Yanni - Live! The Concert Event 2006 | HD |

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let's try it one more time same thing there's as many languages spoken here as there are people in the band i want to go through every one of these tubes creating for me is one of the most powerful deliberate acts that the human being can do and make free men on keyboards it is one of the most important reasons to exist let's start again from the beginning i want to do the middle section one more time it gives me tremendous ability to talk to people let's play one more time if i do my job right the listener should experience the level that i was at while i was writing the music thank you so so far all the songs we've done are locked it's our opening number if it's going to survive as the opening number we got to do it well the song is called play diamond that's what we're having right now i think we're getting closer by the end of the day tomorrow we'll have locks on everything treat each instrument separately and then put it back together now we got much know oh do ah oh my oh hello ball oh oh oh hey what is thank you thank you very much wow that feels really nice what you guys are doing appreciate it it's nice to be back at the mandalay bay it's a very exciting night for us tonight is opening night and we're also making our brand new television special and you're all going to be part of it right i have a lot of music for you tonight so i'm gonna just keep on going this next one all right this next one is this is a piece of music that you might say started at all it's called keys to imagination hmm do me hello then bye is hey okay let your light shine deep in yourself deep down in your souls oh do you do do do hmm oh two do you do hmm bye pedro estacion on keyboards let me see now how do i follow this one okay this next piece of music we first did during the acropolis concert thank you it's about appreciating life as we all know life is very short and it's very fragile also song is called until the last moment hmm hmm foreign so hmm um so say said oh uh foreign ah do hmm do do um victor espinola on the heart sample garvinian on violin ramon flores on trumpet walter rodriguez on percussion wow figuring out the names quickly is a it's a nightmare i think i'm gonna forget the guy's name who was the guy with the trumpet again i've been practicing um um hey uh thank you all right this next one is actually a medley with a couple of pieces of music the first one will feature once again is the federer of playing a 3 000 year old armenian instrument called duduk yeah yeah he'll also be joined by samuel and harmon and the next one is uh john that's one of my favorites i wrote it when i was a kid it's called nostalgia we're playing both for you right now food hmm foreign foreign uh hmm um me um hmm i hey so so thank you that's fun thank you very much thank you you know the musicians in this orchestra represent a great many of the world's nations and religions and philosophies and schools of thought and schools of music and in their diversity they bring great beauty strength and color to my music and i'm always grateful to all of them for breathing life to my notes well you have been absolutely wonderful to perform foreign it's been great here you made our opening night a very special night this is gonna be a night we'll never forget thank you all for coming tonight love you do do do it's a very exciting night for us tonight is opening night you know the musicians in this orchestra represent a great many of the world's nations and religions and philosophies and schools of thought at schools of music and in their diversity they bring great beauty strength and color to my music and i'm always grateful to all of them for breathing life i want to affect people in a good way lift their spirits open their hearts move them emotionally ready do it i write a piece of music by myself in the studio at the piano at the keyboard most of the time just sitting quiet and thinking of it hearing it in my mind that's one thing but you take this music now and you bring an armenian violinist to interpret one of the melodies and then you bring a japanese violinist like sayaka was incredible also to interpret the other violin line and then you give it to a venezuelan flutist to interpret that duke an armenian instrument i'm late i'm late got this he's always late uh with a guy named charlie adams uh our drummer incredible who is from chicago it's fine and then you have hussein jeffrey on the base was from sri lanka and on and on and on and the music becomes colorful it becomes alive it takes a it takes a meaning and a soul that i almost didn't intend we have all these different ethnic people different religions different musical styles and we all get along within a month from the time we start being all together all these musicians i believe become much more intelligent because they're learning from each other too and the whole show benefits from that and i i'm the catalyst i just love watching that take place and i just have to make sure i don't control it too much good catch bravo very good no spanish no more spanish around here every i come to rehearsal and i go spanish now i got a japanese speaking spanish i got armenian speaking spanish i got russians trying to speak english sometimes this happens during rehearsal and i pretend i know what they just said the part that's the most enjoyable for me is the multicultural thing that's going on all the time because everywhere you turn it's a different accent you know somebody who has a different history from yours a different perspective of their own music and what they bring to this music and uh it's just it's the way it ought to be it's the way life ought to be all the time because there's no after you get to know everyone there's no colors there's no accents it's just people that all dig doing music together and it's that is so cool and i really miss it when i'm away from it alfreda gerald is an incredible vocalist she's got soul and she sings she she hits her notes her intonation is impeccable and she never slips it's she's just