Year by year: the fastest women of the 21st century (so far) | NBC Sports

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on your marks fastest woman in the world well a lot of starters versus some very good finishers here tonight and Fraser of Jamaica running away from the field to Win It and Bowie at the line Bowie is gonna get the don't she lean at the line it's all Jamaica one two and three Elaine Thompson hurray Tech record Fraser Prime title the women's 100. and this is a fair start and Marion Jones blasts out of the blocks Marion Jones has the lead and they're coming to the line and nobody will catcher Marion Jones [Applause] block goes down once again today to the Box [Music] the greatest time [Music] away and Jones a major upset in the world championship and a marvelous run and try to produce a bit in time 10.82 world medium performance [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] but there goes Kelly White she won the U.S Championship now she's a world champion and I also believe we went 1-2 because Tori Edwards when that gun went off she was out of the blocks unbelievably so here are the finalists in The Women's hundred meters the U.S has won this event five straight times inside the Campbell and here comes Lauren Williams Williams alive [Applause] nestorico the fastest throughout the competition nipping Lauren Williams right at the finish line and looking next to Rico she can't believe it and you know Tom nobody counted her as a threat coming into this competition but take a look at how she eats up real estate at the end of this race next to ring conform she is holding her form incredibly at the end of this race Lord Williams starting to struggle the arms starting to flail but nestorenko is driving through the line and that is how she won this race and uh on her Victory lap giving Belarus its first ever women's hundred meter title follow me it's a fair start and Chandra stir up from the Bahamas in Lane three out quickly she's the world leader But Here Comes Lauren Williams in Lane six it's Stirrup now Williams Lauren Williams can she hold them off yes it's Williams followed by close Veronica Campbell of Jamaica it looks like then Christine Aaron of France but Lauren Williams the winner of the silver medal in Athens last year she was a little frustrated at not winning the gold medal there even though she was only 20 years old comes back and it's a 1-1 metal sweep for the U.S and the men's and women's 100 meters and then Lauren Williams third from the left coming in about 50 meters Stirrup starts to fade Christine Iran and Veronica Campbell both trying to close but they ran out of real estate [Music] foreign [Music] Edwards right [Music] Williams away very well with that outside out Edwards is ahead of time book by the way around at the moment Campbell now coming through there to take on Edwards maybe it is indeed Campbell on the line I think Lauren Williams running the race of the Season challenging there the cameras lingering on the herb it didn't when it flashed up on the big screen we're looking at the scoreboard here and it flashed up on the screen it actually had both of them as first now it's it's torso and it could be of course still it's torso that they have to read to and it looks like it's Campbell Williams Jetta in that order for the medals 1101 1101 1102. well after that confusion the maker has 100 meters world champion in lane four Shelly Ann Fraser of Jamaica won her semi-final race at 11 flat [Music] along with Quran Stewart she looked very good for the through the first three rounds like Usain Bolt no experience at this level 21 years old that means she has no baggage to bring to this race she could very well end up winning the whole thing sad and it's a Fair start Simpson down on the inside Lauren Williams and here comes Fraser and Fraser of Jamaica running away from the field to win it in 10-7-8 and I said the youngsters have no baggage to bring reminiscent of Usain Bolt 10.78 the one athlete in there the youngest athlete with no experience blows away a very very good field and now Jamaica 48 hours ago had never had a hundred meter champion and either meet male or female now they have both and Midway through this race it was never even close she got a great start and just kept going for Jamaicans two from the U.S two from the Bahamas there's a look at Shelly Ann Fraser the reigning Olympic gold medalist she doesn't win all the time but she certainly wins when the lights are on and is a title to be won [Applause] from the blocks Fraser is there Jenner can't keep up and Stewart's there too but Frazier has the lead and here comes Stewart to challenge and at the line it looked like Frazier held on Stewart was second what a race by Fraser I said the only way she could win was from the front she got to the front and never gave it back and what a performance by the youngster with the least experience of anyone else even though she's Olympic champion she's the youngest and the least experienced