hurts to get a phone call a day before this huge company all of a sudden just closes the phone call, ending a 99 year run for what was the country's third largest trucking company. It's really bad. I mean, it's really Cody is. It's like a slan the face, you know, after you put in years of service and then all of a sudden the company collapsing, taking down its entire portfoli. The employee who I spoke with didn't want to be identified but says the magnitude of this shutn will be felt across the country. This is really huge. A company with 22,000 union workers, which is the mechanics, the drivers, the dock workers, you have non union employees that are office staff. So it's. There's a lot of of folks that are going to be hurting. Now that former employee told me it's his understanding their benefits will end next weekend. Now listen to this. The yellow was actually given a $700 million COVID bailout by the government during the COVID pandemic just last month the Congressional review came out so they actually should even got tt loan that they've yet to pay ba. So many who know about this company say while it is shocking for a lot of folks, they've been having money issues though for several years and just could never catch up.
Channel: 11Alive
Views: 19,137
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Keywords: [ local, news ]
Id: ysxCT9qMD3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 35sec (155 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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