Year 1, Week 4 Graduate Entry Medicine @ Warwick Medical School | PostGradMedic

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hello everyone Ally here and welcome back to another video here on the channel this is the wrap-up from week 4 a month has gone by can you believe it it's gone by so ridiculously quickly and it will jump right in so Monday had a couple of highlights the first of which I got my kind of double sided ID badge holder thing so I've got one for the University and then one for the NHS which I will use it's my like Coventry and Warwickshire NHS trust card but I have it on that like am a little slinky belt clip here which was really generously given to me by my cosmo in tears so thank you empty I also got a free waffle at lunchtime it was a really really nice waffle but the weird thing was we went past it once so in the Union which we went through at lunchtime on the Monday there was like a stand and giving out free waffles and we thought well they'll probably want to talk to us about something and we don't have a lot of time so we'll just miss it but then we came back through and it looked quite quiet so I thought oh I'll just I'll just go and see what it is they do want they just gave me a waffle they didn't want anything so I got a really really delicious free waffle but then probably in some sort of karmic retribution someone else from a stand at the other side of the room came over and talked to me instead so I did have to enjoy that but I did get a waffle what else happened the cut remember whether I said in the last video or not but on Sunday so last Sunday when I was coming back on the train from Newcastle my laptop inexplicably decided to stop working so I rang a HP customer support they were actually really really good very very helpful didn't seem convinced that the the tip that they've given me to try was going to actually work they said sort of prepare to send it back to us but thankfully the thing they told me to do did work and now my laptop is fixed which is really good because I rely on it for note-taking we also in our CBL thing on Monday we had a video shown of how to insert a catheter now I don't know whether I'm alone in this or not but I find like an to preface this I'm not squeamish right blood or viscera or other things I can deal with I don't know what it is about catheters but it's just the thought of a tube kind of being pushed through there it just like I don't know it makes me really really uncomfortable on Tuesday we actually had our first community day which I maybe spoke about before so we headed it down in the morning to sow them which is a little ways I think south east of lemming ttan and it was a really really nice place we had to deliver our health profile presentation and it turned out that Southam is not a particularly deprived area it's quite wealthy quite well-educated group of people but with an aging population as well so that was obviously quite relevant in terms of the NHS is general problem of an aging population across the UK so what we had to do essentially was walk around the town and kind of see what facilities and opportunities there were for the elderly population so we were each we were split into small groups and we were given a sort of prompt patient so we got I think this sort of 78 year old woman who lived at this particular address that we had to go and find and then we had to kind of make judgments about the situation she would find herself in and see what opportunities for activities and leisure things like that how would she be able to cope with having her condition so I think she had mild dementia and osteoarthritis what exercise could she feasibly do basically how easy would it be for her to get around in this area and I found that exercise really informative like we were doing some reflection at the end of the day and if I'd been given the chance because basically what we'll be doing is going in interviewing patients in Sall them about how they manage and cope with their conditions how their conditions affect their day-to-day lives and had you just said to me beforehand either you can spend a day just kind of wandering around the town and doing an appraisal of the town or you can go in straight away and start interviewing patients like I'm pretty impatient so I would have gone straight away for that interviewing process and kind of skip the wandering around but actually going around and thinking about it from someone else's perspective from the perspective of an elderly patient it really did make it hit home that healthcare it's not just a thing that happens in hospitals it has to be delivered within the context of a society and you know if if a particular operation say had been carried out on this elderly patient and she was bed bound for example or maybe had reduced mobility that would massively affect her ability to do anything in Southam so it was really good as an exercise just to go through that and think about it from someone else's point of view we also did go for a pub lunch in a cheeky half at lunchtime so that was really really nice as well I am gathering up this little collection of photos and this is a point about my kind of blogging activities in general right people the people in my year and in the older years definitely know about it now the fact that I'm doing it and it sometimes feels a bit weird to kind of ask like do you guys mind posing so I can take a picture or can I just take a picture of what you're doing but I'm actually really glad that I'm building up this little collection of pictures in the diary because in six months a year two years assuming I make it through the first year exams I'll be able to look back and think I can remember all these things I think it'll be a really nice experience into posterity on Wednesday we were in for an 8:00 a.m. lecture on the kidney which was just an experience that the guy that delivers the lectures Jamie he is a fantastic lecturer you know really really good but there's so much information to cram into a very short space of time and the lectures are like a million miles an hour particular a a.m. but he gave us skittles