and now in two successive years she has put a monster start on the field and held on this was not quite the margin that she had in Beijing but wow did she get out and then held on very very well at the end this is a young lady whose season was really in Jeopardy as she continues to celebrate she can't believe it there's anyone that can challenge cheddar apart from Shelly Ann Fraser it's Veronica Campbell Brown there is the start and Campbell Brown Frazier and Jeter all came away together and now it's Campbell Brown that's going to the front Fraser is challenging across the line Campbell Brown wins it freezer second and Jenner third in the time 10-7-8 which would be a pre-fontaine record not only is it a Prefontaine record it's a personal best and her personal best of 1085 has been sitting there Tom for quite some time when she made that switch of coaches she talked about the fact that she wanted to improve her personal best in the hundred what a year it has been for this young lady effect and there's the gun and Carmelita Jenner came away right with Shelly-Ann price as they come to the line it's between those two and probably to Cheddar with an acceleration in the final beaters gets the Victory and after two bronzes in the last two World Championships Carmelita Gentry is the world champion the starters did not get away well Shelly and Fraser price in particular got an average start and was never able to recover U.S breaks the Jamaican Stranglehold on the short Sprint event there's Shelly-Ann fraser-price the defending Olympic champion she's also the fastest woman in the world this year and there's the gun Campbell Brown away and cheddar here's Fraser price as they come down through the lane it is commonly the general and Frazier price there's a line together with Campbell Brown there as well Shelly-Ann Fraser price I think got the lean for the victory to defend her Olympic Championship so Tom for the second consecutive Olympics The Price is Right Shelly and Fraser price joins Wyoming at highest and Gail beavers as the only women in Olympic history to win this event two times just to come four years ago before Beijing a Jamaican woman had never won Olympic gold in this event they now have the last two and Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce has delivered once again for Jamaica crossing the line it was so close she wasn't sure if she had won when she found out overcome the USA versus Jamaica rivalry alive and well and here's the gun the 100 meter final Gardner got away well here's Fraser price though now advancing to the front and Frazier price is starting to run away with it as they come to the line an easy victory for Shelly and Fraser price in dominating fashion as she takes the goal for Jamaica no contest that's the only way to describe that race she did not have a typical Shelly-Ann fraser-price start in 2009 she blew everybody away in the first 20. this time she had a surge from 20 to 60 that separated her from the field reminding me a lot of Usain Bolt in Beijing in 2008 but nobody got close Terry Valley has been back from a spell of injury incidentally personal best 1091 that's in Sacramento California this year but I got away well so did uh Campbell Brown on the near side it's very tight look at the Fraser price on the far side and now comes here comes Bowie Bowie through the middle that's brilliant what a last 40 meters 10.80 wow I tell you what she's promised it and delivered several times this season a personal best 1091 before she came here 10-8-0 another personal bet she's flying at 200 she's flying at 100. that was a magnificent it was very very even right the way through to the last 30 or 40 meters and it really was very good World leading time of course at 10.80 and that was superb absolutely superb if she doesn't separate early it can be difficult for her in the end but she's always seemed to separate early when it's finals time [Music] at the gun is Fraser price Skippers didn't quite keep pace and Campbell Brown is there and Corey Bowie But Here Comes Skippers but she won't catch Shelly Ann Fraser-Pryce who wins it Skippers in second place [Applause] how many times have we seen her do that I get away from you early I know you're going to be coming but there's nothing you can do about my determination to get to that line first so the young lady who has won two Olympic crowns in a row now has 300 meter World titles she sits atop everybody in history there have been 12 medals Tom over the last four Olympics handed out for the women's hundred meter dash Jamaica has taken home eight of them set and there's the gun Fraser price away Thompson of Jamaica and here comes Shelly and Fraser price but Thompson is in front across the line it will be Thompson to win it hooley and Fraser price leading to get the final two medals but it was no contest Elaine Thompson of Jamaica run away the field early and often and Tom the 100 meter Throne has finally been surrendered but the new Sprint Queen hails from