phenomenal and one i cut her loose in the front of the stage and she takes over the whole audience this is an incredible performer yeah very good excellent excellent normally you guys be standing up you know what it is right so don't forget it next time remember we're training camera guys if they don't know you're going to be up they don't know they're going to shoot that when i met walter at the very beginning i just hired him because he was an incredible percussionist and a great sense of rhythm and accuracy and very powerful that's what i liked about walter he's a powerful performer at the same time one day we were sitting there and he started tap dancing a little bit and doing something with some pvc pipes and i went what is that i asked him to do a little more for me and i just watched him do it and it blew me away and i thought why don't we figure out how to bring this into the concert my biggest problem is standing in motion and it's nothing to do with anybody it just has to do with the writing the song wasn't meant to do what we are making and try to do right now sometimes what you create tells you what it wants to be and you have to be sensitive enough to allow it to be that there the west palm beach rehearsals are the raw rehearsals are the first time the musicians are getting together with each other um the entire orchestra is not there um maybe one third of the orchestra is there and we work through parts of music and then eventually the entire pieces of music as we try to make them work when you get on fire you're gonna make it so that's what it is i'm making this i can't buy this i gotta make my own flutes perfect okay great great all right i like that that's really good can you mark the cd where this was in case she forgets this was really good do you do you remember will you remember what you just did so the first one you're gonna hit the high note then you'll come down and do what you just did that was really good if i forget just say aretha franklin and then the last one that's fine again we say thank you aretha franklin thank you that's good i if you're gonna steal from somebody aretha franklin is a good person as soon as i can get ramon off the phone i kind of rehearsed what is that high-end chicken tikka stuff that's not it oh maybe yeah this one okay here it comes let's start again from the beginning and play your rhythm i have the concept of the songs and what i want to see happen plus i keep in mind who i'm working with because a lot of my musicians are not from america they were raised in different cultures with different philosophies and different religions and different ideas about how music should be done if i am clever i would allow those philosophies and those emotions to come into my music and then through this complexity comes beauty because it becomes unique a strict straight orchestral performance you got a pretty good idea of what you're going to hear you know and if you go to see a band that's been built as a world band or something you get an idea of what you're going to hear because those genres are so straight because gianni brings in so many different things you know percussion and hammered ulcemer and a paraguayan harpist and you know violinist from our media and all these different colors and pulls it all together you get something that's different from world music it's certainly different from any techno or any pop or classical it's really got its own thing until the last moment is one of my favorite uh pieces i've ever written in my life and um and it's a very special piece because i wrote it i remember exactly where i was when i wrote it i was in greece it was towards the end of august everybody was gone i was there at my house by myself and when i was composing it i got the idea one evening and everybody was asleep in the house and then when my dad woke up the next day i showed him half the piece and then the next couple of days he got the opportunity to watch me compose a piece of music that made it very special it was the first time that he ever saw me compose create the piece it's an old piece of music the first time we ever performed it was during the acropolis concerts but i still love it every time i play it and i was telling him eventually i said you know here i'm going to put the jelly and in this part there will be the orchestra the violins will begin and i could sort of sing it for him while i was playing it at the piano in the house and then i remember i left and i came to america and i it took me a few months and the piece of music came together and he finally heard it with the orchestra i don't it's just those are moments i'll never forget and you could see tears in his eyes and and he enjoys the piece anyways he likes until the last moment what do you think i wake up in the morning i uh i drink a lot of coffee and i just begin working what kind of work do i do i do everything this whole orchestra up front gets pulled apart to its basic parts so each violin has it a single microphone or sometimes two microphones and it has its own channel on the console there are two consoles that control all the sounds so essentially what we're doing is just taking the whole orchestra part to its basics bring them in the console treat each instrument separately and then put it back together and amplify it that's the only way you can get punch out of the sound these are click tracks that we play to so that people can stay locked and also it feeds video and it feeds the lighting guys and everything so everything stays locked i work very hard i pay attention put an eq on on three and four i work with everyone as closely as possible charlie start from the beginning and just go on the three chords here because people can't figure out where the song is if there's no singing it's endless hours and days and weeks and months and sounds great let's do it again it's perfect do it again i have a concept i have an idea it's it's a very strong idea usually in my mind and i hold on to it that's what creativity is that's what creating something is you see it in your mind's eye you hear it and your mind is here you know