and it was really really awesome that morning I also met with some of the editing team so I'm not sure whether you know yet but I'm super super happy that I got the science deputy editor ship for the ball we whoop so I can be part of the editing community again being part of the courier that Newcastle University was such a big part of my experience and I absolutely loved it it was maybe the best thing I ever did during my degree so I'm really really happy to be able to be part of that again so I met some of the editing team and some of the writers everyone seems super chilled out and really really friendly so I'm really really happy about that that afternoon we actually headed to George Elliot hospital for another set of training sessions this time we had our moving and handling training which was basically like how to safely move patients using slip sheets and things like that such that they're not damaged when you try to move them or how to get people into a suitable position to perform CPR on them if they go into cardiac arrest there was also a thing on um generally like moving around yourself such that you don't damage your spine what I took away from that was stay hydrated otherwise your spine dries out and you die it's a good tip I remember we actually got there a little bit early and so we went over to the hospital restaurant and there was an amazing selection of I screamed weirdly for a pound so how a foursome that had got there early we all had ice creams and that was really cute and that day actually ended with an exercise where the nurse that was training us we had to get her out of a chair what you have to imagine is that someone was sat in a chair like this one that I'm sat in and they've sort of slumped over having our attack and you've got to get them to the floor so we had to kind of maneuver the nurse out of the chair onto the floor there was a bit of a drop and so she was kind of like banging onto the floor every time and we felt really bad but just to try and get some footage which you'll see in a minute me and Tom and a few of the course mates we tried to recreate it ourselves and it's actually really really difficult to try and fall out of a chair naturally because you can anticipate what's going to happen [Music] you can't attend sup and it means that you don't slump very well so credit to the nurse and all the staff at George Eliot that have trained as they've been exceptionally good so Thursday came around we started a new CBL case this time it was a woman presenting with hypertension and so we knew that was probably a kidney problem if I just look at my notes she was being managed with a drug called Camilla's ID and there was also some notes in the prompts that we were given that she kind of wasn't she wasn't having things explained to her very well by her doctor she wasn't clear on why her medication had been changed and she hadn't seen her regular GP and so that was quite an important thing to think about but this is the first time in a CBL case where we actually decided about halfway through that so I've just noticed my screens have gone off behind me that we actually didn't know enough in the session about the anatomy and the the mechanisms of the drugs and things involved to actually get that far so we got kind of an hour in did what we could but we got a bit frustrated and sort of decided look we need to go away and and actually have a look over this again so I'll be presenting some some of the cell biology to do with the kidney and the action of the relevant drugs basically on these particular ion transporters because we could do the anatomy of of the kidney in the nephron structures but what we weren't clear on was which solutes are taken up in the kidney and and what what the particular transporters do without looking it up so I'll be presenting on that actually tomorrow that afternoon was also a bit interesting we had another mindfulness session which was which was interesting I'm kind of weirdly fascinated with the practice I've not read enough of the supporting papers to to know much about how it's supposed to work but it is a bizarre feeling you get after doing it so I've been trying to do it every day I've not managed to do it every day but I will do it today before I go to bed I'm gonna try and have an early night tonight it's currently 9 o'clock and as of filming but I will do my best but the other thing that we had to do in that session was we had this class was called learning to teach basically we had to teach someone else a skill that could be done in three minutes using this kind of four-step model that we'd been provided so when I realized on Wednesday night that I actually had no useful skills that could be taught within three minutes I learned how to speed fold a t-shirt which was a pretty crap skill but my partner in this session taught me very well how to fold an origami crane and I kind of kept getting to the last step and was not able to do it but my teacher was really good it was just that I was incompetent so that was quite interesting I also met that evening with one of the writers or the people in charge of the Warwick med school review which is like an annual comedy performance and it's looking like at the moment I will be involved in some capacity with the show I don't want to say too much about that right now but I also will be doing some of the photography and that's actually going to be next weekend so I'm looking forward to that got my first article and I realized that night printed in the bar as well I wrote a piece on the statistics behind a tinder which the dating app which was really really interesting as an investigation to do I'll leave a link in the video descriptions you can go and read if you want to and then Friday so that came around we had anatomy in the morning followed by radiography seminar which I actually fell asleep in I'm really ashamed to say I've been weaning myself off the caffeine tablets so I haven't been taking those in the morning the radiography room that we get taught in they have to turn all the lights off so we can see the projections properly and it's also really warm