YBN Nahmir Blames the YBN Break Up on Almighty Jay

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I've given you credit for this in the past is that you kind of did what the average rapper doesn't do which is that you as soon as you came out you took all these other dudes and you put them on the exact same level as you and they just happen to be dudes who were actually talented enough to have their own careers I feel like it have you ever seen me trying to be number one you were pushing the ybn thing from the very beginning for them most dudes even dudes who have three letters in front of their name they do not start trying to put their homies on until they're huge until they to the point that where they want to be right I didn't give a about that like I didn't St like I didn't slow down I didn't do I said you go to the Army you going to go to the Navy Bo oh yeah bring your ass out here come to Alabama came to Alabama then we went to California oh yeah roll it out [ __ ] come out oh yeah dead homies all right you going to go up we going to turn you up and it's just like that smack in the face when everybody left and everybody did everything up it wasn't the it it wasn't the that I pictured you know what I'm saying and it's it's real life you live and you learn you grow up everybody got their own lives this [ __ ] cord a older than me Jay older than me like cuz even in that first interview when I go back and watch it it's like you guys are together but the personalities are so different and it's hilarious because you're all just with each other and like that's why we all loved each other you're like making fun of cord day for being kind of woke and and like it's just like it's hilarious seeing you guys together but it also you you seem like such different people it's like the opposite of like the Amigos where it's like these three dudes are so similar that it's it's like understandable why they were never going to break up and it sucks it it sucks a lot like it sucks a lot because I I do really miss him I do hang it like like I do miss hanging around them like every day cuz I was around them every single day C and J M but [ __ ] it's like like it it's 100% how life go like he been around for the whole time too that's why I got him here like Fast been around the whole time you got something coming though you feel me but um [ __ ] like you guys are all doing a song a ybn reunion song when that comes that's going to be crazy nah we ain't doing it yet when that comes that's going to be y [ __ ] is talking too much tell them when that [ __ ] talking too much but let's be real hasn't exactly been smooth sailing for them either because cord day his album sales you know they're solid and it feels like he has a lot of respect from his peers and stuff but it's not like his career is really like exploded you go on my YouTube or my SoundCloud or my Spotify or anything that I got going on I'm doing better than everybody I will always be doing better than everybody cuz everybody want to see me but is is it off your your older hits cuz you haven't even like released music in quite some time [ __ ] cuz I don't give a [ __ ] no more I don't care like once once a lot of [ __ ] happened like especially with the J [ __ ] and the W and [ __ ] breaking up and everybody changing up and all that type of [ __ ] it was just like more like a all let me push myself to the side like let me let everybody do all that [ __ ] that they want to do instead of it being me like you know just putting myself front forward but you probably got kind of frustrated with the game from the beginning right because didn't you guys like sign your [ __ ] uh whole [ __ ] way to a lawyer or some there's all kinds of crazy behind the scenes [ __ ] right we not going to talk about that but yeah yeah cuz that's I thought y'all broke up because they said somebody owned the name wbn that's why I seen we all broke up because of the [ __ ] that Jay did oh a contract that he signed 100% say that and I love Jay to death the situation with your mom or the situation with my like my mother like 100% like that that [ __ ] made everything go to the side like what like you know what I'm saying and [ __ ] it was like that after that um the [ __ ] start realizing everything that was happening wrong you don't want to talk about that because legally are you still dealing with it or was there a settlement at some point or n it ain't no settlements or nothing it can't get a settled like you're just so pissed about it that you just talk about you know it's it's deep like it's deep it's deep but yeah he put I'm in a situation and um that kind of [ __ ] up everything but I love J to death I love C day to death I love everybody in wbn to death like a [ __ ] I swear to God but you feel me that's what really broke this [ __ ] up you know and um I feel like I could really talk to you about the [ __ ] because you you helped raise me I seen it from the very beginning you help raise me [ __ ] but yeah like you seen it from the beginning 100% And um I I I rather do an interview with you and talk to you about everything like how all this [ __ ] didn't happen 100% than anybody else bro like and I appreciate you for even bringing me on this [ __ ] because this just like [ __ ] this Adam [ __ ] know no but I've always seen you as somebody who who was confident enough that you could like really build something I hate you [ __ ] you keep bringing me up in [ __ ] interviews and [ __ ] that's fair but uh like okay I kind of see you like me where when I came out as a podcaster or whatever I could have just made it 100% about me cuz that's what act did that's what like a lot of people do that's instead I tried to like build something bigger and repeatedly I've been screwed over and basically like had people attempt to assassinate my character you help me blow up just because I attempted to put those people in position and attempted to to help them grow their career and I feel like you have the same experience let me tell this [ __ ] something cuz he don't even know like [ __ ] I paid 25 was it like $25 back then I think it might have been 40 bucks or something like that [ __ ] I paid like 4 40 band I mean 40 B roses 40 of a good thing boom a good 40 just to get my [ __ ] heard on this [ __ ] [ __ ] right when my [ __ ] played on Adam [ __ ] like this one he used to do the live streams every day this one watch sh was booming I should have I knew was a hot song and I was hyped on it but I knowing what I know now I should have been like bro we got to like this kid wants to play his [ __ ] song so bad I had everybody sending $40 oh it was one of them where like they're flooding the chat for hours like song play the song and we got like 50 [ __ ] donations in a row and we'd be getting annoyed I working at Journeys bro I I my whole [ __ ] check on getting my [ __ ] on your [ __ ] what that's and then you played it and then after that like I went to school and then sh when I went to school it was already blowing up I'm like what the [ __ ] like yeah it was on World Star like a few days after we played it for the first time and then it had it had like a million views in like a day it had like 10 million views in like a week or two it was [ __ ] insane crazy but like I appreciate you like I I I will be the 100% [ __ ] that'll give you your flowers for that because a lot of [ __ ] not going to give it but yeah you did change my life bro and you helped me out with a lot of [ __ ] like and he know it too but he didn't know the whole story like you really did a lot for me no I appreciate that and I I just feel like I just hate like the online bullying thing and how like it feels like sometimes they just pick a Target and just decide that this is the guy that they're going to like treat like the [ __ ] seen it happen with Russ I got my ass beat because of that we've seen it happen with jcole back in the day we seen it with nowadays it's like who like smoke per they love to make docent by him me I watched a couple good Kine documentaries over the years there's a lot of people that they you frometa the [ __ ] I don't know it happen it happens [ __ ] did me f that's classic moment though for sure no [ __ ] I'm on your ass now this [ __ ] kept talking about it happened this [ __ ] I se this [ __ ] on the [ __ ] talking about it happen [ __ ] what happened D flame he was he was trying to figure it out like cuz I think we was talking about it with flame right we talked about it a lot recently this week cuz we had interview jaay and Flame was on the uh show and then I I think I brought it up on the uh Tuesday show as well he was here or he did it on the uh J did it over the yeah Discord or something he's stilling house arrest Ty [ __ ] oh wow
Channel: No Jumper Clips
Views: 30,491
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Keywords: No Jumper podcast, No jumper interview, No jumper Adam22, Adam22 interview, no jumper clips, no jumper tiktok, viral clips, no jumper reacts, no jumper beef, no jumper news, akademiks, joe budden, art of dialogue, vlatd tv, barstool, drink champs, shannon sharpe
Id: Onh8mva0YhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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