exactly what it is and i don't lose touch with that all right the goal is to try to finish every tune we'll try not to get stuck if somebody needs to go through their solo maybe i'll pause for a second run this all apart one time and then move to the next song and the next time the next time we're going to try to drive straight through rehearsal so we can finish early because i also don't think i'm going to last very long today all right well standing in motion is great it's working i don't have a problem with it it's going to be the opening in fact i when i get to the keyboard stations at the very beginning i'm thinking it goes down the tone i think i'm going to have lasers going all around especially on the plucked violin part and maybe create a cone that actually responds to that pump you can just do that why don't you have them down this is a collaborative art form you know you have a lot of people you have lighting directors uh camera people directors sound engineers musicians there's a lot of things going on simultaneously so it does tend to take a life of its own um i'm just trying to keep it so that the life it takes is very close to what i really wanted in the first place uh smoking smoking okay let's do it again no no no no no i really love sacred ground it starts out with hammered olson we're doing the groove and that whole thing came about just one of those deals in rehearsal where we start playing and yanni says i like that we might open the show with that you know and we did for a while oh the screens behind us are extremely important because you they allow you to see close-ups of the musicians and it's extremely important to see the expressions on on the musicians faces and what it takes to make the sounds they make i want people to see that from up close so they're critical in enjoying the performance sasha alexander from moscow what a great cellist i remember one day he was coming in at rehearsal and i just got this idea in the back of my mind is though sasha come here bring the cello and we sat down and said look i have this idea we can have a cello solo in in the middle of the concert and but it has to be full of fireworks he has to be exciting he has to be emotional and he has to be beautiful because the cello is such a gorgeous instrument but its sound is delicate it it could get destroyed very easily by drums or bass or keyboards or anything else around it it tends to disappear i wanted to show the cello in all its magnificence isolated and sasha is such a powerful cellist powerful performer he doesn't just play the cello he attacks the cello this is called nightingale and pedrito starts it no click i'll kill you when the click comes okay the single most important thing about this new show is control of the environment the acropolis and the taj mahal the forbidden city it are outdoors concerts and very difficult to control the environment you're on ancient sites that you would be extremely careful about how you position your equipment in an arena you have pretty much 99 control of the environment and you can position young musical instruments your pa your lights any which way you like uh and this way you can concentrate on the performance and capturing the performance and i think that was the single most powerful factor in the creation of this video ah most critical aspect of everything because this blocks the sound from the big arenas cleans it up and it also lets you hear what everybody else is playing very important in the end it's a little boy playing the piano it's a little boy expressing himself it's a little boy from a small town in kalamata greece being moved emotionally wanting to be understood or felt by his fellow human beings also wanted to be a a positive in the society i've remained a little boy and i can still write music and i still feel the same way i felt when i was a little boy about the creative process and the music and making music and still is one of my greatest pleasures in life creating and i still seek to move people emotionally and touch them and touch their hearts my music is not about complexity or logic it's about emotion and communication i think that's the meaning of life right there i think that's the meaning of being a performer is communication if you can touch people's hearts and souls and move them inspire them effect them change their mood make them feel better i think that is the meaning of a composer's life i just make music that i like i don't make music because it's uh in this year i make music because i enjoy doing it i just write music without thinking about that stuff and as long as the music is true it will find its audience and everyone doesn't have to enjoy it you know you can't communicate with everybody but the whole idea is to communicate with as many people as possible this was a fun piece that developed out of a vivaldi uh piece of music um and we picked up the speed we turned it up to about 160 beats per minute which is incredibly fast um and it was based on the valdi piece but we also wrote a lot of new parts ourselves and i have two incredible violinists anyway with samuel and sayaka and i thought cut them loose let them have some fun and see some fireworks and then the rest is history it's just a fun piece we call it the storm and it's a gas to play on stage and people love it we've been doing it on tour now for i've done 60 shows with that song already and the public response to it nice nice nice you
Channel: MakDak
Views: 2,737,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yanni, Alfreda Gerald, Michelle Amato, Charlie Adams, Victor Espinola, Ramon, Flores, самвел, ервинян, Live!, The, Concert, Event, Mandalay, Bay, Concierto, completo, HD, DVD, complete, bay, 2006, Sound, HQ, яни, Янни, Standing In Motion, Rainmaker, Keys To The Imagination, Enchantment, On Sacred Ground, Play Time, Until The Last Moment, If I Could Tell You, For All Seasons, The Storm, Prelude, Nostalgia, World Dance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 19sec (6559 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2011
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