the same country Jamaica just 2.8 million people in Jamaica and yet they have now wonton the last three Olympic 100 meter Olympic crowns in a row the gap between Elaine Thompson of Jamaica everybody else Tori Bowie did well to out lean the defending Olympic champion Shelly-Ann Fraser price for the silver she was never challenged in this race and for the first time ever seven women topped under 11 seconds in a 100 meter race a race to remember that Elaine Thompson will remember it forever and Tori Bowie from the United States bronze two years ago the gun teased out quickly on the inside Tulu with a great start toulou pulling away can't you hang on to Lou and Bowie at the line Bowie Falls after the Finish Tori Bowie is gonna get the wedge he lead at the line Tory Bowie wins the hundred wow so a better lead gets the win for Bowie look at the finish and look at where Bowie leaned from to lean past Tulu Bowie was behind in the beginning but Allah Justin Gatlin last evening it was the second half of the race that got Bowie and the United States the world title once again so since 2005 and Justin Gatlin and Lauren Williams the United States atop the podium in both with Justin Gatlin Here and Now Tory Bowie that lean gets her the title oh in the middle of hurray gets off the good start so does leading this one at the moments Skippers has been left behind by good meters so talum might just have the edge here Thompson's trying to get amongst it but it's going to be tala who gets there she has picked Thompson to second place but look at that another new world lead we've hardly had an event this evening without a world lead that is superb sprinting 10.85 and indeed that's a new personal best for talu Shelly-Ann Fraser price has never defeated Elaine Thompson in a 100 meter final [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] female Sprinter of all time is on your stream getting hugs Shelly and Fraser price four World titles not even Usain Bolt has 400 meter World titles to go along with her two Olympic 100 meter titles she's the best there's ever been nobody else can make the case that they are better at 100 meters in history that Shelly and Fraser price she has more World titles than anybody else and nobody else has more Olympic 100 meter goals unless Thompson hurray has not traveled well I expect her to dominate this field she is in Lane five here in Rome [Music] solid start for her as with Kayla white who now Fades as Thompson hurray now extends her lead and is going to take the win here in Rome in dominating fashion and sub 11 she goes and that if it holds as the legal time will be the fastest time in the world this year this was dominance as we expected from the reigning Olympic champion going to take 10-6 to win here if not faster [Music] the Shelly-Ann Fraser price joined the three-time club she's gonna fight on her hands with the defending Olympic champion it's all Jamaica one two and three and Lee Thompson hurray 10-60s a new olympic record [Applause] all right it's taken her five years to look like a sprinter that won the double five years ago in Rio but she's worked her way all the way back and repeats as Olympic champion and puts herself in very elite company only four women have ever gone back to back 100 meter goals this is Jamaica's fourth hundred meter Olympic gold in a row they have owned this event since 2008 and they sweep it for the first time since 2008 in Beijing if you don't remember what went down in Tokyo last year it was a gold and green blue it was Jamaica with the sweep women's 100 finals who's going to be the world champion [Music] [Applause] looking impeccable in the heat the heat she's got ahead already and Sharika Jackson on the inside it's Shelly and Fraser price for her fifth world title in the women's 100 1067. michelleian Fraser price she equals the 2022 best [Applause] Style to win a fifth world title this is her fourth performance for the year under 10-7 but more importantly how can you not be the goat if you have five out of the last seven World titles Lee every one of her Olympic and World Championship wins looks the same she starts well she accelerates accelerates away from the field but what can you say about the 35 year old Shelly-Ann Fraser price continuing to churn out the Championships long after anybody thought she would still be competitive [Music]
Channel: NBC Sports
Views: 346,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: olympics, track and field, athletics, fastest woman alive, fastest woman this year, shelly ann fraser pryce, elaine thompson herah, marion jones, tori bowie, veronica campbell, shelly ann fraser pryce 100m, shelly ann fraser pryce gold medal, elaine thompson herah gold medal, shelly ann fraser pryce fastest race, elaine thompson herah fastest race, women's 100m, women's 100m dash, fastest women this year, shelly ann fraser pryce 2023
Id: aD54KCz6T7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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