because they close the door I remember last week I can confidently say and I'm not kind of joking here there were maybe 20 of us in the room last week I reckon 10 were asleep right and I was like why is everyone falling asleep this week within the first sort of 10 minutes I felt myself start to nod and it's it's genuinely not because it's boring or anything like that I wanted to be there I wanted to learn it the two lecturers that teachers are really interesting I was just so so tired and I was out like a light but thankfully they didn't pick on me so I got maybe 20 minutes solid sleep before the person sitting next to me woke me up but in the afternoon we learned how to do a few more and physical exam things so we were doing abdominal exams so that involved palpating sort of pressing down like that on the abdomen looking for enlarged structures and also to perk us which I'm maybe going to be able to demonstrate basically you press well you could do it a number of ways but I was doing it like this so you can oppress this down on someone's abdomen and then strike the back of your hand and basically you're listening for the resonance of the abdomen to tell whether there's something solid underneath so it will go between resonance and dullness so that was really interesting it was very hands-on and we had to kind of remove our shirts to do it apparently we were supposed to be warned about that not that I mind particularly but I imagine for girls particularly some warning would have been probably appreciate it and we also did auscultation which is sort of using your stethoscope to listen for sounds so we all just heard normal bowel sounds so you might hear like tinkling noises or no noise at all if there's something wrong we learned how to do that and the thing that I'm kind of finding with these clinical skills sessions is particularly with the hands-on ones that like you do your first one and it's really crap and you feel kind of stupid because no one's got any idea what they're doing but I think with the clinical sessions maybe more than any other area you can tell from like the feeling in the room that everyone's really excited to be doing it and I've spoken about this before but I think what you would have to remember and what I try to remind myself is that it's this kind of hands-on clinic based stuff that that has drawn everyone to applying for medicine in the first place because we all are you know particularly people that did a science degree could have gone into research you know biomedical research hypothetically but chose not to do that and it's this kind of thing that everyone clearly wants to be really good at and kind of do in their own way and it's really inspiring actually to see people really going for it really getting into the roleplay and I'm trying to be as good as they can be at it it's really cool to see and yesterday so Saturday was the anatomy day the first Anatomy day run by the surgical Society and so basically there were stations in in the med school sort of in different rooms sort of mini seminars basically I think there were 20 25 minutes something like that and each station focused on a different bit of anatomy that we needed to know so it might have been GI tract liver kidney the blood supply's and lymph drainage for each stuff that we need to know but it was just what was really cool about the day I mean the day was really really useful in general the slides were fantastic that the presenters that I was going to say lecturers they're all the students but they were really competent and that was the thing that I found really cool was the fact that they were like third and fourth-year students so not that much older than us but they were so confident and they knew everything about what they were talking about and it's really again inspiring to think that that even in you know two years or whatever we might be that confident with what we're talking about kiss for me Anatomy has been the thing that's like blown past me the most it feels really overwhelming the amount we need to know but these guys like they know it they know it all and because they're students like us rather than lecturers that just puts a different angle on it and that was really interesting and that brings us to today and I mean I've just kind of had a very boring domestic day I've written up a load of notes from yesterday have written out a load more Anki flashcards and him basically just just trying to get up to speed on my kidney anatomy so I can present tomorrow and I don't like I try to have one day in the week just one of the weekend days where I do comparatively less work I've just been reading I'm just trying to relax basically and and kind of do meal prep and things like that but now it's the evening so I'm going to get this video edited I've written a couple of articles they'll go up get the blog in order and so I've got this to edit then I will probably eat again for more calories do mindfulness will exercise a bit and then I'll go to bed I did set myself a target of 10:30 but I don't think that's going to happen but eleven eleven is the new target just to help me try and get everything in but that's it guys for this week thank you so much for watching I appreciate these can be incredibly long-winded but I'm very excited and I hope you're enjoying it thank you so so much for watching please do be sure to hit that like button for me if you've enjoyed the video because that tells me that you'd like me to keep making videos in this series and please subscribe to the channel if you'd like to catch up with me every time I post a new one it really does help take care of yourselves guys and I will see you next weekend bye bye
Channel: Dr Ollie Burton
Views: 1,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ollie, burton, ollie burton, warwick medical school, leamington spa, postgradmedic, medicine, medical school, med school, vlog, blog, ollieplays, ollieguitar, graduate entry medicine, university, education, diary, graduate medicine, grad medicine
Id: uKTmcL0YibY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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